Dreams & Deliverance Ministries


Dream Meaning

Dream Of Mansion

Dream Of Mansion

Dream Of Mansion.   JOHN 14:2-3 2 In my Father’s house are many mansions: if it were not so, I would have told you. I am going to prepare a place for you. 3 And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again, and receive you unto myself; that where I am, there ye may be also.   PRAYER: My father, turn your good revelation in my life to great testimonies in Jesus’ name   Dreaming of a mansion may represent a new opportunity, a new beginning, career, advancement, and success await you. A beautiful mansion in a dream symbolizes wealth, prosperity, and progress. The dream may also be a sign that you are feeling secure and safe in your current environment. A dream about a mansion could signify your ambition and aspiration for something unique in life. The mansion could be a motivational factor to achieve your goals. The dream of being in a mansion is good news about success, wealth, power, confidence, and respect.   If you dream of being in a mansion, it may represent your desire for luxury and comfort. You may be seeking a higher status in society or striving for success in your career. A mansion in a dream represents one’s dreams and goals in life. It may foretell a brighter future ahead. If you find yourself inside the mansion in your dream, it may indicate that you are doing well in your waking life. This dream may mean that you want power and position and therefore, it can be seen as a warning to stay in control of your ambition because it could help you achieve a big dream. Dreaming of a mansion means that you will soon be happy in life.   The dream of a mansion with many rooms indicates that there are many opportunities and possibilities available for you. Alternatively, the dream could represent a desire for more space or freedom in your personal life. If you dream of a mansion, it’s time to examine your life’s direction and make goals that will align with your desires. If the mansion is in a dilapidated state, it may be a time to work on your self-improvement and a warning to distance yourself from things that don’t serve you well.   The dream of seeing or being in a mansion means that you are in a place of opportunity, honor, and respect. The dream also indicates that you are looking to advance in your career or earn a promotion. To dream of visiting a mansion can represent one’s desire to live a good life. To dream of buying a mansion can indicate success and financial investment. You want to be recognized and respected, you want to be seen as a successful person by others, or you want to make an impression on those around you.   It could also be a sign that you want to show off your wealth and status. To dream of an empty mansion, may indicate that you need a good and quiet place where you can carry out your purpose. In the bible, a mansion represents luck with material wealth or that you will soon achieve a high level of success. A house symbolizes paradise, heaven, or the presence of God, or the dream could be a sign that you are on the right track in life. So keep up the good work and don’t let anything discourage you from achieving your dreams. If you have been experiencing hardship or difficulties in your life, dreaming about a mansion could be a way to give you hope and also remind you of better things ahead. Take action and improve your current situation. Dreaming about a mansion signifies that you are going to meet successful people soon.   PRAYERS Father, perfect your good works in my life in Jesus name Power to do and attract success, possess me now in Jesus’ name Father, give me the grace to give thanks to you at all times in Jesus name I receive the grace of being wealthy Powers using poverty and sickness to dominate my life, you have failed in Jesus’ name O God, give me the grace to start and finish great projects for you in Jesus’ name.

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Dream Of Someone’s Soul Being Taken.

Dream Of Someone’s Soul Being Taken.

