Dreams & Deliverance Ministries


Dream Meaning

Dream About Nose Bleeding

Dream About Nose Bleeding

Dream About Nose Bleeding.    PSALM 35:1 Lead my cause, O Lord, with them that strive with me: fight against them that fight against me.   PRAYER: Any power assigned to overpower me, you shall fail in Jesus’ name.   Dreaming about a bleeding nose can have different meanings, it can be a warning sign of stress, anxiety, or emotional hurt. If you notice blood in your nose in the dream, it can mean that you have been attacked by your enemy.   Blood is a sign of danger or trouble. So the dream may alert you of danger to come or a sign that you have been defeated by your enemy. A dream of a nosebleed can also be interpreted as a warning sign to embark on something risky, it may be a sign that something is not right. The dream may also try to tell you to beware of something, Pay attention to what this dream may be directing you to in the waking life. If you are considering embarking on something dangerous, it may be wise to heed the warning and rethink your decision. The dream could tell you that something is wrong in your life, it could be areas of health, relationship, job, or finances or it could be a sign that something needs to change for you to feel more secure and better. For some people, the dream can be a sign that your body is warning you to take better care of yourself or maybe there could be a health condition that requires medical attention.   The dream of having nose bleeding could suggest the person is surrounded by a bad company that often hurts your feelings. You may need to take a step back and reassess your relationship, you deserve to be happy and healthy, and you need to make tough decisions about how you spend your time. Nose bleeding is not a dream to ignore, a nosebleed may also symbolize internal conflict or an emotional wound that needs healing. It may also represent a warning of potential loss, injury, and attacks. On the other hand, a dream about nose bleeding can be a sign of good luck, money, good health, happiness, and good news to come. For some, the dream may represent shame, frustration, or a warning to be very careful with someone in your life. To dream of someone’s nose bleeding, could indicate that someone close to you is going through a difficult time and may need your help or prayer support. It may also indicate that the person is having trouble coping with a situation and needs to take a break or a warning sign for the person to take life easy.   A dream of a nosebleed is passing you a message to find time to take a break and relax for a while, meditation and exercise can help you in reducing stress levels. If your nose is blocked or, have difficulty breathing, it could represent obstacles or your inability to express yourself in a situation. If someone blows you in the nose, it is a sign that you have an enemy who wants to destroy you, the person is behind your problems. Be prayerful. If in your dream, you are stopping a nosebleed, it means that you need to deal with the problems in your life with total focus before they get compounded, you need to control that attitude or try to resolve that problem troubling you. Dreaming about a nosebleed could also be a sign that you are feeling powerless and unable to cope with your current situation.   On the other hand, the dream may be a sign of divine punishment for your sins or past wrongdoings. If you dream of nose bleeding. It’s better to pray for the safety of your life. You need to pray to God to heal you of any emotional or demonically inflicted wounds upon your body. Every power that wants to kill you through illness shall die in Jesus’ name.   INSTRUCTION: Embark on 2 days of fasting and prayers from 6 am-6 pm. Pray with 1 Peter 5:8, Isaiah 54: 15&17   PRAYER Every attack of the wicked I have received in the dream, backfires in J name I fire back the arrows of depression and frustration in Jesus name Problems of come and go in my life, die in Jesus name Powers assigned to suffocate my life, run mad in Jesus name Every poison in my body, die in Jesus name Any powers using my destiny in life, return it by fire in Jesus name Powers troubling my life, be disgraced in Jesus name.

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Dream About Visiting New York City

