Dreams & Deliverance Ministries


Dream Meaning

Dream About Baby Pooing On You

Dream About Baby Pooing On You

Dream About Baby Pooing On You.  Ezekiel 36:25  I will sprinkle clean water upon you, and you shall be clean from all your uncleanness, and from all your idols I will cleanse you.   Prayers: Every evil stain in my life that makes me stinks, clear away, in the name of Jesus.   A baby poop can suggest several meanings. It can mean blessings. It can be a sign of money, luck, or pregnancy to come. For others, to see a baby poop on their body, it can mean something you have been longing to get will locate you. For example, it could be help or favor from someone. Negatively to dream that a baby poop on your body, it can symbolize spiritual attack, pollution, curse, disfavor, embarrassment, disappointment, and unfruitfulness. This dream suggests an attack that will bring delay to your mental journey.   In some cases, seeing a baby poop on your body can bring about hatred and rejection that chases away good people and destiny helpers from you. On the other hand, the baby poop on your body might be a sign that it’s time for you to wash away your sin, poop smells awful: so when you see poop on your body, spiritually, it means that you have been attacked with evil smell. The smell will affect your marriage and relationship with other people.   If you are a single woman, in a relationship that poops on your body it is a sign that the relationship is not going anywhere and that you will face disappointment. When a married person sees this in a dream, if the baby is your child, then it means that your child, then it means that your baby will live long to bless and prosper you. But if the child was given to you to hold in the dream, it means the transfer of problems that will delay your mental destiny and pollute your life. The dream can make one sick, corrupt, and fail.   If you clean the baby’s poop on your body, it suggests cleansing, victory, and freedom from the attack of the wicked. Cleaning poop on your body indicates that you are removing anything that is bringing reproach to you and tarnishing you in public. Cleaning poop means good news and favor to come. But if you are unable to remove the poop, from your body, you may wake up with a feeling of losing your relationship. Pray for transformation.   Instruction: psalm 51:1-8, Isaiah 1:16, Ezekiel 36:25, and use it to bathe yourself for 7 days, for cleansing.   PRAYERS Every evil load dropped in my life, catch fire in the name of Jesus. Every satanic pollution in my life, be wiped off by the blood of Jesus, in the name of Jesus. Father, wash me and make me clean before you, in the name of Jesus. Spirit children, leave my life alone, in the name of Jesus. Anything in my life that attracts me to rejection to me, come out, in the name of Jesus.

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Dream About African Star Apple.

Dream About African Star Apple

Dream About African Star Apple.  John 15:8  Herein is my Father glorified, that ye bear much fruit; so shall ye be my disciples.   Prayer: Every seed of barrenness in my life dies, in the name of Jesus.   African star apple is popularly known as African cherry, agbalumo in Yoruba, and udara in the Igbo language of Nigeria. African star apple a very common dream experience for most women. Dream about African cherry represents both good and bad signs. On the positive angle, it symbolizes abundance, blessings, fruit of the womb, fertility, good news, and success in your undertaking.   Seeing an African cherry in your dream suggests a period of money luck. It is an omen of increasing prosperity, healthy living, and breakthroughs on the negative angle, to see an African star apple or African cherry in the dream, represents illness sadness, attack, and shame, for most women, it can indicate disappointment, trouble, stagnation, death, etc. to dream of picking udera or African cherry, it’s a bad sign. It can suggest failure, delay, ill luck, or rejection. It suggests that you are likely to face challenges that may hinder your breakthrough. Picking this fruit, if you are pregnant, you are likely to lose it except if God is on your side.   If you are seeing or picking this fruit, you may have some battles in your current relationship/marriage that may be thought on you. Do not give up, keep praying. In some other cases, dream of picking many udera, agbalumo, or African cherries, May suggests that you can expect improvement in your situation. To dream of eating agbalumo or African cherry, means sweetness and joy, after a long period of battles. For others, eating this fruit can bring sickness, and death and bring delay to their expectation.   To dream of buying an African star apple means you will have to work hard for everything you get in life. For others, it suggests an attack against their marriage or finances. Pray. To see African cherry seed, means money, a baby, or a big opportunity to come. If you see a rotten African cherry portends sickness/ spiritual weakness. If you are plucking a ripe cherry, it indicates an end of all your troubles or expectation followed by joy and happiness. If you are still worried about this dream, how to overcome is to fire the arrow sent to you back to the sender.   Instruction: Go on 2days fasting and prayers 6 am-6 pm   PRAYERS Every burden in my heart, expires in the name of Jesus. Any power waiting to hear bad news about me, die in the name of Jesus. Every demonic fruit assigned to make me infertile in my marriage, die in the name of Jesus. Every domestic power using this dream to attack me, die in the name of Jesus. Every stronghold of delay against my breakthrough break, in the name of Jesus.  

