Dreams & Deliverance Ministries


Dream Meaning

Seeing A Full Bright Moon.

Seeing A Full Bright Moon.

Seeing A Full Bright Moon.  Job 22:28  Thou shalt also decree a thing, and it shall be established unto thee: and the light shall shine upon thy ways.   Numbers 6:25-26 25 The Lord make his face shine upon thee, and be gracious unto thee: 26 The Lord lift up his countenance upon thee, and give thee peace.   Prayer: O Lord, shine your light upon my life and let my joy be full in the name of Jesus.   To dream of a full bright moon, stand as a symbol of divine light in my life. Seeing a full bright moon in the dream indicates that your glory will shine everywhere you go and people shall recognize the fruit and grace you carry. Seeing a bright moonlight is a sign of a brighter future and divine remembrance. Full moon. For some pregnant women, signify that they will have the pregnancy to term.   A bright full moon is a sign of divine protection in your life, a sign of a secret thing about to be revealed to you. Seeing a half moon is a symbol of new things about to emerge. It could be that something good or bad is coming. Study your emotions. To see a new moon signifies renewed hope and strength. A new moon is a symbol of positive changes. To see the yellow moon in the dream means everything will go as planned, a symbol of good luck. But the yellow moon can signify trouble for some people. Seeing a full bright moon means that something important will happen soon.   The moon gives direction at night. It means you will experience divine guidance and direction. To see a crescent moon, for some women, it is a sign of early pregnancy. The sign could be a warning for others to be alert and watchful of their environment. To see a full bright moon suggest God is speaking to you. Find time to pray, to connect to him. Seeing a full moon indicates a time to travel. However, the moon in your dream may also stand as a divine signal to be very careful of your secret and wicked act as the moon signifies that the eyes of heaven are watching you. Please repent and be safe. The moon may signify distraction and obstacles. If the moon goes dim, it may signify a season of affliction in your life. In conclusion, a Dream of full moonlight is a sign that you will excel, prosper, and succeed in your Endeavour if only you follow divine guidance for your life.   Instruction: psalm 121:6, proverbs 4:18, psalm 13:6-7-9, job 18:5, Jeremiah 31:35, psalm 72:5   PRAYERS My star shall arise and shine forth everywhere I go, in the name of Jesus. I am a shining light of God that shines brighter, in the name of Jesus. I declare that no power shall stop God’s plan for my life, in the name of Jesus. I declare that my joy shall be full, in the name of Jesus. I declare no power shall touch my star and go away with it, in the name of Jesus.

