Dreams & Deliverance Ministries


Dream Meaning

Dream Of Someone Falling From A Roof.

Dream Of Someone Falling From A Roof

Dream Of Someone Falling From A Roof.   MICAH 7:8 Rejoice not against me, O mine enemy: when I fall, I shall arise; when I sit in darkness, the Lord shall be a light unto me.   PRAYER: The enemies that have vowed that I will never be more than them shall die in Jesus’ name.   Any dream about falling should not be looked away, but pay attention to it through prayers. The dream of someone falling from the roof represents a loss of power, loss of control, defeat, failure, death, or spiritual attack. It may be a warning to alert that something is about to hit you or that you will hear bad news from someone closely connected to you.   A dream of someone falling from a roof may foretell financial instability, trouble, demotion, backwardness, and attacks on your life and wealth. If you are currently building a house in real life, this dream is a warning that one of your workers may be planning evil against you so that you will not be able to complete or finish your house.   And sometimes, the dream may be a sign that you will hear shocking news in that environment. Dreaming of someone falling from the roof can be a warning sign to be cautious. It could mean that one’s project may experience setbacks. When you see yourself falling from a roof, it is a red flag! It is a sign that the enemy will bring you down to nothing in life or that the enemy is trying to tarnish your image. If you felt troubled about this dream, it could indicate that you are going through an unstable situation in your life, maybe you feel like you are losing control of something or you are unable to fulfill your purpose.   The dream could also indicate shame and embarrassment that will frustrate one’s effort. The roof symbolizes protection and security and someone falling from the roof could mean someone is not safe. The dream is a sign of impending danger and the affected person or the dreamer should be extra careful and prayerful.   On the other hand, a dream of falling from a building could be a sign that you need to address your fears and fake steps toward overcoming them. It may also be a reminder to warn you not to take risks due to overconfidence and greediness. Before you embark on any project, pray.   I made this video concerning a friend who is late now. The young man fell from a fool when trying to work on it on a building site. The scaffolding pulls him down to death, a very powerful death, may his soul rest in peace.   If you dream of a person you know falling from a building, it may mean that you are afraid of losing the person or that you feel that the person is evil or dangerous to you. Sometimes, this dream could indicate that you feel that your surroundings are not safe. It can also mean that you fear that someone close to you will hurt you or that a certain situation might get out of hand.   In some way, the dream can symbolize the consequences of one’s action or the need to ask God to protect and keep you safe. However, if the person dies, it may mean that the dreamer should be prayerful as it may indicate that an attack is coming. However, if the person survived the death, it means that the dreamer will hear good news, if you are unable to fall from the roof, it means that no situation can bring you down unless God allows it.   Sometimes, falling from a roof could mean that the foundational powers are the ones behind your problems, you need to deal with them so that they can stop setting the trap of death for you. Command the arrow of death for you and misfortune to backfire. Ask the Holy Spirit to put the devil and his workers to shame.   INSTRUCTION: Go on 7 days of fasting and prayers from 6 am-6 pm   Read; Proverbs 24:15, Psalm 146:8, Psalm 118:13-14, 1 Corinthians 10:13, Micah 7:8   PRAYERS Powers in my foundation attacking my destiny, die in Jesus’ name Any power assigned to put me to shame, die in Jesus name Every power against my lifting, die in Jesus’ name I overcome every battle rising against my glory in Jesus’ name I reject the arrow of death or shame fired against me in Jesus’ name You powers dragging me backward, die in Jesus name I will not hear bad news from my loved ones in Jesus’ name.

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Dream About Plucking Bitter Leaf

