Dreams & Deliverance Ministries


July 13, 2024

Dream Of Buying Fuel

Dream Of Buying Fuel

Dream Of Buying Fuel. Colossians 3:23-24   23 And whatsoever ye do, do it heartily, as to the Lord, and not unto men;   24 Knowing that of the Lord ye shall receive the reward of the inheritance: for ye serve the Lord Christ.     PRAYER: O Lord, grant all my expectations in life, in the name of Jesus.     Fuel in the Dream is all about energy, career, hope, business, and potential. To dream of a petrol station symbolizes your desire to seek strength and motivation to actualize your goals. Buying fuel in the dream can be a good omen because the fuel in that dream may represent something you wish to get in real life such as money, a car, a job, or wealth. You may be at a time in your life right now when you need money.     Fuel in the dream could stand as a symbol of power, progress, and prosperity. Buying it in the dream means that you are going to get whatever you are pursuing in real life. Buying fuel in the filling station on the other hand could also give you hope that whatever supplies you need in life will be readily available for you.     The fuel could symbolize the power of God. The Bible says you shall receive power after the Holy Ghost has come upon you, this means that until the Holy Ghost comes upon you, you cannot get what drive to fulfill your purpose. This dream also suggests that you must motivate or energize yourself in that current situation.     Possibly you lost all your passion, energy, or motivation to work, so remind yourself of your purpose on earth. However, to dream that you are unable to get the fuel means all your needs are not met and is causing frustration and problems in your life. This dream means that you are likely to have a bad day, maybe someone you intend to meet for something will suddenly disappoint you. When you get to a filling station and you don’t get fuel for your car then it implies that you are going to worry about something that may not work for you. At this point pray against any bad news.     To dream of selling fuel, this dream could mean that you possess some potential that is highly valuable to make you rich if done well. You have valuable resources or information which is the power of becoming prosperous. Others will respect or envy your career.     Buying fuel means that you must gather everything essential for the working of your personal and professional life otherwise, you will run out of fuel which refers to financial, emotional, and psychological energy. For example, when fuel is scarce in the dream, it can be a sign of financial problems or an attack on one’s career or business. Please pray for restoration.     INSTRUCTION: Phil 4:13, 2 Corinthians 12:9, Proverbs 3:5-6, Matthew7:7-8, John 15:7.     PRAYER   1. I declare that I shall make use of potential, in the name of Jesus.   2. I declare that I shall not lack any good thing in life, in the name of Jesus.   3. I declare that I have the power to excel, prosper, and succeed, in the name of Jesus.   4. O Lord take over my battles and give me victory, in the name of Jesus.   5. O God arise and give me a divine prescription for my situation, in the name of Jesus.

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Dream Of Picking Red Fruits.

Dream Of Picking Red Fruits

Dream Of Picking Red Fruits.   Proverbs 10: 22  The blessing of the Lord, it maketh rich, and he addeth no sorrow with it.     PRAYER: Holy Spirit deliver me from witchcraft dream, in the name of Jesus.     Do you red fruits in the dream? If yes, was it strawberry, red apple, pomegranate, beetroot, cranberry, cherry, etc? The dream of picking red fruits may mean different things to many people, it can symbolize happiness, joy, success, prosperity, and breakthrough. The dream indicates that you will feel happy after receiving some good news.     Red fruits are also a sign of opportunity, pregnancy, and abundance. To pick strawberries may indicate that you are going to be fortunate in marriage and business. If you are a business person you will earn lots of profit that will make you happy and satisfied. If you are sick seeing red fruits like red apples, beetroot, and pomegranate shows that you will soon recover from that illness. This might be a good time to take care of your health.     Fruits are severally associated with pregnancy, if you frequently see ripe frits in the dream then it shows that you will be blessed and fruitful in your marriage. Plucking red fruits reveals that you are going to harvest the fruit of your labor, believe that you are now in your season of progress and a new beginning.     The dream could also mean that all things will go on as planned. You’ve been working too hard for quite some time now and it’s time to reap the fruits. When you are plucking rotten red fruits, it can be a sign of trouble in your life, it can suggest that there is a curse in your life, and you need to pray hard to break that curse affecting your progress.     For some people, picking red fruits in the dream can be a sign of a satanic attack on their business. If they eat it, it can corrupt their mind and slowly destroy their life. Dream of red fruit may tell you to be very careful about your next action/decision so that you will not find yourself in trouble.     Severally, seeing red fruits in the dream can also be seen as a symbol of richness and pleasure, eating the fruit foretells healing of your situation, and holding the fruit means you will accomplish something you have been pursuing to get. If you are thinking of starting a relationship, this dream is assigned that it will go on smoothly, if someone gives you red fruit you will make a new friend but be very careful of a deceptive one.     If you are unable to pick the fruit from the tree it suggests sadness and disappointment in marriage and business. If you are pregnant then be ready to have a safe delivery devoid of complication. In conclusion, a Dream of picking/plucking red fruits can suggest a good or bad omen to some people. However, if you feel bad about it pray against any spiritual attack against your life and destiny. It is well with you, you are blessed.     INSTRUCTION: proceed to 3days fasting from 6 am-6 pm     Read Psalm 20:4, Eccl 3, Gen 8:22.     PRAYER   1. Agent of darkness that wants me to cry, I reject it, in the name of Jesus   2. I cancel every danger hiding in this dream, in the name of Jesus   3. Powers assigned to deny me of my blessings, die, in the name of Jesus   4. O Lord help me to achieve my goals faster, in the name of Jesus   5. I dismantle every stronghold working against my finances, in the name of Jesus.