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dream about divorce meaning

Dream About Divorce Explanation

DREAM ABOUT DIVORCE MEANING   So many people are caught up in situations and conditions that make them shed secret tears. They have tasted the joys of union with a life partner, and then suddenly the story changes. Their joy is turned to sorrow, their pleasure to pain and the fun to frustration. Suddenly, it seems there’s no way out! Thank God in Christ, there is renewal and restoration.   When a couple divorces or separates, the honour that was formerly theirs in marriage is snatched away. The covering that was over them is thrown off; the hedge has been broken and anything negative can happen (Ecclesiastes 10:8). However, all hope is not lost, restoration to the place of honour is still possible.   When a couple divorces or separates, the honour that was formerly theirs in marriage is snatched away. The covering that was over them is thrown off; the hedge has been broken and anything negative can happen (Ecclesiastes 10:8). However, all hope is not lost, restoration to the place of honour is still possible.     MEANING OF DIVROCE IN DREAM   Sometimes, a divorce dream can indicate a deep longing for freedom and liberation. Perhaps you feel restricted or trapped in your life and long for change. You may need to break away from old patterns or relationships to give your life a new direction.   A divorce dream can also indicate fear of change and uncertainty about the future. There may be major changes in your life that will make you feel insecure and anxious.   It is important to remember that change is necessary to achieve personal growth and that you have the ability to adapt to new situations. If you are in the process of, or have recovered from an actual divorce, your brain may be in your sleep state processing the separation process. In this case, your dream about divorce can be a form of temptation.   Dreaming about divorce can be a sign of a difficult period in your life. It may indicate that you are feeling overwhelmed by stress, fear, or anxiety. It could also be a sign that you are feeling disconnected from your partner or from yourself.   The dream may be trying to tell you something about your current situation or about yourself. Maybe you are not doing something right or your partner is trying to divorce you.   If you are filled with negative emotions such as sadness, anger, or fear, it may be a sign oof marital problem.  It could also be a sign of serious conflict or misunderstanding with your lover.  However, if you are not married, the dream is telling you to pray more for your marital destiny.   To see your husband divorcing you in the dream, it may be a sign that your marriage will not last. Or the dream symbolize marital crisis that may lead to separation, division or divorce. Your husband has another woman. He’s trying to kick you out. If this is what you don’t want, check yourself and find out if you are the cause.   If you are also expecting him to issue you the paper, then it shows that you are already exhausted in the marriage and expecting the marriage collapse. If you are not emotionally strong as a man, it could break you to pieces.   To see your wife asking for divorce in the dream, it may tell you that she is already tired about the marriage with you.  She is not feeling happy. She has lost conenction with you. She feels both of you are not compartible. She wants everything to end and both of you should break up and move one. It’s possible that you could be the cause or that she has seen a better person. Pray.   If you are not emotionally strong as a man, it could break you to pieces. Divorce is a seed of destruction. Find ways to settle with her if this is possible.   To see someone else signing for divorce in the dream, it can mean that someone’s marriage is at the verge of collapsing. For example, the man is planning to chase her out of his house. Or the woman is given up with the man. She no longer enjoy her marriage again.  This dream is a way to let you know that someone you know is experiencing battles in his or her marriage at the moment.   If the person’s face is shown to you, then it is important you interceed for the person’s marriage. Pray that God should restore peace and settle their conflicts. The devil could be using any of them to scatter the marriage.   Divorce in the Bible is a sin and except any of the parties is committing adultery. A dream of divorce symbolizes fear, threat, insecurity, sorrow, regret and serious issue or blow against your marriage.   It is either both of you are not enjoying the marriage anymore and therefore wishes to proceed on divorce as the matter get worsen. Divorce always lead to regret of your action and shame. Divorce in the dream is about your fears about separation from your lover.   On the other hand, this dream can also have positive meanings. It could mean that you want to break free from negative things or people that are holding you back or weighing you down. It could also indicate that you are ready to move on from the past and start a new chapter in your life. Divorce is a legal and emotional process of ending a marriage, often involving feelings of loss, grief, and separation.     When it comes to dreaming about being divorced specifically, this could represent your  fear of losing a significant relationship in your life. It may indicate that you are feeling uncertain or anxious about the future of your current relationship, or that you are grappling with unresolved feelings from a past breakup or

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Dream Of Pastor Destroying Family Shrine