Dream About Visiting New York City

Dream About Visiting New York City.   Proverbs 4:11-14    11 I have taught thee in the way of wisdom; I have led thee in right paths.   12 When thou goest, thy steps shall not be straitened; and when thou runnest, thou shalt not stumble.   PRAYER: Every effort of the enemy to frustrate me shall fail in Jesus’ name   New York is a city of opportunity, prosperity, and success. Dream about New York mat represents brighter times ahead. To dream of visiting New York City, may represent your desire or dreams to travel to New York for one thing or the other.   The dream can be a sign that you are prepared for a new chapter in your life where you are ready to face the obstacles against your success.   To move from your country to New York in the dream can be a sign of your readiness to escape from your current situation for a better life. It may also be the need for personal growth and development. It could signify your curiosity, ambition, or desire for new experiences.   The city is often associated with ambition, success, and opportunity, so this dream may reflect your desire to become great in life, pursue your passions, and achieve your goals.   If you have a dream about exploring the city, this could be a sign to start working or praying towards it, you are ready to step out of your comfort zone and experience new things. If you have visited New York in the past, your dream may reflect your experience in the city.   When you see the New York Statue of Liberty, it means liberty or a brighter future ahead. It is a sign that your dreams and goals can be achieved.   Seeing yourself wandering or getting lost in New York in the dream can signify the need to find your direction or focus on your goals. If you see someone you know in New York through a dream, it means that you are going to see and connect to a large longtime close associate or a person who’s promising to help you in some ways.   When you frequently see yourself in New York City, it may be telling you that your destiny is in the U.S., so for this reason, you must ask God to help you to make the dream a reality. You are yearning for success and fulfillment and you feel that New York or the U.S. is the best place to find your blessings.   In conclusion, the dream of visiting New York City is a sign that you are looking for a change and adventure or a place where you can develop and thrive.   INSTRUCTION: PSALM 32:8, JEREMIAH 29:11, AMOS 3:7, PROVERBS 19:21, ECCLESIASTICS 3:1, PROVERBS 3:5-6, PSALM 27:11-14   PRAYERS Oh Lord, let my dreams and goals manifest in Jesus name I command every evil agent working against my breakthrough to be destroyed in Jesus’ name My father, if I have been wrongly located, please relocate me in Jesus’ name I call forth my blessings from the spiritual to the physical realm in Jesus name O Lord, open my eyes to the great opportunities around me in Jesus’ name Any evil eye monitoring my progress be blinded in Jesus’ name I shall fulfill my purpose with joy and abundance in Jesus’ name.

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Seeing A Big Eye Watching You In A Dream

Seeing A Big Eye Watching You In A Dream

Seeing A Big Eye Watching You In A  Dream  Luke 11:34   The light of the body is the eye: therefore when thine eye is single, thy whole body also is full of light; but when thine eye is evil, thy body also is full of darkness.   Prayer- Strange eyes of the wicked, I command you to go blind in the name of Jesus.   A big eye watching you can represent positive and negative omen. Positive, the eyes in the dream could be a sign for you to be alert and watchful of your environment and some people in your life. The big eyes in the dream could be a symbolic eye of the spirit of God watching over you, or watching your steps and some of your secret dealings.   Negatively, to see a big eye watching you in the dream represents the eye of the dark spirit. The evil eye is monitoring every move you are making in life and therefore attacks your progress. This dream reveals that your glory is supervised by a witchcraft eye. No matter what you do, you can’t succeed, or prosper, because there is someone who is secretly wishing you evil.   The evil eye can close your door, the evil eye can make you cry, and the evil eye can abort your plans, and then attack you. This is a signal that someone is trying to know something about you, please do not give information about yourself or share your plans with them because if they know, they will kill it. The solution to this dream, command the eyes of death, the eyes of sorrow, the eyes of trouble, to go blind by fire.   Instruction- Go on 2days fasting and prayers 6 am-6 pm   PRAYERS Every eye monitoring me for evil, go blind in the name of Jesus. Every evil tree monitoring me, die in the name of Jesus. Every evil animal monitoring me, die in the name of Jesus. Anyone monitoring my progress, die, in the name of Jesus Holy Ghost fire, break into pieces any evil mirror used to monitor me, in the name of Jesus. I command the fire of God to scatter all the plan of the enemy against me, in the name of Jesus. Every evil pot used to send arrows into my life, catch fire in the name of Jesus.

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Dream Of Being Served Quit Notice In The Dream