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Dream Of Running Away From Someone Trying To Kill You.

Dream Of Running Away From Someone Trying To Kill You.

Dream Of Running Away From Someone Trying To Kill You.  Isaiah 49:24-26  24 Shall the prey be taken from the mighty, or the lawful captive delivered? 25 But thus saith the Lord, Even the captives of the mighty shall be taken away, and the prey of the terrible shall be delivered: for I will contend with him that contendeth with thee, and I will save thy children. 26 And I will feed them that oppress thee with their own flesh; and they shall be drunken with their own blood, as with sweet wine: and all flesh shall know that I the Lord am thy Saviour and thy Redeemer, the mighty One of Jacob.   Prayers:  The power to run and escape danger, locate me, in the name of Jesus.   To dream of running away from someone trying to kill you means many things. It means to escape away from danger; it means to run away from responsibility, it means to leave a toxic relationship. When someone is pursuing you into a weapon to kill you, it’s clear that a wicked person has been assigned to destroy you, and do you wicked things. This dream, however, reveals that someone is trying to trouble your life.   You see yourself running away from someone in the dream, the person hates you, and this dream is a way of telling you to distance yourself from that person, no matter how impatient the person is—your life first before any relationship. You may see someone trying to kill you in the dream when there is a conflict or dispute between you and someone in your waking life. You are seeing him pursuing you in the dream, maybe because you owe him money, or because you hurt him in some way, that could be one of the reasons you are seeing him pursuing to kill you.   However, if someone is trying to kill you, but you kill the person, it means that you kill the enemy causing obstacles and problems in your life. But if the person killed you in the dream, it foretells a spiritual attack. It implies that someone will be hurt. When you see someone you know trying to kill you, it means that someone has evil intentions towards you. Sometimes, it may also mean that your enemy is using the person’s face in the dream to make you believe he/she is a bad person and does not have a good heart. For example, if you see a friend trying to kill you, it may mean the person is envying you, or the dream could be a warning to a robber assigned to steal from him.   If you see a family member trying to kill you, it means there are powers in your family that are coming after you. Pray well. This dream is telling you to take the risk of confronting your fear or the powers behind your situation into warfare prayers and you shall be victorious. So running away from someone posting a threat to your life is a big step to your victory. You have the decision to escape from those problems that hinder your progress. If you are in a new relationship with a man/ woman, this dream urges you to know about the person. Because it appears that you are yet to know some important things about the man/woman- maybe like family, like friends, like anything. To run away from someone in the dream, maybe the first sign of trouble coming your way, but you don’t need to confront and deal with it. Because if you from it, it may still wait for you somewhere. How to overcome- Resist and command the devil assigned to kill you. Always cover yourself with the blood of Jesus.   Instruction: 3 days fasting and prayer 6 am-6 pm   Read: Isaiah 54:15-17, psalm 35:8, Jeremiah 17:18, Isaiah 41:10-12, Isaiah 49:24-26.   PRAYERS Every power assigned to hurt me in the dream or reality, die in the name of Jesus. Every killer of glory assigned against me, kill yourself in the name of Jesus. Fire of God, guide and protect me from evil every day of my life, in the name of Jesus. Every effort of the enemy to destroy me, shall fail, in the name of Jesus. O God, paralyze the weapon of the enemy and turn it against them, in the name of Jesus.

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Unable To See Your Groom In The Dream.

