Dream Of Teeth Falling Out

Dream Of Teeth Falling Out

Dream Of Teeth Falling Out Everything seems fine until you suddenly notice that some of your teeth are becoming loose and starting to fall out of your gums. You desperately hope that your other teeth are still intact but then they start to wobble too. It may be that you spit out your teeth as your mouth fills up with blood, or perhaps your teeth crumble into powder.   You might also find yourself looking in the mirror and realizing your teeth are badly decayed. When you dream about your teeth, you are usually considering how confident and powerful you feel in waking life. You show your teeth when you smile and when you bite, and so they often reflect how self-assured and assertive you are feeling.   Losing your teeth indicates something is challenging you and causing you to lose confidence in your ability to deal with it. Like teeth dropping out one by one, receiving a knock to your confidence in one area of your life can often cause you to lose nerve in other areas of your life. Your self-assurance begins to wobble and you often find it easier to just keep your mouth shut rather than speak up for yourself.   Crumbling teeth show that your confidence is being eroded because you aren’t taking care of your self-esteem and if your teeth are decaying, then you feel that your power is somehow fading away. A loose filling suggests you are no longer filled with confidence and bleeding tooth sockets indicate tension in a close relationship is somehow wounding your self-esteem and you are letting your self-worth just leak away. If you are wearing a brace, then you are trying to maintain your confidence using external support.   The message from this dream is that you should be more confident in whatever situation is currently challenging you in your waking life. Although you may feel powerless in the face of adversity, you can often change the balance of power by just acting in a more self-assured manner. The more confident that you appear then the more likely you are to succeed in overcoming any difficulties.

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