Dream About Plucking Bitter Leaf

Dream About Plucking Bitter Leaf.   EPHESIANS 4:31  Let all bitterness, and wrath, and anger, and clamor, and evil speaking, be put away from you, with all malice:   PRAYER: Every spirit of bitterness and unforgiveness in my life, die in Jesus’ name.   Dreaming about a bitter leaf is a bitter heart. It is a symbol of anger, bitterness, sadness, and unforgiveness. The dream about plucking bitter leaf can tell you that life is full of challenges and bitter experiences, but if you can remain close and committed to God, then your sad moments shall turn to sweetness. To dream of plucking bitter leaves is a sign that you should address this situation of serious concern in your life.   The dream could also mean that it is time to change your bad habit or attitude and that could be one of the reasons you are not enjoying peace or not moving forward in life. Plucking bitter lead in a dream reveals your efforts to get lasting solutions to your problems. To pluck is to remove. Maybe God wants you to remove that bitter feeling you have for others.   If you are a person with anger issues, take this dream as a sign to manage your anger and bitterness. As a child of God, you must let go of something that is causing you distress or pain. Alternatively, plucking bitter leaves could also symbolize the need for cleansing and healing. You are finding a solution to that situation making you feel unhappy.   The bitterness of the leaf also represents negative emotions or thoughts that the dreamer needs to let go of. The bitterness of the leaves in your dream can be a reflection of challenges, obstacles, or problems that are dealing with you. Therefore, plucking the leaves reveals that you shall soon recover from your challenges.   INSTRUCTION: Read Ephesians 4:31, Romans 3:14, 1 Peter 2:1, 1 John 1:9, Colossians 3:8, Ecclesiastics 7:9, Ephesians 4:32, James 3:14, Matthew 6;14-15   PRAYERS O Lord, deliver me from every recurring problem that has refused to let me go in Jesus name Father, arise and bring a permanent solution to all long-term problems of my life in Jesus’ name Battle of long term problem assigned to waste me, ne terminated in Jesus name Every bad habit assigned to cut off my glory, be cut off by fire in Jesus’ name Spirit of hardship in my life, expire by fire in Jesus’ name I pull out my life from every power assigned to disgrace me in Jesus’ name I subdue the spirit of anger and bitterness in my life in Jesus’ name.  

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Dream Of Going To The Sea

Dream Of Going To The Sea

Dream Of Going To The Sea. PSALM 35:7-8 7 For without cause have they hid for me their net in a pit, which without cause they have digged for my soul. 8 Let destruction come upon him at unawares; and let his net that he hath hid catch himself: into that very destruction let him fall.   PRAYER: Every trap of darkness assigned for me, scatter in Jesus’ name.   Did you dream of going to sea with someone or did you find yourself trapped in the sea wave? The dream of going to the sea can have several meanings. It can indicate your desire to have a good time. It may also symbolize happiness and an exciting time to come. On the other hand, the dream of going to the sea alone may represent temptation, evil summoning, and control. The marine power is calling you into initiation, covenant, and captivity.   The devil may want to take your life through water. So do not swim for some time. To see yourself in the river means that you have been trapped and attacked by marine powers, you need strong prayers to deliver from captivity.   If you dream of going to the sea, it can indicate that you are taking the wrong path leading to failure and destruction, but if you see people in the sea, it warns you of temptation. If you dream that you are carried away by water, it indicates death, sickness, poverty, and pollution, it suggests that you are initiated into the marine world.   You are already possessed by witchcraft covenant, you need to break away from the demonic yoke. If no one can help, it means that you have no one to help you. Pray for divine help. If you are beside the seaside, then you need to be alert for any storm or satanic attack assigned to swallow you.   In conclusion, the dream of going to the sea portends a warning of an attack that may eventually bring joy at the end of the day.   PRAYERS Every storm that is bigger than me, o Lord swallow it in Jesus’ name Marine powers assigned to keep me in bondage, dry up in Jesus’ name Every arrow shot in my life from the marine world, backfire in Jesus name My glory that has been diverted, I take it back by fire in Jesus’ name I cut off any link between me and the water spirit in Jesus’ name Every attempt of the enemy to drag me into problem, die in Jesus name Powers that vowed that I will die through water, you are a liar, die in Jesus’ name.

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Biblical Meaning Of Handbag In A Dream