Dream Of Pastor Destroying Family Shrine

Dream Of Pastor Destroying Family Shrine Luke 4:18 The Spirit of the Lord is upon me because he hath anointed me to preach the gospel to the poor; he hath sent me to heal the brokenhearted, to preach deliverance to the captives, and recovering of sight to the blind, to set at liberty them that are bruised.   Prayer: The mighty hand of God breaks the evil yokes in my family, in the name of Jesus.   The family shrine is the power base of witchcraft in the family. Pastor in this dream context might represent an angel, light, or deliverer. To see a pastor destroying a shrine in your village represents the move of the power of God in your family. The pastor was sent by God to destroy the powers tormenting your family’s glory and set you free. This dream is a sign of family liberation and victory over evil foundation.   Seeing a pastor performing signs and wonders in your village could be a sign by God encouraging the family to call a man of God to do some prayer ritual on your foundation.  If the pastor tries to conduct deliverance on the family shrine, but the demons attack him, it means the family is in problem. This means the power will rage more against the family. If there is a shrine or altar in your family, if the family wants to see progress, that altar needs to be pulled down, destroyed, and set ablaze.   When this is successfully done by men of god in the dream or reality, be rest assured that there is going to be a new beginning in the family. There is going to be a massive breakthrough. All those who are cursed will suddenly see positive changes. A family shrine is a strong god that needs to be dismantled. May the lord give you the power to release yourself from collective bondage and covenant. The solution to this dream increase your prayer life. Concentrate your prayer target on your foundation. Hire some powerful men of God for family liberation; break any spells in your life. You are free.   Instruction: Go on 3 days of fasting and prayers 6 am-6 pm.   READ: Luke 10:19, Luke 4:18, Isaiah 10:27, Mathew 6:17, Ephesians 6:11-12, Revelation 12:11   PRAYERS Every altar in my village speaking against my progress, dies. Every demon in my foundation that has caged our progress, released us and died. The Holy Ghost arises and disconnects from me from the oppression of darkness. O God arise in your anger and silence any power operating at will on my family.    

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Seeing Black Mark On My Body

Seeing Black Mark On My Body

Seeing Black Mark On My Body  Galatians 6:17  From henceforth let no man trouble me: for I bear in my body the marks of the Lord Jesus.   Prayers: Every power of hatred and rejection in my life, die in the name of Jesus.   A black mark on the body might represent a mark of the devil, a mark of sin, a mark of affliction, a mark of rejection, a mark of hatred, a mark of death. If you see a black mark on your body, it means the handwritten darkness in your destiny. This mark may oppose every good thing in your life. For example, if you see a black mark or incision on your head, it represents a mark of hatred, disappointment, disfavor, or trouble.   If you see the mark on your body, it means that you have been initiated into witchcraft. This is a sign that shows that you are in trouble. Kindly meet a man of god for deliverance prayers. For example, seeing a black mark on your arm means your plan will fail. If you see a black mark on your hands, it means there is a curse on your hands. Pray to break that chain tying your hands of glory in the spiritual realm. If you are in a relationship, the mark brings disappointment and setbacks. If you are trying to go for an appointment, you will encounter an aborted appointment. If a woman has a black spot on her body, she will remain unmarried if she is not married.   Marks on your body will give other people a false impression about you. That is, some will say she is a witch. If you have this black spot on your body, that shows all those who promise to help you will fail you. If they eventually do, they will receive a strange attack and from there they will stop relating with you. Having an incision on your body indicates the fact that your way is blocked. In some cases, the black mark on your body represents a demonic mark to monitor you, to hinder you, to bring shame and reproach. Are you tired of living in frustration and disappointment, if you say, yes, you need to wipe off the black mark on your face with your hands and declare, I wipe off every evil mark placed on my body to trouble me.     Instruction: embark the prayers into 3 days of fasting from 6 am-3 pm. Command the mark to be erased, command the evil hands that put the mark on your body to run mad. Take this solution. Read Psalm 35 into the water, and bathe with it every day for 7 nights before you sleep. Having a practical constituency of this prayer will wipe off the spiritual mark, some will see the mark, and some will not see it.     PRAYERS Every mark of darkness in my body be wiped off by the blood of Jesus, in the name of Jesus. Every evil mark sent to push out the blessing of God from my life, die in the name of Jesus. Mark of the bewitchment of star in my body be wiped off, in the name of Jesus. My father, make my life too hot for the enemy to handle, in the name of Jesus. Every problem that refuses to depart from me, die in the name of Jesus.

