Dreams & Deliverance Ministries


Biblical Meaning Of Crabs

Biblical Meaning Of Spider In Dream

Biblical Meaning Of Spider In Dream

Biblical Meaning Of Spider In Dream Job 8:14-15  14 Whose hope shall be cut off, and whose trust shall be a spider’s web. 15 He shall lean upon his house, but it shall not stand: he shall hold it fast, but it shall not endure.   Isaiah 59:5-6  5 They hatch cockatrice’ eggs, and weave the spider’s web: he that eateth of their eggs dieth, and that which is crushed breaketh out into a viper. 6 Their webs shall not become garments, neither shall they cover themselves with their works: their works are works of iniquity, and the act of violence is in their hands.   Prayer: Covens of witchcraft causing hardship in my life, I release the fire of God against you, in the name of Jesus.   Spiders span webs in dreams, spiders represent webs of lies, webs of deceit, or a person being trapped in a challenge. Seeing spiders in dreams could symbolize hypocrisy, sin, deception, false doctrine, and temptation. Dream about spiders means a person who is trying to mislead, betray, and entrap you in your works or marriage, house, work, or ministry. Spider web means you will not be able to succeed or make a fruitful connection. Spiritually, a spider web means something that may occur in one’s work or finances.   If you are not happy with your revelation about the dream, it may alert you that your problem may linger on. The spider is often seen as a symbol of attack through poverty, loss, struggle, and debt. This may affect the scope of your plans. The webs of a spider mean a person will trick you into his plans for extortion. Being trapped in a situation or controlled by household enemy might be the reason you are seeing spiders web in the dream. Dream of spider web might represent your inability to do anything according to your plan. A spider in your dream indicates blockage in fulfilling purpose. You might have this dream when you are unable to get what you needed. Seeing a spider means something is not going to work according to plans and expectations.   If a spider building its nest in dream, it means someone is working hard to restrict your progress. If you dream of spider weaving cobwebs, it is a sign of spiritual blockage or difficulties. It foretells household spell at work. If you are a woman and you dream of spider, it indicates mental struggle or bad luck. Dream about spiders means that you will fail in that projects. If spider is crawling on you, it indicates the witchcraft power are behind your problems, so you need to find a way to deal with them. If you kill a spider or destroy its web, it indicates success in your career and victory over household enemy.   Spiders are close enemies that takes records of your activities and passed it to the devil for manipulation. To see a spider in your dream may denote family troubles. To kill a spider means destroying the networks of witchcraft over you. If spider is running away from you, it means the light of  God has exposed their hidden plans against your work and finances. If you see a big spider in your dream, it means a person is opposing big things in your life. If you are afraid of the spider, you need to deprogram whatever the devil has programmed in your life. The big spider wants to divert destinies and fake family members on poverty basis. If a spider chases you, it means someone in the family will chase you away from your residential position and plans to kill you so that your family will suffer.   If you see spider in your house ceiling, it foretells that a direct destructions, block portals, poverty, and bad news coming. Find ways to kill the monitoring powers. If spider bites you, it is a bad omen, it is a sign of household witchcraft attack. Perhaps, the bite may be to kill you, put illness in your body, drag you backward and inflict curse upon you. Seeing spider in your dream may be warn never to put confidence in man. According to bible, the spider work very hard because of their skills. If you see spider everywhere in the dream, it means your enemies are lying in wait to catch you. However it could be a sign of many spiritual problems you are facing in life, you just need to go for deliverance to be set free.   If you see spider moving on your head, it is a bad luck, it foretells poverty and wretchedness that may bring you backward in life. If you are trapped in a spider’s web, it means no matter what you do, you will find it hard to overcome because the household enemies have denied or tied you in the same spot, you need to cry to God for progress. If spiders are jumping on you, it may signify that someone is talking against you, or someone is spoiling your reputation and that is why you are seeing the spider jumping over you. If you are attacked by spider in dream, it means the enemies are finding way to oppress you and inflict you with sickness.   If you are been surrounded by spiders, it means the enemies are preventing you from succeeding at work despite your effort to scale through. If you see spider in bed, it is a sign that the enemy wants to spoil the good news that is coming to you and they want you to wake up with pain and sorrow in your spirit. If you spider in your home, it means ups and downs at home. If you are killing a giant serpent, means you will overcome a big breakthrough as a result of your prayers, killing a spider means you will succeed and prosper and very soon you hear good news. To catch a spider in dream, it means your enemy will