Dream Of Being Served Quit Notice In The Dream

Dream Of Being Served Quit Notice In The Dream.   Isaiah 61:7  For your shame ye shall have double; and for confusion, they shall rejoice in their portion: therefore in their land they shall possess the double: everlasting joy shall be unto them.   Psalm 34:4-5 4 I sought the Lord; he heard me and delivered me from all my fears. 5 They looked unto him, and were lightened: and their faces were not ashamed.   Prayers- I reject the letter of quit of notice in the name of Jesus.   Dream of being served quit notice is a sign that your landlord or caretaker will soon serve you a notice to evict the house. This might be the devil’s attempt to attack your finances so that you will find it difficult to pay your house rent. Being served a quit notice in the dream is a signal of serious quarrels and misunderstanding between you and your neighbor. When you have this dream, know that you have an enemy within that house who is talking ill of you and then gossiping against you, and then from an alliance with some people in the compound to insult and attack you.   Being served a quit notice might signal that it’s time for you to pack out of the house for several issues. Maybe God does not want you there any longer. An eviction letter from your landlord, in the dream is a sign that you will soon have distressing news that will destabilize you. When you are being forced to leave a house, what this means is that your stay in that house is no longer needed. This dream also could be the work of the enemy to disgrace you and then plot for you down in that environment. Although this dream might mean that your landlord is thinking or discussing a matter with someone.   However, if you have the feeling that your landlord will serve you a letter, now or in the future based on your revelation, then the next question to ask yourself is why is he serving you the letter. Did you obey rules and regulations, and did you pay house rent when due? The dream could be a sign of domestic attack and manipulation to come. Pray against it. Your dream can be telling you that someone hates you and the person is planning to reject you out of his life. However, if you have money, my advice to you is either to pray about it let God give a deeper revelation, or to start finding a better place. I want you to know that every disappointment is a blessing. Still, believe that all things work together for your good. It is well with you.   PRAYERS I reject any evil letter bearing my name, in the name of Jesus. Arrow of financial problems fire against me, backfire in the name of Jesus. Every household enemy assigned against my success, scatters in the name of Jesus. Every enemy of my prosperity, I stand against you in the name of Jesus. Every satanic pronouncement that I will before I feed, backfires in the name of Jesus.  

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Dream Of Being Locked In A Room

Dream Of Being Locked In A Room

Dream Of Being Locked In A Room. Psalm 34:19  Many are the afflictions of the righteous: but the LORD delivereth him out of them all.   Prayer:  My caged glory, I command you, be released and locate me in the name of Jesus.   Did you see yourself being locked in a room, find out the meaning, way out, and prayers. The dream of being locked in a room symbolizes restriction, delay, and imprisonment. To see someone locked in a room means that your glory has been caged. This also pretends that your eagle’s wing has been famed by the wicked. What this means is that you can’t fly, you can’t move or progress, you can’t be free. You can’t even fulfill your destiny. This also means that you have been stopped both physically and spiritually. That suggests that your ways are blocked, you are helpless in your situation. Your enemy is presently exercising power and authority over your life.   If you eventually find your way out, it means a satisfactory solution to your problems. You need to be happy because God has set you free from bondage. Escaping from a locked room signifies victory over stagnancy in your life. To dream of other of others being locked up in a room suggests strong demotion and setbacks in one’s life. Being locked in a house, car, or dark room, shows that you are currently experiencing difficulty in some aspect of your life. If you eventually try to open a locked door, it reflects your efforts to break out from that curse, problem, or spell that has trapped you down. Being locked in a dark room means that your enemy is delaying and therefore blocking progress. Perhaps you are not growing, and no one is willing to rescue you from the problem. Being locked in a dream, on the positive, can be a way that the Holy Spirit is keeping you from danger.   He’s blocking you so that you will not walk into the trap of the enemy. If you dream that you can’t find a way out, it indicates your frustration in life over your ability to find a way out of your current predicament. If you feel there is a closed door in your life, this is the time to pray for your door of breakthrough to open unto you. If your loved one is locked in a room, it reveals that your loved one needs your help. It means that someone is attacking you. The people are trying to damage your destiny. To see yourself being locked in a car portends a need to protect yourself from danger on your way. The solution is to break the chains tying you down or to move out of the house delaying your progress. Break the curse and send the arrow back to the sender.   Instruction- Embark on 3 days of fasting and prayers 6 am- 3 pm.   Read: Psalm 124:7, Galatians 5:1, Obadiah 1:17.   PRAYERS Powers using the evil dream to cage my abilities, die in the name of Jesus. Any power that has vowed to obstruct me in life, die in the name of Jesus. I break every curse of limitation and difficulty in my life in the name of Jesus. Arrow of darkness that refuses to let me go, die in the name of Jesus. Every closed door in my life, is open by fire in the name of Jesus.