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Dream Of Someone Touching My Stomach

Dream Of Someone Touching My Stomach

Dream Of Someone Touching My Stomach Mathew 15:13 But he answered and said, Every plant, which my heavenly Father hath not planted, shall be rooted up.   Prayers: Any evil hands manipulating me, wither in the name of Jesus.   Do you see someone touching or rubbing your stomach in the dream? Do you know the person or not or do you see another person touching someone’s stomach? The dream of someone touching your stomach might represent both positive and negative omen. It may symbolize cleansing, healing, and affection. When someone touches your stomach it might be a sign that someone is trying to encourage, comfort, and care about you.  This dream also entails that someone will help you. Or you will feel very happy and appreciated.   Touching or rubbing your stomach could be symbolic of many things. It could indicate someone is praying for you. Perhaps you see a pastor laying his hand to pray for you. When a stranger touches your stomach in a dream or reality, it’s a form of spiritual attack. If you are pregnant, the dream could be a sign that the enemy is terminating the pregnancy. if you expecting a child, that evil hand on your stomach is a sign of long-term childbearing issues. Bad people and demonic spirits can touch or rub their hands with your tummy, and they will carry out the power of exchange of virtues.   The dream could be warning you to be alert because someone is trying to harm you. When you dream of a stranger touching or rubbing something like a handkerchief on your stomach, it is a sign of evil plantation. This might be an attack to make you cry, block your joy, manipulate you, and afflict you with sickness, poverty, delay, and sorrow.   Seeing someone touching, you spiritually, means someone is stealing your blessing, it could be someone close to you who is the architect of the problem. This is a sign that your enemy wants to destroy you. That hand represents satanic charm used to trouble. Many people are presently in several attacks in one form or the other from the evil laying of hands. Evil hands can cause a lot of damage to one destiny. When you see an evil man/woman touching your stomach or rubbing your stomach with something, it’s clear that your enemy wants to introduce affliction into your life. Your enemies want to abort your goodness.   They want to transfer evil into your life. The evil laying hands is a satanic agenda to kill you, to divert your destiny, to waste your glory, to spoil your blessings, when you see someone touching another person’s stomach, it is a sign that someone you know is under the oppression of household wickedness and star killers. You need to pray to abort their operation.  Their evil hand can be used to manipulate people in bondage; they do everything possible to cast spells on people with their evil hands. As a man or woman, be very observant.   Nobody has the right to lay their hands on your stomach or the head of your children. Every time someone is doing it, then it’s likely the person is stealing your virtues. However, if you see yourself touching someone else stomach, it might reflect the love you have for that person, to ensure the person is okay. But if you rub his/her stomach with a handkerchief or charm, means you are envious and jealous of that person. Whenever you see someone touching your stomach, whether the person is good or not, pray. You need to protect yourself from evil manipulation and break evil cage holding you down.   Instruction: embark on 3days fasting and prayer 6am-3pm.   Bible references: John 10:10, Isaiah 54:15-17, luke10:19, psalm 21:11, Peter 5:8-9, Mathew 18:18   PRAYERS Power chanting incantation to magnet my virtues, die in the name of Jesus. Every evil work done on my body be revised by fire in the name of Jesus. Every claim planted in my body to abort my blessing, catch fire in the name of Jesus. Blood of Jesus, neutralize all evil arrows fire into my life in the name of Jesus. I cover myself and destiny with the blood of Jesus in the name of Jesus.

