Eating Glass Dream Meaning.
Eating Glass Dream Meaning. Matthew 15:11 11 Not that which goeth into the mouth defileth a man; but that which cometh out of the mouth, this defileth a man. PRAYER: Swallowers of prosperity, vomit my blessings, and die by fire in Jesus name. Glass symbolizes purity, brightness, truth, and God’s glory. Do you dream of eating glass in the dream? In the dream state, it is very possible to encounter funny and illogical revelations. Imagine how could a person eat a glass cup in a dream. There are some dreams you may have no control over, one of them is eating glass. To dream of eating broken glass could mean that you are currently operating under a demonic spell, you are under the influence of the devil to damage your destiny. You have eaten satanic poison that could damage your organs and cause health problems. Eating or swallowing glass is a warning to shut up, keep your mouth, or keep your opinions to yourself. It is a sign that some of the things you do will hurt you inside. When glass breaks it suggests caution, it opens your eyes to see dangerous signs on your path and teaches you how to avoid them. Eating glass may represent God showing you that you are carrying burdens such as worry, stress, depression, and pain in your heart. This may affect the quality of your life. When you chew or swallow a glass, it could be a symbol of conflict with your mind. You are struggling to clear understanding of something you are restless and troubled. However, this type of dream could serve as a warning to a certain aspect of your life that you should keep an eye on closely. It could be associated with a current situation that needs quick attention. Eating glass has many signs, it may also portray that you have revealed something important, perhaps a secret or a criticism that has hurt someone. If there was blood due to eating glass, then the blood signifies the wound caused by your hurtful words and actions. Sometimes, the reverse can be the case, when you eat glass to others, it can be a sign of amending your mistakes. It indicates a time to correct your wrongdoings and become a better version of yourself. When you frequently have these dreams, then protect yourself from being hurt, betrayed, and wounded. Sometimes, eating broken glass warns you against becoming careless with the things you do and the words you say. In a dream, when a glass breaks and you decide to eat it, then it indicates potential danger in your life, you need to be careful with the decision you make regarding your professional or personal matters. On the other hand, this dream also stands for your inability to fully express yourself in life. You are afraid of the harsh words that will come out of your mouth due to anger. If you are forced to eat glass by someone, then it shows that someone wants to hurt you emotionally. This is a satanic attempt to kill you. Be prayerful, you don’t have good people around you, all they see is how to harm you. If someone is eating a glass, it represents demonic influence through thoughts or decisions. To call for help after you or someone else ate glass could be a warning to check your health or to ask for help. To see someone die from eating glass reveals a certain illness will kill him/her in the future. Cancel it. If you receive help after eating a glass, it suggests happiness, success, and peace after a period of storm. When you eat and swallow a glass, it warns you against taking action. It is a message from God to stop or warn you from making mistakes. If you see someone swallowing glass or choking up glass in a dream, it is a sign that this person needs help. If you see someone you know like this in a dream then there are chances that they need help in real life and you need to show concern. When you save someone from eating glass, it is a good sign that help is on its way, there is joy awaiting when you help. To dream of splitting out glass means to get rid of negative thoughts in you. To dream of eating glass without hurting yourself is a warning to pay attention to what you do because it may hurt you shortly. The eating of glass could indicate someone who is in sin and dying spiritually. It could be a warning from God to change your sinful behaviors. In conclusion, the dream of eating glass could represent the difficulty of letting go of painful memories or betrayal. Pray so that God heal your wounds and set you free from attacks. INSTRUCTION: Embark on 2 days of fasting and prayers from 6 am-6 pm. Pray for the healing of our physical and spiritual wounds. BIBLICAL REFERENCES: Ephesians 4:29, Psalm 141:3, Revelation 15:2, Matthew 12:36-37. PRAYERS 1. Every wound that I have sustained through attack, be healed in Jesus’ name. 2. Every attack of the enemy against my health, be nullified in Jesus’ name. 3. Every bad word that I have issued to others and it’s now coming back to hit me, die in Jesus’ name. 4. Every satanic influence in my life, be paralyzed in Jesus’ name. 5. Anything that I have eaten in the dream and it’s affecting me emotionally, come out in Jesus name
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