Dreams & Deliverance Ministries


Evangelist Joshua Orekhie

steps to restore my prayer life

Effective Steps To Revive Your Prayer Life

STEPS TO REVIVAL OF THE PRAYER LIFE   If there is any sin that can hinder your prayer from being answered and your miracle or testimony from, then it is given you the priviledge to seek and get the mercy of God. In Romans 9:15-16, God told Moses, “I Have mercy on whom I have mercy, and I will have compassion on whom I have compassion. It is not of him that willeth nor of him that runneth, it is of God that showeth mercy.”   Beloved, your sin against God when you refuse or neglect the practice of prayer. To be prayerful is be easily sin-free. Sin keeps you from prayer and prayer keeps you from sin. That is to say, to be prayerful is to be easily sin-free, and to be prayerless is to be sin-prone. Prayer keeps you from sin because the Presence of God is a sanctifier, and prayer attracts God’s Presence. When you live with God at the place of prayer, His nature of holiness robs on you. Beloved, my counsel is, make up your mind like Samuel not to sin against God by refusing to pray. Maintain a life of purity by maintaining a consistency of prayer life.   Prayer is a two-way conversation; it is our talking to God, and His talking to us. As a Christian, you have a heavenly Father who hears and answers prayer. Jesus said, “All things, whatsoever ye shall ask in prayer, believing, ye shall receive.” Every man or woman whose life has counted for the church and the Kingdom of God has been a person of prayer. You cannot afford to be too busy to pray. A prayerless Christian is a powerless Christian. Jesus Christ spent many hours in prayer. Sometimes He spent the night on a mountaintop in solitary communion with God the Father. If He felt that He had to pray, how much more do we need to pray!     Make up your mind to hang around God in prayer always in order to absorb His holy Nature. Decide not to fall into the temptation of prayerlessness.     If you realize that you have backslidden ‘with respect to your prayer life or that your prayer life has never been what the Lord intended it to be, then you should take the following steps to restore it to normalcy:     1. Initiate a regular prayer hour. One of the greatest lies of Satan is that we do not have enough time to pray. As soon as we realize that prayer is important, yea, more important than sleeping, eating and bathing, we will be amazed at how much more time will be available to us for prayer (Acts 3:1; Mark 1 :35).     2. Repent and confess the sin of prayerlessness.   3. Ask an anointed minister to pray with you for a spiritual release.   3. Take authority over all the spirits of prayerlessness and dryness.   4. Get back to praying as you were praying before and more.   5. Pray more as if you have not prayed in the past.   6. Plan your prayer times and keep to them.   7. Lengthen your prayer times. Don’t pray while looking at the time.   8.  Join a prayer fellowship or a prayer band or repeatedly listen to prayer tapes, to boost your spiritual life.   9. Reorganize and revamp your family altar, go on prayer retreats and attend prayer conferences.   10. Pray silently under your breath when you are not consciously engaged in a duty.   11. Pray in tongues for at least 30minutes a day.   12. Praise God before all your prayers.   13. Fill your heart with much of God’s word before and after your prayers.   14. Pick a prayer partner and pray frequently.   15. Do not allow phone notification to distract your prayer. Switch off your phone.    16. Ask the Lord to give you the power to concentrate.   17. Ask the Lord to give you a prayer burden.   18. Pray even when you have no burden. As you pray, the burden will come.   19. Do not maintain one posture during prayer. Stand sometimes. Sit at others and walk at others. Feel free to change from one posture to the other during the same prayer session.   20. Pray silently as the spirit leads.   21. Pray aloud as the spirit leads.   22. Shout your prayers to God.   23. Do all three-in-one prayer session as the Spirit leads you.   24. Go on long prayer walks.   25. Have a hide out where you always feel to pray more. This could be on a hill, farm, or any such place.   26. Go to your hide out often and there meet your God.   27. Pray when you feel the presence of God.   28. Pray when you do not feel the presence of God.   29. Pray when you are happy   30. Pray when you are unhappy.   31. Pray when you are hungry.   32. Pray more when you are not hungry.   33. Derive satisfaction for prayers.   34. Pray when answers come quickly.   35. Pray when there seem to be no answer.   36. Pray in the morning.   37. Pray late into the night.   38. Pray the whole day and the whole night.   39. Pray for yourself.   40. Pray for others.   41. Pray for the glory of the Lord to be manifested in your life, in the Church and in the world.   42. Pray when you are in doubt and faith will come.   43. Pray when you have much faith.   44. Pay when you have little faith.   45. Make prayer covenants with God.   46. Keep the prayer covenants you have made with God.   47. Pray with tears, sighs and groans that are the cries of the Holy Spirit through your

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prayer to revive my prayer life