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Dream About Train Crash

Dream About Train Crash

Dream About Train Crash.  Psalm 23:4-6 4 Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil: for thou art with me; thy rod and thy staff they comfort me. 5 Thou preparest a table before me in the presence of mine enemies: thou anointest my head with oil; my cup runneth over. 6 Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life: and I will dwell in the house of the Lord forever.   Prayer:  Destroy killers I stop you before you stop me in the name of Jesus.   Did you see a train involved in a fatal accident? Did people die or sustain injuries: did you see yourself hit by a moving train?   A dream about a train accident is a sign of danger approaching. To see a train track in a dream signifies a link, journey, and movement. A train track may symbolize future ambitions. To see a train crash in a dream is a sign of a demonic attack against your career life. If many people die in the train crash, it is a warning to watch over your family. But if you died or sustained an injury in the collision, symbolizes tragedy to come. To see a train crash means something terrible is about to hit you. It could be in your career, ministry, marriage, etc. This dream could be warning you of a potential accident that you or your loved ones may face. To see a bus crashing into a moving train symbolizes a fatal attack that has been programmed for you, or your loved one shortly. It is a warning for you to always watch both sides before crossing or passing the rail track.   The dream could also be a hint that you should avoid travel at this time, or if you can take an alternative route. This dream could indicate taking a risk that is vulnerable to destroying you. Take extra-caution. To dream of surviving a train crash means that God is watching over you to avoid any danger assigned to locate you. You are being protected. It is good news that you will survive the problem. If someone knows surviving a train accident, signifies victory over death and illness.   When you witness a train accident, it is a sign for you to stay away from trouble. This dream can suggest some obstacles and disconnection to your life goals and dreams. A train crash is always a symbol of career/business failure. Sometimes, a dream of a train accident could be a warning sign that you are on the verge of losing track in life. Pray. A big train crashing may symbolize a leader of an industry will die because he failed to lead the people well. You are the head of an organization and people under you are complaining that they are not progressing, you pay less attention to their complaints. If many people are injured, it means you are likely to feel ill, or hurt by the action of others. A sign that you are going to hear bad news may be coming.  Your vehicle shall not encounter accidents of any sort. It’s well.   Instruction: if you are scared about this dream, go on 3days of fasting and prayer 6-12 pm   Bible References: Proverbs 3:5-6, proverbs 16:3, Isaiah 41:10, psalm 121:7-8, psalm 91, Joshua 1:5, psalm 37:23-24   PRAYERS Every vehicle accident waiting to kill me be cancelled, in the name of Jesus. Every power firing arrows of accident on my journey, backfire in the name of Jesus. Every power that wants to stop me to lose my track in life, die in the name of Jesus. Every power that want to stop me in my journey, die in the name of Jesus. I cover myself and loved ones in to the blood of Jesus, in the name of Jesus.  

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spiritual meaning of prisoner dreams

