Dreams & Deliverance Ministries


Signs of Evil Monitoring Spirit



”And it came to pass, as we went to prayer, a certain damsel possessed with a spirit of divination met us, which brought her masters much gain by soothsaying: The same followed Paul and us, and cried, saying, These men are the servants of the most high God, which shew unto us the way of salvation. And this did she many days. But Paul, being grieved, turned and said to the spirit, I command thee in the name of Jesus Christ to come out of her. And he came out the same hour.” – Acts 16:16-18,


A “monitoring spirit” represents an evil spirit or demon that “monitors” someone’s behavior in order to inflict harm or pain on that person’s life, a monitoring spirit is also known as a watcher or a masquerading spirit.


Monitoring spirit can be sent by another demon, a witch, or anyone who knows how to use the spirit world. The spirits are said to keep an eye on what you do, how you do it, what you say, and who your friends are.


They are there to get information that will help them carry out spiritual attacks, steal blessings, infect with sickness, sabotage success, and generally mess with the victim’s life. There are people who are in covenant with the devil and are empowered by the devil to monitor people’s lives. With the help of the devil, they discover people’s destiny and God’s plans for a person, family, community, group, city, or nation, for a single purpose: to divert, destroy, kill, or transfer people’s goodness.


Likewise, others, who are not born again (sinners), consult such satanic agents to discover people’s destiny in order to waste them. They achieve the following through the use of: divination, enchantments, charms, summoning evil spirits, consultation with familiar spirits, witchcraft, or necromancy.


Whether you like it or not, believe it or not, there are agents of the devil who hates you and are determined to kill you, harm you, destroy you or keep you under a particular problem, (shame or reproach) to the day you will leave this world, (the day of death and burial). They can invoke evil spirit with a particular problem to attack you, continue to attack you and to live with you, kill you or torment you; to reduce you to a walking corps without solution unto the day of your death and burial before returning to their kingdom.


A determined enemy, household witch or wizard can pay any price to monitor your destiny, the secrets of your progress, happiness, joy in your marriage anything that makes you happy for the purpose of destroying them. And so, when you win a single battle, it is good to rejoice, testify but don’t forget that Christian life is likened to fighting, wrestling and warfare against an uncompromising enemy.


People in your life may be gathering information about you in order to use it against you or pass it on to others who will use it against you. Working against your children, your ministry, your finances, your business, your marriage, and even your health is a bad idea. Whatever the case may be, they are not on your side. They are constantly inquisitive about your activities. Maintaining a record of your progress.


Have you ever wondered why you’re having the same problem over and over again? The same problems keep cropping up. It’s almost as if you’re having a deja vu moment? You always seem to lose your job around the same time of year. You go through a cycle of going up and then down. There appears to be a pattern to your life. Well, it’s possible that you have a monitoring spirit watching your every move to ensure that you never arrive. You’re almost there, but not quite. It’s a close call, a narrowly missed success!


As a child of God, when you begin to seek a way to harm another child of God, the demons or spirit of evil will possess you. At that point, he can still see, but the spirit in you only seeks to destroy and discover secrets for the purpose of not obeying God but destroying God’s purpose. When the children of Israel left Egypt, God commanded them not to fight or think of taking the land of Moab because the land had been given to their father, Lot, by God. In obedience, they decided to just pass through their highways without a fight.





  • Surrender your life to Jesus.
  • Renounce the power of familiar spirits.
  • Barricade your life.
  • Pray against the familiar spirits.
  • Get your deliverance done.



Take these prayers


1. Every monitoring power working against God’s promises for my life, roast by fire, in the name of Jesus.


2. Any evil power monitoring my progress, go blind in the name of Jesus. You follow-follow spirit depart from me in the name of Jesus


3. Any wicked power monitoring me in order to destroy my destiny, you are a liar, die in the name of Jesus.


4. Blood of Jesus, cancel every initiation of monitoring spirits against my destiny, in the name of Jesus.


5. Every fetish power against my destiny, catch fire, in the name of Jesus. You evil monitoring seed planted into my life, die in the Name of Jesus


6. Every power monitoring my life for evil, die by fire, in Jesus name.


7. Evil mirror monitoring my life, scatter by FIRE! In the name of JESUS! Thou monitoring spirit in me, you shall control me no more, in Jesus name.


8. O God, blind the eyes of my enemies against my success, in the name of Jesus. I deliver my soul from every bewitchment of familiar spirit, in the name of Jesus.


9. Powers from my village transforming into birds to attack me, scatter by fire in the name of Jesus Monitoring agents, become blind, deaf and dump, in Jesus name.