Prayer To Boost Your Prayer And Spiritual Life

Reviving My Spiritual Life   Leviticus 6:12-13; Numbers 23:23; I Kings 18:36-38; Exodus 20:24; Psalm 18:28; Psalm 42:1-2; Psalm 63:1-2; Psalm 55:17; II Chronicles 20:20-23; Proverbs 20:27; Acts 13:1-2; Acts 16:25-26; Ephesians 6:18; Colossians 4:2; I Thessalonians 5:17; Hebrews 11:6.   Building a smooth running relatonship with God is very important. When you connect to God, your soul will be fed, you will grow, you will guided and instructed on what to do. You are sure of God’s safety and protection. Your spiritual life is the window to the blessing of God in your life. It has been confirmed that spirituality is the bedrock of destiny. Your spiritual connection in God determines what you can become in life. Your depth in God determines your success in life and destiny. You cannot go far with God and lag behind in life. Beloved, the quality of your devotion to God determines the quality of your destiny. My counsel is, do not take your spirituality for granted. Build a solid spiritual life with God. Daily boost your spiritual life in prayer and Bible study.   What Do You Do?   Set a special time aside privately for this exercise. Read and meditate deeply on the above scriptural passages. Confess and renounce all known sins. Purge your life thoroughly with the blood of the Lamb. Forgive all who have offended you. Ask God to restore your fellowship with Him. Read prayer books, listen to prayer tapes and attend lively prayer meetings. Cry aloud for your deliverance. Ask the fire of the Holy Spirit and the blood of Jesus to purge and sanctify your house and your environment. You may need at least three night vigils to deal with this kind of spiritual deadness or coldness. One to seven days of fasting might also be required to help get your fire back. Be sure you are not rebelling against any known will of God for your life. Ask an anointed minister to pray with you if possible.   Boost Your Spiritual Life With The Following Prayer Points   Any power militating against my spiritual growth, die, in the name of Jesus. My spiritual life, receive the fire of revival, in the name of Jesus. O Lord, let Your fresh fire fall on me, in the name of Jesus. Every spirit of spiritual slumber assigned against me, die, in the name of Jesus. Every arrow of spiritual death fired at me, go back to your sender, in the name of Jesus. My spirit man, wake up by fire, in the name of Jesus. I shall not die but live to declare the works of God, in the name of Jesus. PRAYER POINTS 1. Lord, I confess and repent of my carelessness about my spiritual life.   2. Father, forgive me of any sin of indulgence that has contributed to my present spiritual predicament.   3. Dear gracious Holy Spirit, I am sorry for grieving and wounding You. Please forgive me and be active in my life again.   4. Father, forgive me the sin of spiritual indiscipline of not making prayer and scripture meditation a daily priority in my life in Jesus name.   5. Lord, I repent of the sin of not having a virile personal/family altar. Please help me to start one today, and make me to remain consistent in Jesus name.   6. Lord, please give me a soul thirst and heart hunger for your presence. Give me also an unusual appetite for your word in Jesus name.   7. Lord, let my soul find satisfaction in you before anything else in Jesus name.   8. I come against you foul spirit of prayerlessness, I bind and cast you out of my life in Jesus mighty name.   9. I pull down and demolish every satanic altar raised against my spiritual life right now in Jesus name. Every programmed evil against my prayer life shall no longer stand.   10. In Jesus name, I command every demon of lukewarmness, coldness, spiritual apathy, fear of prayer and spiritual dryness to get out of my life right now.   11. Holy Ghost fire, consume every satanic deposit blocking my spirit-man from effective spiritual communion and contact with God in Jesus name.   12. I bind and cast out of my life, you spirit of excessive addiction to television, C.N.N; Radio programmes; literature, video, newspaper; sleep and computer in Jesus mighty name.   13. Lord, help me to devote more quality time to my fellowship with you in Jesus name.   14. I reject every form of spiritual amputation of my prayer, praise and scripture meditation life in Jesus name.   15. My spiritual life will not collapse in Jesus name.   16. Food and sleep will not have dominion over my prayer life in Jesus name.   17. Father, give me a special desire for prayer meetings and night vigils in Jesus name.   18. Lord, always give me a holy detention in your presence.   19. Lord, make it impossible for me to hurry out of your presence from now on in Jesus name.   20. Father, give me both utterance and audience anytime I approach your presence. Help me also to pray and praise you fluently in the Spirit in Jesus name.   21. I stand against you and cast you out of my life, you spirit of prayer procrastination in Jesus mighty name.   22. I destroy every strategy and purpose of fire extinguishing spirits in my life in Jesus name.   23. I command the thunder and lightning of God to destroy all fire extinguishers seeking the destruction of my spiritual life.   24. I renounce and break every covenant or agreement I have made consciously or unconsciously with the spirit of prayerlessness in Jesus mighty name.   25. The fire of God upon my altar (heart) shall ever be burning in it. It shall never go out in Jesus name.   26. My spirit is the candle of the