Biblical Meaning Of Handbag In A Dream

Biblical Meaning Of Handbag In A Dream.    DEUTERONOMY 25:13  “You shall not have in your bag differing weights, a heavy and a light. You shall not have in your house differing measures, a large and a small. You shall have a perfect and just weight, a perfect and measure, that your days may be lengthened in the land the LORD your God is giving you.   PRAYER: Bad family history affecting my destiny, break in the name of Jesus.   Dreaming about a handbag can mean different things. Handbags can be a symbol of your personal needs, desires, or goals. A handbag is a symbol of love, beauty, and balance. Carting a handbag in your dream can mean carrying responsibility or burdens. Alternatively, it may be a way of seeking recognition and attention from the opposite sex.   If the handbag is empty, it means that you are feeling empty or incomplete, preventing you from meeting your own needs. If the handbag was stolen from you, it may indicate disappointment in your plans or a breakup in a love affair. If you had money in your purse or handbag, it could indicate financial stability and prosperity. If you have jewelry or other valuable items in your handbag, it can indicate possession, power, success, influence, happiness, goodness, and progress.   Dreaming about a handbag can mean that you need to fulfill your personal needs to be happy and successful. A handbag in a dream symbolizes the things you carry with you in life. It may represent your aspirations, secrets, desires, or possessions. It may also represent your identity, self-worth, and personal style.   If you dream of buying a handbag, it could indicate that you are ready to invest in your goals, your goals, or your future. Seeing a handbag signifies that you need to be more independent, self-sufficient, or self-reliant. Losing your identity, your possessions, or your sense of control. A dream of someone stealing your handbag may also indicate that you feel vulnerable, exposed, or invaded in your personal life. If you dream of finding a handbag, it may suggest recovery or the discovery of new opportunities, talents, or resources that you didn’t know you had.   A handbag can represent your fashion sense, social status, or economic power. It may also signify your ability to organize your life, your work, or your plans. A designer handbag indicates that you want to be noticed, admired, or respected by others. A dream of seeing a handbag may symbolize security, confidence, and a feeling of superiority. So, dreaming of receiving a handbag as a gift, signifies an unexpected reward gift to come.   To give away a handbag portends the need for sacrifice that brings joy and peace of mind. To see your bag being torn or damaged signifies obstacles and difficulty in your plans and expectations. In some cases, a handbag can represent one’s spiritual journey or calling. It may signify the need to carry and protect the divine teaching or messages that have been entrusted to the dreamer.   In conclusion, a dream about carrying a handbag can foretell an improvement in your relationship or financial position. May the Lord beautify your life for others to behold the wonders in your life in Jesus’ name.   BIBLICAL REFERENCES: Deuteronomy 25:13, 1 Samuel 10:22, Genesis 42:25, Job 14:17   PRAYERS Powers assigned to take away my possessions, be defeated in Jesus’ name Every power trying to know my secret plans, you shall not succeed in Jesus’ name The power of God moves my life forward and upward in Jesus’ name Father, establish me and make me prosperous in Jesus’ name Powers that say my plans will not be successful, you are a liar, die in Jesus’ name I take authority over the spirit of loss and disappointment. No evil plans shall prevail in my life in Jesus’ name My father, open the doors of opportunity for me in Jesus’ name.

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Blue Bird Dream Meaning.

Blue Bird Dream Meaning

Blue Bird Dream Meaning.   ISAIAH 31:5  As birds flying, so will the Lord of hosts defend Jerusalem; defending also he will deliver it; and passing over he will preserve it.   PRAYER: Every power seeking my life to devour it, die in the name of Jesus.   Blue birds are a symbol of joy, happiness, and peace that are expected very soon. It also indicates angels are with you right now. A dream about blue bird means that you will have success in life. Your heart’s desire will come to pass. The appearance of a bluebird shows that something good is about to come into your life. Bluebird is a sign of luck, good news, and divine guidance.   It is a sign that one is on the right track and is close to achieving their goals. Bluebirds can also be seen as a sign of messengers of hope for those who are struggling with difficult life challenges. Bluebird, for some people, can indicate a satanic bird sent to distract and destroy you. The bluebird can be sent to open the door of trouble in your life.   The bird can be a warning to be alert of our surroundings and some people. However, bluebirds signified freedom, independence, protection, love, and solutions to come. If you see a bluebird flying, it means travel, progress, elevation, and movement toward your goals. If you see a bluebird in your house, it means you will have a guest who will bring joy and happiness into your home.   This could mean the Holy Spirit is in your home to intervene in those issues. To see bluebirds on your shoulder means that you are guided by the Holy Spirit on the path to follow. To see a giant blue bird is a warning sign not to move close to a suspicious person because the person is against you. Pray.   To see two birds foretells a pair of best friends who share their joy and troubles, the two birds signify twin babies, luck, and happiness to come in your life. To dream of a small blue bird tells you to be smart and wise to overcome the barriers in your life. If you dream of catching a bluebird, it means that you are going to achieve a goal or desire that you have been pursuing for a long time, it could be in the areas of love, money, job, or promotion.   To see blue and white birds in your dream reminds you never to lose hope and faith in difficult times. The double color is a confirmation that the Lord will transform your life. To dream of a bluebird singing is a sign that your angel is passing some vital messages to you. Please pay attention to your spirit.   To see a blue bird flying away, may also mean that something good in your life will escape. It could be ideas, glory, vision, and opportunity. To feed a blue bird in your dream means that the Holy Spirit has positioned you to love and care for others in life. To see a blue bird landing on a tree, may mean love is coming or a reminder that your angel is around you.   To dream of a blue bird in a cage means that your goodness and opportunities have been restricted and blocked by negative forces. If you are holding a blue bird, it means that you will overcome your limitations or fears. It may also indicate success and luck in life. If you see a dead blue bird, it may suggest that your life is under attack or the dream can indicate a sense of loss or a feeling of disappointment.   Dreams of Blue birds suggest upcoming success, happiness, luck, or prosperity. If you are praying for a marital breakthrough, the dream reveals a good person with a good spirit will come to you. May God almighty speak to you and give you peace in Jesus’ name.   Read Psalm 84:3, Psalm 50:11   PRAYERS O Lord my God, before my enemies mock me, appear in my situation in Jesus name Any situation that is working against hope in my life, disappear in Jesus name Let the evil presence behind my case disappear now in Jesus’ name My destiny, hear the word of the Lord, you shall not be aborted in Jesus’ name O God open my eyes to behold wondrous things of heaven in Jesus’ name Any evil bird sent to distract me, die in Jesus’ name The assignment of evil bird in my life, shall fail in Jesus’ name.  

