Dreams & Deliverance Ministries

50 Powerful Prayer For Those Looking For The Fruit of The Womb

Miracle Prayers For Fruit of the Womb


Open these scriptures and meditate on them: Gen 25:21, Ps 20:1-4, Psalm 113:9, Luke 1:13, Gen 30:32, Luke 1:36-37, Mark 11:24, Deut 7:14.
Genesis 30:22.


And God remembered Rachel, and God hearkened to her, and opened her womb. Proceed to 7 days fasting and prayers (6am till 6pm). Share to others to bless them as well.


When infertility shows its ugly face, stand on the truth and promises of God. Present your case to God. Invite Jesus, who is the baby giver.  Do not be afraid. Be sober, and expect the grace of God. You will surely recover all your loss. Insist on the biblical truth and do not look down on yourself. Trust in God with all your heart and in His written Word, and pray. I declare to you that you are destined for fruitfulness, even at an old age. Are you praying for the fruit of the womb?  The following prayers will guide you through to stregthen your faith in God.





Thank you, Jesus, because I can see my children, I can feel my womb opening to embrace my children. Thank you, Lord.


1. Father in the name of Jesus, by your mercy, let there be Divine intervention in my life by the order of Sarah. Genesis 21:1. In Jesus’ name.


2. For it is written, there shall not any barren in the land. Oh Lord my God, open my womb to conceive and bear children, in the name of Jesus.


3. Father in the name of Jesus, by the order of Rachal, hearken unto my voice and fill my mouth with testimony.


4. O Lord, you have promised me that my marriage will be a blessing and my children shall surround my table. Heavenly father, the time is now, let this promise come to fulfillment in my family in the mighty name of Jesus.


5. The creator of heaven and earth, in the beginning, you said I will be fruitful, multiply and replenish the earth, right now oh Lord, I’m standing on your promises that never fails. Bless us with our childre, in Jesus’ name.


6. Oh Lord I have cried for so long, put a smile on my face by blessing me with children.


7. Unto thee oh Lord, do I put my hope and trust in you, do not let me be ashamed, never let my enemies laugh at me and ask me where is my God.


8. You are the giver of Children, you blessed Hannah with Samuel and Sarah with Isaac bless me with my own children, O Lord. In Jesus’ name.


9. The Lord has blessed me with so many riches and properties but Lord, I need a child to grant me my heart desires in Jesus’ name.


10. Father in the name of Jesus, my wife has cried a lot and as the day unfolds, she becomes a shadow of herself, please God visit us with a child and we will forever be grateful.


11. Oh Lord settle me in this marriage and make me a mother to my biological children in Jesus’ name.


12. Your word says in Jeremiah 29:11. ” For I know the thoughts that I think towards you, the thoughts of peace and not of evil to give you a future and a hope. I know your thoughts towards me aren’t barrenness, or miscarriage, therefore, open my womb to carry my children and to be a happy mother in the name of Jesus.


13. Lord Jesus, on the cross of Calvary you said “it is finished” and that includes my pains and sorrow. Right now, Lord wipe away my tears by blessing my womb.


14. Children are a heritage from God. Psalm 127:3 “Behold, children are a heritage from the Lord, the fruit of the womb is His reward” (KJV). Lord I need my heritage, give them to me in Jesus’ name.


15. My mother and my-in-laws yarns to carry their grandchildren, Lord Jesus take this shame away from me and help me to grant their heart desires.


16. I depend only on you omniscient God, I have no other God besides you. Give me a reason to smile again.


17. My husband and I love children and we cannot wait to celebrate our own children. Do this for us in Jesus’ name.


18. In the name of Jesus, arise oh Lord and let the enemies of my joy in childbearing be scattered right now.


19. I come against every spiritual husband that is using the image of my husband to pollute me in my dreams by the power in the name of Jesus.


20. I denounce every spiritual child blocking the way of my God-given children this minute in the mighty name of Jesus.


21. I believe the report of the Almighty God, therefore, I can cancel every negative doctor’s report of fibroids, STIs, STDs, tube blockage in my system in the name of Jesus Christ.


22. Every arrow of miscarriage, failed pregnancy and bareness fired into my life by the power in the name of Jesus backfire the sender in Jesus name.


23. Jehovah Jireh visits me with a child as in the order of Sarah Genesis 21:1 “and the Lord visited Sarah as He has said, and the Lord did for Sarah as He has spoken”. (NKJV).


24. It is written in Exodus 23:26 “No one shall suffer miscarriage or be barren in your land, I will fulfill the numbers of your days” (NKJV). Standing on this word Lord, I refuse to be barren any longer, I claim my children immediately.


