Dreams & Deliverance Ministries


Dream Meaning

Dream About Abandoned Building.

Dream About Abandoned Building

Dream About Abandoned Building.  ISAIAH 61:7  For your shame ye shall have double; and for confusion, they shall rejoice in their portion: therefore in their land they shall possess the double:   PRAYER: Every power delaying my destiny, release me and die in Jesus’ name.   What does it mean to dream of seeing an abandoned house or building? A dream about an abandoned building can be a sign of feeling neglected or forgotten. It may be a reflection of your feelings of loneliness or isolation in your waking life. You may feel like you are not being seen or appreciated by those around you or not living up to your potential. Alternatively, it could also be a sign that you are ready to move on from something in your life that no longer serves you. The abandoned house in your dream could represent a situation left unresolved or neglected for too long. It could also be a sign that you need to take action and address something in your life that is giving you a serious concern. It would help if you let go of something in your life that is no longer serving you, such as an unhealthy relationship, job, or habit. If you have a family of your own, know that the devil wants to scatter it.   The dream may be telling you that you are under curses of rejection, shame, and failure. The abandoned house may be a sign that there is no love, unity, and harmony in the family.  The dream of seeing an abandoned house can also be a sign of fear, insecurity, and stagnation. You may be wondering why you are not growing or making significant progress. The dream could be a sign of a home problem. The sign could be telling you that the glory of God has departed from one’s life. The abandoned building could be a sign that you are feeling disconnected from yourself and others, and you need to take some time to associate with people who value you. If you find yourself in an abandoned house, it can be a sign of hard times in one’s life.   You are trying to survive through those problems, you feel like nobody loves you because of the state of your situation, and you feel hated and rejected by close associates. If the abandoned house in your dream is scary, it can be a warning potential, danger, or threat. It is a sign to warn you about some houses with bad foundations. The abandoned house can represent a strongman waiting to trap one’s glory into difficulty. Maybe there is something that you feel threatens you or creates an uncertain future. You need to be vigilant and be very careful. You may be going through challenges that make you feel like you don’t have a stable and strong foundation. The abandoned house may represent one’s situation in life, you may have lost connection with good friends.   The dream may be a sign that you are feeling stagnated in life and you need to make some changes to move forward. For some people, the dream of being in an abandoned building is a warning to pay attention to your health, relationships, and spiritual life. You may also be feeling abandoned by God or by important people. You are not happy with the financial challenges in your life. If you are currently building in real life, this dream can represent a satanic attempt to attack your property and finances. The dream is also a pointer to financial struggle, mental attacks, relationship, problems, and setbacks in one’s life.   In conclusion, this dream can be a sign to encourage you to repair your foundation, clear away obstacles in your life, and be happy with yourself.   Declare to yourself 3times: wherever I have been rejected, I shall be accepted in Jesus name   INSTRUCTION: Embark on 3days fasting and prayer from 6 am-6 pm   Read; Psalm 11:3, Isaiah 50:7, 2 Corinthians 5:17.   PRAYERS Every dream of demotion and marital problems, be nullified in Jesus name Every spirit of rejection, hatred, and shame in my life, be nullified in Jesus name Every evil potter of struggle, failure, and poverty in my family, break and die in Jesus name Every covenant of darkness that holds me captive, break in Jesus’ name Every arrow of profitless hard work in my life dies in Jesus’ name Every demonic dream hindering my greatness, expire in Jesus name Powers making me scatter in life, die in Jesus’ name.      

