Dreams & Deliverance Ministries


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Evangelist Joshua Orekhie

Dream About See Someone Crying

Dream About See Someone Crying

Dream About See Someone Crying The dream of seeing someone cry can have different meanings depending on the circumstances of the dream and the relationship with the person who is crying. When you see someone crying, it may mean that that person is sad or worried about something that is going on in their life. She may be having a difficult time or a difficult decision to make. If you know the person who is crying, try to help and offer support. Crying is often a sign of grief or loss.   When you see someone crying, it could mean that the person has experienced a loss or disappointment. Perhaps she lost a loved one or missed an important opportunity. Again, you can try to help and comfort the person. Seeing someone cry with whom you have an emotional attachment may mean that you are worried or have feelings for that person. Maybe you subconsciously feel the need to be there for her and to help her. If you like that person, it could also be a sign of a deeper relationship or increased intimacy.   Crying can also be an expression of suppressed or unspoken feelings. Maybe you want to cry yourself, but for some reason, you couldn’t. Or you may have someone you love or care about who is crying and are unable to express those feelings. Overall, dreaming of seeing someone crying can indicate that you are worried or scared, especially if you are not close to the person. However, if you have an emotional connection with the person, it can be a sign of a deep connection or a strengthened relationship. When you dream about seeing someone crying, it can be interpreted in different ways depending on the context of the dream and the emotions you feel during it.   Firstly, the act of crying often symbolizes a release of emotions or a need for comfort. If you see someone crying in your dream and you feel empathetic or sympathetic towards them, it could indicate that you have a desire to help others in their emotional struggles. You may have a strong sense of compassion or feel like you need to be there for someone in need. On the other hand, if you feel neutral or even angry towards the person who is crying in your dream, it could signify repressed emotions or a sense of frustration or helplessness in a situation.   This person could represent someone or an issue in your life that you feel like you cannot control or change, and the act of crying brings your attention to your feelings of powerlessness. Additionally, it’s important to consider the person who is crying in your dream. Is it someone you know? If so, this could represent your relationship with that person and the emotions or issues you have between you. If it’s a stranger, this person could symbolize aspects of yourself that you may be suppressing or ignoring. In conclusion, dreaming about someone crying can be a complex symbol with many possible interpretations. Pay attention to the emotions you feel in the dream and reflect on your own life experiences to gain a deeper understanding of what this dream may be trying to tell you.   Dreams about seeing someone crying can be quite emotional and leave you feeling unsettled. It is important to explore the possible meanings of this dream, as it can provide insight into your own emotions and subconscious mind. Dreams about seeing someone crying can represent a range of emotions, from empathy and compassion to sadness and helplessness. It may indicate that you have been recently exposed to someone’s pain or suffering, and your mind is processing those emotions while you sleep.   Alternatively, it could be a reflection of your own emotions, as the person crying in your dream may represent a part of yourself that is feeling overwhelmed or emotional. As with all dreams, the specific details and symbols present in the dream can offer further clues about its meaning. For example, if the person crying is someone you know, it may suggest that you are feeling concerned or worried about them in your waking life. Alternatively, if the person is a stranger, it may represent a more general sense of sadness or grief.   The context of the dream can also offer clues – if the person is crying in a happy situation, it may indicate that you are feeling overwhelmed with emotion. In some religious or spiritual traditions, dreams are seen as messages or signs from a higher power or the universe. In this context, dreaming of seeing someone crying may be a sign of empathy and compassion, or it may be a warning or message to pay attention to your own emotional needs and those of others. For example, it may be a call to action to help those in need or to reach out to someone who may be struggling.   In some cultures, dreams are seen as messages from ancestors or spirits, and dreaming of crying may be a sign of emotional release or purification. In other cultures, crying may be seen as a sign of weakness or vulnerability, and the dream may represent a fear of expressing emotions or being seen as weak. Dream about seeing someone crying may be a reflection of your own emotions or a desire to express them. It may indicate that you are feeling overwhelmed or sad in your waking life, and your mind is processing those emotions while you sleep.   Alternatively, it may represent a need for emotional connection or support, as the act of crying can be a way to release tension and connect with others. If you are experiencing recurring dreams about seeing someone crying, it may be helpful to explore the underlying emotions and issues that may be contributing to the dream.  