Dream Of Someone’s Soul Being Taken.  EZEKIEL 8:3  And he put forth the form of a hand, and took me by a lock of mine head; and the spirit lifted me between the earth and the heaven, and brought me in the visions of God to Jerusalem, to the door of the inner gate that looketh toward the north; where was the seat of the image of jealousy, which provoketh to jealousy.   PRAYER: Powers that vowed never to let me rise, die in Jesus name   When a person dies, the soul leaves or departs immediately. Nobody knows exactly where the soul goes after death. A dream about someone losing his or her soul can be disturbing and frightening. In the dream, the soul symbolizes a person’s life, glory, destiny, and star. A dream of someone’s soul being taken or manipulated is a very serious attack, it may reveal that someone is summoning you to the kingdom of darkness for spiritual attack and manipulation. The dream could also be a sign that someone is using your destiny through the use of charm. This dream can be a sign that devils have taken something from you in exchange for battles.   The devil plans to empty you and kill good things in your life. The devil is trying to take away your life or luck. A dream of your soul being taken by negative forces, means you are troubled. There is an enemy in your life subjecting your life to attacks and affliction. When you see someone’s soul being taken, it may mean that someone is currently in bondage. It reveals the enemy is using one’s glory for evil purposes. When the soul is taken and caged in the dream, it represents challenging times in one’s life. A soul being taken by someone in the dream is a sign that someone is using supernatural power to put a separation between you and success, between you and your loved ones.   Dream of the soul being taken represents a wandering soul, it can also foretell a feeling of powerlessness or lack of control in one’s life. It could indicate that one is feeling trapped or stuck in a situation or relationship which they cannot escape. In some cases, dreaming of one’s soul caged is a warning of delay, sickness, failure, limitation, and even death. A type of dream that indicates witchcraft imitation, bewitchment, and covenant with the devil. Seeing your soul leaving represents that someone is calling your name for evil maybe to kill you or render you useless in life. The occult has the power to call forth someone during sleep for astral purposes. A person’s soul or spirit can leave the physical body and be moving around traveling or going from one place to another.   The devil can be summoned and cage one’s soul, spirit, and even body just to prevent the person from fulfilling his purpose. If your soul leaves your body or someone’s soul is taken, it is a dream that requires serious warfare prayers, and deliverance. You need to call forth your lost soul under captivity to return to its original body. You need to revive anything dead in your life and cry out to God to restore your spiritual power. Send the fire of the Holy Ghost to dismantle the power of the occult over your life and destiny. Cover yourself and your loved ones with the blood of Jesus.   INSTRUCTION: Embark on 7days fasting and prayers from 6 am-6 pm   PRAYERS Every power summoning my glory for evil purpose be destroyed in Jesus’ name Every power assigned to take my life, you are a liar, die in Jesus’ name I break every power of astral projection and attacks in my life in Jesus’ name Every power fighting against my life, receive the judgment of God in Jesus’ name. Every familiar spirit steaming my virtues, release them and die in Jesus name All my blessings in the cage of familiar spirit, die in Jesus’ name Demonic voices saying no to my success and lifting, die suddenly in Jesus’ name.  

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Chicken Eggs Dream Meaning

Chicken Eggs Dream Meaning

Chicken Eggs Dream Meaning. ISAIAH 43:18-19 11 Put on the whole armour of God, that ye may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil. 12 For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.   PRAYER: I shall be celebrated this month in Jesus’ name   Chicken eggs in the dream can have a number of meanings chicken eggs symbolize abundance, new life, fertility, baby, luck and prosperity. It may also be a sign that good things are coming your way, you will have good opportunity that will surprisingly prosper you. A chicken eggs in the dream can be a sign that you are ready to change your life or prepare for a new phase in your life. It may also be a sign of unexpected breakthrough. A sign that your effort and hard work will yield good results. If you are expecting a baby, this dream is a confirmation that your baby is on its way to your womb, please do not give up. If you are married with children, this is a sign to watch over your children and protect them from external attacks.   The chicken signifies gain and money luck. For example, if you have invested in one project, be rest assured that you will reap massively. If you are into business, your business will boom. A frequent dream of seeing chicken eggs is a reminder that you will be rich and wealthy. The many of the chicken eggs shows that you will have live long on earth. Seeing a chicken laying eggs, it is a period of fruitfulness, gains, luck, prosperity and happiness in your life. If the chicken is hatching eggs, it represent new life or upcoming progress and achievement. If the chicken lost its egg, it is a symbol of loss, bad news or hard times in one’s home. If the eggs were found, it signifies surprisingly good news. In some culture, chicken eggs are considered a sign that you should be careful because something bad m9ght happen. It can also mean that you will face loss or difficulties.   Seeing chicken laying on eggs foretells that you should protect your treasures, your wealth, your children, marriage, career and business. Chicken eggs may also represent opportunities, new ideas and blessings that are in the process of developing. The chicken which lay eggs can symbolize nurturing or motherly care. The number of eggs in the dream can also be significant, if the chicken lay one egg, it signifies disappointment. If the chicken egg breaks pray against miscarriage, sickness or death on your children. If the eggs are more than two, you will surely have your prayer answered.   If the eggs are in a nest or surrounded by a protective environment, it can indicate a sense of safety and security in your life and destiny. To see chicken eggs may indicates that you are feeling hopeful and optimistic about the future. If you feel warned about the dream, it may indicate your fears about feelings of something bad coming. If the eggs are cracked, broken, rotten, it may also represent missed opportunities, disappointment or setbacks. If the eggs are fresh and clean, it may symbolize success, happiness, good health and brighter future.   In conclusion, chicken eggs can be signs of good things or bad things to come. Please pray for more deep revelation.   INSTRUCTION: 2 Corinthians 9:8, Deuteronomy 1:11, Deuteronomy 30:9, Psalm 92:12   PRAYER I declare that I shall be fruitful in all areas of my life in Jesus name Father, let my dreams and goals in life come to pass in Jesus name Shield me o Lord from the arrows that waste people’s potential in Jesus name I declare that I shall be favored by those who set their eyes on my today in Jesus name Father, grant me supernatural speed to achieve all my targets today in Jesus name I declare that I shall be successful in my undertaking in Jesus name.  

