Dreams & Deliverance Ministries

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Office Address

149B, Ekoro Road, Beside Little Saints Orphanage, Abule-Egba, Lagos, Nigeria.


+234 909 8999 992



We’d love to hear from you.

What is a dream?

Dream occurs when we sleep. It is a source of divine revelation that indicates what someone should do, reveals what is going to happen or explains current events.

Is dream interpretation biblical?

Yes, it is, you can find that in Genesis 37:5-10, Daniel 2, Genesis 40:8-15, Genesis 41, Daniel 1:17.

Why do we dream?

We dream so that we can know the plans of God and Satan for our lives. Acts 2:17.

Does God still speak to us through dreams?

Yes, God communicates to his children through dreams, the Holy Spirit may warn you, guide you, instruct you and reveal things to you. Daniel 2:22.

Why bad dreams often come to pass?

Bad dreams are being influenced by the devil to attack you. Once the devil throws the arrow of fear at you and you are afraid, those evil dreams are likely going to manifest unless you pray against it.

How can I interpret my dreams?

You can interpret your dreams by asking the Holy Spirit through prayers, by studying the word of God, and by studying your emotions. Were you stable or unstable after the dream? Your answer will give you the best way to interpret your dreams.

Can prayer cancel bad dreams?

Yes, prayer can nullify the bad dreams and their host. The Bible says, resist the devil and he will flee from you.

But if in a situation, the bad dream is still appearing, what do you do?

In this case, you need to go for deliverance ministration or ask a man of God to conduct deliverance on you. It appears that your present anointing and grace cannot deliver you.

Why don’t I remember my dreams?

Many things can cause it. It could be physical and spiritual reasons. The cause can come as a result of sickness, stress, anxiety, worry, migraine, improper way of sleeping or that your mind is always filled up with past experiences of life. The spiritual aspect can also be a result of attack, fear, sadness, etc.

Is it common to forget dreams?

Many people forget their dreams a lot due to one thing or the other. So, you are not the only one being affected; It’s a common problem that many people are experiencing today. Sometimes enough rest and prayers can be the solution.

How do I know the dream from God?

Dreams from God will leave you with peace and victory. It can also warn, inspire, guide and encourage you.

How do I also know the dream from satan?

Satanic dreams also come with fear and torment. This type of dream would always give you bad emotions. Like being defeated, troubled, or manipulated. Any dream that leaves you in sad mood is from devil.

Who is Evangelist Joshua?

Evangelist Joshua Orekhie is a man of God sent to preach the gospel of Christ, to heal and deliver people from bondage.

How do I get Evangelist Joshua's direct number?

The prayer line is: +2349098999992.

Do you conduct deliverance? I need deliverance.

Yes, by the grace of God, we do.

Who owns Dreams and Deliverance Ministries?

God gave him the mandate to use the ministry of dreams to interpret people's dreams with prayers. Evangelist Joshua is a servant of God.

What will I stand to benefit on this website?

Dreams and Deliverance Ministry focuses on dream interpretations, dream prayers, warfare prayers, and other spiritual healings.

Where's the church located?

We exist as a ministry not as a church. Our physical office is at Abule-Egba area of Lagos, Nigeria. Our mission is to reach out the gospel of Christ all over the world. You can visit us for counseling and prayers.

Why do I keep seeing myself eating in the dream?

It is because you have a lot of demons fighting you and hence they are giving you food in the dream to kill your potential, to afflict your body with sickness and to delay your destiny. You need to pray.

I had a dream that I was being chased or attacked. What's going on?

It is evident in your dream that something is going on. Your enemies are after you and your destiny. This means that some demons are working against your progress and success in life. It could be that someone wants to steal, kill and destroy you. Be prayerful.

I keep having this one dream that repeats over and over. Should I be concerned?

Yes, of course, you need to be concerned. When a person is having a persistent headache, what do you do to it? I believe you find ways to cure it. The same approach applies to repeated dreams. Find ways to deal with and overcome every recurring dream with prayers and fasting.

What are the most common dreams that the devil uses to attack people?

We have lots of them. Snake in the dream, sex in the dream, being chased in the dream, dead relative in a dream, cake dream meaning, falling in the dream, dog in the dream, blood in the dream, bus in the dream, coffin in the dream, money dream symbols, teeth falling out dreams, hair cutting in a dream, rain in the dream, lion dream interpretation, wedding in dream, baby in the dream, flying in the dream, apple in a dream, water in a dream, cow dream symbols etc.

Do you have books on dreams and deliverance prayers, where can I get it?

Yes, you can get my books on Amazon both on Ebook and Hardcopy.

How can we partner with the ministry?

Yes, you can partner with our ministry by using the account number displayed in the donation tab or visit the link.


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