Dreams & Deliverance Ministries


Biblical Meaning Of Going To Orphanage.

Biblical Meaning Of Going To Orphanage.



Exodus 22:22-23


22 Ye shall not afflict any widow, or fatherless child.


23 If thou afflict them in any wise, and they cry at all unto me, I will surely hear their cry;



PRAYER: Father help me to help the needy around me, in the name of Jesus.



An orphanage is a home or institution that takes care of children whose parents are dead. It takes a big institution to take that responsibility to take care of orphans and abandoned children. Children are a source of joy to God God has a special place in his heart for orphans. He says in his word He is a father to them. To dream of going to the orphanage home means that God is telling you to visit any orphanage for distribution of gifts, it may be gifts of money, materials, etc.



A lot of people send goods to orphans because of one purpose or the other, some are because of having their babies, and some people gift orphans because of what they are expecting. It may be a job, breakthrough, financial breakthrough, protection, etc. When you dream of going orphanage it may be a sign that God wants you to adopt an orphan as your child.



If this is the time that the Lord asks you to adopt a child, if you obey his voice then he will open your ways, provide for your needs, and promote you in life. When you invest in a child by God’s leading you will reap a lot of benefits.



Many people visit or buy gifts for orphans because of their natural love for children. You always love to make children happy anytime you are in their midst. Our dear Lord Jesus loves and helps orphans and he also wants us to imitate him and do the same. Having empathy for the fatherless can increase God’s love towards you.



When you see yourself amid orphans represents joy, happiness, satisfaction, and fulfilment of destiny. When you distribute food to the orphanage, you are telling God that you are ready to help and invest in child welfare.



Sometimes finding yourself in an orphanage home could show that you have a ministry primarily for the children, you have this divine calling to train and take care of children, please answer the call if you have not yet done so. If you currently have children in real life God may be using this dream to show love to your family, especially your children. Dreaming about going to the orphanage is about investing in children through adoption.



If you are led to sponsor a child’s education, if you are led to pay a child’s school fees please do if you have the means because if you do the Lord will unusually favor you. But if you have been believing God for the fruit of the womb, going to the orphanage in the dream may just be the holy spirit telling you that now is the time to take care of a child or a time to adopt that child because if you do, the Lord will open your womb and bless you with babies since he’s the one directing you to do so.



Let children be filled with love and joy from you, take them as though they are your biological children, be a father to them. If God eventually gives you a child it’s advisable not to return the child to the orphanage home, as it may affect him or her psychologically and health-wise.



In Exodus 22:22-23, the bible says, if you must take them your child, do not take advantage of their weakness because if you maltreat him or her and he cries it will trouble your life. Whether you are going to an orphanage to give money or food items make sure you do not do it for evil purposes, just like using a gift to take away the virtues of these innocent children, because if you do so God will fight you. Let’s try to love, care, comfort, and protect orphanage children’s vulnerability to danger. It is well, may you not lose important people in your life.



INSTRUCTION: John 14:18-20, Psalms 68:3-5, Jeremiah 49:11, Deuteronomy 10: 17-18, Psalms 82:3-4, Isaiah 1:17





1. I cancel every evil agenda against my children, in the name of Jesus.


2. I break every yoke of oppression in the life of my children, in the name of Jesus.


3. O Lord, protect all orphanage children all over the world, in the name of Jesus.


4. The powers that stop their parents will not stop them, in the name of Jesus.


5. I scatter every evil plan to use their glory for evil purpose, in the name of Jesus.



ALTAR CALL: If you want to give your life to Christ; you want your sins forgiven; you want to become a child of God; you want to experience the realities of new birth; you want to make heaven; Or you were once saved and fell along the line, and now you want to rededicate your life to Christ… Then pray this short prayer of Faith Say it loud and mean it:

Lord Jesus, I surrender my life to you today. Forgive me my sins, wash me with your blood. I believe you died for me, on the third day you rose again that I may be justified. Right now, I believe that my sins are forgiven; I’m justified by your blood; I’m born-again; I’m saved; I’m a child of God; I’m free from the power of sin to serve the living God. Thank you Jesus for receiving me; thank you Jesus for restoring me; thank you Jesus for saving me

Thank God for the salvation of your soul. I congratulate you for the best decision of your life. If you just prayed the prayer of salvation online please send your testimonies and prayer request to info@dreamsdeliverance.org, +234 (909) 899-9992 OR +234 (809) 982-8623. To sow a seed, kindly go to our donation page. God bless you.

Evangelist Joshua Orekhie

Evangelist Joshua Orekhie serves as the president of Dreams and Deliverance Ministries, a religious organization focused on preaching the gospel of Jesus Christ, healing the brokenhearted, interpreting dreams with solutions, empowering people through prayer, and liberating them from all kinds of bondages (Luke 4:18).

Dreams and Deliverance Ministry (DDM)

A religious organization dedicated to spreading the gospel, offering spiritual healing, and delivering individuals from the bondage of satanic dreams.

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