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Dream Of Someone Giving You A Pen.

Dream Of Someone Giving You A Pen.

Dream Of Someone Giving You A Pen.   Psalm 139: 23-24    23 Search me, O God, and know my heart: try me, and know my thoughts:   24 And see if there be any wicked way in me, and lead me in the way everlasting.     PRAYER: Every evil thought against me I cancel it by fire, in the name of Jesus.     A pen could symbolize many things. It could symbolize a tool for expressing yourself formally. It can symbolize power, communication, career, and virtues. For others pen in the dream may represent trouble, division, and arrows, but when you see someone giving you a pen, it may signify many things, it may mean that you will receive help or support, it may mean that someone will give you a job.     It may mean someone is interested in a relationship with you. It may mean that someone is trying to pass or convey an important message to you. It could be a good or bad information. Sometimes such a dream may be a setup by someone who wants you to fail and fail in life.     If in a marriage, this dream suggests happiness or good news to come. If in a relationship your affair with that person will go on smoothly. If you dream of writing with a pen, it means it is time to express yourself in words or put down your prayer requests. If you are expecting a job, to see someone giving you a pen means you will soon set a good job or creative ideas to start your own business. This dream also means that someone is going to empower you financially to carry out that business plan. To see someone giving you a pen tells you to make that decision very fast, it can be related to marriage, relationship, work, academics, etc.     When a pen is broken it can suggest bad news, trouble, or disappointment in career and love life. If someone gives you a broken pen predicts that you are going to lose a big opportunity being offered to you by someone. The pen in your dream may signify a promise to someone or some request to God.  God is waiting for you to make that request so that he can grant them to you.     Receiving a pen as a gift means that you will be rewarded for your efforts and work, and someone will favor you soon but if you lose the pen, it means the loss of something in your life it could be a job, project, ideas, wisdom, relationship, marriage, money, etc. This can also mean you will have communication problems with your loved ones, partners, or colleagues.     Finding your pen means happiness and success to come, holding a pen is a symbol of holding onto your dreams and goals but if you give someone a pen, it means that you will contribute to or support someone else dreams. In conclusion, when we feel we have lost everything that is when God will step into someone’s life as a destiny helper. Don’t give up, you shall surely progress and make a significant impact in life     INSTRUCTION: Jeremiah 30:1-2, Habakkuk 2:2-3, Proverbs 16:3, Isaiah 26:3, Proverbs 23:7, psalms 19:4, 2Timothy 1:7, Romans 12: 3, Matthew 7:21-22, Proverbs 3:5.     PRAYER   1. O Lord have mercy on me and reverse any evil thought against me, in the name of Jesus.   2.Oh Lord write my name in the book of those that will be favored by you, in the name of Jesus.   3. I cancel my names written in the book of those that will be attacked, in the name of Jesus.   4. Father, send good people who will help me financially, in the name of Jesus.   5. Every power that wants to fire arrows into my life, die, in the name of Jesus.

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Seeing A Church On Fire In The Dream.

Seeing A Church On Fire In The Dream.