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Dream About Adam And Eve

Dream About Adam And Eve

Dream About Adam And Eve. GENESIS 3: 6-8  6 And when the woman saw that the tree was good for food and that it was pleasant to the eyes, and a tree to be desired to make one wise, she took of the fruit thereof, and did eat, and gave also unto her husband with her, and he did eat. 7 And the eyes of them both were opened, and they knew that they were naked, and they sewed fig leaves together, and made themselves aprons. 8 And they heard the voice of the Lord God walking in the garden in the cool of the day: and Adam and his wife hid themselves from the presence of the Lord God amongst the trees of the garden.   PRAYER: Father, give me wisdom to solve issues in my marriage in Jesus’ name   A dream of seeing Adam and Eve can have several meanings. It can represent an omen where you are trying to reflect on your past life, start from scratch, or a need to rebuild your life. It can also be a warning sign to think carefully about who to marry. The dram can be a sign to warn you to be careful of what you eat, the people you associate with, and the voice you hear. A dream of seeing Adam and Eve may be associated with love, relationship, and marriage.   Adam and Eve in a dream can also be a warning of death, temptation, and lust. If you are a man, this dream can also signify a need to focus on your goals and never allow anything or anyone to distract you. Being a man, the dream can also tell you that a woman will entice you to sin, a woman will like to control and manipulate you. On the other hand, if you are a woman and you come across this dream, if you are not married in real life, it shows that you will marry, and when you marry, you should be spiritually strong so that the enemy will not attack your marriage through you. When you dream about Adam and Eve, it is a sign that God has been telling you to do something in life, but because you did not obey the voice, you end up following the voice of the devil or the wrong advice.   Adam and Eve represent power, authority, dominion, fruitfulness, abundance, good health, success, and new life. When you see Adam and Eve naked in a dream, it is a sign of trouble, attack, and punishment from God. For others, this dream may symbolize upcoming happiness, riches, and wealth. If you meet Adam and Eve, God will connect you with important people in life. To dream of Adam and Eve eating apples is a warning of death, temptation, and sin that brings down a man. If Adam and Eve are making love, it means someone is likely to tempt you or corrupt your mind. If you dream of Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden, it means God will bless you with a good home full of joy, riches, wealth, peace, good health, and long life. To see Adam and Eve being sent out of the Garden of Eden is a warning not to grieve the heart of God with your sin and blasphemy. To see Eve pregnant symbolizes good things to come, such dreams predict happy moments in life. To see only Adam in the Garden of Eden, represents loneliness, depression, insecurity, fear, and lack of relationship or connection.   Seeing Adam and Eve in a dream means hardship caused by one’s wife or children. If a woman sees Eve in her dream, it means that she will create hardship for her husband because of her relationship with someone else. A dream about seeing Adam and Eve is a warning of attack to come. If a man sees Eve in a dream, it means that he may be deceived by a woman. If you see them wearing clothes, it refers to protection from shame. If Adam and Eve are looking at you, it denotes that someone is studying you. If Adam and Eve are in your house, it means that you need to build a stronger relationship with God. To see Adam and Eve making love may suggest a lustful decision. You need to be careful of temptation.   In conclusion, the dream of Adam and Eve may represent a new beginning, others can point to backwardness, stagnation, and struggle. Way out! Be born again, repent from sin, hearken and obey God’s voice, resist any temptation in your life, silence the voice of darkness misleading you, and protect your marriage against any intruders, may God arise and kill that serpent attacking our lives in Jesus name   BIBLICAL REFERENCES: Genesis 1:26, Genesis 2, Genesis 3   PRAYER Father, have mercy on me and forgive me of my sins in Jesus name I break the power of sin and temptation in my life in Jesus’ name Father, help me to hearken to your voice and obey you in Jesus name Father Lord, bless me with fruitfulness and give me dominion over situations in Jesus name I silence every voice of the devil misleading me in Jesus’ name Serpent of darkness in the garden of my life, die in Jesus name Oh Lord, cover my nakedness by the power of your mercy and grace in Jesus’ name.    

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Seeing Colour Red In The Dream

Seeing Colour Red In The Dream

Seeing Colour Red In The Dream  ISAIAH 49:24-26  24 Shall the prey be taken from the mighty, or the lawful captive delivered? 25 But thus saith the Lord, Even the captives of the mighty shall be taken away, and the prey of the terrible shall be delivered: for I will contend with him that contendeth with thee, and I will save thy children. 26 And I will feed them that oppress thee with their flesh; and they shall be drunken with their blood, as with sweet wine: and all flesh shall know that I the Lord am thy Saviour and thy Redeemer, the mighty One of Jacob.   PRAYER: Every danger assigned to crush my spirit, scatter in Jesus name   Red is a symbol of life. Dreaming about the colour red can indicate different meanings. Red is often associated with the blood of Jesus, symbolizing sacrifice, redemption, and salvation. The color red in the dream may represent power, love, forgiveness, passion, anger, fear, threat, and danger. Dreaming about red could signify sickness, death, miscarriage, and insecurity. The dream can signify fear, obstacles, and distractions in your waking life. In the bible, the red color is associated with faith, hope, protection, grace, and anointing.   Red can have both positive and negative meanings. The context and feelings will determine their meanings. Red colour can also be seen as a symbol of pain, worry, loss, and destruction. It may also mean death. The colour red could be a warning to stay cool and keep your temper under control. Red can also symbolize danger, temptation, or sin in the bible. In this context, red in a dream might represent a warning or a temptation that the dreamer needs to be aware of and avoid. In conclusion, dreams of seeing red colour can symbolize bad luck or discomfort attack or it may represent good luck, happiness, success, and growth.   INSTRUCTION: Read Revelation 12:11, 1 John 1:7, Exodus 12:13   PRAYERS Let the blood of Jesus cleanse away my sins in Jesus’ name Let the blood of Jesus redeem me in Jesus’ name Let the blood of Jesus protect me from danger in Jesus name Let the blood of answer for me in the day of trouble in Jesus name Let the blood of Jesus deliver me from problems in Jesus’ name Let the blood of Jesus destroy the works of the enemy in my life in Jesus’ name Let the blood of Jesus heal me of my situation in Jesus’ name.    