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Elephant Giving Birth Dream Meaning.

Elephant Giving Birth Dream Meaning

Elephant Giving Birth Dream Meaning.    GALATIANS 5:1  Stand fast therefore in the liberty wherewith Christ hath made us free, and be not entangled again with the yoke of bondage.   PRAYER: My father, open the doors of opportunity for me in Jesus name   A dream about an elephant giving birth can have different meanings depending on which aspect of the dream. It can indicate that something good is coming to you or that you will hear good news from your close associates. It can also signify pregnancy, child delivery, happiness, prosperity, and success. This dream can symbolize victory over the problems in your life. To see an elephant giving birth suggests someone will favor you. The dream could also mean that you are going to face a difficult situation but it will be overcome.   The dream could indicate that someone will experience a breakthrough. The dream can signify freedom from financial worries. If you are pregnant, seeing an elephant giving birth may suggest that you will give birth to a bouncing baby boy or a great child. Elephants giving birth to twins may signify a double blessing, luck, or baby twins to come shortly. If you see the baby elephant, it suggests that you shall be connected to high places. If the elephant gives birth to too many, it indicates that you are going to win the support of people concerning your worries. Seeing an elephant giving birth may symbolize a period of big surprise blessings to come. It may also symbolize the birth of a new family member or the strengthening of the family.   The dream may indicate that you will experience success in your projects. For others, an elephant giving birth May connotes that someone will be critically ill or lose important things in life. However, if you are calm, it may forecast an unexpected gain, and it may also mean good times ahead. If you see an elephant giving birth in front of you, it is good luck at work in your life. If the baby elephant dies in the dream, it indicates tough times ahead.   In conclusion, an elephant giving birth suggests achievement, success, and good news. It may also suggest impending disgrace, or loss of a precious thing or someone close to you.   PRAYER Power assigned to stop me, die in Jesus’ name My father, empower me to be a solution to this generation in Jesus name O God, help me to achieve tangible results in Jesus name Anyone planning evil against my life, backfire in Jesus name O Lord, my father, turn my life around and change my story for good in Jesus’ name I decree that I shall enjoy the fruits of my labor in Jesus name Witchcraft arrow fired to make me a nobody, backfire in Jesus’ name.

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Dream Of Lizard Falling On You