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important of night vigil

Midnight Deliverance Prayer Points Day 2

POWER OF MIDNIGHT PRAYERS   There is something unique and powerful about midnight prayers. Midnight is a time of power and spiritual activity.  Clearly, Acts 16:25-26 tells us that at midnight, Paul and Silas prayed and sang hymns to God, and suddenly there was a great earthquake, and the prison doors were opened.   As a Christian, it is imperative that you live a life of midnight prayer. You don’t pray because you want to kill all the enemies tormenting you at night, but imbibe the spirit of praying. It is imperative to have passion in prayers. There are some battles you can never overcome until it is done at the night hours. Do not allow the enemies to sow tares into your life and disappear. Are you ready to pray tonight? Let’s take the following spiritual warfare prayers.   Midnight Prayers (12am till your spirit asks you to stop)   Confession: Matthew 18:18, Verily I say unto you, Whatsoever ye shall bind on earth shall be bound in heaven: and whatsoever ye shall loose on earth shall be loosed in heaven.   Genesis 50:20 , But as for you, ye thought evil against me; but God meant it unto good, to bring to pass, as it is this day, to save much people alive.   Psalms 91:5-6, Thou shalt not be afraid for the terror by night; nor for the arrow that flieth by day; Nor for the pestilence that walketh in darkness; nor for the destruction that wasteth at noonday.   KINDLY DONATE TO SUPPORT OUR MINISTRY   Praise and worship (15 minutes) #Midnight_Prayers #day2   1. Do not be far from me, O Lord, be my help in the time of trouble, in the name of Jesus.   2. O Lord, let the weapon of the enemies turn against them, in the name of Jesus.   3. Every obstacle in my life, give way for my miracles, in the name of Jesus.   4. Every agent of darkness peeping into the spiritual world against me, receive blindness, in the name of Jesus.   5. Every power of stagnation and limitation over my life, be destroyed by fire, in the name of Jesus.   6. Every satanic prayer against my destiny, scatter, scatter, scatter, in the name of Jesus.   7. Demons of the night, assigned to harm me, die by fire, in the name of Jesus.   8. Any strange arrow prepared against me at the hours of the night, backfire, in the name of Jesus.   9. Let the ground arise and spoil all the works of the enemy against my progress, in the name of Jesus.   10. I command the joy of the enemy over my life to be withdrawn by fire, in the name of Jesus.   11. O God arise and preserve my life from the terror of the night, in the name of Jesus.   12. Anyone doing evil against me at the hours of the night, may your evil catch up with you, in Jesus name.   13. Any bad news the enemy is preparing against me this week shall be nullified, in the name of Jesus.   14. As I lay down, by fire, I cancel any form of bad dreams assigned against me, in the name of Jesus.   15. Any evil altar not allowing me to move forward in life, scatter in Jesus name.   16. Any power or anything that usually come to abort my blessings; expire now in the name of Jesus.   17. Any dream criminal projecting problems into my life; be destroyed in the name of Jesus.   18. I command every witchcraft arrow to depart from my life, my body, my career, my marriage, in the name of Jesus.   19. Angels of God, arise and give us victory over stubborn problems that torments us, in the name of Jesus.   20. O Lord, show me secret things I need to know about this person, in Jesus name.   21. Powers using foods in the dream to kill my glory, O God, deliver me from them, in the name of Jesus.   22. Any power that hates my celebration, O God, arise and disgrace them, in the name of Jesus.   23. Dark powers saying even if I climb, I shall be pulled down, die, in the name of Jesus.   24. As the sun shines and it is noticed, anywhere I go, I shall be recognised for good, in the name of Jesus.   25. Any evil friends blocking my joy, I command you to dry up by fire, in the name of Jesus.   26. Powers, assigned to make me move from problems to problems, die, in the name of Jesus.   27. Every power attacking me with evil signs, I bury you now, in the name of Jesus.   28. Every battle, assigned to give me a bad name, catch fire, in the name of Jesus.   29. Anyone behind my problems, run mad and die, in the name of Jesus.   30. Any power that wants me to see my mates and hide for shame, die, in the name of Jesus.   31. O God of times and season, break the pattern of sorrow in my life, in the name of Jesus.   32. Any power, carrying out evil fasting against me, die suddenly, in the name of Jesus.   33. Powers, sucking goodness from my body, I destroy you, in the name of Jesus.   34. Every bondage, acquired from evil people, break by fire, in the name of Jesus.   35. Anything standing in the way of my glorification, I release the fire of God to consume it, in the name of Jesus.   36. Every stranger that has entered into our marriage to trouble us, catch fire, in the name of Jesus.   37. Every satanic decision taken against my progress, be nullified, in the name of Jesus.   38. Any satanic arrow fired at