Unable To See Your Groom In The Dream

Unable To See Your Groom In The Dream. Isaiah 50:7  For the Lord GOD will help me; therefore shall I not be confounded: therefore have I set my face like a flint, and I know that I shall not be ashamed. Prayer: Every power delaying my marriage, die in the name of Jesus.   A bridegroom is a man who is about to be married. No marriage can take place without the groom or bride. Did you notice your groom is missing from your wedding? If this is what you experienced, then the dream means two things, it means God’s work or a satanic attack. On the positive, this is a sign from god telling you that he’s not the right man for you. At this point, you need to cut off the affair with him especially if your spirit confirms this sign that the man is a divinely ordained husband.   If you neglect this warning, because of your selfish motive, whatever happens when you are married is a cross you must carry. The man may cheat on you. He may be mind is off you completely and his mind is on another woman. Now that could be one of the reasons you you are unable to see him in that dream. Please know that every disappointment is a blessing, and everything works together for your good. That something is against your wish does not mean it is from the devil. God may be saving you from big trouble in marriage.   The second part of this is a dream, perhaps you are already at a wedding, and both of you are with your parent for the traditional ceremony, and your inability to see your groom man in that marriage ceremony indicates a spiritual attack against your mental settlement. This is a symbol of mental disappointment, failure, and shame. The devil does not want you to marry. If you are currently in a relationship preparing your marriage, it suggests that all your efforts towards your marriage will not yield success, you can’t see your groom because there is a spirit of delay and bad luck in your life. You keep experiencing disappointment and failure at the edge of good things.  You are wondering why good men keep breaking up with you, so you’re not happy because of this. You are wondering why this time, you look at your age and you are worried that you are over-matured for marriage.   This dream is a pointer that sham and disgrace await you in that relationship/marriage. If this is a curse, you need to break it, if this is a pattern in your family, you need to destroy it. Also, this kind of dream can tell you that the man is not a serious type and it appears he’s hiding  from you. Your man will always be your man even if he disappears for long time and come back. If it appears that you pray, the dream still goes for deliverance.   Instruction: Embark on 3 day fast and prayer 6am-6pm.   PRAYERS Power that vows that my foundation will not favor me, mentally, die in the name of Jesus. O lord, stop every power raging against my mental breakthrough, in the name of Jesus, in the name of Jesus. My mental stolen in the dream, I recover you by fire, in the name of Jesus. Dreams of delay and disappointment be nullified, in the name of Jesus. Father, connect me to the right man who’s ready to marry me, in the name of Jesus.

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Dream Of Dead Mother Coming Back To Life.

Dream Of Dead Mother Coming Back To Life.

Dream Of Dead Mother Coming Back To Life.  ACTS 2:24 Whom God hath raised up, having loosed the pains of death: because it was not possible that he should be holden of it.   Prayers: O God arise and rescue my family from the evil cage, in the name of Jesus.   The dream of a dead mother coming back to life is a sign that her death was untimely. It may also reflect your wish to see her resurrect back to life. The dream could mean so many things. It could mean that you will get over the challenges you are going through now. Seeing your dead mother being resurrected to life reflects a sign of victory over the power of death and darkness. When you across this dream, it is a sign that you will soon hear good news in your family.   If your mother is alive, but you see her die come back to life. It may suggest that she will escape the arrows of the wicked fired into her life. When you see your late mother coming back to life may foretell that you have been thinking a lot against the death of your mother, like what killed her, like the pains she passing through in life. You feel like she could come back to life again. This dream can be a pointer to the restoration of lost blessings. If is there anything you have lost, rest assured that you are going to receive them.   This dream is telling you to be full of prayer because of the resurrection of the death in the dream, for most people. It can foretell a spiritual attack that will work against one’s goodness. On the positive, a dead mother coming back to life can lead to a new beginning, success, and breakthrough. It might be a sign that you will meet your old friend you have not seen for long. The rising of the dead might not come to scare you but to pass a message for you not to be afraid of any challenges or demons that raging at you. Confront it and you shall succeed, in Jesus name. If you are afraid of the dream, then declare, death, I am not your candidate, pass over.   Instruction: Take quality time to pray and worship God.   Read Psalm 118:17, Revelation 21:11, Jeremiah 2:25.   PRAYERS Power from the graveyard rising against me, go back to your root, in the name of Jesus. Angel of death, if you are sent to kill me, go back to sender, in the name of Jesus. The Blood of Jesus preserves me and my family from affliction, in the name of Jesus. Oh lord, watch over my parents and give them a long life, in the name of Jesus. I speak strength into any dead things in my life, in the name of Jesus.

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Spiritual Meaning Of A Broken Bed.