Dream Of Lizard Falling On You

Dream Of Lizard Falling On You.   DEUTERONOMY 3:22  Ye shall not fear them: for the Lord your God, he shall fight for you.   PRAYER: Every satanic lizard sent from evil altar to trouble me, backfire in Jesus’ name   Dream of a lizard falling on you is a bad omen, it represents bad news, health issues, accidents, poverty, stagnation, and downfall. It also suggests that someone close to you is harming you. The dream can mean that you are in a difficult situation. You will face rejection and disfavor. There will be problems in the family. It also means that you are under a witchcraft attack. The dream also means that you will be accused of something you did not do. When a lizard falls on your body, it is a warning to look out for potential danger and threats in your environment.   There could be someone in that area who does not wish to, so the lizard shows up to beware of that person. The dream may suggest a warning to be careful of powers or personality that may distract you from achieving success in your current pursuits. When a lizard falls on your body, it means that someone will have a conflict with you. If the lizard falls on your head it represents an attack on your glory, you may forget wonderful ideas and plans. If it falls on your back, then someone you trust will backstab you.   If the lizard falls on your shoulder, it suggests an obstacle or hindrance in your life. The sign could also tell you that someone is talking ill of you. It may also be a sign that you are an empty Christian whose spiritual life is under attack. Lizard falls on your body as a sign that God will expose the tactics of your enemies to you. Also, the dream is a sign that you will receive unexpected guests or that someone is likely to intrude into your privacy. If you have a person who always breaks your privacy, stop the person from visiting you, the person may want to bewitch you. Many people are evil. Be prayerful and vigilant of suspicious people in your life.   A lizard falling on your head shows that you are spiritually possessed by marine witchcraft. The powers are controlling your thoughts. If a lizard is hitting your body, it predicts death to come. You will fall sick if a lizard falls on your water or your legs. When you see a lizard or gecko on your body, it means that may suffer defeat and your expectations may fail as a result of awareness of the enemy. Rebuke the power of witchcraft in your life and scatter the evil plans against you. Break the evil covenant with the devil, and let the Holy Spirit chase away bad spirits or negative people in your life in Jesus’ name.   INSTRUCTION: Embark on 3days of fasting and prayers from 6 am to 6 pm. Pray against household enemies’ attacks   PRAYERS Every power magnetizing evil to me, loose in Jesus’ name Anything in my life that is giving the enemy power to attack me, come out and die in Jesus name Fire of God turn me to hot coals of fire to my enemies in Jesus’ name Every house where Satan is ruling in any area of my life, be dismantled in Jesus name I cast every masquerade friend around me in Jesus’ name I disgrace every marine power working against me in Jesus’ name Every effort of the enemy to manipulate me, die in Jesus’ name.

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Dream Of Eating Rice And Stew

Dream Of Eating Rice And Stew

Dream Of Eating Rice And Stew.    ISAIAH 54:15  Behold, they shall surely gather together, but not by me: whosoever shall gather together against thee shall fall for thy sake.   PRAYER: Ever problem turning to food for me to eat, I reject it in Jesus name   Eating rice and stew in a dream can be a symbol of joy, satisfaction, and fulfillment. It could also indicate that you will soon have something to celebrate. This dream can only represent your desire to eat rice and stew in your waking life. Your mind may be telling you to eat what your body demands. Dreaming of eating rice and stew may indicate nourishment, comfort, and abundance in your waking life. It could mean that God is about to bless you or that He is blessing you.   The dream of rice and stew implies that you will be blessed with a peaceful and prosperous life. Eating rice symbolizes good health, happiness, economic prosperity, and divine provision. This dream of eating rice signifies that you are going to experience a financial breakthrough. Similarly, stew is symbolic of comfort, safety, and protection.   If you eat rice and stew in a dream, it is a sign that your life will be filled with peace, happiness, and progress. The dream suggests that you should continue to work hard and maintain a positive attitude towards life. if you dream of eating rice and stew with others can indicate that you are going to enjoy good times with your friends and family. On the other hand, eating rice and stew can be a bad omen, it may represent a spiritual attack.   The devil is opening the door of sickness, weakness, failure, death, limitation, pollution, bewitchment, and hardship. The dream foretells an attack on your health, potential, and finances. It also implies that you should be careful of people who may want to serve you food that your spirit feels reluctant to eat. This dream may show that you have been caged and afflicted. You need to pray hard to purge out the evil arrow in your body.   If you are eating rice and stew in the dream and wake up to find rice in your mouth, it is a sign to let you know that you are under evil manipulations. Pray to cancel the arrow of death and loss. Eating rice and stew could symbolize that you are weak in the word of God and need to be stronger in faith.   In conclusion, a dream of eating rice and stew may foretell that you have a close person who is attacking you. Command the attack to backfire in Jesus’ name. Pray to break the covenant with the devil. Vomit out the evil food programmed in your life, you are restored in Jesus’ name   INSTRUCTION: Embark on 3 days of fasting and prayers from 6 am-6 pm   Take a little portion of anointing oil and drink it to neutralize the evil food in your life. (Read Isaiah 10:27)   PRAYERS Every evil food that I have eaten in the dream, come out in Jesus’ name Every sickness in my body through dreams, come out in Jesus name Every power that is using rice to abort my glory, die in Jesus’ name Anyone that wants to use rice to kill me, you are a liar, die in Jesus’ name O Lord, render the plans of the enemy over my life useless in Jesus’ name Every agenda of the enemy to destroy me, backfires in Jesus’ name O Lord save my health from the attack of the enemy in Jesus’ name.      