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Dream About Mother Cheating

Dream About Mother Cheating

Dream About Mother Cheating Dreams about infidelity from parents can be very disturbing and often disturb the dreaming long after waking up. Here is a possible interpretation of such a dream where the mother is cheating:   Loss of trust It is possible that this dream represents the feeling of loss of trust in a loved one, particularly in the family. The mother’s betrayal in this dream may symbolize a lack of trust in a situation or person that appears friendly and familiar but could be insecure or even deceitful.   A dream about maternal infidelity can also reflect a person feeling insecure on an emotional level. The dream could signal that there is an insecurity regarding the relationships in the life of the dreamer. The feeling of insecurity could indicate that the dreamer may be on shaky ground and therefore need a change to improve their emotional well-being.   Another possible aspect of this dream is the presence of conflicts that were not immediately recognized by the dreamer. Behind-the-scenes conflicts and disagreements may be lurking, potentially affecting your relationship with someone important. The dream could be an indication that there is a need to resolve these conflicts to find a solution that is satisfactory for everyone involved.   Dreaming about one’s mother cheating can symbolize several things depending on how one perceives the dream. Firstly, a mother in a dream usually symbolizes nurturing, caring and motherly love. Seeing her cheating suggests that there may be feelings of betrayal, abandonment or loss of trust in someone who is supposed to take care of you. It could also indicate that the dreamer has doubts or uncertainties in their relationship with their mother.   Secondly, cheating can be interpreted as inappropriate behavior, disloyalty, or deceit. It may not necessarily mean that the mother is cheating in real life, but it could represent some form of dishonesty or betrayal in a significant relationship. When interpreted together, dreaming about one’s mother cheating could suggest that the dreamer is dealing with significant emotional conflicts related to trust and loyalty in a key relationship. It can represent fears of betrayal or abandonment, either real or imagined. Additionally, it could also indicate the need to reassess one’s relationship with their mother or other people who play a significant nurturing role in the dreamer’s life.   A dream about your mother cheating may represent feelings of insecurity or mistrust towards your mother or other important figures in your life. This type of dream may also indicate a fear of being betrayed or deceived by someone close to you, or a fear of losing an important relationship. Alternatively, this dream may represent feelings of guilt or shame that you may be carrying about a situation in your life that you perceive to be dishonest or disloyal.   Symbolically, dreaming of your mother cheating may represent a sense of insecurity or vulnerability in your relationship with your mother. It may also indicate that you feel that your mother is being unfaithful or disloyal to you in some way, or that you feel that your mother is not providing the support and nurturing that you need. Furthermore, dreaming of infidelity or cheating may also indicate that you are harboring feelings of jealousy, resentment, or anger towards someone close to you.   In some cases, dreaming of infidelity or cheating is seen as a warning to be vigilant and careful in your relationships with others. This dream may be interpreted as a message from God urging you to be cautious and protect yourself from potential harm or deception. Dreaming of infidelity or cheating may be seen as a taboo or a violation of cultural norms. In some cultures, this type of dream may be interpreted as a warning of bad luck or misfortune in one’s personal or professional life. This dream may also be a manifestation of your own desires and fantasies, or it may represent a fear of being rejected or abandoned by someone that you love.   Suggestions: If you have had a dream about your mother cheating, it is important to take the time to reflect on your own emotions and thoughts surrounding this dream. Ask yourself if there is something in your life that you are feeling guilty or ashamed about, or if you are experiencing feelings of mistrust or insecurity in your personal relationships. Consider talking to a therapist or counselor if you feel that your dreams are causing you significant distress or if you are struggling to make sense of your emotions. Additionally, try to practice self-care and self-compassion, especially if you are experiencing feelings of guilt or shame about something in your life. Remember that dreams are often symbolic and may not necessarily reflect reality, and that it is okay to seek support and help from others when you are