Dream Of Someone Giving You A Pen.     Isaiah 43: 2 When thou passest through the waters, I will be with thee; and through the rivers, they shall not overflow thee: when thou walkest through the fire, thou shalt not be burned; neither shall the flame kindle upon thee.     PRAYER: Every fire of the wicked designed to weaken my faith, be ceased, in the name of Jesus.     Do you see a church burning? If yes, was it your local church on fire or not? A church is a place where believers Christian worship God. To see a church on fire in the dream represents a strong attack against the church or pastor. This dream is a sign that the devil is trying to set that church on fire in the waking life or the sign could just be that a church will lose lots of members as a result of internal conflicts between the pastors.     The Bible says in Matthew 16:18, upon this rock, I will build my church and the gate of hell shall not prevail against it. A dream of seeing a church burning could suggest an attack targeted against your faith. The devil wants to attack your faith so that will not be able to have a smooth relationship with God and this act can affect your church interest. The church in the dream could represent what you believe in as a person and the fire can symbolize a threat to your faith.     This dream may also suggest a feeling of anger or sadness. You need to protect your treasures before the enemy destroys everything. The church also represents power. If fire is burning the church, it’s a sign of spiritual weakness for spiritual weakness will give way for the enemy to attack and manipulate good things in your life.     Seeing a church on fire may be a result of God’s anger upon a person who is practicing the spirit of witchcraft in the church or elsewhere. For example, if you worship in a church and you feel you are not safe, you may need to suspend your worship in that church and ask God the reasons. If as a pastor, the dream is a sign that the devil wants to scatter your flocks so that your ministry will fail to carry out its divine mandate.     The dream is also a reminder to pray for the church and pastors in Cor 3:17 if any man defiles the temple of God, he shall God destroy, for the temple of God is holy, which temple ye are. Seeing fire burning a church may suggest that God wants to speak to you concerning a church, maybe he wants to instruct, warn, and prevent you from going or worshipping in that church.     The dream may be a warning of insecurity, obstacles, and rejection in a certain location. For some people, seeing a church on fire may represent your inner self, your life is experiencing that power of God to do exploits in life. The holy spirit may be using this dream to rescue and protect you from difficult problems assigned to destroy you. If many people die in the building symbolizes that you need to be prayerful for the divine safety and protection of your life.     INSTRUCTION: Embark on days fasting from 6 am- 6 pm     READ: Isaiah 43:2, Psalms 104:4, Daniel 3:16-30     PRAYER   1.Thou fire of God arise and consume to ashes all my enemies, in the name of Jesus.   2. Any battle assigned to swallow shall die, in the name of Jesus.   3. I fire back the arrows fired at me through my church, in the name of Jesus.   4. Any hidden fire of the wicked fading away the glory of my church, cease, in the name of Jesus.   5. The Holy Spirit appears amid my troubles and saves me, in the name of Jesus.  

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Dream Of Someone Wearing A Red Shirt

Dream Of Someone Wearing A Red Shirt

Dream Of Someone Wearing A Red Shirt.     Isaiah 1:18   Come now, and let us reason together, saith the Lord: though your sins be as scarlet, they shall be as white as snow; though they are red like crimson, they shall be as wool.     PRAYER: Every curse affecting my relationship with people backfires, in the name of Jesus.     Red is typically associated with love, passion, confidence, and power others are anger, danger, blood, and protection. wearing a red in your dream can represent your desire to stand out or to be noticed. Alternatively, it may symbolize your strong emotions or aggression towards someone or something in your waking life. Depending on your cultural background or belief, wearing a red shirt can hold different meanings in some parts of African culture.     Red symbolizes danger; others see it as a symbol of happiness and good luck. To see someone wearing a red shirt in the dream means that you are going to be easily noticed or recognize someone’s lifestyle or behavior. You will notice someone who has hidden his/her lifestyle from you. seeing a woman wearing a red shirt in a dream means you might be attracted to that woman if you are a man.     If as a woman, you see a man with a red shirt in the dream, it might as a warning to beware of bad or fetish people, you may be attracted to the man because of several things like money, height, dress others are because of the way he talks does job for others. Wearing a red shirt is a symbol of celebration of love, this might be a sign of connecting to a new love or improving your current relationship.     Many people don’t like red shirts/dresses, they feel it is too harsh and this makes them feel uncomfortable seeing others wearing it might turn them off. Seeing someone wearing a red shirt in your dream might represent someone you don’t like to associate with in your waking life. The dream may stand as a danger ahead or a warning sign, and as such this dream might be urging you to be very careful of your relationship with others.     Wearing a red shirt may signify happiness, the dream could be a sign that you may soon meet someone who catches your eye or it could mean that an existing friendship could blossom into something more. A red shirt may symbolize a strong emotional connection with someone in your life.     Take some time to reflect on the relationship in your life and consider who you may have a deep emotional connection with. If you someone wearing a red shirt, it could mean this person will play a crucial role in an upcoming event. If you feel happy with the person, then you will encounter someone new who will have a significant impact on your life.     If you feel uncomfortable with the person, it suggests that you need to be cautious and take time before making any major decisions. If you are buying a red shirt in the dream it can indicate you are ready to invest in yourself and your personal growth. In conclusion,  seeing someone wearing a red shirt in the dream may mean that you will soon experience a pleasant moment with friends.     PRAYER   1. I set ablaze any garment assigned to wrestle with my destiny, in the name of Jesus.   2. I reverse and return every tribulation attacking me, in the name of Jesus.   3. Every charm organized to put affliction in my life, catch fire, in the name of Jesus.   3. The Blood of Jesus saves me from evil association and their manipulations, in the name of Jesus.   5. My star shall not be pulled down by star killers, in the name of Jesus.

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