Midnight Prayer Point Series 7

Midnight Prayer Should Be A Daily Exercise   The midnight is a phase of intense spiritual activities both by the Kingdom of God and the Kingdom of Satan. If you must have power over the activities around you and dismantle satanic ordinances in your life, then you must learn to wake up at midnight to fight against the powers of darkness.   Midnight (or hours between 11.00pm and 3.00am) is known to be the most spiritual active period of the day. That is when dreams, revelations, attacks, visitations from the spirit world (both by angels and demonic powers) often come , especially when you are sleeping.   This is because human beings are easily overwhelmed while asleep. Naturally, the body is always weak at this time. And this makes it vulnerable to any spiritual manipulation. We are also aware that the most dangerous satanic sacrifices and wicked ordinances are usually done in the midnight.   Dream manipulations are done in the midnight. People who look innocent, honorable and decent in the day get involved in some demonic activities in the night. The devil mode of operation is usually to shoot their evil arrows while their victim is asleep. And by the time the person wakes up, he/she will see everything going wrong.   There are levels of result you can attain in the spirit praying in the midnight. There are levels of revelations you can get with prolonged midnight prayers. And there are also satanic entities, thrones and chains you can dismantle through prolonged midnight prayers.   From the Bible and through ages, the prayers done around this particular time have always brought tremendous and unprecedented results. As a Christian, it is very important that sometimes in you pray in the midnight.   Job 36:20” Job said: “Do not long for the cover of night, for that is when people will be destroyed (people are cut off in their place)”. Psalms 91:5’ The Psalmist calls it “the terrors of the night”, Matthew 13:25’ Then Jesus said that night is the time when the enemy comes to sow tares. Psalms 119:62 David said, “At midnight I will rise to give thanks unto thee…” As a prophet, David knew the importance of Midnight prayer.   But at midnight..” Paul and Silas prayed and sang hymns of praise unto the Lord…..” Acts 16:25 and an angel of the Lord freed them. There is saving power at midnight brethren.,Samson in Judges 16:3 “…..lay until midnight, rose and uprooted the doors of the gates of the city…”   I decree that agents of darkness will lose the battle tonight when you shall pray. Use the night time to clear the airwaves. EXPECTING  YOUR TESTIMONY!   KINDLY DONATE TO SUPPORT OUR MINISTRY   Midnight Prayer Series (12am till your spirit asks you to stop) Confession 1:   Isaiah 53:5, “But he was wounded for our transgressions, he was bruised for our iniquities: the chastisement of our peace was upon him; and with his stripes we are healed.”   Jeremiah 17:14, “Heal me, O LORD, and I shall be healed; save me, and I shall be saved: for thou art my praise.”   Confession 2:   Psalm 18: 44-45, As soon as they hear of me, they shall obey me: the strangers shall submit themselves unto me. The strangers shall fade away, and be afraid out of their close places.   Revelation 12:11, And they overcame him by the blood of the Lamb, and by the word of their testimony; and they loved not their lives unto the death.   Praise and worship (15 minutes) #Midnight_Prayers #day7   1. I drink the Blood of Jesus (21 times).   2. Power of God  flow into my system now for stomach deliverance, in Jesus name.   3. Evil deposits in my stomach, drain out by fire, in Jesus name.   4. Strange arrows fired into my stomach, come out by fire, in Jesus name.   5. Any manipulation in my stomach, disappear by fire, in Jesus name.   6. Strange objects moving about in my stomach, disappear by fire, in Jesus name.   7. Stomach problems arising as a result of my dreams, scatter by fire, in Jesus name.   8. Any strange growth, cancer or tumor in my stomach, melt by fire, in Jesus name.   9. Evil gas in my stomach assigned to kill me, evaporate now in Jesus name.   10. Any pollution/desecration in my stomach, drain out by fire, in Jesus name.   11. Strange pains in my stomach, disappear by fire, in Jesus name.   12. Demonic ulcer and wounds in my stomach, be healed by fire, in Jesus name.   13. My Stomach, reject bewitchment and evil deposits, in Jesus name.   14. My stomach, receive the peace of the Lord, in Jesus name.   15. Blood of Jesus wash my stomach clean, in Jesus name.   16. Fire of the Holy Ghost, engulf my stomach, in Jesus name.   17. Blood of Jesus, renew my organs, in Jesus name.   18. Any bacterial infection in my body, be flushed out, in Jesus name.   19. Thou Antibiotics in the Blood of Jesus, flush out any virus in my body, in Jesus name.   20. Healing of God enter into my life and restore us, in the name of Jesus.   21. Any deadly dream attack against me, go back to the sender, in the name of Jesus.   22. When my wicked adversaries rise up to devour my flesh, they shall stumble and fall, in the name of Jesus.   23. Every deadly voice from the grave, calling to associate with me, calling to give me money, and calling to give me food in the dream, shut up and go decay in your habitation of the dead, in Jesus name.   24. Blood of Jesus wash away every particle of deadly dreams from my memory, body and destiny, in Jesus name.   25. Every power using the spirit of masquerade to

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