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flowers dream meaning

Dream About Flowers Meaning

Flowers Biblical Dream Meaning   Psalm 103:15-16 As for man, his days are as grass: as a flower of the field, so he flourisheth. For the wind passeth over it, and it is gone; and the place thereof shall know it no more.   Flowers are a common symbol in dreams and can be interpreted in different ways. Flowers are a symbol of  love, beauty luck, peace and happiness. If you dream of flowers, it can mean that you are aware of your own beauty or that you are afraid of something. It can also mean that you need to prepare for a change in your life.   Bouquets of flowers can symbolize celebration, achievement, or expressing gratitude or appreciation. For example, if you dream of a garden full of flowers, it can mean that you are in a moment of growth and abundance.   If you dream of flowers, it can mean that you are being shown love and affection, or that you love someone and long to be loved. It may also mean that you need to examine your romantic relationships.  Flowers can also indicate purity and innocence. If you dream of flowers, it can mean that you are innocent in a situation or that you have naive hopes. It can also mean that you are isolated and difficult to access.   Flowers in a garden or field usually signify growth, fertility, and abundance. However, if the flowers are being destroyed or taken, it could indicate a loss of opportunity or potential success.   Receiving flowers in a dream can represent kindness, love, or admiration from someone. The giver of the flowers is essential to identifying their meaning. If you gave the flowers to someone else, it could mean you have feelings of love or respect towards them.   Other symbols To see flowers in the dream, it means that you will encounter good things soon. To see white flowers in dream, symbolizes peace, luck, success and growth. To dream of picking flowers, may symbolize happy and peaceful relationship to come. To see flowers in your house, denotes longevity, health, safety, protection and peace. To see flowers blooming in dream, it means that you will hear good news soon. If you are surrounded by flowers in a dream, it is a sign that something good is about to happen in your life. For a young woman to receive a bouquet of mixed flowers, foretells that she will have many admirers. If you are gathering flowers, then this is an indication of prosperity. Watering Plants in a dream, indicates love and care for your beauty or treasure in life.   Flowers can also indicate growth and potential. If you dream of flowers, it can mean that you are waiting for an opportunity or that you need to focus on your abilities. It can also mean that you need a new perspective on your life.   Flowers are also a symbol of death or farewell. If you dream of wilted or dead flowers, it can mean that you are concluding a situation or a relationship, or a sign of sickness or attack.   Dreaming of flowers could indicate a need for emotional healing or a desire to express your feelings more freely. Flowers can also be seen as a sign of hope and optimism, suggesting that you are ready to move forward in life.   In some cases, dreaming of flowers may be associated with an upcoming event or milestone in your life. It could be an indication that something special is about to happen, or that you are ready to take the next step in your journey. Alternatively, it could represent the end of something, such as a relationship or job.   Overall, dreaming of flowers is often seen as a positive sign. It can remind you to appreciate the beauty in life and to take time to enjoy yourself. It can also be a reminder to take risks and trust in the process of life.   Red roses in dreams symbolize romance, passion, and love. If you see a bouquet of red roses in your dream, it could mean that you will feel deeply loved and appreciated by someone very soon. Sunflowers in dreams symbolize loyalty, long life, happiness, and prosperity. A dream of sunflowers signifies that you are content and enjoying a happy life surrounded by loved ones.   Flowers symbolize beauty, grace, and love. Christians believe that flowers are blessings from God and often use them in worship to honor Him. Dreaming of flowers represents God’s love and blessings in your life. If you dream of flowers or if they appear frequently in your dreams, try to identify the specific type of flower and its color. Reflect on your emotions in the dream and what they could mean in your waking life. Flowers in dreams can be encouraging to focus on positive aspects of your life while also reminding you of the beautiful things in life.   PRAYER POINTS   My Father, open my spiritual ears to hear Your divine instructions, in the name of Jesus. I receive help from above to locate my Rehoboth, in the name of Jesus. O Lord, anytime I want to make a mistake, direct me alright, in the name of Jesus. O Lord, use me and make me a blessing to all those around me, in th name of Jesus. I command all evil unknown forces organised against my life to be scattered, in the name of Jesus. I bind the spirit of deprression, frustration and setback in my life, in the name of Jesus.  