10. From henceforth, whether the enemy likes it or not, my life must make a meaning, in the name of Jesus.


11. Voice of the Almighty God scatter every evil gathering seeking my downfall in the name of Jesus.


12. My glory become hidden to my enemies, in the name of Jesus.


13. Strongholds of darkness sponsoring evil spirits to monitor my marriage, I command you to be destroyed now in the mighty name of Jesus.






A lot of people are monitored everywhere they go. Some animals also monitors people like a stubborn personality. Evil monitoring is a big business for many people. The monitoring powers are only interested in your failure and break down at the edge of breakthrough.


The enemy can only monitor you when you have the potential of becoming great or in most cases, when you are already captured. A person may have the strong feeling of being monitored by evil spirits. Sometimes, you can never know their origin or source but as a sensitive Christian, you will know through prayers of inquiry. Do you know that God can also monitor his children? The spirit of God is a good monitoring (Psalm 121:5)!


In the course of this teaching, you should be able to know how a person can be monitored. By the grace of God, I would explain the practical ways between the divine and satanic monitoring spirits. Monitoring Spirit is a weapon of witchcraft attack that manipulates its victim. Problems started when a person or a certain forces of darkness is monitoring you.


Anytime a person makes a move not a wide move, there will be great hinderance. That’s why we have many great destinies crawling when they should be making good advancement and wonderful prosperity. The best example is of the armed robbery. I want to ask you a question: Can an armed robber attack a home without obtaining necessary information about the person or house? Without any controversy, a good monitoring is a way of correcting a person.




There are many instances of people or animals the devil can use to monitor you.


These includes

Human beings:
Your parents, your friends, your relatives, your co-workers, your landlord, your cousins, your wife, your husband etc.


Animal such as:
Birds, lizards, wall gaekko, rat, vulture, flies, snakes, cockroach, etc


Dream such as:
Sexual dream, eating in the dream, being pursued in the dream, talking to a dead person, climbing a mountain without getting there, dogs attack, snake dream, seeing yourself in your formal house and school, Being in a wedding without the bride, counting dirty money in the dream, dream of cobweb, seeing nakedness.


For example, if a man of God told you that your partner has been monitoring you for evil, thereby siphoning and caging your benefits in the satanic coven. I am very sure that you will be surprised at the shocking revelation. If you are not careful enough, you can almost insult the pastor behind him.


Of course. the ignorance ones who are not grounded spiritually would easily reject the vision by saying this: ”My wife or husband cant monitor me. She is a good Christian. She is also a hardworking woman. In fact she is a prayer warrior. She does not have the time for all that. How sad! The Bible says, ignorance is a disease that kills faster than a kidney problem.



Monitoring Spirit And The Feelings

The world that we live in has become an habitation of the wicked (Nahum 3:1). It is a world full of surprises and strange stories. If you do not believe it, just go to a marketplace and you will make your own personal findings about people’s attitude.


No where some people go, they would surely be hated and have the feeling of being observed, watched or monitored somewhere by the wicked personality. It is either they develop goose pimples on their body as parts of the signs and while others may not. When you don’t have a glorious destiny, the enemy would not waste his precious time monitoring you. Did King Herod not monitor Jesus?


Monitoring spirit can sparked out of jealousy, envy and hatred for a person. It can generate from your local environment and in the place of your career. One can also be monitored from the evil mirror, evil pot, waters, footprint, and from the waters.


All those who have incision programmed on their body or involved in some rituals of a cult or made some vows or commitment to a spiritual house can be monitored. People are under evil monitoring are known as a scapegoat in the witchcraft world.


These are people that can no longer fulfill their real purpose on earth again. They often experience failure, stagnation, hatred, promise and fail, ill-luck, spirit of dishonour and frustration, debt, sickness etc. The evil spirit can be used as a weapon of delay for marriages, child bearing, promotion at work and so on.


What a funny world! A pastor who is also suffering from evil monitoring spirit in his father’s house or mother’s house, all of a sudden he would see a vision for his member that they are being monitored by so so person and thereby collecting ignorance seed from them. It’s so laughable!


When he cannot deliver himself. How possible can he deliver others. Life has become war for some people. War is now becoming an unfinished battles for many. Some people have become a sweet prey to the devil.


I’ve been receiving some positive commendation from good followers of this ministry. The commendation came in separate content for revealing some deep mysteries and exposing the meaning of dreams. As a young man who’s still coming up and even learning spiritual things the hard way. Within a short time, God has used me to expose the kingdom of darkness with God’s word (Light).


Without anything, if God should open your eyes to see the number of people that are under evil monitoring demons, or possibly the people that are following and monitoring you, don’t be surprised, you will shout aloud and wont be able to close your mouth again. Because what you will see shall marvel you.