Prisoner Dream Meaning

Dream About Prisoner   Romans 5:18 says, “Therefore as by the offence of one judgment came upon all men to condemnation; even so by the righteousness of one the free gift came upon all men unto justification of life.” Jesus wasn’t only delivered on account of our sins, He was also raised for our justification (Romans 4:25).   Dreams about prisoners can have different meanings. They can indicate feelings of imprisonment, oppression and a lack of freedom in life. It can also mean that you are trapped in a situation that you cannot get out of.   Rescuing a prisoner in your dream can mean that you have found a way out of a difficult one escape from the situation or that you have freed some aspect of your life that was holding you back.   However, seeing yourself as a prisoner in dreams can mean that you feel trapped and that you can’t go any further to achieve your destiny. It is also important to pay attention to the type of prisoner you see in the dream. For example, if it is a criminal, it can mean that you are afraid of consequences or that you feel guilty.   Seeing a prisoner in a dream can also indicate your attitude towards authority and reflect punishment. You may feel insecure or scared when confronted with an authority figure or punishment. If you dream about a prisoner you should ask yourself: How did you felt in your dream? What kind of prisoner did you see? Did you free the prisoner or not? What are your thoughts after waking up through the mind?   Dreaming of seeing prisoners may represent your feelings of being trapped or confined in some aspect of your waking life. You may feel restricted in some way, whether be it in your personal relationships, work, or other areas of life.   The prisoners in your dream may also symbolize aspects of yourself that you feel are imprisoned or held back, such as your own thoughts, emotions, or desires. Alternatively, seeing prisoners in your dream may be telling you to be careful in life.  You may be trying to do something that you are about to regret or currently regretting.   If you dream about a prisoner, it could mean that someone you know is currently in bondage or in problems. It could also be a warning of a big case coming to mess up. Dreaming about a prisoner can also indicate that something in your life is under the grip of the enemy.   Therefore, you need to pray to loose yourself from the captivity.  The prisoner in your dream could also represent a false accusation or a warning to beware of false friends. The reason you are battling with a challenge is because someone is behind it.   If you are dreaming of a prisoner, it could also mean that your road is blocked and there is no alternative for your escape. If you are seen in the prison, it may also be a sign of being in a wrong location.   A wrong location that delay a person’s destiny. If this is true, then you need to plan how to move out of your present house. If you sense something bad is coming after your dream of seeing the prisoners, then you have to pray against it.   Many people are in prison for the crime they did not commit though lies and set up.  If you know that you have done something wrong, then this dream is more likely a warning to repent from your sin or otherwise you may face the punishment for your decisions or actions, be careful of what you say or do. Somebody is watching you.   Dream of seeing the prisoners or being in the prison can also symbolize abandonment, failure, shame, evil thoughts, condemnation, fear, insecurity, untimely death, limitation, ignorance and so on. In dreams, many of those that found themselves in the prison have actually seen the manifestation of the dream pushing them to physical prison due to their negligence.   Being in the prison does not also mean that you are going to end up your life in the prison, but the dream is a way to prepare you for a tough battle that you must fight.   Positive Interpretation: A prisoner dream could also mean that you are able to cope with your problems and free yourself from limiting factors. You may have the ability to overcome challenges and achieve your goals. Perhaps you feel stuck in a situation, a relationship, or a job, and you long to break free.   Alternatively, if you were visiting someone who was a prisoner, it could signify your desire to reach out to someone who needs your help or support. You may be feeling empathetic towards someone who is going through a difficult time and want to offer them comfort.   If the prisoner in your dream was yourself, it may be a reflection of guilt, shame, or a sense of moral responsibility for something you have done. It could also represent a fear of being punished or losing your freedom in some way.   In general, dreaming of a prisoner may be a reminder to examine your own personal freedom and to identify any areas in your life where you may feel confined or restricted.  May God intervene you in your case and be your voice where you have no voice. May He save and protect you from your enemies.   PRAYERS   1. Every power that does not want to see me around, fall down and die, in the name of Jesus.   2. My soul shall not see corruption of death through sickness, accident or calamity, in the name of Jesus.   3. I drink the blood of Jesus. Let the life in the blood of Jesus flow into every organ of my body, in the name of Jesus.   4. My blood, by the

