Dreams & Deliverance Ministries


Dream Meaning

dreams and their interpretations

Biblical Dreams and Their Interpretations with Prayers

Different Dreams and their Meanings   Nightmare is a frightening and unpleasant experience that occurs when we sleep. At the hours of the night, the devil came to sow tares. The tares are failure, sorrow, shame, sickness, death, fear, bad luck, rejection, poverty, blockage and many others. Most times, the devil’s dreams afflict victims with sickness and darken their visions. It can also bring confusion, destruction, and death.   The devil’s dreams take victims away from God’s plan and promise. It has the ability to unconsciously initiate you into an evil group. It has the ability to mislead you into believing in an evil vision and lead you astray.   Untreated evil dreams can cause victims to lose their jobs, creating unnecessary worry and anxiety. It can cause the abortion of good things and plant incurable diseases in victims’ lives. It can also bring sudden disaster, accidents, depression, and the loss of great opportunities.   Attacks in the dream can equally cause prayerlessness in victims and lead to frustration. It can rob a victim of his rights and dash a person’s hope. As God can use dreams to bless his people, the devil and his agents can also use them to place a curse on victims. You need to engage in serious prayers if you must be free from the clutches of the evil one.   Acts 2:17 – “And it shall come to pass in the last days, saith God,I will pour out of my Spirit upon all flesh: and your sons and your daughters shall prophesy, and your young men shall see visions, and your old men shall dream dreams:   PRAYER POINTS 1. O Lord, I thank You for making me a wonder, in the name of Jesus.   2. Seed of greatness in my life, receive the quickening fire of God, in the name of Jesus.   3. O Lord, arise and fight my battles, in the name of Jesus.   4. Dream killers of my father’s house, die by fire, in the name of Jesus.   5. The eagle of my destiny shall not be caged, in the name of Jesus.   6. Witchcraft arrow fired to make me a nobody, backfire, in the name of Jesus.   7. Every stronghold of dream destroyers in my life; collapse in the name of Jesus.   8. Father Lord, take me away from dream attackers, in the name of Jesus.   9. Any initiation the devil has brought into my life in the dream; lose your hold over my life, in the name of Jesus.   10. Any evil sleep that was programmed to attack my life; sleep forever, in the name of Jesus.   11. Every good thing I have lost in the dream; I recover you double, in the name of Jesus.   12. Every manner of evil arrow being used against me in the dream; backfire, in the name of Jesus.   13. I reject any evil thing the devil has presented to me in the dream, in the name of Jesus.   14. Any coffin prepared for me in the dream; catch fire, in the name of Jesus.   15. Any dream attackers’ re-enforcement against my life; scatter, in the name of Jesus.   16. Power to avoid evil dreams; possess me immediately, in the name of Jesus.   17. Every sin attracting evil dream into my life; die forever, in the name of Jesus.   18. You my dream life; be improved to the glory of God, in the name of Jesus.     Different Dreams and their Spiritual Meanings   1. Walking around barefoot. Means shame, demotion, and hardship. Pray and destroy the powers assigned to monitor your life and report back to your enemies. Bind the spirits of shame and poverty. Release the fire of God against them. Cover yourself with the blood of Jesus.   2. Someone who passed away takes something from you. This means there is a spiritual link that you need to break, as you may start losing things mysteriously and things will just start going wrong. The enemy is using that link to siphon your virtues and blessings. If the person is a relative, it means you have ancestral evil linkages to deal with. Beyond Prayers, Deep Deliverance By Standing In The Gap Is Very Effective In Dealing With This.   3. Being arrested. This means you have fallen into the trap of the spirit of bondage.  You need to rise up with holy anger and pray like this: “I release myself from every satanic cage or prison in the Name of Jesus.   4. Wandering around in a bush. This means the spirit of confusion is at work in your life. You will not be able to focus on anything and do it well.  You need the bind the spirit of confusion. Ask the Lord to send his angel of direction into your life. Beyond Prayers, Deep Deliverance By Standing In The Gap Is Very Effective In Dealing With This.   5. Bulls or cows chasing you. Means that witchcraft spirits are after you. If you find cows coming after you in the dream, you better wake up and pray. Bind every spirit of hinderance.   6. Scorpion attacking you. Means that you are wrestling against very wicked and aggressive enemies. They are behind your problems. Rise up and declare war against visible and invisible enemies. Pray like this. “Thunder of God, scatter every satanic army   7. Lost your clothes and not able to find them. Means spiritual robbers are working against you, and the end result is shame and demotion, unless you take action now. When you wake up, send the angels of God on assignment to recover what you’ve lost. Ask the Holy Spirit to protect your treasures.   8. Car Brakes don’t work This means the enemy is trying to take control of a certain area in your life. Your destiny is under attack. You have to resist this