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spirit spouse deliverance

Prayer Against Sex in the Dream

1 Corinthians 6:16-18, ”What? know ye not that he which is joined to an harlot is one body? for two, saith he, shall be one flesh. But he that is joined unto the Lord is one spirit.   Flee fornication. Every sin that a man doeth is without the body; but he that committeth fornication sinneth against his own body.   The issue of spirit spouses, has spiritual consequences. These entities monitor, live and sleep with human beings to cause pollution and defilement. The demonic kingdom uses these spiritual beings to defile, to destabilise and to destroy families, godly homes and humanity in general. The demonic entities known as succubi and incubi are very stubborn, aggressive and dangerous.   They are terrible enemies with the motives to kill and destroy a person’s joy, peace, health, calling, virtue and marriage. Often times they do not need permission as they violate the right of their victims, molest their victims with sex in the dream and defile their spiritual bodies.   As a result of these, they cause delays and denial of people’s blessings. They are a tool in the hands of satan to kill, to steal and to destroy.   Sex in the dream brings a whole lot of bad luck to every individual who is in such bondage. Spiritual defilement is the devils end time technique to corrupt believers. The devil knows that if he can corrupt the mind, the body will follow. As a child of God, you must guard your mind with all diligence, you must be a student of the word of God and allow the word of Christ to dwell richly in you.   You must be prayerful. If personal prayers doesn’t give you the quick solution to this dream attack, then your next option is to meet your pastor to book a deliverance for you. Please also note that the only limitation to your labour while praying could be a as a result of a practicing sin. Repent from it today!   INSTRUCTION:   Embark on a 7 days fasting and prayers between 6am – 6pm (Dry fasting). Read Numbers 31:24, Job 5:19-21, Psalm 91:11   PRAYER POINTS   1. Every agents of defilement in my life, die, in the name of Jesus.   2. Evil spirits, claiming ownership of my life, you are a liar, die, in the name of Jesus.   3. Every evil power assigned to possess me, you are a failure, be wasted, in the name of Jesus.   4. Holy Ghost fire, purge my life completely, in the name of Jesus.   5. I release myself from every form of sexual pollution, in the name of Jesus.   6. O God of Elijah, arise against every ancestral pollution in my life, in the name of Jesus.   7. O Lord, visit me in my dream tonight, in the name of Jesus.   8. I cancel this dream and its negative effects in my marital life, in the name of Jesus.   9. I cancel dream of defilement, pollution and manipulation on my glory, in the name of Jesus.   10. O God arise, and put a separation between me and spirit spouse, in Jesus name.   11. Every long term sexual covenant with the spirit spouse, be broken today by the blood of Jesus.   12. Holy Ghost fire roast every evil attachment to wrong evil personality, in Jesus name.   13. I recover my sperm stolen by the spirit wife, in the dream, in the name of Jesus   14. My spirit, soul and body, be filled with the fire of the Holy Ghost, in the name of Jesus.   15. Any serpent dispatched against me from the waters, bite your-self to death, in the name of Jesus   16. Every gang up of darkness against my life and family, scatter by thunder in Jesus name.   17. Evil priests, cursing my destiny from the altar of darkness, die by fire, in the name of Jesus.   18. Every arrow of sickness sent to kill me, return to the sender, in the name of Jesus.   19. I bind every spirit of marital failure in my life, in the name of Jesus.   20. Every demonic delay of my expected breakthroughs, die, in the name of Jesus.   21. Every evil covenant working against me, break, in the name of Jesus   22. I destroy every stronghold of the enemy in my life and family, in Jesus’ name.   23. Every power using sexual dream against me, die now, in the name of Jesus.   24. I come every defilement dream that is destroying my finances, your time is up, die, in the name of Jesus.   25. Let all the destructive plans of the enemy against me fail, in the name of Jesus.   26.Let the blood of Jesus redeem me from the trapped of the wicked, in the name of Jesus.   27. I collect back all my virtues stolen from me in the dream, in the name of Jesus.   28. I take authourity over the power of the marine spirit in my life and I command them to die, in the name of Jesus.   29. I crush every spirit spouse engaging with my body in the dream, in the name of Jesus.   30. I release the fire of God to burn out all unclean lust from my life in the name of Jesus.   30. DECLARE THIS: I AM DELIVERED !!!  

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Dream About Driving Ambulance

Dream of Having a Baby Boy

Biblical Symbolism of Baby in the Dream   Prov 23:18, For surely there is an end; and thine expectation shall not be cut off.   If you dream of having a baby boy when you are not married or pregnant, it’s a sign that something good is coming. Or the dream could be a sign that you have spirit children and/or you will have problem in your love life.   Baby boy is also a sign of blessing, wealth, riches, pride, power, honour etc. So, if you see yourself delivery a baby boy in the dream, it denotes a big breakthrough to come.   You must believe! You are likely to have a baby boy in your next pregnancy. Be patience. Everything is working together for your good. And similarly, if you are expecting a child in real life, this dream is also a confirmation that you will give birth. Keep on trusting in God! You will testify.   PRAYERS 1. May your heart desires come to pass, in the name of Jesus. 2. May the Lord nullify every spirit of barrenness in your life, in the name of Jesus. 3. Other people are giving birth, you shall give birth to your desire baby, in the name of Jesus. 4. Every evil mouth cursing your life shall backfire, in the name of Jesus. 5. Declare to yourself: ‘I shall be fruitful’, in the name of Jesus.