Evil Monitoring Using Non-Living Things


The enemy can use casket to monitor a person spiritually. The enemy can use your cloth to monitor you. The enemy can use your own shadow to monitor you. It is possible for the devil to use your house to monitor you. The enemy can use your trained domestic animal to monitor you.


They can use the stars, moon or sun. Oh my God, the enemy can use your baby toy to achieve their purpose. For example. If you live in a demonic house whose foundation is bad and wicked, there would be perverse evil monitoring of tenants in that house. They can also use the wall of your house to monitor you. They can also monitor you from your bed. There are some monitoring demons that monitor a person every night. Whenever they sleep or take a short nap that’s when they have a feeling of a strange woman watching them. Other couples are watched during sexual intercourse.


Remember one of their aims is to make life miserable for you. Animal such as bird, dog and snake can monitor people well, particularly the most common one is bird. Because it has wings to fly from a distance. This is a serious problem.


Some people keep running from pillar to post seeking for deliverance. One clear example about monitoring spirit are enemy of progress. If you have enemy of progress, then it should have people who is planning to pull you down and bring you down to zero background. If possible, they can collide with or hire some people to come and rob you at night. To steal your money and other properties.,When a person hates you for example, it is possible for such a person to work against you and any person that has the confidence to destroy you can be termed a wicked agent.


Scriptures used for this prayer: Isaiah 54:15, Psalm 17:8, Isaiah 4:5, Job 1:10, Psalm 119:98, Matthew 15:13, Exodus 12:7,13, Psalm 23:6.




1. When you are having a feeling of a stranger in your house.

2. When something often falls down from your hands carelessly.

3. When you see things changing it’s position in your house even when no one is living with you.

4. When your neighbour is listening to your phoney conversation.

5. When your neighbours can conveniently tell your friends the types of clothes you normally wear every week. And they will guess right.

6. When people hate you for no reason in the family.

7. When your mother is calling you a witch.

8. When you are emitting strange body odour

9. When there is an unexplainable holes in your shoes.

10. When a person does not know how he spend his money.

11. When a person often see strange spirit sucking her breast.

12. When a person gets to an ATM machine on Friday, and planning to withdraw some certain amount of money to pay up his debt, only to discover that the machine swallowed his card

13. When a person always see a particular bird or creature following him.

14. When a person goes out by mistake with a different shoes on his legs.

15. When an animal mistakenly enters your room and steal something.

16. When you are sweating profusely during job interview.

17. When you get more attacks during prayers.

18. When you often experience miscarriages.

19. When you are in one spot for many years despite your exposure and connection

20. When you are always spending your money on sickness.

21. When your drugs can no longer cure your sickness.

22. When you do not have plans or goals in life.

23. When you are having a feeling that there is an invisible and unclean power inside you.

24. When your condition does not even show like a person who is looking for a job.

25. When you experience disappointment at the edge of breakthrough.

26. When people takes credit for your good works.

27. When you experience difficulties and challenges.

28. When all your siblings are married but only you is left behind.

29. When you are wandering around moving from street to street, road to roads, community to community. That is, walking aimlessly.

30. When you are going to a particular place but your friends diverted or discouraged you.

31. When you go to the university, only to come back and be working as a slave.

32. When God asked you to do something but you say No it is the devil’s voice. When you cannot even explain what’s wrong with your life.

33. When you fall from grace to grass (a high degree of poverty/begging)

34. When they promise to help you, but on that very day, they failed. (It’s not their fault but yours)


35. When you marry the wrong man or woman.

36. When you park into a new house only to discover that the landlord hates you for no reason.


37. When favour or good things stops at your turn.

38. When you keep doing the wrong things.

39. When your period or menses are always not regular.

40. When you have a feeling like someone is watching you.

41. When someone calls to ask you what are you doing especially when you are trying to travel abroad or achieve a big thing.

42. When you feel like jumping into the river, lagoon. (This normally happened in Lagos, Nigeria, where you hear stories of people jumping into the sea)

43. When you are harbouring suicidal thoughts.

44. When rat jumped into your bed.

45. When you see cockroach, ants moving around your body persistently.

46. When you feel like moving, but you are afraid.

47. When people can easily predict your next statement or your future.

48. When you notice a disturbing marks on your body.


49. When you see a person or animal pursuing you in the dream.


50. When a person’s name keep appearing in your mind.


They monitor people who are carrying the glory of the Lord in their lives. They also monitor people who appear to be a threat to their kingdom. They monitored Jesus through the stars. Do you know you are more powerful than your enemies? The Bible said that He that is in us is greater than he that is in the world. If you do what I will tell you here, fire will fall from the throne of God and devour every demonic spirit that they are using to monitor your life. They monitor people to know their plans so that they can scatter them; they also monitor people to see what’s new in their lives so that they can steal from them.