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Seeing Yourself Dress Like A Bride

Seeing Yourself Dress Like A Bride

Seeing Yourself Dress Like A Bride.  Isaiah 61:10  I will greatly rejoice in the Lord, my soul shall be joyful in my God; for he hath clothed me with the garments of salvation, he hath covered me with the robe of righteousness, as a bridegroom decketh himself with ornaments, and as a bride adorneth herself with her jewels.   Isaiah 62:5  For as a young man marrieth a virgin, so shall thy sons marry thee: and as the bridegroom rejoiceth over the bride, so shall thy God rejoice over thee.   Prayers:  My marital blessings are unstoppable; I shall be blessed and fruitful in marriage, in the name of Jesus.   A bride in a dream is symbolic of joy. The dream is also connected to love, relationship, and marriage satisfaction. To see yourself dressed as a bride in the dream, may mean that you are expecting to marry or enter into a promising love relationship. Being dressed as a bride represents a happy moment in your life. It suggests a fruitful commitment with someone. To dream of a bride, indicate marriage is knocking at the door and wealth to come. A single dream of being a bride means her wishes would soon come through if she continues to socialize with good people in life.   To dream of a happy bride, symbolizes good things are coming to you. If you are in a relationship, there is a chance that it will lead to marriage. If a man is trying to propose to you in real life, this dream is a reminder to go ahead and accept his marriage proposal. To dream that a groom killed the bride symbolizes covenant, commitment, love, happiness, and sometimes a sign of reconciliation between two good friends. To dream of a sad bride can stand for loss or misfortune. For men, dreaming of a bride can symbolize distraction from their work. To see yourself dressed as a bride, means you are going to achieve your goals. This dream also connects to purity, Christ, attachment, transition, and peace. To dream of seeing someone else dressed as a bride could mean that the person is going to experience some positive changes in her life.   To dream of an angry bride means someone will hurt you. Some are done to test your faith. To see a dead bride pretends disappointment and difficulty to come. To see a pregnant bride symbolizes good news. You will probably be happy about something in your life. To dream of helping a bride with her dress means that you are going to encounter luck in your love affair or other pursuits in life. To see a crying bride indicates marital trouble. In conclusion, to see yourself being dressed as a bride can likewise indicate your involvement with spirit husband. Pray to disconnect yourself from it. May the lord make his face shine upon you and give you joy, peace, and satisfaction.   Instruction- if you are still disturbed about the dream, go on 3 days of fasting and prayers 6 am-6 pm.   PRAYERS Oh lord, empower me to fulfill my marital destiny, in the name of Jesus. Every embargo placed on my marriage, scatter, in the name of Jesus. I reject every evil marriage with spirit spouse, in the name of Jesus. Any power assigned to break and disappoint me in my relationship, die in the name of Jesus. Father, help me to choose and marry the right husband, in the name of Jesus.    

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Dream Of Being A Passenger In An Airplane.

Dream Of Being A Passenger In An Airplane

Dream Of Being A Passenger In An Airplane.  Jeremiah 29:11  For I know the thoughts that I think toward you, saith the LORD, thoughts of peace, and not of evil, to give you an expected end.   Prayers:  By your power oh lord, I move into my season of promotion., in the name of Jesus   The airplane in the dream is a symbol of ministerial and career success. The plane is a symbol of high goals that you must achieve in life. To dream of being a passenger in an airplane, symbolizes the period of making that move towards your goals, and be rest assured that you will fulfill it. Seeing yourself as a passenger, in the plane, represents your desire to travel, to progress, to be free from stagnation, and to rise in life. It can indicate that you will surely meet and connect with great people on your way to the top. This dream symbolizes a high degree of success and power over a situation you may be planning to travel out of the country to work and fulfill your destiny.   Flying in an aeroplane indicates your escape from troubles or making career or mental progress in life. Seeing the crowd of passengers in an airplane means you will overcome troubles in a matter of time if you don’t give up on prayers and work. If you dream of being a passenger in an airplane taking off, symbolizes a breakthrough and a big rise in life. To dream of being a passenger airplane landing suggests the arrival of happiness, joy, and the good news of success. Such a dream could be a sign that you are going to have a major success at your workplace. Perhaps you will have a chance to get a higher income and perhaps there is a big promotion coming for you. Meet important people on the airplane, it could be a sign that you are going to be connected to the great person that will support you. To dream that you were refused to board the airplane is a sign of obstacle and difficulty on your way to the top. Perhaps the enemy is blocking your chances of international travel and connection. Challenge those powers to die.   Airplane experience for the first time can be very wonderful. If you have never traveled by flight, this type of dream prepares you to keep praying for the opening of the opportunity and finances to travel. You are about to break a protocol or an embargo. To dream that you received an attack while on board, means the enemy is monitoring your progress. They do not want you to break forth in life and leave them behind in destiny. To dream of being a passenger in an airplane crash, means that your plane and progress are under spiritual attacks. Pray. Sometimes, to see yourself as part of a passenger in an airplane means that you are a leader of influence. It may be that you are a pastor, CEO of an organization, etc. In conclusion, the dream of flying in an airplane means a rise or deliverance from the power that held you bonded in life. You are free, go and achieve your success.   Instruction- Embark on one 1day of fasting and prayer, pray for career success, international connection, and favor.   PRAYERS Father arise and take me higher in life and destiny,  in the name of Jesus. Father, break every curse that I hindering my breakthrough, in the name of Jesus. O God Father, arise and re-write my story, in the name of Jesus. My God, arise; deliver me from the bondage of my father’s house, in the name of Jesus. Lord Jesus, give me a testimony that will stock my enemy to death, in the name of Jesus.