Spiritual Meaning Of A Broken Bed

Spiritual Meaning Of A Broken Bed.  Psalm 4:8  I will both lay me down in peace, and sleep: For thou, LORD, only makest me dwell in safety.   Prayer: Everything that needs to break, for me to have peace, break.   The bed is a symbol of rest, comfort, and sleep.  Sleeping in bed is a sign of relaxation and peace. If you sleep on a broken bed, spiritually, it signifies restlessness and downfall. Sing a broken bed is a warning sign of mental attack, sickness, death, or financial instability approaching. This dream could be a sign that your enemy those not want to give you rest and peace of mind. You are troubled in all areas of life. You are disappointed and worried about why things are falling apart in your life.   The broken bed is also a symbol of a broken home or affair that leads to a life of stagnation and disappointment. Fixing a bed signifies fixing some issues of serious concern in life. To sleep on a broken bed and fall is an omen of bad news in relating to you or your loved ones in the family. A broken bed can also be an indication of quit notice. The letter will be issued soon by your landlord. Pray.   To sleep on a good bed signifies pleasant and good relaxation. You need to create a time to take a break from your busy activities to relax and sleep. If you are married, a broken bed signifies marital trouble that needs a quick amendment. If you have sex on bed and it collapses, it indicates disappointment and an unsatisfied love affair. Demon may be fighting hard to hinder your time of enjoyment. A broken bed signifies difficulties in fulfilling your purpose in life. In conclusion, the broken bed can signify curses, and a sign for others to pray against evil attacks.   Read:  proverbs 3:24, Ecclesiastes 5:12, Mathew 11:28, john 14:27, 1peter 5:7, Philippians 4:6-7, psalm 34:18   Instruction: pray against shame and disgrace. Support with 3-day fasting and prayers from 6 am-3 pm.   PRAYERS Every power that has vowed to make me cry, die. Every arrow of ups and downs fired into my life, backfire. Every agent of the devil that wants you to die, shall die in your place. Every curse working against your progress, break. Power assigned to bring shame and disgrace to me, die.  

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Teaching Children In The Dream

Teaching Children In The Dream

Teaching Children In The Dream   Proverbs 23:13-14 13 Withhold not correction from the child: for if thou beatest him with the rod, he shall not die. 14 Thou shalt beat him with the rod, and shalt deliver his soul from hell.   Prayer: Arise o Lord, and teach me what to say in the name of Jesus.   Teaching children is one of the great things to do. The dream of teaching children is a symbol of love for the children. When you teach children in the dream, it means that God is giving you a ministry for the children. To train them, in the way of the lord, and to profoundly by impart in the lives of children. As a parent, you must train and discipline your children, giving them the do’s and don’ts, for example, you must constantly tell them what to do, like they should pray, and read their bible, and they do not like, you must not take food from a stranger, you should not allow any man to touch you. Etc.   Seeing yourself teaching children, signifies a need to build friendly relationships with people. Instructing, correcting, and guiding them. This dream also suggests a calling to teach children. Do you always desire to teach kids in school or church? If yes, then God may use this dream to encourage and direct you to relate with the children and make them happy. He may be telling you now is the time to join the children’s department of your church and build your sub-ministry there.   You can start from there and it will amaze you with the numerous blessings you will get. There are cases of women who are led by the spirit of God to teach children in the church and have received diverse breakthroughs, some are the fruit of the womb, some are babies, and some are progressive careers. The dream of teaching children is a sign that your blessings are attached to making children happy.   Teaching children reveals that you are a role model for many people. It is a sign that people need your service. It is also a type of dream that encourages you to render quality services to people. When you render a good service to people, you will be favored. Do something not because of the blessing or money you can get from it, but do it because it is your passion. May the lord give you a teachable spirit. You are fulfilled.   Instruction: Deuteronomy 11:19, proverbs 23:13-14, Colossian 3:21, Isaiah 54:13, psalm 127:3, Deuteronomy 6:7, Ephesians 6:4, proverbs 22:6, proverbs 19:18, proverbs 1:8-9.   PRAYERS O Lord, give me a teachable spirit, in the name of Jesus. O Lord, help me to preach your gospel to the children, in the name of Jesus. O Lord, make me live a fulfilled life, in the name of Jesus. O Lord, grant me a grace to give cheerfully, in the name of Jesus. O Lord, help me to obey you always, in the name of Jesus.

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A Strange Person Driving You.

A Strange Person Driving You.