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Dream About Flat Tyres

Dream About Flat Tyre

Dream About Flat Tyre. Judges 18:5-6 And they said unto him, Ask counsel, we pray thee, of God, that we may know whether our way which we go shall be prosperous.   Prayer:  I declare that all obstacles to my success, scatter by fire in the name of Jesus.   A tyre is a symbol of balancing, movement control, and direction. A flat tyre dream can represent insecurity, delay, and danger ahead. To dream of your car having a flat tyre, might be a warning sign that you are being hindered from carrying out your purpose. You are currently experiencing some sort of frustration, disappointment, and failure. Similarly, to dream about a flat tyre might be a sign from God to cancel that journey or to prevent you from embarking on that task, doing so, might be terrible; it may be that the holy spirit is trying to prevent you from accident, robbery attack or other circumstances ahead.   If you have a car in real life, this dream might be alerting you that your car is due for servicing and maintenance. You may need to check your tyres to see if it does not have issues. You may need to check your oil to see if it needs to change. Dream about flat tyres, the meaning may take many forms. It may be directed against your ministerial growth and progress. Having a flat tyre may represent a lack of control and difficulty in achieving your purpose. A dream about a flat tyre may suggest that it is time to be more careful in your intended action and decision.   Perhaps, the dream is prompting you to pray about delays and obstacles. Maybe you were considering going to achieve something and the dream is a way of showing you that you have enemies opposing your speedy acceleration to your dreams and goals. A dream of fixing a flat tyre may represent something in the dreamer’s life that needs to be fixed or addressed. The flat tyre may symbolize a problem or obstacle in ones that is hindering progress. Fixing a flat tyre suggests a solution to present issues. It shows you can achieve your goal in life.   If the tyres are not fixed, it may prevent the dreamer from achieving their goals. The problem can be small and easily fixable, or it may be more complicated and require more effort to resolve. If you are changing a tyre, it means that God is removing something that is delaying you and replacing it with something that will aid you in faster progress in life. Seeing a tyre in a dream is associated with the need to move on in life. To dream of a store tyre means someone deprives you of your career progress. To see your tyre punctured suggests that you are going to instability in some area of your life.   If adequate steps are not taken to address this, it may cause a tragic incident. Be careful sometimes, a dream of changing a flat tyre, may symbolize a need to change your job to a better one. Seeing a car flat tyre, is a sign to prepare you for the challenges you are going to face, and be ready to overcome it. If the car is caused by wear and tear, it means an attack ministry or your virtues.   A flat tyre may represent a man under a curse, or a man whose finance has been attacked. If the tyre cut while on motion. It means you will hear bad news. Dream of having flat tyre symbolizes feelings of anxiety or stress in regard to the upcoming event. Alternatively, this could be a warning to take things slowly and not overstress yourself. If you are a pastor, the dream could be a symbolic of attack against your anointing and your ministry. If you set a new tyre to replace it, it means you will experience positive changes and satisfaction. Tyre is a journey, may you get to your desired destination. Every power attacking the wheel of your progress shall die.   Instruction: Go on 2 days fasting and prayers 6am-6pm   Bible/ref:  psalm 37:23, psalm 86:11, psalm 32:8, psalm 121:7-8, proverbs 3:5-6, psalm 16:11, Romans 8:28, proverbs 16:3, Judges 18:5-6   PRAYERS Blood of Jesus nullify every plan of the wicked to stop me, in the name of Jesus. My vehicle of progress shall not stop until I get to my destination, in the name of Jesus. Every arrow hired into my vehicle tyres back fire, in the name of Jesus. I bind every power laying their hand on my vehicle for accident, in the name of Jesus. Father always preserve my going out and coming, in the name of Jesus  

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Dream Of Eating Fried Chicken

Dream Of Eating Fried Chicken

Dream Of Eating Fried Chicken   Prayers:  Father fill me with your blessings to satisfaction, in the name of Jesus.   In the dream world, people can eat anything. Dreaming of eating fried chicken may be a positive or negative omen, depending on your emotions. Dream of eating fried chicken may be a sign of divine provision with satisfaction. Maybe you are asking God to provide you with something, like money, this dream is a confirmation that the lord has granted your heart desires to satisfy.   Dream of eating fried chicken also signifies happiness, prosperity and profit, pleasure, enjoyment, and satisfaction. If you are single, the dream may be telling you that it is time to enjoy your single life and be friendly with others. If you are in a relationship, eating fried chicken symbolizes your contentment with your current partner. The dream may be telling you to focus on the positive aspects of your relationship.   Dream of eating fried chicken can also be a sign that you are comfortable with your current situation in life. Eating with family, can also symbolize a family gathering and before moving on the negative side, eating fried chicken may symbolize a demonic food prepared to cause you harm, once you eat the food., spiritually, it means that you are going to have with your health, you are going to have problem in progressing in life because of the spiritual load on your life.   The dream may be a warning of death that may happen if not now, but in the nearest future. You need to nullify a dream. Dream of eating chicken may also be a sign that you will easily fall into a satiric trap and be tempted to do something that may cause you serious issues, not your life. This dream could also symbolize something you enjoy in your life, but which may not be too good for you at the moment.   The dream could also be a warning to watch out for something or someone wanting to get your attention on something like investing in a business that may end up draining your finances. To dream of someone eating fried chicken, may indicate your desire to live a pleasant life. Perhaps, you love to be part of good things. Dreaming of eating fried chicken may signify better times ahead, or it warn you of possible trouble to come.   Instruction:  Go on 1 day fasting and prayers 6am-12pm   PRAYERS I shall laugh last over those despising me, in the name of Jesus. I move from suffering to glory, in the Jesus name. Affliction shall not write the last chapter of my life, in the name of Jesus. Holy Spirit purse out every satanic deposit in my body, in the name of Jesus. I declare that I shall eat the fruit of my labour, in the name of Jesus.  