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midnight prayer points

Midnight Deliverance Prayer Points Day 1

Midnight is a time people are supposed to be sleeping in their homes under normal circumstances. It is a time believers ought to “watch and pray” because it is also the time the powers of darkness are mostly active. The midnight prayer is a trusted strategic weapon against the enemy because as the enemy comes out to build and tie, you are there to loose. As he comes to kill, you are there to spoil it. Midnight prayer serves as an escape route for what the enemy wants to do. Let us take the following prayers on day 1 Midnight prayers.   Midnight Prayers (12am till your spirit asks you to stop)   Confession: Numbers 10:9   And if ye go to war in your land against the enemy that oppresseth you, then ye shall blow an alarm with the trumpets; and ye shall be remembered before the Lord your God, and ye shall be saved from your enemies.   Praise and worship #Midnight_Prayers #day1   1. O God, arise and pass through the hiding places of the enemy with Your fire, in the name of Jesus.   2. Evil eyes, scanning my life, go blind, in the name of Jesus.   3. Any evil materials used for me as a baby clothe, fire of God, locate it and destroy it, in the name of Jesus.   4. I cut off, every evil hand on the affairs of my life, in the name of Jesus.   5. I shall not be a target to the enemy this year, I shall not be wearied and I shall not be afflicted any longer, in the name of Jesus.   6. Any satanic incantation used to tie down my journey with slow motion, scatter, in the name of Jesus.   7. I cut off, every evil hand attacking my daily benefits and my reward, in Jesus name.   8. The battle of work very hard, but have a little result, die, in the name of Jesus.   9. Every hand, assigned to pull me down, wither, in the name of Jesus.   10. Powers assigned to reduce me from my level, die, in the name of Jesus.   11. Every utterance of backwardness, targeted at me, backfire, in the name of Jesus.   12. O God, arise and set me from the bondage of the back, in the name of Jesus.   13. O God, arise and let the horse and its riders fighting against me, enter into destruction, in Jesus name.   14. Powers assigned to make my strength fail, fall down and die, in the name of Jesus.   15. Oh Lord, let the weapon of the enemy fashioned against me fight the enemy, in the name of Jesus.   16. Blood of Jesus, arise and heal my wounds, in the name of Jesus.   17. Battles that insists that I must be put to shame, backfire, in the name of Jesus.   18. Glory wasting arrows in my body, come out, in the name of Jesus.   19. Any sudden arrow, fired into my body, catch fire suddenly, in Jesus name.   20. Every evil fire, set to burn me, I put you out, in the name of Jesus.   21. Every blessing that I have lost in the old houses I have `lived, come back to me now, in the name of Jesus.   22. Every evil hand holding my legs in the spirit realm, catch fire, in the name of Jesus.   23. Any sacrifice that I ate in the dream, breeding strange things in my life, be consumed by the blood of Jesus.   24. Any curse that has locked up my hands from touching good things, break away, in the name of Jesus.   25. Any power sent to resurrect dead problems in my life, run mad and die, in the name of Jesus.   26. Every power using scary dreams to deal with me, be cancelled by fire, in the name of Jesus.   27. Any animal crying at midnight to delay my plans and expectations, cry to death, in the name of Jesus.   28. Any power cutting my hair in the dream, fire of God, consume them to ashes, in the name of Jesus.   29. What God says about me, shall replace what the enemy is saying about me, in the name of Jesus.   30. Every village dream dragging my life backward, be nullified by fire, in the name of Jesus.   31. I paralyze every unclean spirit invoked from the sea, ground, air to trouble my life, die by fire, in Jesus name.   32. Any good thing in my life, stolen in my dreams, O hand of God, arise, recover them for me, in the name of Jesus.   33. Fire of God, make my life untouchable to any star killers in my environment, in Jesus name.   34. I cancel all the secret activities of any evil friends against me, in the name of Jesus.   35. Father, uproot any problems that have refused to give us peace in the family, in the name of Jesus.   36. Any power forcing me to take the wrong decision, catch fire, in the name of Jesus.   37. Any witchcraft bird flying over the roof of my house because of me, crashland, in the name of Jesus.   38. Ritual powers, I am not your candidate, you shall not come near my dwelling, in Jesus name.   39. Any man using charm on me to hibernate my destiny, die by fire, in the name of Jesus.   40. Rain from the heaven fall upon the works of my enemies and scatter it, in the name of Jesus.

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Dream About Ambulance

Dream About Ambulance

Dream About Ambulance Psalm 50:15 And call upon me in the day of trouble: I will deliver thee, and thou shalt glorify me.   Dreams are often a way for our subconscious to tell us something. One of the dreams that people can have is the dream of an ambulance. An ambulance in a dream can have different meanings depending on the circumstances and the individual circumstances of the dreamer. However, in general, an ambulance in dreams can indicate health problems or critical situations to be aware of.   If the ambulance is heard in a dream but not seen, it may mean that the dreamer is subconsciously afraid of an upcoming illness or medical treatment. However, if the ambulance is seen in the dream, it may indicate that the dreamer fears illness or injury that may affect him or someone in his life. If the dreamer is in the ambulance or being treated in it, it may indicate that they are feeling helpless or vulnerable at the moment.   The dream can also mean that the dreamer needs support in a difficult situation and should confide in someone. In some cases, an ambulance in a dream can also indicate an impending loss, a breakup, or a painful farewell.   It is important to consider and analyze all aspects of the dream to understand its specific meaning to the dreamer. A dream about an ambulance can indicate health problems, critical situations, or fears. Depending on the context, it can also indicate that the dreamer needs support, help, or comfort. It is important to consider the dreamer’s circumstances and emotions to understand the exact meaning of the dream.   Dreaming about an ambulance can symbolize a need for help or assistance in your life. It can also be a sign that you are feeling overwhelmed by the demands of your life and need to take some time to rest and recharge. The ambulance can also represent a sense of urgency in your life, suggesting that you need to take action quickly to achieve your goals. Additionally, the ambulance may be a sign that you are feeling emotionally overwhelmed and need to take some time to process your feelings.   Finally, the ambulance may be a sign that you need to pay attention to your family and make sure they are fine. Seeing an ambulance in a dream may signify an urgent situation or a cry for help. It may also indicate the need for quick action or response in a certain aspect of the dreamer’s life, such as work or relationships.   The different symbols associated with ambulances in a dream may also provide another layer of interpretation. For example, seeing flashing lights or hearing sirens may suggest a sense of urgency, while the ambulance itself may represent the means for addressing or resolving the issue. rom a religious or spiritual perspective, some people may relate the ambulance to the idea of divine intervention or assistance. It may represent a symbol of hope, rescue, or salvation in times of distress.   An ambulance may symbolize the willingness of others to come to one’s aid in difficult times. It may also relate to one’s internal state or emotions. It may reflect a need for attention or care, or a desire to be rescued from a difficult situation. Alternatively, it may indicate a sense of guilt or responsibility for not being able to help others.   Suggestions Reflect on your current life situation and identify any pressing issues or concerns that may have triggered the dream. Consider whether the dream may be related to you or someone else. Pray against any bad news..