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Dream Of Pooing In The Bush

Dream Of Pooing In The Bush

Dream Of Pooing In The Bush. PSALM 69: 6  Lord, the LORD Almighty, may those who hope in you not be disgraced because of me; God of Israel, may those who seek you not be put to shame because of me.   PRAYER: Every problem programmed into my life by enemies, die in Jesus’ name   Dreaming about pooping can have different meanings. It can represent burdens and worries that need to be cleansed or get rid of from your life. Pooping also symbolizes that you want to free yourself from the attack, illness, or burden. It’s time to let go of all the problems in your life. presently there could be something that is making you feel uncomfortable as a child of God, so it is time to eliminate them. The thing could be a sin or a bad habit.   To dream of pooping in the bush may indicate that you value your privacy and want to be alone in your free time. The dream can be a sign that it’s time to release the troubles in your life. Jesus is ready to take away your burdens and give you peace of mind. However, if someone is seeing you while pooping in the bush, then it may mean that your privacy is being violated and that you need to protect yourself from shame and embarrassment. If you dream of pooping and cleaning it, it means that there are problems that you must solve one by one. However, if you cannot clean it, it is a sign of unresolved problems making you uncomfortable and thereby causing you shame. If you feel relief or satisfaction after pooping in the bush, it could signify freedom, happiness, victory, and good news to come. If you are sick, you will soon be healed.   Pooping requires efforts to push out, so this means that you need to add more effort to tackle the present challenges in your life. Do you have goals to achieve? Put more effort into it. A dream of pooping in the bush can be a sign of release and liberation from the past or negative thoughts. It might indicate a need to clean up and flush out unwanted aspects of oneself and start a new life (2 Corinthians 5:17). The dream could also mean that you need to be focused on your goals and not be distracted. Distraction can sometimes prevent us from achieving success, and also pooping in the bush warns you not to disclose your good plans to anyone, because the person may come after you. For a pregnant woman, pooping in a dream may symbolize the success of your child’s delivery. For others, pooping in your pants may represent sin, pollution, and an evil spirit operating in your life and this may cause shame and unfruitfulness. In conclusion, pooping in the bush or elsewhere may also mean that you will hear good news or a sign to warn of loss and regret to come. Pray.   INSTRUCTION: Embark on 3 days of fasting and prayers from 6 am-6 pm. Read Psalm 51   PRAYERS Any power stealing my virtues, restore it in Jesus’ name Every arrow of the arrow of the wicked in my body, come out in Jesus’ name Any power assigned to disgrace with problems, die in Jesus’ name My life and destiny, you are not designing for shame in Jesus’ name O God arise and take away my burdens today in Jesus’ name Any power that says my problems will not end, you are liar, die in Jesus name O Lord, heal me of my situation today in Jesus’ name.  