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abortion dreams

Dream About Abortion Meaning

Dream About Abortion Meaning   Abortion is still a taboo subject, and the dream may be symbolic of secrecy or shame. It may indicate that you’re hiding something from yourself or others, or you’re afraid of being judged.   The temptation to commit just one little sin is a trap the devil uses to get many Christians. He tells them that they have been faithful all through, and it wouldn’t hurt if they commit this little sin: after all, others are doing far worse.   If there is one thing that God hates with perfect hatred, it is sin of abortion. And the scripture admonishes us to be like our sinless Father. Matthew 5:48 says, “Be perfect, therefore, as your heavenly Father is perfect.” It is impossible to like what God hates and grow in Him. Therefore, sin is no something to play with. Sin is our greatest enemy because it opens the door for the devil to come into our lives and wreak havoc.   Dreaming about abortion could indicate possible physical changes or interventions . It could mean that something is changing in your body or that you have to make a decision that will affect your health. You may also need to consider medical treatment.   A dream about abortion can also have emotional connotations. It could mean you have to make an important decision that affects your well-being, such as making a career change or ending a relationship. It could also mean that you have to make a difficult decision that you feel insecure about.   A dream about an abortion could also indicate an unwanted pregnancy or a relationship crisis . It could mean that you are feeling insecure about taking responsibility for a new relationship or commitment. You may also feel uncomfortable or insecure in your current relationship and feel like you have to make a decision.   It’s important to consider your own feelings and situations to get an accurate interpretation. However, generally, dreams about abortion can represent feelings of guilt, shame, or loss related to a decision or situation in the dreamer’s waking life. In dreams, abortion can represent a decision to end something or cut something off prematurely.   It can also represent a fear of losing something valuable or a sense of regret or guilt related to a past decision or action. In some cases, dreaming about someone having an abortion can also be an indication that you are in a relationship or a situation where you feel trapped and out of control.   It can also mean that you want to break free from certain expectations or limitations and are at a point where you are willing to take responsibility for your decisions and move forward.   One interpretation would be that the dream could be an indication of your own insecurities and fears regarding a possible abortion, especially if you are a woman and you could potentially be faced with the decision to have an abortion. It may also symbolize a sense of loss or failure, particularly if you or someone close to you has experienced difficulty conceiving or carrying a pregnancy to term.   Alternatively, the dream may represent a desire to terminate a project or relationship that you feel is not working out or is causing you emotional pain. It can also mean that you are afraid of change and uncertainties. You may feel like you are not ready to move into a new situation or relationship.   If you feels guilty, ashamed, or sad in the dream, it may suggest that they are experiencing similar emotions in  waking life related to a decision or situation. If you feels relieved or empowered in the dream, it may indicate that you have made a positive decision or taken control of a situation in  waking life.   If you recently undergone or is considering an abortion in waking life, the dream may be a reflection of their emotions and thoughts related to the situation. If you have not experienced an abortion or is not in a situation where an abortion is relevant, the dream may be a warning to be careful.   Dreaming of abortion can be a symbol of ending something you have created. It may be a warning that you are committed sins that requires you to ask God for mercy. It can signify that you are facing a challenging decision or situation in your life.   You may feel like you are letting something go or ending something prematurely. This dream can also indicate a sense of loss, grief, or regret. Usually, it’s a sign that you’re struggling with something that you can’t control, and it’s causing you pain or anxiety.   Abortion in a dream can be related to different symbols depending on how it’s presented. For example:   If you dream of someone else having an abortion, it may indicate that you are concerned about their well-being or future. You may feel powerless to help them or worried about the direction their life is taking.   If you dream of having an abortion yourself or being forced into having one, it may indicate that you feel trapped or powerless in your current situation.   You may feel like you’re giving up on something you wanted or needed, and this is causing you internal conflict or stress. If you dream of seeing aborted fetuses, it may be symbolic of your own mistake trying to hurt you. You may be regretting your action.   Abortion is considered a sin and a violation of the sanctity of life. If you are a child of God and dream about abortion, it may indicate guilt or remorse for past actions, or a warning not to make certain decisions in the future.   In some cases, abortion is seen as a form of killing that violates the principle of non-harm. A dream about abortion may signify a need to practice more mindfulness and compassion towards yourself and others.  