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Dream About Mattress

Dream About Mattress

Dream About Mattress  Proverbs 3:24  When thou liest down, thou shalt not be afraid: yea, thou shalt lie down, and thy sleep shall be sweet.   Matthew 11:28 Come unto me, all ye that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest.   PRAYERS- Father, take away my worry and give me a sound mind, in the name of Jesus.   The mattress is a symbol of rest, sleep, and comfort. Seeing a mattress in a dream may symbolize a desire to rest or sleep. It can also indicate an enticement to have a sexual relationship. A mattress may signify a goal that you must achieve. A good mattress suggests a good life. Negatively; it might represent laziness, joblessness, weakness, procrastination, and delay. Sometimes, a mattress in a dream can be a sign to eliminate stress and improve your mental health.   To dream of a dirty mattress, suggests sickness, trouble, worry, and pains. To dream that you are sleeping in bed, foretells that you need to take things easy and try to find ways to relax. Sleeping in bed relieves you from stress and pain. To sleep on a dirty mattress suggests that you are uncomfortable and if married it indicates marital trouble. If you sleep on a good balancing mattress, you will encounter peace, comfort, and good health. To dream of a new mattress is a sign of mental comfort, joy, and prosperity to dream of an old mattress suggests approaching difficult in current circumstances.   To dream of carrying a mattress, suggest you have a home problem or an approaching of new chapter in your life. It might also indicate your intention to look for rest. Maybe you quarreled with someone in your current house and you intend to leave the house to seek for inner peace. To see mattress on the floor, it means you need a good balanced life. That is, you need to do necessary things like eating well, finding time to rest, to engage in some form of physical exercise. To dream of talking from the bed, it is an omen of bad news in regard to health, finance, career and family. If your child falls from the bed, death is approaching.   To dream of mattress, it represents wealth and riches to come. Now is the time to get a house and build your life in it. However, the dream is a sign of new beginning.  A dream of seeing of snake under your mattress, it symbolizes you are under demonic attack, a sign that you are resting in a satanic foundation, and this is affecting your life. To see money under your mattress, it symbolizes that you are going to be successful in your future endeavor. To see bug on your mattress, it means sickness assigned to consume your resources. To throw away your mattress, it means you are trying to get rid of something in you that is no longer needed.  This could be an old habit, a toxic relationship, or even a job that is no longer fulfilling. You are ready to let go and move on to something new. To see a wet mattress, it predicts sickness.   To see a blood-stained mattress, it is a sign of bad news and aborted plans. To dream of bedwetting, it’s a sign of sham and reproach. To cover the mattress with a bed sheet, it means now it’s time to relax, sleep or have a good time with your partner. Sleeping on a mattress with someone, it means having a good time with someone. It suggests your strong bond with your lover. To see rat on your mattress, it indicates difficulties. To receive attach on your mattress, means a warning of danger to come. Seeing your kids on a mattress means you need to make your kids happy and improve their mental health, spend quality time with them.   Bible/Ref: psalm 4:8, psalm 23, psalm 4:8, psalm 62:1-2, proverbs 3:21-24, Jeremiah 6:16, Mathew 11:28, psalm 91 John 14:27, peter 5:7.   PRAYERS As I go to bed tonight, oh lord let my sleep be sweet in the name of Jesus. Father, let my troubled soul find rest and peace in the name of Jesus. As I lie down to sleep, oh lord watch over me lest I sleep the sleep of death, in the name of Jesus. Oh lord let me be comfortable in life in the name of Jesus. I rebuke the spirit of affliction assigned against me in the day of my comfort, in the name of Jesus.  

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