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Spiritual meaning Someone Begging You in the dream.

Dream Of Someone Begging You

Dream Of Someone Begging You.  proverbs 3:27  Withhold not good from them to whom it is due, When it is in the power of thine hand to do it.   Prayers: Holy Spirit keep spiritually alert at all times, in the name of Jesus.   Did you see someone begging you in the dream, or did you see a beggar asking or begging you for financial help? To dream that someone is begging you for money is a spiritual sign that someone needs your help or financial assistance. He/she may come to you because the person knows that you are financially capable, for the person may decide to come to you based on God’s leading. That’s why it’s always good to help people in your little way. This dream might provide you the opportunity to help someone in your waking life. It might be your friend, your family member, your relatives, your neighbor, or even someone that you don’t know or you have never met.   For example, when you see someone begging you for money, food, or other things in the dream, it might be a test from God to see if you are also to give that beggar or help that person who’s asking you for money. For example, if you give the beggar money, it means the lord will bless you abundantly and favor you. But if you refuse to help or give beggar, it means you are going to experience some issues that no one will be able to assist you. E.g. financial assistance.   To dream of giving aims to a beggar is a warning sign that you have to help someone or give aims to a beggar in waking life because God wants you to give so that he gives and also grants your desire. When you give alms to beggars, it means your ways will open, it means you will not go down, and it means you will attract God’s love and mercy upon your life. It also presents good news to come. To see yourself begging someone, symbolize poverty, debt, lack, and struggle. It reveals that you are helpless in your situation.  Seeing a beggar asking you for help, patents the need to make someone happy by meeting their request. In real life, try to look for other people you can encourage and support.   But when you are unable to give aims to beggar, it means that things will be very difficult and you will lack help. That’s why it’s always good to help people because helping people is like rescuing them from their situation, and by so doing, you will encounter God’s blessings and the favor of men in your life. Do not be afraid to help the needy, when you give, to people, then you will surely receive and when you call upon God in your trouble, he will answer you, when a beggar or someone walks up to you and asks for help, if you have, give out. When you give out willingly, it might save and protect you from the trouble assigned to you. Be generous and ready to have compassion for others, as you give to the poor or needy, may the lord repay you for your good deed. May you receive divine favor   Read:  proverbs 19:7, Hebrews 13:6, 2 Corinthians 9:10, proverbs 18:6, Luke 6:38, 2 Corinthians 9:7, 1 Corinthians 13:3, Proverbs 11:25, proverbs 3:27, Matthew 6:2.   PRAYERS My Father, grant me the grace to give generously in the name of Jesus. Spirit of giving and selflessness, enter me now. Holy Spirit deliver me from the cage of hatred towards others in the name of Jesus. Oh lord, help me to fulfill my vow in the name of Jesus. I arrest and overcome the spirit of stinginess and greed in me in the name of Jesus.

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Dream Meaning Of Eating Bread And Butter