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Dream About Abhor.

Dream About Abhor

Dream About Abhor. PSALM 44:7  But thou hast saved us from our enemies, And hast put them to shame that hated us.     PRAYER: Angels of God, scatter all those plotting against my destiny in Jesus’ name.   A dream that you abhor someone means that you dislike that individual or something in your waking life. To dream that other people abhor you indicates that you are going to be hated by someone. To dream that you abhor a friend in the dream indicates that you need to be more honest about your feelings towards others. To be abhorred by women indicates that other people will see you as unfaithful and selfish in life. When you find something extremely distasteful in your dream, it is a warning of danger or difficult times.   If in your dream, you were hated by those you love, trust, depend on, confide in, or rely on, then it portends the devil trying to bring separation between you and them. Pray that your helpers should not look elsewhere when he or she sees you. If in your dream you abhor someone without a cause, it suggests warning against unnecessary interference in people’s affairs.   A dream in which you despise or detest someone indicates that you do not trust someone in your life. If others despise you, it can indicate feelings of insecurity, inferiority a lack of self-confidence, or a sign of feeling rejected or hated by others. If someone is abhorring you, you may have problems in your relationship with someone.   In conclusion, a dream of abhorring someone may represent your anger towards others. If they hate you, you will experience disappointment or attack from close associates.   INSTRUCTION: PSALM 40:15, JOB 8:22, PSALM 25:2, PSALM 35:2   PRAYER I reject shame, hatred, and rejection in my life in Jesus’ name My life refuse to accept failure in Jesus name Holy ghost fire, pass through my life and set me free in Jesus name O Lord, let the spirit of love and favor saturate me in Jesus’ name O Lord, deliver me from any curse hindering me in Jesus’ name.  

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Dream About Having Stomach Pain

Dream About Having Stomach Pain

Dream About Having Stomach Pain. REVELATION 21:4 And God shall wipe away all tears from their eyes; and there shall be no more death, neither sorrow, nor crying, neither shall there be any more. PRAYER: Every pain in my life, I command you to disappear in Jesus’ name.   What does it mean to have stomach or abdominal pain in the dream? A dream about stomach pain can indicate that you are feeling emotional pain or anxiety about something in life. It may be a signal that something is wrong with the physical body. The dream may be telling you to pay attention to your health, if the pain is severe, it is recommended to see a doctor to make sure you are in good health.   Having stomach pain in the dream could indicate that there may be a relationship or situation that bothers you a lot and makes you feel uncomfortable. The dream may indicate your desire for healing, peace, and happiness. The dream may be sending you a signal that you have eaten poisonous food that may be affecting the quality of your life. You may need to evacuate the trouble in your life through prayers. If you are having stomach pain, it is a sign that you need to watch what you eat. If you are seeking medical attention for the stomach pain in the dream, it could represent a desire for healing or a need to address an underlying issue in your waking life. The dream could be a sign that your body is trying to tell you to pay attention to your mental health and take some steps to alleviate stress, anxiety, or other negative emotions that are affecting you.   Stomach pain may symbolize financial difficulties or problems in your relationship. Having abdominal pain can represent a need for spiritual cleansing and protection. However, the dream of having stomach pain may indicate that you are about to experience some disappointment or setback in life. If you see someone having stomach cramps, it can indicate that someone is under pressure or stress in life. It could also mean that you worry about that person or have similar concerns for your own life.   To see someone having stomach pain, could mean that you or that person is feeling guilty or shamed. You may need to make amends for an action or seek forgiveness. Experiencing stomach pain in a dream could symbolize some sins in your life that you need to repent from totally before you can be free.   In conclusion, a dream of having stomach pain may be a sign of something good to come. It could be money, healing, pregnancy, peace, or favor. However, if you feel unstable by the dream, please pray to protect yourself from harm or attack.   INSTRUCTION: Pray on water by using Psalm 52 for cleansing and healing.   PRAYER I fire back every arrow fired against my health in Jesus’ name I refuse to fall under the manipulation of the wicked in Jesus’ name Father, take away my burdens and pains in Jesus name Holy Spirit enter my life and heal me in Jesus name O God arise and be the strength in my weakness in Jesus’ name Father, wash and cleanse me in Jesus name. Anything in my life eating my joy and peace, come out in Jesus’ name.  