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Prayer Points For The Week

Prayer Points For The Week

Prayer Points For The Week   Genesis 12:3 And I will bless them that bless thee, and curse him that curseth thee: and in thee shall all families of the earth be blessed.   The following prayers will guide you for the week. They are prayers for deliverance and breakthrough. I would want you to take the prayers with fasting and by the grace of God, you will surely testify. If only you believe, then leave the rest for God.   SUNDAY (Psalm 91) 1. I cancel my name and that of my family from the death register, with the fire of God, in the name of Jesus. 2. Every weapon of destruction fashioned against me, be destroyed by the fire of God, in the name of Jesus. 3. Fire of God, fight for me in every area of my life, in Jesus’ name. 4. Every hindrance to my protection, be melted by the fire of God, in the name of Jesus. 5. Every evil gathering against me, be scattered by the thunder fire of God, in the name of Jesus. 6. O Lord, let Your fire destroy every evil list containing my name, in the name of Jesus. 7. All failures of the past, be converted to success, in Jesus’ name. 8. O Lord, let the former rain, the latter rain and Your blessing pour down on me now. 9. O Lord, let all the failure mechanisms of the enemy designed against my success, be frustrated, in the name of Jesus. 10. I receive power from on high and I paralyze all the powers of darkness that are diverting my blessings, in the name of Jesus. 11. Beginning from this day, I employ the services of the angels of God to open unto me every door of opportunity and breakthroughs, in the name of Jesus. 12. I will not go around in circles again, I will make progress, in the name of Jesus. 13. I shall not build for another to inhabit and I shall not plant for another to eat, in the name of Jesus. 14. I paralyse the powers of the emptier concerning my handiwork, in the name of Jesus. 15. O Lord, let every locust, caterpillar and palmer-worm assigned to eat the fruit of my labour be roasted by the fire of God. 16. The enemy shall not spoil my testimony in this programme, in the name of Jesus. 17. I reject every backward journey, in the name of Jesus. 18. I paralyze every strongman attached to any area of my life, in the name of Jesus. 19. Let every agent of shame fashioned to work against my life be paralyzed, in the name of Jesus. 20. I paralyse the activities of household wickedness over my life, in the name of Jesus. 21. I quench every strange fire emanating from evil tongues against me, in the name of Jesus. 22. Lord, give me power for maximum achievement. 23. O Lord, give me the comforting authority to achieve my goal. 24. Lord, fortify me with Your power. 25. (Lay your right hand on your head while praying this prayer point.) Every curse of profitless hard work, break, in the name of Jesus. 26. (Lay your right hand on your head while praying this prayer point.) Every curse of non-achievement, breaks, in the name of Jesus. 27. Lay your right hand on your head and pray like this: Every curse of backwardness, breaks, in the name of Jesus. 28. I paralyse every spirit of disobedience in my life, in Jesus’ name. 29. I refuse to disobey the voice of God, in the name of Jesus. 30. Every root of rebellion in my life, be uprooted, in Jesus’ name.   MONDAY 31. Fountain of rebellion in my life, dry up, in the name of Jesus. 32. Contrary powers fueling rebellion in my life, die, in Jesus’ name. 33. Every inspiration of witchcraft in my family, is destroyed, in the name of Jesus. 34. Blood of Jesus, blot out every evil mark of witchcraft in my life, in the name of Jesus. 35. Every garment put upon me by witchcraft, be torn to pieces, in the name of Jesus. 36. Angels of God, begin to pursue my household enemies, let their ways be dark and slippery, in the name of Jesus. 37. Lord, confuse them and turn them against themselves. 38. I break every evil unconscious agreement with household enemies concerning my miracles, in the name of Jesus. 39. Household witchcraft, fall and die, in the name of Jesus. 40. O Lord, drag all the household wickedness to the dead sea and bury them there. 41. O Lord, I refuse to follow the evil pattern of my household enemies. 42. My life, jump out from the cage of household wickedness, in the name of Jesus. 43. I command all my blessings and potentials buried by wicked household enemies to be exhumed, in the name of Jesus. 44. I will see the goodness of the Lord in the land of the living, in the name of Jesus. 45. Everything done against me to spoil my joy, receive destruction, in the name of Jesus. 46. O Lord, as Abraham received favour in Your eyes, let me receive Your favour so that I can excel in every area of my life. 47. Lord Jesus, deal bountifully with me in this programme. 48. It does not matter, whether I deserve it or not, I receive immeasurable favour from the Lord, in the name of Jesus. 49. Every blessing God has attributed to me in this programme will not pass me by, in the name of Jesus. 50. My blessing will not be transferred to my neighbor in this programme, in the name of Jesus. 51. Father Lord, disgrace every power that is out to thwart Your programme for my life, in the name of Jesus. 52. Every step I take shall lead to outstanding success, in Jesus’ name. 53. I shall prevail with