A Strange Person Driving You.  Psalm 140:4  Keep me, O Lord, from the hands of the wicked; preserve me from the violent man; who have purposed to overthrow my goings.   Prayer: An unknown personality in my life be exposed, in the name of Jesus.   A stranger represents an unknown person. To see a strange person drive you with a car in the dream means Satan is currently in charge of some aspect of your life and destiny. This is a satanic attempt to drive to the wrong part. To drive you to an unknown location. To lead you astray in life. Seeing a stranger or unknown person driving on a bus, be very careful, this could be a symbol of a kidnapper’s attack. A stranger driving you also reveals that you are a leader or someone on a mission to destroy you and terminate your life.   If the person is driving on the road you don’t know, it is a bad sign. It means you have lost direction in life. An unknown person driving you means you have lost control of your weaknesses. In some cases, an unknown person driving in a car could suggest that you need a reliable and trusted friend who can show you the way. But if you manage to disembark from the vehicle, it means happiness, success, and victory, and protection from danger. But if the person drives you to the bush, it is a warning sign of death and loss prepared by your enemies.   To see a stranger driving you means you are relying on and depending on someone. Maybe you feel the person is more experienced and professional to impart to you. This dream is a lesson to be careful with whom you allow to control you, the person you intend boarding in the future, or the person you choose to seek advice from could be dangerous and threatening to your life. It is well. May the lord preserve your going and coming.   Instruction: psalm 121:7-8, Genesis 45:7, psalm 32:7, psalm 41:2, psalm 64:1, psalm 140:4.   PRAYERS Every stranger in my life- journey, die in the name of Jesus. Every power in charge of my life, destroy and die, in the name of Jesus. Father, always preserve my going out and coming in, in the name of Jesus. Stranger of darkness controlling the altar of my life, die in the name of Jesus. I shall get to my destination faster without hindrance, in the name of Jesus.

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Seeing A Full Bright Moon.

Seeing A Full Bright Moon.

Seeing A Full Bright Moon.  Job 22:28  Thou shalt also decree a thing, and it shall be established unto thee: and the light shall shine upon thy ways.   Numbers 6:25-26 25 The Lord make his face shine upon thee, and be gracious unto thee: 26 The Lord lift up his countenance upon thee, and give thee peace.   Prayer: O Lord, shine your light upon my life and let my joy be full in the name of Jesus.   To dream of a full bright moon, stand as a symbol of divine light in my life. Seeing a full bright moon in the dream indicates that your glory will shine everywhere you go and people shall recognize the fruit and grace you carry. Seeing a bright moonlight is a sign of a brighter future and divine remembrance. Full moon. For some pregnant women, signify that they will have the pregnancy to term.   A bright full moon is a sign of divine protection in your life, a sign of a secret thing about to be revealed to you. Seeing a half moon is a symbol of new things about to emerge. It could be that something good or bad is coming. Study your emotions. To see a new moon signifies renewed hope and strength. A new moon is a symbol of positive changes. To see the yellow moon in the dream means everything will go as planned, a symbol of good luck. But the yellow moon can signify trouble for some people. Seeing a full bright moon means that something important will happen soon.   The moon gives direction at night. It means you will experience divine guidance and direction. To see a crescent moon, for some women, it is a sign of early pregnancy. The sign could be a warning for others to be alert and watchful of their environment. To see a full bright moon suggest God is speaking to you. Find time to pray, to connect to him. Seeing a full moon indicates a time to travel. However, the moon in your dream may also stand as a divine signal to be very careful of your secret and wicked act as the moon signifies that the eyes of heaven are watching you. Please repent and be safe. The moon may signify distraction and obstacles. If the moon goes dim, it may signify a season of affliction in your life. In conclusion, a Dream of full moonlight is a sign that you will excel, prosper, and succeed in your Endeavour if only you follow divine guidance for your life.   Instruction: psalm 121:6, proverbs 4:18, psalm 13:6-7-9, job 18:5, Jeremiah 31:35, psalm 72:5   PRAYERS My star shall arise and shine forth everywhere I go, in the name of Jesus. I am a shining light of God that shines brighter, in the name of Jesus. I declare that no power shall stop God’s plan for my life, in the name of Jesus. I declare that my joy shall be full, in the name of Jesus. I declare no power shall touch my star and go away with it, in the name of Jesus.