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Dream About Being Late

Dream About Being Late

Dream About Being Late You thought you had plenty of time to reach your appointment but you have just realized how late it is getting. You rush to get ready, looking at the clock, unable to understand how so much time has passed. As you try to reach your rendezvous, you keep being frustrated by obstacles and distractions. You become involved in dealing with these frustrations and are dismayed to find they eat up even more of your precious time. It starts to feel as if your time isn’t your own and that you will never reach where you want to be.   When you dream of being late in the dream, you start to feel that you are about to lose the opportunity to experience some sort of fulfillment in your waking life. The appointment or deadline in the dream is often a timetable that you have set in day-to-day life to achieve a specific ambition, such as starting a family or reaching a professional qualification.   You realize that time is running out if you want to accomplish this goal. Looking at the clock shows you have been filling your life with lots of other activities but are beginning to realize it isn’t getting you anywhere. Even though you may think that you have been working towards fulfilling your objective, you have just been going through the motions.   The more you rush to meet your appointment with your objective, then the more the opportunity seems to disappear. You may try different routes to your goal but none of them take you where you want and it is leaving you feeling frustrated and distracted. This suggests you have been avoiding certain decisions that will commit you to a particular course of action in your waking life. The more you procrastinate about this decision, the more of your time that you use up. When you commit to purposeful action, however, then you start taking responsibility for the outcome. The more committed your actions, the more time you will make to ensure your success, rather than constantly looking at the clock.   Action: The timely message from this dream is about committing to meaningful action rather than just involving yourself in busy and meaningless activity. Until you commit to a decision, you will always find yourself hesitating and using your time ineffectively. As soon as you commit yourself to definite action, you will find a range of opportunities opening up that will help you fulfil your goals. Once your decision is made, your direction becomes clear and you can plan your progress according to your timetable. Your time becomes your own, rather than being subject to the whims and vagaries of what is happening around you.  

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Dream About Unable To Find A Toilet

Dream About Unable To Find A Toilet

Dream About Unable To Find A Toilet You are desperate for the toilet and searching to find one. The only toilets you can see, however, are in strange places or full public view. The cubicles may have no walls or a door that you can’t lock. You might also find yourself in a queue and, even though you urgently need the toilet, have to wait in line. When you actually reach the toilet, it is often disgustingly messy and cramped, or flooded and blocked. You worry about getting your shoes wet and there is usually no toilet paper or place to wash your hands.   In waking life, the toilet is where you go to release what is no longer healthy or sustaining for you. Dreaming about needing the toilet indicates that there is some situation in your life that has become unhealthy but you aren’t sure how to let go of it. This often involves your personal needs and how easily you find it to express them to other people. Searching for a toilet shows you are looking for some way to tell someone what you need.   This can feel strange for you, however, and the need for privacy shows you would like to deal with this situation behind closed doors so that you don’t appear needy. Having to stand in a queue for the toilet indicates that you are putting the needs of others before your own, even though you are desperate to express them. You are anxious it will turn into a messy situation if you try and voice your needs. This cramps your self-expression because you feel you have little choice and no room to maneuver. You are also worried that it might end up becoming very emotional with floods of tears or that your requests for help may be blocked. Trying not to get your feet wet indicates that you are over-cautious about stepping into emotional situations because you are unsure what the outcome might be. Sometimes you just want to come clean and wash your hands of the whole affair but there seems to be no way for you to do this.   Action: In waking life, you often hope your needs will be met if you look after other people’s needs, but they often seem to just end up dumping their problems on you. The best way to resolve this situation is to put your needs before the needs of others by using the word ‘No’ now and again. This enables you to set firm personal boundaries, which allow you to look after your needs. Although this may seem selfish, it is much easier to look after other people’s needs when you are comfortable that you can attend to your own.   Background: Our first experience of controlling our needs happens at a very young age when we learn to regulate our basic bodily activities in toilet training. This is often our first exposure to social obligations taking precedence over our physical needs and functions. During this training, we realize that inappropriate expressions of our needs can become very messy and also can make us feel quite ashamed. Even though we learn to control our physical needs as children, we often find it challenging to manage our emotional needs as adults as they can evoke the same feelings of vulnerability and embarrassment.