25. Father I cry out to you, Lord show me mercy, let the sound of Joy be heard in my household in Jesus’ name.


26. By the blood of Jesus Christ that speaks better things than the blood of Abel, I erase every negative word that has been spoken over my life as I begin to prophesy positivity into my life. (Begin to speak positivity).


27. My womb, hear the word of God now, receive life, bear children, be fruitful and replenish, in the name of Jesus.


28. I know Lord that I am a sinner and in diverse ways, I have fallen short of your glory, O Lord, if my childlessness is a result of my past sins and ignorance, father have mercy on me and wipe away my tears.


29. Who can speak when the Lord has not spoken, every evil voice that is speaking louder than the voice of God over my life, husband, and my family is silenced by fire, in the name of Jesus.


30. Father in the name of Jesus, I break any mirror from the kingdom of darkness that is been used to monitor me and my husband, whenever we copulate in the name of Jesus.


31. Let the cry of a baby be heard in my house, let the song of joy fill my house, let my husband be called a father and I be called a mother in Jesus name.


32. Lord I have been challenged, I am approaching my menopause, therefore I humbly ask for twins to compensate me for my years of wait and patience.


33. Father I bless you, Lord, for you are too faithful to fail, you promised that you shall wipe away tears from me so I hold fast and stand on your promises because I know it will surely come to pass.


34. My womb, hear the voice of God, open up and carry my children, in the name of Jesus.


35. No matter how long it maybe I know God’s time is the best. I will not give up.


36. I declare that my hands will carry my babies at the appointed time which has already come.


37. Sarah by faith received strength to conceive seed by the order of Sarah I receive strength from above now.


38. I declare in the name of Jesus that I am in the process of conception.


39. My womb, hear the voice of God, open up and carry my children in the name of Jesus.


40. Today, I declare that I am a fruit vine in my husband’s house and my children like olive plants around my table.


41. I declare my children’s name (mention the name you want your children to bear) and so shall it be.


42. I am fruitful, I am a mother, I am blessed, I am victorious, I come out strong from the labor room in Jesus’ name.


43. I nullify every evil judgment that is against me in my marriage in the name of Jesus.


44. My womb, I command you to receive divine visitation and bring forth fruit right now.


45. My hour has come, every form of dryness in my life and family, receive divine restoration, and multiply. In Jesus’ name.


46. I resist every fear of death during conception and so I declare that both at conception and child-bearing I shall come out a winner.


47. I shall see my children’s children. Peace unto my inward part and my wife’s womb, no more delay in Jesus’ name.


48. All my destined children, wherever you are, come out and locate my womb.


49. I declare that every power holding unto my children, let loose now and release my children to me.


50. Your word says in Jeremiah 29:11. ” For I know the thoughts that I think towards you, the thoughts of peace and not of evil to give you a future and a hope. I know your thoughts towards me aren’t barrenness, therefore, open my womb to carry my children and be a happy mother in the name of Jesus.


ALTAR CALL: If you want to give your life to Christ; you want your sins forgiven; you want to become a child of God; you want to experience the realities of new birth; you want to make heaven; Or you were once saved and fell along the line, and now you want to rededicate your life to Christ… Then pray this short prayer of Faith Say it loud and mean it:

Lord Jesus, I surrender my life to you today. Forgive me my sins, wash me with your blood. I believe you died for me, on the third day you rose again that I may be justified. Right now, I believe that my sins are forgiven; I’m justified by your blood; I’m born-again; I’m saved; I’m a child of God; I’m free from the power of sin to serve the living God. Thank you Jesus for receiving me; thank you Jesus for restoring me; thank you Jesus for saving me

Thank God for the salvation of your soul. I congratulate you for the best decision of your life. If you just prayed the prayer of salvation online please send your testimonies and prayer request to info@dreamsdeliverance.org, +234 (909) 899-9992 OR +234 (809) 982-8623. To sow a seed, kindly go to our donation page. God bless you.

Evangelist Joshua Orekhie

Evangelist Joshua Orekhie serves as the president of Dreams and Deliverance Ministries, a religious organization focused on preaching the gospel of Jesus Christ, healing the brokenhearted, interpreting dreams with solutions, empowering people through prayer, and liberating them from all kinds of bondages (Luke 4:18).

Dreams and Deliverance Ministry (DDM)

A religious organization dedicated to spreading the gospel, offering spiritual healing, and delivering individuals from the bondage of satanic dreams.

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