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Dream About Abandoned Building.

Dream About Abandoned Building

Dream About Abandoned Building.  ISAIAH 61:7  For your shame ye shall have double; and for confusion, they shall rejoice in their portion: therefore in their land they shall possess the double:   PRAYER: Every power delaying my destiny, release me and die in Jesus’ name.   What does it mean to dream of seeing an abandoned house or building? A dream about an abandoned building can be a sign of feeling neglected or forgotten. It may be a reflection of your feelings of loneliness or isolation in your waking life. You may feel like you are not being seen or appreciated by those around you or not living up to your potential. Alternatively, it could also be a sign that you are ready to move on from something in your life that no longer serves you. The abandoned house in your dream could represent a situation left unresolved or neglected for too long. It could also be a sign that you need to take action and address something in your life that is giving you a serious concern. It would help if you let go of something in your life that is no longer serving you, such as an unhealthy relationship, job, or habit. If you have a family of your own, know that the devil wants to scatter it.   The dream may be telling you that you are under curses of rejection, shame, and failure. The abandoned house may be a sign that there is no love, unity, and harmony in the family.  The dream of seeing an abandoned house can also be a sign of fear, insecurity, and stagnation. You may be wondering why you are not growing or making significant progress. The dream could be a sign of a home problem. The sign could be telling you that the glory of God has departed from one’s life. The abandoned building could be a sign that you are feeling disconnected from yourself and others, and you need to take some time to associate with people who value you. If you find yourself in an abandoned house, it can be a sign of hard times in one’s life.   You are trying to survive through those problems, you feel like nobody loves you because of the state of your situation, and you feel hated and rejected by close associates. If the abandoned house in your dream is scary, it can be a warning potential, danger, or threat. It is a sign to warn you about some houses with bad foundations. The abandoned house can represent a strongman waiting to trap one’s glory into difficulty. Maybe there is something that you feel threatens you or creates an uncertain future. You need to be vigilant and be very careful. You may be going through challenges that make you feel like you don’t have a stable and strong foundation. The abandoned house may represent one’s situation in life, you may have lost connection with good friends.   The dream may be a sign that you are feeling stagnated in life and you need to make some changes to move forward. For some people, the dream of being in an abandoned building is a warning to pay attention to your health, relationships, and spiritual life. You may also be feeling abandoned by God or by important people. You are not happy with the financial challenges in your life. If you are currently building in real life, this dream can represent a satanic attempt to attack your property and finances. The dream is also a pointer to financial struggle, mental attacks, relationship, problems, and setbacks in one’s life.   In conclusion, this dream can be a sign to encourage you to repair your foundation, clear away obstacles in your life, and be happy with yourself.   Declare to yourself 3times: wherever I have been rejected, I shall be accepted in Jesus name   INSTRUCTION: Embark on 3days fasting and prayer from 6 am-6 pm   Read; Psalm 11:3, Isaiah 50:7, 2 Corinthians 5:17.   PRAYERS Every dream of demotion and marital problems, be nullified in Jesus name Every spirit of rejection, hatred, and shame in my life, be nullified in Jesus name Every evil potter of struggle, failure, and poverty in my family, break and die in Jesus name Every covenant of darkness that holds me captive, break in Jesus’ name Every arrow of profitless hard work in my life dies in Jesus’ name Every demonic dream hindering my greatness, expire in Jesus name Powers making me scatter in life, die in Jesus’ name.      