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Dream About Blue Eyes

Dream About Blue Eyes

Dream About Blue Eyes. PSALM 119:37 Turn away mine eyes from beholding vanity; and quicken thou me in thy way.   PRAYER: Lord Jesus, do not cast me away from your presence in Jesus’ name.   Blue eyes can be very attractive physically and in dreams, they can be seen as a symbol of clarity, love, beauty, and connection. It may also be a warning about someone threatening or frightening you, it may mean that you are in a dangerous or unhealthy situation or relationship, or maybe there is someone in your life who is untrustworthy or who could harm you. In some cases, glowing eyes in a dream can also be perceived as a threat or temptation, especially when someone is looking at you. Dream of having blue eyes may mean that someone is heavily possessed by a marine spirit and this spirit may be fighting against your marriage.   The blues could represent someone with supernatural powers such as witchcraft, magic, or occult powers. If you dream of eyes staring at you, it could suggest that you feel like someone is trying to entice you sexually. Dream of glowing blue eyes can be a powerful symbol of perception, protection, and gaining a new perspective on things. To see someone with blue eyes, may be a sign that you will be attracted by someone to enter into a romantic relationship. Seeing a woman with blue eyes in a dream, on the other hand, may mean that you will be manipulated and controlled by a woman. Seeing a baby with blue eyes in a dream portends good luck and success, something positive will occur that will bring joy and happiness to you. Seeing a man with blue eyes, mean that his dream and goals will come true, his hope will blossom and he will be lucky in life.   To see yourself with blue eyes, means you want people to love you for what you possess on the outside appearance. Dreaming about blue eyes can be a sign of witchcraft practice, sin, bewitchment, or being possessed by a marine spirit or the dream may be a sign of the power of observation, wisdom, and foresight. I pray for you every evil eye manipulating your life shall be attacked in Jesus’ name   BIBLICAL INSTRUCTION: Matthew 6::22, 2 Kings 6:17, 1 Corinthians 6:18, Matthew 5:28, Psalm 119:37, Ephesians 1:8   PRAYERS Every agenda of Satan against my spiritual life, scatter in Jesus’ name O Lord, remove any evil veil covering my eyes from seeing your good works in my life in Jesus’ name Any power assigned to empty my life, die in Jesus name Let God arise and let my glory shine in Jesus’ name Every evil material planted in my life, be uprooted in Jesus’ name Every pollution in my life, be flushed out by the blood of Jesus Every curse of living a wayward life, breaks in Jesus’ name.  

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Dream About Skin Diseases

Dream About Skin Diseases

Dream About Skin Diseases.  PSALM 73:26 My flesh and my heart may fail, but God is the strength of my heart and my portion forever.   PRAYER: I cast out the spirit of illness and financial struggle in Jesus’ name   What does it mean when you dream about skin disease?   Having a skin disease in the dream can have different meanings, a dream where you are suffering from a skin disease can indicate that you are not confident or comfortable about the state of your problem the skin disease may be a warning of an upcoming attack on your health. If you have recently had health problems, your dream can remind you to take care of it and see a doctor. For others, skin disease in the dream may symbolize sin, pollution, contamination, and destruction.   The dream of having skin disease indicates an attack on your prestige. It may also suggest that you are experiencing some form of discomfort in your waking life. It may indicate a need to take care of your skin. It could also be a sign that you fear being rejected, hated, or judged based on your appearance or present situation. On the other hand, if you dream of rash, it could mean feeling irritated about something in your life.   If you dream of having acne or scars, it may indicate that you are feeling insecure or worried about the problem you are experiencing that seems not to go away. To see your partner having a skin infection portends challenges and hard times in the affair. To dream of someone else having skin disease may mean you need to help someone in that situation. To dream of recovering from a skin infection/disease, means something good is coming on its way to take you out of that embarrassing situation. In conclusion, dreams of skin disease on your body represent the attachment of a negative spirit in your life. Pray against embarrassing situations and bad luck.   INSTRUCTION: Declare on water and use the water to bath yourself to cleanse every pollution.   PRAYERS The Blood of Jesus blot out every evil pronouncement assigned to cage my life in Jesus’ name Anyone planning evil against my life, let evil return to them in Jesus’ name Oh Lord, turn my life around and change my story for good in Jesus name Oh Lord, remove anything in my life that is bringing discomfort to me in Jesus name My father, give me a new life in Jesus name I put my trust in you Lord, let me not be put to shame in Jesus’ name Every spirit of shame and disgrace in my life, die in Jesus’ name.

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Dream Of Sand Being Thrown At Someone