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snakes symbolism dreams

Dream About Snakes Meaning

Dream About Snakes   Luke 10:18-21 And he said unto them, I beheld Satan as lightning fall from heaven. Behold, I give unto you power to tread on serpents and scorpions, and over all the power of the enemy: and nothing shall by any means hurt you. Notwithstanding in this rejoice not, that the spirits are subject unto you; but rather rejoice, because your names are written in heaven. In that hour Jesus rejoiced in spirit, and said, I thank thee, O Father, Lord of heaven and earth, that thou hast hid these things from the wise and prudent, and hast revealed them unto babes: even so, Father; for so it seemed good in thy sight   A fear of snakes in waking life could manifest as a snake in a dream.   Dreams about snakes can be a sign of fear and threat. The snake is often considered dangerous, malicious, cunning and temptation . In this case, it is important to calm yourself down and realize that this is just a dream. In general, snakes are often associated with enemy, fear, danger, and insecurity.   If you dreamed of a snake, it could mean that you feel threatened or are afraid of something in your waking life. Alternatively, it could represent a hidden fear or a secret that you are keeping from others.   A venomous snake could represent a dangerous situation or person in your life, while a non-venomous snake could represent a less threatening challenge or obstacle.   If the snake was venomous, it may indicate that you are in a dangerous or harmful situation. If you are bitten by a snake, it may mean that someone or something in your life has hurt you, or that you are afraid of being hurt. It is also important to note where the snake is located appeared in your dream. If it was in your home or around you, it may indicate that you need to be more careful with someone or something in your immediate vicinity.   If the snake was coming close to you, it may be preparing for spiritual battle. If you are afraid of snakes, dreams about snakes may also indicate that you are facing your fears and need to overcome them. The snake could represent a situation or person in the dreamer’s life that they perceive as a threat or source of anxiety. If the dreamer felt a sense of fear or unease during the dream, it may be an indication that they need to be cautious in their waking life and pay attention to potential danger or deception.   In this case, dreaming of a snake could indicate that the dreamer is going through a period of difficult and threatening situation that needs urgent attention. dreaming of a snake can indicate hidden fears, worries or concerns about a specific situation or person in your life. It can also mean that there is something in your life that you need to address but haven’t yet faced or that you feel threatened or vulnerable in some way.   A large snake may represent a powerful enemy,  while a small or harmless one may indicate minor problems or concerns. A snake coiled around your body may symbolize the feeling of being trapped or suffocated in a difficult situation.   Conversely, a snake shedding its skin may warn you to beware of deception. The bite can also mean that you are being manipulated by someone or something, have fallen into a trap, and are feeling weak or vulnerable.   Although a snake bite in a dream can seem scary, it can also mean that you are learning an important lesson in life from people. Being bitten by a serpent in a dream can symbolize a warning or a wake-up call. It may suggest that you are facing some hidden danger or threat in your waking life that you need to confront before it harms you.   Serpents bite or inject venom as a defense mechanism, representing a warning that you must keep your distance or be careful. If you see the serpent as a representation of yourself or someone else, the dream may indicate that this person or part of yourself has the potential to harm you. In many religions, snakes or serpents are often associated with evil, sin, and temptation.   For example, in the Bible, the serpent is portrayed as the devil in the story of Adam and Eve. In this context, the dream may indicate that you are struggling with inner demons, negative thoughts, or sinful behaviors that need to be purged or forgiven. dream of a hidden snake, it could mean that you are afraid or worried about something that is hidden or unseen. This could be related to your personal life, work, or relationships. It might indicate that you are struggling with hidden fears or anxieties that you need to confront.   The hidden snake in a dream can also symbolize a hidden threat that lurks in your life. This can show up in various forms, such as a deceptive person or situation. It is important to stay alert and not be fooled by outward appearances to avoid possible harm. These threats could come in the form of people or situations that you perceive as harmless but are actually detrimental to your well-being. Snake dream tells you never to trust people pretending to you.   A snake behaving aggressively might indicate unresolved conflicts or threats in waking life, while a peaceful serpent could represent a source of wisdom or guidance.  If the dream involves being bitten by a snake, it might symbolize feelings of vulnerability or betrayal. Conversely, dreams of taming a snake might signify gaining control over one’s inner conflicts.  In some instances, a snake might serve as a warning, urging the dreamer to be cautious or alert to potential threats in their waking life. In some cases, serpents can also be associated with fertility, protection, and divine knowledge.  