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Dream About Adam And Eve

Dream About Adam And Eve

Dream About Adam And Eve. GENESIS 3: 6-8  6 And when the woman saw that the tree was good for food and that it was pleasant to the eyes, and a tree to be desired to make one wise, she took of the fruit thereof, and did eat, and gave also unto her husband with her, and he did eat. 7 And the eyes of them both were opened, and they knew that they were naked, and they sewed fig leaves together, and made themselves aprons. 8 And they heard the voice of the Lord God walking in the garden in the cool of the day: and Adam and his wife hid themselves from the presence of the Lord God amongst the trees of the garden.   PRAYER: Father, give me wisdom to solve issues in my marriage in Jesus’ name   A dream of seeing Adam and Eve can have several meanings. It can represent an omen where you are trying to reflect on your past life, start from scratch, or a need to rebuild your life. It can also be a warning sign to think carefully about who to marry. The dram can be a sign to warn you to be careful of what you eat, the people you associate with, and the voice you hear. A dream of seeing Adam and Eve may be associated with love, relationship, and marriage.   Adam and Eve in a dream can also be a warning of death, temptation, and lust. If you are a man, this dream can also signify a need to focus on your goals and never allow anything or anyone to distract you. Being a man, the dream can also tell you that a woman will entice you to sin, a woman will like to control and manipulate you. On the other hand, if you are a woman and you come across this dream, if you are not married in real life, it shows that you will marry, and when you marry, you should be spiritually strong so that the enemy will not attack your marriage through you. When you dream about Adam and Eve, it is a sign that God has been telling you to do something in life, but because you did not obey the voice, you end up following the voice of the devil or the wrong advice.   Adam and Eve represent power, authority, dominion, fruitfulness, abundance, good health, success, and new life. When you see Adam and Eve naked in a dream, it is a sign of trouble, attack, and punishment from God. For others, this dream may symbolize upcoming happiness, riches, and wealth. If you meet Adam and Eve, God will connect you with important people in life. To dream of Adam and Eve eating apples is a warning of death, temptation, and sin that brings down a man. If Adam and Eve are making love, it means someone is likely to tempt you or corrupt your mind. If you dream of Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden, it means God will bless you with a good home full of joy, riches, wealth, peace, good health, and long life. To see Adam and Eve being sent out of the Garden of Eden is a warning not to grieve the heart of God with your sin and blasphemy. To see Eve pregnant symbolizes good things to come, such dreams predict happy moments in life. To see only Adam in the Garden of Eden, represents loneliness, depression, insecurity, fear, and lack of relationship or connection.   Seeing Adam and Eve in a dream means hardship caused by one’s wife or children. If a woman sees Eve in her dream, it means that she will create hardship for her husband because of her relationship with someone else. A dream about seeing Adam and Eve is a warning of attack to come. If a man sees Eve in a dream, it means that he may be deceived by a woman. If you see them wearing clothes, it refers to protection from shame. If Adam and Eve are looking at you, it denotes that someone is studying you. If Adam and Eve are in your house, it means that you need to build a stronger relationship with God. To see Adam and Eve making love may suggest a lustful decision. You need to be careful of temptation.   In conclusion, the dream of Adam and Eve may represent a new beginning, others can point to backwardness, stagnation, and struggle. Way out! Be born again, repent from sin, hearken and obey God’s voice, resist any temptation in your life, silence the voice of darkness misleading you, and protect your marriage against any intruders, may God arise and kill that serpent attacking our lives in Jesus name   BIBLICAL REFERENCES: Genesis 1:26, Genesis 2, Genesis 3   PRAYER Father, have mercy on me and forgive me of my sins in Jesus name I break the power of sin and temptation in my life in Jesus’ name Father, help me to hearken to your voice and obey you in Jesus name Father Lord, bless me with fruitfulness and give me dominion over situations in Jesus name I silence every voice of the devil misleading me in Jesus’ name Serpent of darkness in the garden of my life, die in Jesus name Oh Lord, cover my nakedness by the power of your mercy and grace in Jesus’ name.    

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