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Dream Of Teeth Falling Out

Dream Of Teeth Falling Out

Dream Of Teeth Falling Out Everything seems fine until you suddenly notice that some of your teeth are becoming loose and starting to fall out of your gums. You desperately hope that your other teeth are still intact but then they start to wobble too. It may be that you spit out your teeth as your mouth fills up with blood, or perhaps your teeth crumble into powder.   You might also find yourself looking in the mirror and realizing your teeth are badly decayed. When you dream about your teeth, you are usually considering how confident and powerful you feel in waking life. You show your teeth when you smile and when you bite, and so they often reflect how self-assured and assertive you are feeling.   Losing your teeth indicates something is challenging you and causing you to lose confidence in your ability to deal with it. Like teeth dropping out one by one, receiving a knock to your confidence in one area of your life can often cause you to lose nerve in other areas of your life. Your self-assurance begins to wobble and you often find it easier to just keep your mouth shut rather than speak up for yourself.   Crumbling teeth show that your confidence is being eroded because you aren’t taking care of your self-esteem and if your teeth are decaying, then you feel that your power is somehow fading away. A loose filling suggests you are no longer filled with confidence and bleeding tooth sockets indicate tension in a close relationship is somehow wounding your self-esteem and you are letting your self-worth just leak away. If you are wearing a brace, then you are trying to maintain your confidence using external support.   The message from this dream is that you should be more confident in whatever situation is currently challenging you in your waking life. Although you may feel powerless in the face of adversity, you can often change the balance of power by just acting in a more self-assured manner. The more confident that you appear then the more likely you are to succeed in overcoming any difficulties.

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Beautiful Village

Dream About Beautiful Village

Dream About Beautiful Village Isaiah 32:18 And my people shall dwell in a peaceable habitation and in sure dwellings and quiet resting places;   Proverb 3:33 The curse of the Lord is in the house of the wicked: but he blesseth the habitation of the just.   Prayers: I convert failure in my life to success in the name of Jesus.   Dreaming about a beautiful village represents a better time ahead. The village dream may also be symbolic of beautiful things to come in your life. This revelation can represent joy, happiness, prosperity, and success in the office. Seeing a beautiful village is a sign that you may soon travel and connect to new things in life or people.   It pretends favorable changes that bring advancement in your life. To dream of living in a beautiful village indicates a state of peace, good health, long life, and open success. A village dream may represent a poor person whom God has transformed his life. The dream could be telling you that God has given you victory over your enemies.   The dream could also represent that you actively coming against an issue that has been hindering you for a long. To visit a beautiful village in the dream, could mean that god is trying to connect you with good people who may favor you greatly. The dream is a positive sign indicating that hardship and trouble have finally been over in your life.   To see a beautiful village, is a sign of happy times in your family in your family. It can also signify freedom from financial worries. In conclusion, dreaming about a beautiful village signifies the end of affliction and the era of new beginning and fulfillment of set goals in life.   Instruction: Take this bible verses; psalm 30:5, john 15:11, 1thess 5:16 -18, psalm 118:24, Jeremiah 29:11, proverbs 16:9  2corinthian 5:17   PRAYERS Every power attacking my future my future, die in the name of Jesus. Every power assigned to bring back to captivity, die in the name of Jesus Every power that allows me to see good opportunities, but preventing me from accessing it, die in the name of Jesus. O Lord, let there be a new beginning in my life in the name of Jesus. O Lord, transform my destiny to greatness in the name of Jesus.