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dream about divorce meaning

Dream About Divorce Explanation

DREAM ABOUT DIVORCE MEANING   So many people are caught up in situations and conditions that make them shed secret tears. They have tasted the joys of union with a life partner, and then suddenly the story changes. Their joy is turned to sorrow, their pleasure to pain and the fun to frustration. Suddenly, it seems there’s no way out! Thank God in Christ, there is renewal and restoration.   When a couple divorces or separates, the honour that was formerly theirs in marriage is snatched away. The covering that was over them is thrown off; the hedge has been broken and anything negative can happen (Ecclesiastes 10:8). However, all hope is not lost, restoration to the place of honour is still possible.   When a couple divorces or separates, the honour that was formerly theirs in marriage is snatched away. The covering that was over them is thrown off; the hedge has been broken and anything negative can happen (Ecclesiastes 10:8). However, all hope is not lost, restoration to the place of honour is still possible.     MEANING OF DIVROCE IN DREAM   Sometimes, a divorce dream can indicate a deep longing for freedom and liberation. Perhaps you feel restricted or trapped in your life and long for change. You may need to break away from old patterns or relationships to give your life a new direction.   A divorce dream can also indicate fear of change and uncertainty about the future. There may be major changes in your life that will make you feel insecure and anxious.   It is important to remember that change is necessary to achieve personal growth and that you have the ability to adapt to new situations. If you are in the process of, or have recovered from an actual divorce, your brain may be in your sleep state processing the separation process. In this case, your dream about divorce can be a form of temptation.   Dreaming about divorce can be a sign of a difficult period in your life. It may indicate that you are feeling overwhelmed by stress, fear, or anxiety. It could also be a sign that you are feeling disconnected from your partner or from yourself.   The dream may be trying to tell you something about your current situation or about yourself. Maybe you are not doing something right or your partner is trying to divorce you.   If you are filled with negative emotions such as sadness, anger, or fear, it may be a sign oof marital problem.  It could also be a sign of serious conflict or misunderstanding with your lover.  However, if you are not married, the dream is telling you to pray more for your marital destiny.   To see your husband divorcing you in the dream, it may be a sign that your marriage will not last. Or the dream symbolize marital crisis that may lead to separation, division or divorce. Your husband has another woman. He’s trying to kick you out. If this is what you don’t want, check yourself and find out if you are the cause.   If you are also expecting him to issue you the paper, then it shows that you are already exhausted in the marriage and expecting the marriage collapse. If you are not emotionally strong as a man, it could break you to pieces.   To see your wife asking for divorce in the dream, it may tell you that she is already tired about the marriage with you.  She is not feeling happy. She has lost conenction with you. She feels both of you are not compartible. She wants everything to end and both of you should break up and move one. It’s possible that you could be the cause or that she has seen a better person. Pray.   If you are not emotionally strong as a man, it could break you to pieces. Divorce is a seed of destruction. Find ways to settle with her if this is possible.   To see someone else signing for divorce in the dream, it can mean that someone’s marriage is at the verge of collapsing. For example, the man is planning to chase her out of his house. Or the woman is given up with the man. She no longer enjoy her marriage again.  This dream is a way to let you know that someone you know is experiencing battles in his or her marriage at the moment.   If the person’s face is shown to you, then it is important you interceed for the person’s marriage. Pray that God should restore peace and settle their conflicts. The devil could be using any of them to scatter the marriage.   Divorce in the Bible is a sin and except any of the parties is committing adultery. A dream of divorce symbolizes fear, threat, insecurity, sorrow, regret and serious issue or blow against your marriage.   It is either both of you are not enjoying the marriage anymore and therefore wishes to proceed on divorce as the matter get worsen. Divorce always lead to regret of your action and shame. Divorce in the dream is about your fears about separation from your lover.   On the other hand, this dream can also have positive meanings. It could mean that you want to break free from negative things or people that are holding you back or weighing you down. It could also indicate that you are ready to move on from the past and start a new chapter in your life. Divorce is a legal and emotional process of ending a marriage, often involving feelings of loss, grief, and separation.     When it comes to dreaming about being divorced specifically, this could represent your  fear of losing a significant relationship in your life. It may indicate that you are feeling uncertain or anxious about the future of your current relationship, or that you are grappling with unresolved feelings from a past breakup or

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