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Dream About Beach

Dream About Beach

Dream About Beach.   REVELATION 22:1  And he shewed me a pure river of water of life, clear as crystal, proceeding out of the throne of God and of the Lamb.   PRAYER: Every snare of death set up for my life, scatter in Jesus name   A beach dream could symbolize several things. It may indicate that you need to relax or enjoy yourself. To see beaches in the dream is a sign of better times ahead with your loved ones. It also signifies soul healing, happiness, comfort, peace, and a promising future. The palm tree on the beach signifies covering, protection, fruitfulness, and long life. On the negative side, a dream of seeing a beach may signify your connection with the marine spirit.   The water demon is trying to capture you so that you can experience difficulties in some areas of your life. If you feel troubled about the dream, it is a warning sign of destruction, delay, loss, sickness, and death. But if you feel happy and relaxed, the    dream could mean that you feel satisfied in your present life   The beach in the dream reminds one of calmness and peace. It could represent your desire for relaxation leisure and escape from the stress of life. For example, seeing a crowded or busy beach means happy times with friends and family. If the beach is empty or quiet, it is a sign that you need to sit alone or isolate yourself from a certain person.   If you dream of sitting on a beach, it may indicate that you are longing for relaxation and happy moments. If you are sitting with someone else, it may suggest that you crave connection and companionship in your life. This dream can also represent your interest in someone for a relationship. Also, dreaming about the beach can represent purity and the cleansing of sin.   For others, the dream can mean that you are already possessed by a marine spirit, which means that these powers are controlling your life. If you dream about a beach house, it may symbolize success and prosperity to come. To see a beach might in a dream, is a sign of hard times that will not last long in one’s life.   To dream of a beach with your family foretells family bond and peace. A dream of playing at the beach signifies happy tomes to come something good is coming, it also reflects your feelings towards your friends. It means you value the good times you spent with them. Sometimes, dreaming of a beach while with someone suggests an evil connection to a spirit spouse.   If you enter the beach water, it foretells marital and financial delay. Dream of the Beach foretells that you will be inspired to start a project or complete a task. If the dream makes you stable, then it may signify the release from worry.   In conclusion, a beach dream can represent something good to come or possible confusion, difficulties, and obstacles. It is well with you in Jesus’ name   Read; Revelation 22:1-2, Psalm 107:28-29   PRAYERS All my blessings held in the marine coven ], come out by fire in Jesus’ name Water spirit assigned to cage my destiny, die in Jesus’ name O God arise, set me free from every form of bondage in Jesus’ name Marine altars holding me captive, your time is up, catch fire in Jesus’ name My soul, I recall you by fire and by force, from the pit of destruction in Jesus name O Lord, let all my departed virtues be restored in Jesus’ name.  