I declare in the name of the Lord that they will never be able to steal from you again. May the LORD judge your monitors with permanent blindness, in the name of Jesus.





1. Any evil man or woman sitting on my head, be unseated by fire in the name of Jesus


2. Powers that says, it shall not be well with me, die in the name of Jesus.


3. Envious witchcraft making incantation at midnight to cage my glory, advancement, you my angel go and kill them in Jesus name.


4. My hidden enemies, be silenced by the angel of God in Jesus name.


5. Every stubborn monitoring demon assigned to glue himself to my glory, catch fire, in Jesus name.


6. Whatever the enemy is using to monitor me in the kingdom of darkness, I set it ablaze by the fire of the Holy Ghost, in Jesus name.


7. Evil mirror, evil eyes monitoring my life, receive total blindness in Jesus name.


8. Idols in my foundation, that have vowed to make sure I remain like this, you my angel go and destroy them in Jesus name.


9. Satanic database containing my name, you my angel go and crash it, in Jesus name.


10. Destiny killers, my life is not your candidate, leave me and die, in Jesus name.


11. Every power assigned to divert my blessing, fail woefully, in Jesus name.


12. Thou dark mirror assigned to monitor me from the pit of darkness, break, in Jesus name. I shall not crawl where others are walking, in Jesus name.


13. Every remote control used in controlling my life, in Jesus name.


14. Every garment of darkness attracting early attacks into my life, catch fire, in Jesus name


15. Every dead spirit monitoring me for emptiness, receive fire, in Jesus name.


16. Every cobwebs in my life be consume by fire in the name of Jesus.


17. Any powers using cobweb to block my progress die in the name of Jesus.


18. Every agent of cobweb in my life fall down and die, in the name of Jesus.


19. Every satanic spider working against me fall down and die in the name of Jesus


20. Every cobweb in my head, hands, face, body, feet, mouth, be roasted by fire in the name of Jesus


21. Any witchcraft cobwebs attack in my life die in the name of Jesus


22. Any witchcraft cobwebs in my household catch fire Now In the name of Jesus


23. Any foundation Power manipulating my life with cobwebs die now with your cobwebs in the name of Jesus


24. Any cobwebs troubling my destiny, glory and Star die in the name of Jesus


25. Any power, man or woman troubling me with cobwebs die in the name of Jesus


26. Blood of Jesus purify me from every effects of demonic cobwebs in the name of Jesus


27. I break and loose myself from the prison of evil Spider in the name of Jesus


28. Any evil ever done to me through cobwebs attack be reverse now by fire in the name of Jesus.


29. Bondage of cobwebs in my life and family die in the name of Jesus


30. Every trap set for me by cobwebs catch your owner now in the name of Jesus


31. Any power that want to imprison my wealth die shamefully In the mighty name of Jesus


32. Any power blocking my physical and spiritual progress die now in the name of Jesus


33. Any attack on my destiny using cobwebs, scatter by fire in the name of Jesus


34. Every good things I have lost through cobwebs attacks, I reposes them now in the name of Jesus


35. O God arise by your mercy and settle me now in the name of Jesus


36. Household powers assigned to punish me because of my glory, expire by fire, in the name of Jesus.


37. Thank you Heavenly Father for answering my prayers in the name of Jesus


Evangelist Joshua Orekhie


ALTAR CALL: If you want to give your life to Christ; you want your sins forgiven; you want to become a child of God; you want to experience the realities of new birth; you want to make heaven; Or you were once saved and fell along the line, and now you want to rededicate your life to Christ… Then pray this short prayer of Faith Say it loud and mean it:

Lord Jesus, I surrender my life to you today. Forgive me my sins, wash me with your blood. I believe you died for me, on the third day you rose again that I may be justified. Right now, I believe that my sins are forgiven; I’m justified by your blood; I’m born-again; I’m saved; I’m a child of God; I’m free from the power of sin to serve the living God. Thank you Jesus for receiving me; thank you Jesus for restoring me; thank you Jesus for saving me

Thank God for the salvation of your soul. I congratulate you for the best decision of your life. If you just prayed the prayer of salvation online please send your testimonies and prayer request to info@dreamsdeliverance.org, +234 (909) 899-9992 OR +234 (809) 982-8623. To sow a seed, kindly go to our donation page. God bless you.

Evangelist Joshua Orekhie

Evangelist Joshua Orekhie serves as the president of Dreams and Deliverance Ministries, a religious organization focused on preaching the gospel of Jesus Christ, healing the brokenhearted, interpreting dreams with solutions, empowering people through prayer, and liberating them from all kinds of bondages (Luke 4:18).

Dreams and Deliverance Ministry (DDM)

A religious organization dedicated to spreading the gospel, offering spiritual healing, and delivering individuals from the bondage of satanic dreams.

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