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University DREAM

Dream About University

Dream About University 2 Timothy 2:15  Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth.   Prayers: let the blood of Jesus cancel every worry in my life in the name of Jesus.   A dream about university represents learning growing and expanding. To see yourself going to university indicates your desire to learn something new and put it into practice. To dream of getting admitted to university, it’s a sign of happiness, progress, and success. This shows that you are going to hear good news.   To see yourself in a university signifies that you want to increase your knowledge by developing your capacity. If you dream that you are revisiting your university day, this is directly connected to your desire to start something afresh. Or the dream could indicate your desire to improve your knowledge in connection to your career.   If you dream of an old university, think this represents an attack against your progress. A dream of going to university indicates your search for knowledge, truth, or opportunity. If you find it difficult to locate a lecture room, or your lateness to an exam, then this type of dream suggests the failure and attack of the wicked that surrounds you. Pray it out.   Dreaming about university signifies a mature person who is ready to live an independent life and take up the challenges that confront him. If you are a teacher, this type of dream signifies career, advancement, and accomplished. To dream that you are making friends in the university suggests the need to carefully choose the right friend on your way to the top, or to your goal in life.   If you dream on your graduated from the university, it symbolizes good news coming, this is a sign of joy, happiness and breakthrough in your life. But if you are unable to graduate in the university. It reflects attack of stagnation. You have powers that refuse to let you graduate, or take a step of progress in your career. You need to pray well. If you dream of getting expelled from a university, it symbolizes difficulties and obstacles.   To see a university gate, it reflects the goals that you need to achieve. To see yourself as a lecturer at a university, it means you are a leader with a purpose to impart lives with your teaching. To dream of writing exam in a university, it indicates a test. This may be the time to test your ability on something, who knows you may succeed. Dream about a university, can indicate the need to reflect on your past life while in school to reflect on the friends you keep, to reflect on your lectures and other things. It is well.   Instruction: Matthew 16:26, James 4:10, Isaiah 65:21-23, Matthew 6:33, proverbs 3:5-6   PRAYERS Father Lord, give me the wisdom and knowledge to succeed in life. Father, give me the power to prosper as I establish relationship with you. I declare that I shall move forward to achieving my purpose in life. O Lord, make me to appreciate your great investment in my life. I rebuke the spirit of backwardness and difficulties  

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Seeing Vending Machine in Dream

Dream About Vending Machine

Dream About Vending Machine Psalm 37:4, “Delight yourself also in the LORD and He shall give you the desires of your heart.” Prayer, I overcome the power of greed, discontentment, and financial waste in the name of Jesus. A vending machine is a machine that provides items such as snacks, beverages, cigarettes when money is inserted into the machine. To see a vending machine in your dream represents good luck and financial blessings to come. This reveals that you have rich potential that you need to explore for your career or business success. Seeing a vending machine reflects your desire to satisfy your want or need in life.   In Christianity, a vending machine can be seen as a temptation or a test of faith, where you are challenged to resist the temptation of instant gratification and focus on spiritual growth and eternal rewards. In some beliefs, a vending machine can symbolize the law of karma and the idea that your actions have consequences, positive or negative, that may affect your future life.   To dream of a broken vending machine, foretells problems to come due to your own mistakes and ignorance. It may also suggest disappointment and loss of precious things. To dream of a vending machine, suggests you are trying to figure out how to get what you want from a person or situation in your waking life. This dream tells you, don’t settle for less than you deserve.   To dream of finding money in a vending machine, indicates good luck on your pursuit and an omen of open door of financial blessings. To dream of buying things using the vending machine, it reveals that your worries will soon go away and you will find joy within you. Such a dream may indicate your ability to choose rightly.   Dreaming of finding money in a vending machine may represent the dreamer’s unexpected or sudden gain in wealth, resources, or opportunities. It can also signify a need for instant gratification or a desire for financial security and stability. This dream may suggest that the dreamer is taking risks or making decisions that may lead to financial gain, but also to potential loss or regret.   Dreaming of a vending machine can be a sign of feeling trapped or powerless in a situation. The dreamer may feel like they are unable to make their own decisions and that something or someone else is in control of their life.   Seeing a vending machine in your dream can represent your desire for instant gratification. It may indicate that you are looking for a quick fix to solve your problems or fulfill your needs. This could be related to your personal or professional life, and you may feel like you do not have enough time, resources, or options to achieve what you want.   On the other hand, a vending machine can also symbolize abundance and availability. You may feel like you have many choices or opportunities in front of you, but you need to choose wisely and be aware of the consequences of your actions. For example, if you get a candy bar, it may mean that you are indulging in something sweet and pleasurable, but it may not be good for your health or wellbeing.   If you get a drink, it may mean that you are thirsty for knowledge, information, or social interactions. If you get a toy, it may mean that you are seeking entertainment, joy, or playfulness in your life. If the vending machine is broken, it may mean that you are feeling frustrated, disappointed, or helpless in your pursuit of your goals.   Suggestions: If you dream of a vending machine, it may be helpful to reflect on what you are craving or missing in your life. Are you looking for something sweet, refreshing, or entertaining? Are you thirsty for knowledge, connection, or purpose? Are you feeling deprived or frustrated by your current circumstances? Once you identify your needs or desires, you can explore healthy and sustainable ways of fulfilling them.   May God Almighty make his blessings available for you. May you never lack of his fullness in your life. You will prosper and progress in life.   Instruction: Pray for a good life.   PRAYERS I connect myself and my family to generational blessings, in the name of Jesus. The ideas that will make me great, I receive you by fire, in the name of Jesus. The information that will make me great, I receive you by fire. I receive the grace to choose rightly in life, in the name of Jesus I receive the anointing to sow and reap a hundred-fold. Father, release financial blessings to my life, in the name of Jesus.