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Attending Party Dream Meaning

Attending Party Dream Meaning

Attending Party Dream Meaning. ECCLESIASTES 11:9-10 9 Rejoice, O young man, in thy youth; and let thy heart cheer thee in the days of thy youth, and walk in the ways of thine heart, and in the sight of thine eyes: but know thou, that for all these things God will bring thee into judgment.   10 Therefore remove sorrow from thy heart, and put away evil from thy flesh: for childhood and youth are vanity.   PRAYER: I refuse to be conformed to this world but be transformed by the renewal of my mind in Jesus name   A party is a place of fun and entertainment, it is a social event where people come by enjoying themselves. Dreaming about attending a party can have a variety of meanings. For example, a dream about a party can be a sign of joy, celebration, connection with friends, or overcoming anxiety or depression. A party is not complete without music and people. To dream about a party reveals your wishes and desires to be part of some groups of people or that you wish to be like someone from that group. To dream of attending a party can indicate your desire to socialize and be happy.   You feel bored and you are looking out for someone or people that can make you happy. If you are a woman, you will feel connected with a fun, amusing, and entertaining man. Attending a party in a dream may reveal your strong need for positive relationships and enjoy being around other people. If you feel happy and excited in the dream, it can be a positive sign that you are feeling confident and appreciated in your social circle. It could also indicate that you are ready to let loose and have some fun after a period of hard work or stress. However, if you feel worried or uncomfortable at the party, it could indicate feelings of insecurity, backsliding, pollution, and temptation to sin.   You may be feeling like you are in the wrong place or having the fear of lusting after a person. Attending a party in a dream, for some people can foretell that you enjoy being surrounded by friends and family and you like to feel honored and respected. The dream may be a sign that you care about your relationship with others and making efforts to maintain a healthy connection.   If you dream of an event or party that you are not invited to and are staying away from, it could mean that you are feeling left out or ignored. You may be disappointed or disconnected from a group or a relationship. To dream of a party with friends may mean your desire to get a new friend. To party with your family, suggest happy times ahead with your family. To dream of partying with strangers means to beware of unserious friends or people around.   To attend a party all alone may symbolize your desire to get hooked on a person for love or a relationship. On the other hand, if you do not enjoy the party in the dream, it may indicate that you are feeling lonely, depressed, and uninterested in doing certain things or represent your disappointment in achieving your purpose. Being at a party or invited to the event suggests your desire to interact with people, make connections, and have fun. This dream is a sign to warn you not to compromise your faith in God. Not all parties are ungodly, some are just a sign that something worth celebrating is on its way to each of you.   INSTRUCTION: Romans 12:2, 2 Timothy 2:22, Ecclesiastics 2:1, Ecclesiastics 11:9-10   PRAYERS I decree that I shall not miss heaven in Jesus’ name I subdue every form of temptation and lust in my life in Jesus’ name I receive the power to overcome all the obstacles on my way in Jesus name Any power that is pushing me into sin, die in Jesus name Father, do a miracle in my life that will make people celebrate with me in Jesus’ name Lord Jesus deliver me and help me to walk in the path of holiness in Jesus’ name Father, activate the spirit of joy and celebration in my life in Jesus’ name.    

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Locust Biblical Dream Meaning.

Locust Biblical Dream Meaning.