Dream Of Sand Being Thrown At Someone

Dream Of Sand Being Thrown At Someone.   PRAYER: Every stone of affliction thrown into my life, go back to your sender in Jesus name   What does sand symbolize in the dream? Did you throw sand on someone or did someone throw sand on your body in a dream?   Dreaming about sand may symbolize abundance, wealth, obstacles, danger, death, illness, dominion, and weakness. Sand can also be seen as dryness, trap, weapon, or long life. Dream of sand being poured on your body or you saw yourself pouring sand on someone you know may have different interpretations, depending on the context. For example, to dream that someone is pouring sand or dust on your body, means that your enemy wants to kill you, put sickness on your body, or try to paralyze the blessings of God in your life.   To see someone throwing sand on you in the dream may represent an attack on your destiny by the wicked. The evil may want to kill your glory and shatter your dream to pieces. However, if you are throwing sand on someone’s body in the dream, it may mean that you want to confirm if the person is good or bad. Throwing sand at someone can also mean that you are not on good terms with someone in the waking life and this dream may just indicate your anger and conflict with someone. When sand is thrown at you, it predicts difficulties and obstacles, it means that you will fall sick and experience defeat. When someone throws sand at you in the dream, it means that you will experience a life of struggle and poverty. When someone throws sand at you in the dream, spiritually it means that you will feel powerless to achieve a goal.   The dream may reveal that you have been trapped in captivity. Throwing sand at someone could also be a sign that you are trying to know if someone has evil intentions against you. You may feel like throwing the dust at that person will neutralize or stop their evil plans against you. so when you see someone or people pouring or throwing sand on your body, it is a sign of trouble, it shows that someone is trying to make life difficult for you and put you to shame. You need to neutralize the curses and bad spirits at work in your life and command the arrow of death, sickness, or bad news to backfire in Jesus’ name.   Instruction: If you feel this dream is causing panic please go on 3 days fasting and prayers from 6 am-6 pm. Read Psalm 118:17   PRAYERS Every dust of death projected at my life, backfires in Jesus name Every arrow of poverty fired against me, backfire in Jesus’ name Let the dust torment the enemies after my life in Jesus’ name My light refuse to be covered by evil hands in Jesus name I fire back the misfortune fired into my life in Jesus’ name Every power assigned to afflict me with pains, die in Jesus’ name Blood of Jesus, destroy the effect of their curses upon my life in Jesus’ name.  

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Dream About Goldfish

Dream About Goldfish

Dream About Goldfish  BIBLE VERSE: JOHN 21:10  Jesus saith unto them, Bring of the fish which ye have now caught.   PRAYER:  Oh Lord, create in me a clean heart in Jesus’ name Goldfish in the dream can have different interpretations. Dream about goldfish can symbolize good things to come, it could represent abundance and good luck.   Goldfish in the dream can have different interpretations. Dream about goldfish can symbolize good things to come, it could represent abundance and good luck. Dreaming about lots of goldfish can mean that a lot of opportunities and success are waiting for you. It could also be a good omen that success, happiness, favor, and blessings will come into your life. But if the goldfish are dead, sick, or unable to catch it, it may mean that some of your plans will fail and you will be disappointed.   Seeing goldfish in the dream suggests pleasant times ahead with good friends and family. To catch goldfish in a dream is a sign that your efforts shall be rewarded and fruitful. To see goldfish out of water in the dream may be a sign to leave your comfort zone to pursue and achieve success. To dream about saving goldfish suggests financial luck, the good news of success and promotion. A dream of a goldfish dying may suggest sickness, loss, or disappointment. If you enjoy watching the goldfish in the water, it suggests happiness and breakthrough in the offing. For some people, dreaming about goldfish means that you will be wealthy, in good health, and long life. It can also be a sign that God has answered your petition.   If someone gives you a goldfish, it means that someone is going to favor you with something good. Likewise, seeing fish in the dream suggests that you should be prepared to do God’s work or evangelize by converting lost souls to Christ. In conclusion, dreams about goldfish forecast steady progress and honor to come   PRAYERS Power to do exploits for the kingdom of God, fall upon me in Jesus’ name O God my father, give me passion for lost souls in Jesus’ name My father, do something new in my life and my family in Jesus name Every marine demon attached to my life, break and release me in Jesus’ name Anointing for acceleration and supernatural advancement, fall upon me in Jesus name Any power pronouncing shame and disgrace into my life, die in Jesus’ name Every pattern of struggling in my family, is destroyed in Jesus’ name.

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Dream Of Seeing Cows In A Field