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Van in the dream

Dream About Van

VAN DREAM MEANING Psalm 32:8 I will instruct you and teach you in the way you should go; I will counsel you with my eye upon you.   Prayer: I declare that someone will not replace me in life and destiny, in the name of Jesus.   A van in the dream is a symbol of ministry, business and family. Dream of a van represents your interest in setting up a business for yourself. A van can contain lots of people, therefoore, this means that you are capable of carrying people along with you. If the van was carrying goods in the dream, it indicates a good opportunity is coming.   You need to prepare and pray towards it. If you dream of riding a van, it indicates moving forward  in your ministry, business and family. As a man, you have lots of responsibilities and burden upon you, and that you feel like dealing with that problem with a determined spirit. A van has several connotations that must be taken into consideration.   A van in the dream may encourage you to start a marketing-business. If you are driving a van with lots of people, it suggests prosperity and success to come after a period of hard work. A van symbolism speaks that your life is loaded with the blessings of God. When you see the van moving, then it shows that your plans will go on smoothly and you shall be successful. To dream of buying a van, it suggests that you will soon get a better job or the dream could indicate your efforts to get something that you are aiming at.   To see a big van in a dream, God is using dream as a way of encouraging you to fulfil your big goal.  It can also mean a positive change to come in your life. To see an old van in the dream, it indicates that you need to change certain things in your life. Like changing the old ways of making money. The old van in your dream can also mean that  you will stay long in a ministry and you will eat the fruit of your labour.   If you see people entering the van in the dream, it indicates that people are craving for safety, comfort, movement and progress. It also reveals that many will run into safety where their faith will be strengthen. To see a white van in the dream, it indicates better times ahead in career, marriage and ministry. If the van is black, it suggests that life will be better for you, but be careful who you associate with in life because of some people may give you wrong advise. To see the van crashing portends failure in business. You need to pray about that.   Driving a van smoothly might represent satisfaction and control over where one is living. On the other hand, a broken van dream may represent feeling stuck and hindered by something. Seeing a van in your dream could represent readiness for huge life changes or a huge adventure. It means you are ready for a change . If you are aspiring to be a leader, this dream also indicate that you are a leader!   Sometimes, when a woman sees a van with passengers moving in the dream, it could be a sign that dreamer is or will be pregnant and that she will be fulfilled in her marriage. To dream of being chased by a van, it means that you are curently encountering some challenges and difficulties. Pray. If you are kidnapped in a van in the dream, it may suggest you need to be alert and vigilant of your surroundings and people.   INSTRUCTION: Read these Bible verses: John 14:6, Psalm 25:4-5, Proverbs 37:5.   PRAYERS Oh Lord, I am available, take me to a place of my blessing, in the name of Jesus. Father, let your grace magnetize big opportunities to me, in the name of Jesus. Father, restore my wheel of progress, in the name of Jesus. O Lord, I put my ministry into your hands, arise and help me through, in the name of Jesus. Every power that wants me to fail in life, die, in the name of Jesus. By fire by force, I am moving forward in all the areas of my life, in the name of Jesus. Holy Spirit, drive me to my promised land by fire, in the name of Jesus.  