Locust Biblical Dream Meaning.   JOEL  2:25-26 25 And I will restore to you the years that the locust hath eaten, the cankerworm, and the caterpillar, and the palmerworm, my great army which I sent among you. 26 And ye shall eat in plenty, and be satisfied, and praise the name of the Lord your God, that hath dealt wondrously with you: and my people shall never be ashamed.   PRAYER: Spirit of devourer in my marriage, business, and finances, die in Jesus’ name.   A locust is a big grasshopper that flies in large groups to destroy plants and crops. Locust can appear as a sign from God against the devil or towards someone’s wickedness. It can also be interpreted as a warning of loss, destruction, and sickness. Locust in a dream can represent the spirit of a devourer or person that feeds on one’s blessings and drains the person.   In the Bible, locusts are associated with a period of famine. Plague and destruction. If see swarms of locusts in a field, it may indicate that you will have problems in your finances. This could be a sign of an attack on your wealth, career, and business. This is a period of financial loss. To dream of a swarm of locus represents gang-up enemies or evil spirits working against your success.   To dream about locust attacking you is a bad sign, it may signify a spiritual attack on your health and finances. Locusts are a representation of the devil assigned to steal, kill, destroy, pollute, poison, weaken you, and corrupt your wealth. Locusts can symbolize barrenness, dryness, and hard times in one’s life.   The swarm of locusts allows people to gather and then reap the fruit of their labor, they enjoy people’s blessing. Is there anyone in your life who is like a locust? If yes, kindly cut off from that person otherwise, the person will exploit you and live fat of your blessings. The spiritual meaning of locust or grasshopper allows you to gather, build jump in, and scatter everything (Matthew 12:30).   Locusts represent a destructive force that can cause damage to crops, trees, and vegetation. A dream of a swarm of locusts may be an indication of a looming disaster in your life that causes chaos and destruction. This dream may suggest that you feel overwhelmed by a situation that is slowly deteriorating and you need to take action to prevent it from causing further harm.   On the positive side, locust in a dream can be a sign to protect your territory and treasures. It may also be associated with divine blessings, good luck, money, and abundance. The dream may be a sign of strangers wandering in the garden of your life.   In the Bible, God sent swarms of locusts to punish people for their wrongdoings. The Egyptians were terrified and they begged the pharaoh to let the Israelites go. The story of the locust is a lesson to remind us of God’s anger against the wicked that deprive God’s children of their freedom and success.   When locusts land on your body, it is a sign to be wary of bad friends sticking around you for one benefit or the other. The dream about the locust is a warning to repent from sins and turn away from wicked ways if otherwise, you will face the wrath of God in some ways. He may send insects to devour you as a sign of punishment. I pray for you, may God restore you of everything the devil has stolen from you.   INSTRUCTION: Read Nahum 3:15-17, Exodus 10:12, Psalm 78:46, Revelation 9:5, Joel 2:24-26   PRAYERS Every spirit of devourer in my life, I chase you away in Jesus name Every power eating the fruits of my labor, die in Jesus’ name Every covenant of profitless hard work in my foundation, break in Jesus name Every power assigned to embarrass, disgrace, and put me to shame, die in Jesus’ name Any unfriendly friend exploiting me, be exposed in Jesus name O Lord, help me to turn away from sinful ways in Jesus’ name O God of restoration, restore me fully by your mercy in Jesus’ name.

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Dream Of Mansion

Dream Of Mansion

Dream Of Mansion.   JOHN 14:2-3 2 In my Father’s house are many mansions: if it were not so, I would have told you. I am going to prepare a place for you. 3 And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again, and receive you unto myself; that where I am, there ye may be also.   PRAYER: My father, turn your good revelation in my life to great testimonies in Jesus’ name   Dreaming of a mansion may represent a new opportunity, a new beginning, career, advancement, and success await you. A beautiful mansion in a dream symbolizes wealth, prosperity, and progress. The dream may also be a sign that you are feeling secure and safe in your current environment. A dream about a mansion could signify your ambition and aspiration for something unique in life. The mansion could be a motivational factor to achieve your goals. The dream of being in a mansion is good news about success, wealth, power, confidence, and respect.   If you dream of being in a mansion, it may represent your desire for luxury and comfort. You may be seeking a higher status in society or striving for success in your career. A mansion in a dream represents one’s dreams and goals in life. It may foretell a brighter future ahead. If you find yourself inside the mansion in your dream, it may indicate that you are doing well in your waking life. This dream may mean that you want power and position and therefore, it can be seen as a warning to stay in control of your ambition because it could help you achieve a big dream. Dreaming of a mansion means that you will soon be happy in life.   The dream of a mansion with many rooms indicates that there are many opportunities and possibilities available for you. Alternatively, the dream could represent a desire for more space or freedom in your personal life. If you dream of a mansion, it’s time to examine your life’s direction and make goals that will align with your desires. If the mansion is in a dilapidated state, it may be a time to work on your self-improvement and a warning to distance yourself from things that don’t serve you well.   The dream of seeing or being in a mansion means that you are in a place of opportunity, honor, and respect. The dream also indicates that you are looking to advance in your career or earn a promotion. To dream of visiting a mansion can represent one’s desire to live a good life. To dream of buying a mansion can indicate success and financial investment. You want to be recognized and respected, you want to be seen as a successful person by others, or you want to make an impression on those around you.   It could also be a sign that you want to show off your wealth and status. To dream of an empty mansion, may indicate that you need a good and quiet place where you can carry out your purpose. In the bible, a mansion represents luck with material wealth or that you will soon achieve a high level of success. A house symbolizes paradise, heaven, or the presence of God, or the dream could be a sign that you are on the right track in life. So keep up the good work and don’t let anything discourage you from achieving your dreams. If you have been experiencing hardship or difficulties in your life, dreaming about a mansion could be a way to give you hope and also remind you of better things ahead. Take action and improve your current situation. Dreaming about a mansion signifies that you are going to meet successful people soon.   PRAYERS Father, perfect your good works in my life in Jesus name Power to do and attract success, possess me now in Jesus’ name Father, give me the grace to give thanks to you at all times in Jesus name I receive the grace of being wealthy Powers using poverty and sickness to dominate my life, you have failed in Jesus’ name O God, give me the grace to start and finish great projects for you in Jesus’ name.