Dream Meaning Of Eating Bread And Butter

Dream Meaning Of Eating Bread And Butter. John 6:32-35, 32 Then Jesus said unto them, Verily, verily, I say unto you, Moses gave you not that bread from heaven; but my Father giveth you the true bread from heaven. 33 For the bread of God is he which cometh down from heaven, and giveth life unto the world. 34 Then said they unto him, Lord, evermore give us this bread. 35 And Jesus said unto them, I am the bread of life: he that cometh to me shall never hunger, and he that believeth on me shall never thirst.   2 Corinthian 9:10   Now he that ministereth seed to the sower both minister bread for your food, and multiply your seed sown, and increase the fruits of your righteousness;)   Prayers: O Lord, supply all my needs according to your decree in the name of Jesus.   The dream of eating bread and butter signifies blessings. It denotes the word of God, divine provision, strength, and satisfaction. Eating bread and butter in the dream may represent an improvement in your financial life. This dream could also indicate that a distressing situation is coming to an end in your life. The butter in the bread signifies sweetness, happiness, growth, increase, and fruitfulness. A dream about seeing bread and butter indicates that someone is hungry to improve his/her spiritual life. If you eat it, then it means the word of God is restoring you.   You are going to receive an abundant supply of God’s blessing in your life as a result of your relationship with the lord. Dream of eating bread could mean that you will livelong in good health and prosperity to eat and enjoy the work of your hands. Eating bread and butter also means enjoying one’s earnings or blessings or it could also mean that God is about to make you happy. Eating bread signifies spiritual fulfillment. The dream also suggests a better and more joyous time ahead. Eating bread can bring about divine empowerment, for example, your prayer life will be improved. To dream of applying butter to bread, means you need to apply wisdom in whatever you do so that you can reap the blessing.   Dreaming of someone giving you bread and butter means that you will soon be blessed financially; all your problems will receive divine help. Seeing someone eating bread and butter, it’s a sign of a person having his/her spiritual blessings. For others, the dream may suggest upcoming illness and struggle. To dream of eating bread and butter with family members indicates a blissful and happier family. Your family business will bloom, and this will bring happiness and satisfaction to your family. It suggests happy family unity.   Your family will help one another grow very soon; your family will enjoy better days. To dream of sharing bread and butter with people urges you to bless people with your giving. In conclusion, eating bread and butter means that your efforts will be successful and you shall be satisfied.   Read: Matthew 6:11, John 6:32-35, Matthew 26:26-29, 2corinthian 9:10, Ecclesiastes 9:7, Matthew 4:4   PRAYERS Jesus Christ, the bread of life, fill me with your blessings to satisfaction, in the name of Jesus. Father Lord, load my life with your daily bread, in the name of Jesus.  I receive Manna’s from above, in the name of Jesus. I declare that I shall eat the fruit of my labor, in the name of Jesus. O Lord, satisfy my hunger in you, in the name of Jesus.  

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Dream About Barbing Hair.

Dream About Barbing Hair

Dream About Barbing Hair.  Zephaniah 3:19  Behold, at that time I will undo all that afflict thee: and I will save her that halteth, and gather her that was driven out, and I will get them praise and fame in every land where they have been put to shame.   Prayers: Those who plan to see my shame shall be ashamed, in the name of Jesus.   Dreaming about barbing your hair indicates a need to remove certain problems from your life. You want to be free from the entanglement of the hair to represent one’s glory. The hair could also symbolize a problem. Depending on who is barbing your hair in the dream. For example, if someone barbs your hair in the saloon, it symbolizes your efforts to look good and maintain your mental health. In the country, if you dream that someone barbs or cut off your hair, it means the enemy is interested in attacking your glory and blocking the source of your blessings. When someone removes your hair, it means the removers of your glory that bring difficulty, shame, hatred, and poverty.   The barbing of your hair signifies that the devil is stealing something from you. Ask God to show you exactly what the enemy has removed from you and cry out to god to restore you fully. To see your hair cut is a symbol of positive change in their lives—a sign of clearing obstacles on your way. Also, barbing one’s hair, in the spirit realm, for others, it might mean the hand of god removing the curse and misfortunes attached to some people’s lives which will eventually lead to freedom and prosperity.   To see someone cutting his hair, it’s directly associated with relief from the issues of life. Dream about cutting your hair, denotes that something bad is coming to you and what you have gathered for a long, in life is about to scatter or collapse. It could be wealth and other material things. Also, someone rendering to you, but spiritually, he is exposing you to evil attacks. Be prayerful.   Hair represents power, wealth, grace, luck, and blessings. Once someone barbs your hair in the dream, you will lose access to this divine blessing. This dream shows that the enemy has emptied you in life. You need to pray against evil manipulation of your glory. I declare every evil hand causing issues will wither by fire, that arrow of shame, sorrow, death, and joblessness fired against you shall backfire.   Instruction: 3 days fasting and prayers 6 am-3 pm   Read: Romans 10:11, Luke 9:26, revelation 16:15, Romans 1:16, Isaiah 54:4, Zephaniah 3:19, Job 8:22.   PRAYERS Every power that is barbing my hair in the spirit realm, die. Father, cover my nakedness and protect my glory from attack. Any power assigned to deceive me with their evil help, die. Glory erasers, I am not your candidate, die. Father, let my glory arise and shine.  

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