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Dream About See Someone Crying

Dream About See Someone Crying

Dream About See Someone Crying The dream of seeing someone cry can have different meanings depending on the circumstances of the dream and the relationship with the person who is crying. When you see someone crying, it may mean that that person is sad or worried about something that is going on in their life. She may be having a difficult time or a difficult decision to make. If you know the person who is crying, try to help and offer support. Crying is often a sign of grief or loss.   When you see someone crying, it could mean that the person has experienced a loss or disappointment. Perhaps she lost a loved one or missed an important opportunity. Again, you can try to help and comfort the person. Seeing someone cry with whom you have an emotional attachment may mean that you are worried or have feelings for that person. Maybe you subconsciously feel the need to be there for her and to help her. If you like that person, it could also be a sign of a deeper relationship or increased intimacy.   Crying can also be an expression of suppressed or unspoken feelings. Maybe you want to cry yourself, but for some reason, you couldn’t. Or you may have someone you love or care about who is crying and are unable to express those feelings. Overall, dreaming of seeing someone crying can indicate that you are worried or scared, especially if you are not close to the person. However, if you have an emotional connection with the person, it can be a sign of a deep connection or a strengthened relationship. When you dream about seeing someone crying, it can be interpreted in different ways depending on the context of the dream and the emotions you feel during it.   Firstly, the act of crying often symbolizes a release of emotions or a need for comfort. If you see someone crying in your dream and you feel empathetic or sympathetic towards them, it could indicate that you have a desire to help others in their emotional struggles. You may have a strong sense of compassion or feel like you need to be there for someone in need. On the other hand, if you feel neutral or even angry towards the person who is crying in your dream, it could signify repressed emotions or a sense of frustration or helplessness in a situation.   This person could represent someone or an issue in your life that you feel like you cannot control or change, and the act of crying brings your attention to your feelings of powerlessness. Additionally, it’s important to consider the person who is crying in your dream. Is it someone you know? If so, this could represent your relationship with that person and the emotions or issues you have between you. If it’s a stranger, this person could symbolize aspects of yourself that you may be suppressing or ignoring. In conclusion, dreaming about someone crying can be a complex symbol with many possible interpretations. Pay attention to the emotions you feel in the dream and reflect on your own life experiences to gain a deeper understanding of what this dream may be trying to tell you.   Dreams about seeing someone crying can be quite emotional and leave you feeling unsettled. It is important to explore the possible meanings of this dream, as it can provide insight into your own emotions and subconscious mind. Dreams about seeing someone crying can represent a range of emotions, from empathy and compassion to sadness and helplessness. It may indicate that you have been recently exposed to someone’s pain or suffering, and your mind is processing those emotions while you sleep.   Alternatively, it could be a reflection of your own emotions, as the person crying in your dream may represent a part of yourself that is feeling overwhelmed or emotional. As with all dreams, the specific details and symbols present in the dream can offer further clues about its meaning. For example, if the person crying is someone you know, it may suggest that you are feeling concerned or worried about them in your waking life. Alternatively, if the person is a stranger, it may represent a more general sense of sadness or grief.   The context of the dream can also offer clues – if the person is crying in a happy situation, it may indicate that you are feeling overwhelmed with emotion. In some religious or spiritual traditions, dreams are seen as messages or signs from a higher power or the universe. In this context, dreaming of seeing someone crying may be a sign of empathy and compassion, or it may be a warning or message to pay attention to your own emotional needs and those of others. For example, it may be a call to action to help those in need or to reach out to someone who may be struggling.   In some cultures, dreams are seen as messages from ancestors or spirits, and dreaming of crying may be a sign of emotional release or purification. In other cultures, crying may be seen as a sign of weakness or vulnerability, and the dream may represent a fear of expressing emotions or being seen as weak. Dream about seeing someone crying may be a reflection of your own emotions or a desire to express them. It may indicate that you are feeling overwhelmed or sad in your waking life, and your mind is processing those emotions while you sleep.   Alternatively, it may represent a need for emotional connection or support, as the act of crying can be a way to release tension and connect with others. If you are experiencing recurring dreams about seeing someone crying, it may be helpful to explore the underlying emotions and issues that may be contributing to the dream.  

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