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Dream Of Someone’s Soul Being Taken.

Dream Of Someone’s Soul Being Taken.

Dream Of Someone’s Soul Being Taken.  EZEKIEL 8:3  And he put forth the form of a hand, and took me by a lock of mine head; and the spirit lifted me between the earth and the heaven, and brought me in the visions of God to Jerusalem, to the door of the inner gate that looketh toward the north; where was the seat of the image of jealousy, which provoketh to jealousy.   PRAYER: Powers that vowed never to let me rise, die in Jesus name   When a person dies, the soul leaves or departs immediately. Nobody knows exactly where the soul goes after death. A dream about someone losing his or her soul can be disturbing and frightening. In the dream, the soul symbolizes a person’s life, glory, destiny, and star. A dream of someone’s soul being taken or manipulated is a very serious attack, it may reveal that someone is summoning you to the kingdom of darkness for spiritual attack and manipulation. The dream could also be a sign that someone is using your destiny through the use of charm. This dream can be a sign that devils have taken something from you in exchange for battles.   The devil plans to empty you and kill good things in your life. The devil is trying to take away your life or luck. A dream of your soul being taken by negative forces, means you are troubled. There is an enemy in your life subjecting your life to attacks and affliction. When you see someone’s soul being taken, it may mean that someone is currently in bondage. It reveals the enemy is using one’s glory for evil purposes. When the soul is taken and caged in the dream, it represents challenging times in one’s life. A soul being taken by someone in the dream is a sign that someone is using supernatural power to put a separation between you and success, between you and your loved ones.   Dream of the soul being taken represents a wandering soul, it can also foretell a feeling of powerlessness or lack of control in one’s life. It could indicate that one is feeling trapped or stuck in a situation or relationship which they cannot escape. In some cases, dreaming of one’s soul caged is a warning of delay, sickness, failure, limitation, and even death. A type of dream that indicates witchcraft imitation, bewitchment, and covenant with the devil. Seeing your soul leaving represents that someone is calling your name for evil maybe to kill you or render you useless in life. The occult has the power to call forth someone during sleep for astral purposes. A person’s soul or spirit can leave the physical body and be moving around traveling or going from one place to another.   The devil can be summoned and cage one’s soul, spirit, and even body just to prevent the person from fulfilling his purpose. If your soul leaves your body or someone’s soul is taken, it is a dream that requires serious warfare prayers, and deliverance. You need to call forth your lost soul under captivity to return to its original body. You need to revive anything dead in your life and cry out to God to restore your spiritual power. Send the fire of the Holy Ghost to dismantle the power of the occult over your life and destiny. Cover yourself and your loved ones with the blood of Jesus.   INSTRUCTION: Embark on 7days fasting and prayers from 6 am-6 pm   PRAYERS Every power summoning my glory for evil purpose be destroyed in Jesus’ name Every power assigned to take my life, you are a liar, die in Jesus’ name I break every power of astral projection and attacks in my life in Jesus’ name Every power fighting against my life, receive the judgment of God in Jesus’ name. Every familiar spirit steaming my virtues, release them and die in Jesus name All my blessings in the cage of familiar spirit, die in Jesus’ name Demonic voices saying no to my success and lifting, die suddenly in Jesus’ name.  

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