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Biblical Meaning Of Crabs

Biblical Meaning Of Crabs

Biblical Meaning Of Crabs  Ephesians 6:11 Put on the whole armour of God, that ye may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil.   Prayer: Every demonic crab assigned to grip my life and destiny, catch fire in the name of Jesus.   Crabs are creatures with ten legs. They can walk in all directions, but mostly walk and run sideways everywhere, some can walk forward or backward. Crabs live in the ocean, freshwater, and on land. They have a thick external skeleton. Did you dream about crab last night?  Crabs in your dream represent a ticklish spirit.   They represent fear, threats, obstacles, and attacks. Crabs could represent a deceptive person. On the positive side, dreams about crab represent humility, patience, or resourcefulness. It shows you that you will have good luck and the business project will go smoothly. On the negative side, crabs in your dream represent a person who is sluggish in life. The dream of a crab indicates that you are stingy holding in to someone or something too tightly. The occult power uses crabs to protect themselves from deadly operations.   Dreaming of crabs is a sign for you to distance yourself from people around you. If it bites you, it means someone will betray you. A crab is a very crafty person but can lead you to the wrong path. The red crab symbolizes poverty, war spirit, slavery, and wickedness. Dreaming about crabs moving indicates the need to get rid of some people trying to block your prayers. You have someone who is trying to trick you or mislead you, you need to flee away from him. Sometimes, a dream about crabs can represent someone trying to inflict pain on you and backstab you. Crabs could represent the devil who wants to arrest and poison you.   A dream about crabs could reveal your fears of someone or some situations you consider dangerous. Crabs in your dream could represent a person or demon who wants to attack you in a trickish way. If you dream of crabs attacking your path, it shows some negative spirits are bringing bad luck on your way. If you are seeing crabs, if you are a business person, it means you will be tricked or duped in your dealings. If you dream of a crab crossing your path, it warns you of a big danger or trouble lurking around. A crab in a shell means removing yourself from God’s protection. The enemy wants to conspire against you and scatter your plans.   If you dream of crabs moving fast, it is a sign that you are heading in the wrong way, that means you are not a straightforward person, you always go or do something that may not bring success to you. The bite of a crab means an attack from a marine world that will make things difficult for you. You need to pray well if you are eating crabs in the dream, it indicates a period where you will be bewitched, or covenanted and sickness in the body. A dead crab in your dream, such dream means a plan or business is not growing and it is about to die. A period of losing massive profits. If a crab is walking around the shrine, it is a signal that some people will initiate you into the marine world.   This might make you go down in life. If the crab is coming out of the water, it means a person assigned by the devil to weaken and cause pain in your life. If you dream of cooking crabs, it means you have the grace to succeed in life, but the enemy will fight against it. Cooking crabs means the problem will linger for a very long time. If you dream of catching crabs, it means an arrest of trickery people in your life. All their tactics have been exposed to you, so that means they will not succeed in their plans against you. Did you see crabs in your house, it indicates severe trouble coming. Seeing a crab fighting a creature symbolizes the need to be equipped with the armor of God.   If you see many crabs, it represents an evil conspiracy and conspiracy going on against you. Somewhere, you need to pray for God to scatter them. If the crab is chasing you in the dream, it is a bad omen. It means someone will betray and deceive you. Perhaps, there is a spirit that has not given you freedom to succeed in your undertakings. If you dream of stepping on the crab, it means the end of fake people in your life. It also means overcoming your fears or problems. If crabs are attacking, it is warning you of demons’ plans against your next move.   Kindly destroy them because they want to attack you. If you dream of seeing a crab on your bed, it means the enemy does not want you to be fruitful and introduce havoc. If you dream of fishing for crabs, it means you will be prosperous but your success will attack fake people who want to extract from you. If you are killing a crab, it means you want to know a lot of people who are causing obstacles to you, if a crab pinch you, it means someone may want to hurt your feelings and disappoint you. If the crab is crawling on you in your dream, it is warning you to beware of false friends who want to deal with you and make you cry. Dreaming about crab could be a warning not to engage in unclean activities. Crab could represent the spirit of cancer or a person with a bitter and wrong attitude.   WHAT TO DO. Meditate and pray always Crush any obstacles in your way. Do not be distracted by people’s action   INSTRUCTIONS: Embark on three days 6 am-6 pm.   PRAYERS Any power causing problems in my

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