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Vegetable Garden

Seeing Vegetable Garden In Dream

VEGETABLE GARDEN DREAM MEANING Isaiah 58:11, The LORD will guide you always; he will satisfy your needs in a sun-scorched land and will strengthen your frame.   Prayer: Father, make my life beautiful, in the name of Jesus.   Dream of the vegetable garden is a symbol of happiness, success, and prosperity. It is also a symbol of good health, growth, and peace. Seeing a beautiful vegetable garden that is full of flowers in a dream, suggests divine provision, love, healthy relationships, satisfaction, and peace. To dream of plucking vegetables signifies pleasant times ahead and accomplishment of whatever pursuits in life.   To dream of planting vegetables in the garden suggests open doors of advancement in business pursuits. It also reflects taking a good step towards fulfilling your purpose. To see yourself in a vegetable garden, means your worries will be over, you will prosper, you will be fruitful and you will live long on earth.   A vegetable garden is a sign of abundance, the fruit of the womb, promotion, fruit of the labor, and also an improvement of your health. Seeing green vegetables means good things to come. Your heart’s desire will come to pass. To see yourself watering a vegetable garden, suggests future success that may come your way.   This dream can also indicate a period of work and a time of looking after your treasures in life. To see a beautiful vegetable garden in a dream, means that things will soon work out as planned.  Such a dream means that your life’s situation will change for the better.   A vegetable garden in the dream can also represent paradise and wealth. Dreaming of a vegetable garden can symbolize the dreamer’s desire for growth, both personally and professionally. It can also signify the importance of a healthy lifestyle and the need to take care of one’s body.   In dream symbolism, a green vegetable garden can represent fertility, prosperity, and happiness. The lushness of the garden and the vibrant colors of the vegetables can suggest a bountiful harvest and the potential for abundance in various aspects of life.   This dream may indicate that the dreamer needs to focus on nurturing their life, work, or goals to see growth and prosperity manifest. It may also suggest that the dreamer is currently experiencing an abundant season in their life and should appreciate it while being mindful of maintaining or improving it.   If the dreamer observes healthy crops, then it can signify that their hard work is going to pay off soon. In contrast, if the dreamer observes sick or damaged crops, it can indicate that they might be facing some health or investment-related issues.  In Christianity, seeing a vegetable garden in a dream can signify the importance of sowing seeds with love, which will bear fruits. It can indicate that the dreamer should continue to sow seeds in their life with sincerity and faith to receive abundance.   A dream that involves receiving vegetables from a garden can indicate that you should pay attention to the things that grow around you. It can also represent the importance of cultivating relationships that enhance your personal growth. Receiving vegetables in a dream can be interpreted as a sign of blessings, abundance, and prosperity. It may also reflect the spiritual nourishment that one needs to sustain a connection with God.   In conclusion, seeing or being in a vegetable garden in dream, it may mean that God is about to give you a job/ responsibility in order to prosper and enlarge you in all areas of life.   Suggestions The dreamer should focus on cultivating a positive attitude towards life to see further growth and prosperity. The dreamer should keep working hard and be loyal to their duties and responsibilities to fulfill their goals. This dream suggests that it is a perfect time to invest any savings or assets to see growth in their finances.   Prayers Father, give me the grace to be faithful in little things and entrust great things to me, in the name of Jesus. Father, enlarge my coast, in the name of Jesus. Father help me to live a good life, in the name of Jesus. Father let your grace and peace be multiplied to me, in the name of Jesus. Father, make all grace abound towards me, and grant me sufficiency in all things in the name of Jesus. I shall be fruitful in everything I lay my hands upon to do, in the name of Jesus. Holy Spirit, give a good and comforting happy home, in the name of Jesus.

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