Dream Of Seeing Cows In A Field

Dream Of Seeing Cows In A Field    PSALM 104: 4  Who maketh his angels spirits; his ministers a flaming fire   PRAYER: Powers transforming into animals in my dream, be trapped in that animal and die in Jesus’ name   What does it mean when you see cows and calves in the dream?   A dream of seeing cows in a field can have several meanings. On the other hand, cows represent fertility, luck, prosperity, success, and abundance. It can also be a sign that you will be financially successful soon or shortly or a sign that your health or relationship will improve. However, cows can also stand for sickness, laziness, obstacles, poverty, and lowness. You may feel stagnant in your life or have trouble pulling yourself out of a situation you are uncomfortable with in life.   If you dream of caring for a cow, it can mean that you should take care of your family or your responsibilities. However, if you are scared of the cows it may mean that you are in a threatened relationship or situation. If you see a cattleman with a cow, it could indicate that God is making you a leader or the head. To see cows on a field symbolizes good health, peace, and long life. Dreaming of cows grazing in a field represents freedom, divine provision, hunger for something, satisfaction, or good times ahead. The field can symbolize your job, house, or opportunity. If cows are seen grazing near water in a dream, it signifies success in your pursuits. A dream of cows grazing symbolizes wealth and abundance coming your way. The dream may be urging you to take advantage of the opportunities and be more proactive in your endeavors.   If you see a calf grazing with cows in your dream, it could represent fertility, a new beginning, or ideas that you need to nurture and protect. It could also symbolize a baby to come or a young version of yourself. If you see a white cow in a field, it can be a symbol of rich success and prosperity. Perhaps, such a cow stands for the preservation of good income and lucrative business. If one is suffering from financial problems in waking life, this dream can be an encouragement to work hard and increase one’s wealth. If you are sick, dreaming of seeing cows in a field may mean that you will survive that illness attack. If you are expecting a child, this dream shows that the baby is coming. If you are a mother seeing cows is a sign for you to take care of your children. If you just invested in a project, seeing cows in a field may mean that you will reap massively from it or your business. A field full of cows often indicates a time to stay connected with your friends or family. A cow grazing tells you that it is now your time to enjoy life with money and good food. To dream of being attacked by the cow, can indicate danger or attack from a close person.   In conclusion, seeing cows on a field shows that good things are coming to you, get ready and God should surprise you for good in Jesus’ name. May God connect you with good people in life in Jesus’ name.   PRAYERS O Lord, give me the strength to wait on you till you answer me in Jesus name Ever trying a situation that wants me to backslide, I receive a solution in Jesus’ name O God arise, give me beauty for ashes, joy for sorrow, and dancing for mourning in Jesus’ name Powers of my father’s house that wants to stop my blessings, die in Jesus name Every evil animal parading in the garden of my life, die in Jesus name Every spirit of heaviness weighing down my spiritual life, die in Jesus name I bind and cast out every spirit of delay in my life in Jesus’ name.

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Vomit in the Dream Meaning

Explaining the Spiritual Meaning of Vomiting   Matthew 15:13 â–º But he answered and said, Every plant, which my heavenly Father hath not planted, shall be rooted up.   If you see yourself vomiting in the dream, it means cleansing and healing. It suggests your deliverance, freedom or release from the grip of satanic attacks and manipulations. But for others, vomiting any kind of stuff  in a dream may predicts sickness, death, satanic oppression, bondage, curse, evil covenant etc.   For some women encountering a mild vomit in a dream is a sign of early pregnancy or a warning for you to take good care of their health. Vomiting is a symbol of refreshing especially if you actually feel relieved and happy.   But if you vomit blood in a dream is a sign of health problem or a problem that refuses to go away. To see someone else vomiting in the dream portends battle and stagnation. To dream of vomiting blood symbolizes approaching death, loss or hard times.   If you felt bad about the dream, it may be a warning that something bad is likely going to hit you. Maybe your health, finance, marriage, business, ministry etc. It is advisable to book for deliveance.   Vomiting food dream can signify spiritual attacks against your well-being. But for others, such dreams can be a sign of good news to come. However, if you are pregnant, and you dream of vomiting more frequently, you may lose the pregnancy especially if you fail to follow it up in prayer. But pray.   Vomiting can mean that it’s time to release or speak out something to someone. Maybe you are worrying about revealing some secrets. You may some mistakes that you will regret. Pray.   For others, such a dream can mean that your secret sin may soon expose you. It’s good to confess and repent of your sin today so that you can be free from the pollution, defilement and contamination of your life.   Prayer Points.   1. Every evil plantation of strange material in my body, come out, in the name of Jesus.   2.  I release myself from every collective bondage and covenant, in the name of Jesus.   3. Every evil posion affecting my life and destiny, come out by fire, in the name of Jesus.   4. I break every covenant of sickness unto death upon my life, in the name of Jesus.   5. Let the blood of Jesus terminate the evil effect of this dream upon my life, in the name of Jesus.   6. Any witch or wizard assigned to use food to block my joy, fall down and die, in the name of Jesus.   7. O God, arise and paralyze the works of witchcraft in my life, in the name of Jesus.   8. I am free! I am free! I am free!

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