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dream about birds

Dream About Birds Meaning

Dream Meaning Bird   Genesis 15:11 And when the fowls came down upon the carcases, Abram drove them away.   Bird is one of the common dream experiences in the life of many people. Dream of birds can have a variety of meanings. It can indicate good news, joy, celebration, good friends, good opportunity, good news, protection, safety, growth, progress, success, hope, faith, breakthrough, abundance. Negatively, bird dreams may symbolize death, sickness, obstacles, hinderance, sorrow, bad luck, shame, failure, poverty, miscarriage, barreneess, and many more. The birds can either bring blessing or curse to a person’s life or to a community.   👉Dreams of birds represent imagination, intuition, angels, creativity, and a desire for freedom.   👉If the bird is injured or caged, this represents that your freedom feels thwarted.   👉To dream of bird poop is a lucky omen, foretelling good fortune.   👉To see birds flying out of cage may symbolize deliverance or an escape from danger.   👉To see dead birds falling down from the sky, means that you will hear bad news. Something bad is coming.   👉To see two birds fighting in the dream represents conflict, or having misunderstanding with someone. Be prayerful.   👉To see a bird pecking your head in the dream suggests love from a good heart.   👉To see birds without feathers in a dream warns that the enemy is hindering your lifting. Pray!   👉If you see yourself as the bird in the dream, it may symbolize witchcraft initiation and attacks. Or a sign that you are trying to move away from your difficult situation.   👉If the birds are flying high in the dream, this indicates that you are aiming at something to achieve in life.   👉To see birds around you in the dream symbolises luck, success, money, peace, opportunity, and good people.   👉To see bird eggs in your dream symbolizes money, pregnancy and wealth.   👉To see birds hatching in your dream signifies new beginning, breakthrough and it means you will be successful in your goals, but not for a while.   👉To dream of dead or dying birds foretells a period of coming disappointments. You will find yourself worrying over problems that are constantly on your mind.   👉To dream of aggresive birds (if they were attacking you, or killing people, in your dream) is a warning to be careful with those around you. Take notice on who you know in your waking life that could remind you of a bird, or who has a name that sounds like a bird’s name – this is the person to watch out for.   👉To dream of a cooked bird, suggests that you’re feeling guilty about something. You fear that someone will “find you out”, or believe they already have.   👉An unknown bird in a dream represents the angel of death or misfortune. Pray!   👉If one sees a bird diving to the ground to pick a pebble, a paper, or a worm, then if it soars away from a house that hosts a sick person in a dream, it means that the sick person will shortly die from his illness.   👉Birds of prey represent a warning: Someone is trying to take unfair advantage of you. Like “Eagle”, “Falcon”, “Hawk”.   👉If the birds are flying, then your life is going to definitely take a turn for the better.   👉To see birds hatching in your dream indicates that you are going to experience a new dawn.   👉To dream of dead or dying birds is an indication that you may be facing misfortune or anguish. Minor troubles will consistently plague your thoughts.   👉To kill a vulture or scaring bird signifies to  triumph over your enemy   👉Flying swallows mean happiness and good fortune.   👉If you see the bird landing, then it is definitely good news coming.   👉To hear an owl hoot is to be warned of coming problems.   👉To carry the bird on your arm and / or release, it means to embracing new associates in your business or personal life.   👉A soaring eagle indicates great business success and a florishing person.   👉A flock of doves means an abundance of love and happiness. Two doves together mean reconciliation.   👉Crow: You will be disappointed in an expectation.   👉To have a bird land on your hand, arm, or head means an unexpected love is coming into your life.   👉Birds, in general, means success on your plans, goals and expectations. Flying birds indicate movement, progress and elevation.   👉To see a white bird in the dream signifies peace, freedom, joy, happiness, protection and money luck.   👉To see birds crash into something (an object) represents a warning of failure and difficulty.   👉To kill a bird or shoot birds represents that you will have problems with someone close.   👉If you are flying on the back of a bird in a dream it can indicate that you will have emotional stability.   👉If you are married, seeing a dove in the dream, it means that children will make you feel safe in your life.   👉If the doves are feeding out of your hand in the dream, it means that your goodness to people will save you from trouble.   👉To see a swallow-bird in the dream, it means that you need to be wise and smart.   👉To see a bird flying up and down can suggest a happy marriage with many children.   👉If you see a goose, it can suggest that joy and happiness will soon be yours.   👉A parrot in one’s dream is connected to people talking about you. A parrot in a cage can suggest a dishonest person will try to connect with you in the future.   👉To collect eggs from a hen in your dream suggests some minor prosperity. It can also indicate material wealth: but it will take some time and possible delay.   👉If you see a

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