Dreams & Deliverance Ministries


September 13, 2024

Biblical Meaning Of Lice In Dream.

Biblical Meaning Of Lice In Dream.

Biblical Meaning Of Lice In Dream.     Exodus 8:17  And they did so; for Aaron stretched out his hand with his rod, and smote the dust of the earth, and it became lice in man, and in beast; all the dust of the land became lice throughout all the land of Egypt.   Psalm 105:31  He spake, and there came divers sorts of flies, and lice in all their coasts.   Prayer: Thou plan of the enemy against me, scatter before it is hatched, in the name of Jesus.     Lice are parasites that are usually found in the head, lice of the head represent of lack of personal care and hygiene. Dream about lice represents personal issues bothering you so much,  in your waking life and you seem to find a solution for this problem. Lice are very hard to get rid of, so having this dream indicates, you will have a hard time getting rid of these problems.     They can also represent stress, frustration, annoyance, trouble, hardship, poverty, bad luck, shame, and so on. Lice in a dream could represent someone who is becoming something else in your life, and you want to angrily get rid of that person. These insects are very dangerous, if they are not controlled, they can make people feel uncomfortable or unhappy. Dreaming about lice could have a good or bad meaning.     Dream about lice, biblically, could represent evil draining your glory, knowledge, wisdom, power, and so on. Dream about head lice, means something is polluting you, and it may attract debt, poverty, anger, destruction, conflict, witchcraft, and so on. If you see many lice, it represents, untrusted people in your life, who are upsetting you.     To dream about lice could mean, you have a dirty mind on others, it’s time to clean it off. Dream about lice in your head, it means the enemy is planning to deal with you. Lice on the head means poison, defilement, sin, stain, or a spiritual attack.  To see lice crawling in your body, indicates a difficult time, poverty, sorrow, and hardship. It is a sign that you will struggle with big issues shortly.     Lice are very close to the head since they are unwanted parasites, dream about lice also means conspiracy, gang up, gossip, threat, and insecurity.   1. If you dream of seeing lice: the lice represent bad people, curses, and bewitchment, such a dream means, some problem, that has refused to go completely. Lice are unwanted people in your life who do not want to have peace of mind, perhaps, you are worried so much about something and thinking of the way, to get rid of them in your life.     2. If you dream of head lice: it represents the unpleasant situation, anger, poverty, shame, carelessness, and lack of personal care for something in your life. It means an aborted blessing. It’s a sign that you won’t have the ability to prosper or try to resolve any issues you have with any person.     3. If you dream of killing lice: it is a sign of success recovery and deliverance. It also means, that what you have been working on, will bear fruit or succeed. It’s a symbol of victory, over disgusting issues. It indicates the end of certain battles or bad people in your life.     4. If you dream of seeing lice crawling on your head: it means, you need to be careful of some people, who want to bring set back to your current plans and expectations, it warns you against making bad decisions or having a conflict with your destiny. Lice crawling on the head, means you will have financial trouble and debt, caused by your reckless spending. It might leave you in hardship, delay, frustration, and loss of ideas. Please don’t allow your anger, and bitterness to spoil many things in your life. Try to control yourself.     5. If you dream of cleaning your hair off lice: it means, you will be successful at resolving your problems. This dream indicates that you need to change something in your life, there may be some habit or poor way of thinking. It means you have a problem with your non-personality, and you want to change something about yourself and find your peace.     6. If you dream of seeing lice on someone’s hair: it reflects your action to help someone out of his difficult problems, which bothers that person a lot. For you to see lice, means God is revealing a person’s deep problems to you. The person might not know the gravity of the problems until you help him out. If you remove the lice, it means solving someone someone problems.     7. If you dream of lice eggs: if those eggs are in your hair, it’s a bad omen, it’s a sign of problems giving way to another set of problems in your life. This is the work of bad people, bearing bad fruits in your life, thereby derailing your destiny, it can also represent curse, destruction, and failure.     8. If you dream of combing lice out of your hair: it represents healing, happiness, restoration, yoke-breaking curses, protection, confidence, fruitfulness, and satisfaction. It’s a sign that you need to put more effort into eliminating any person or unholy thing that may affect your destiny plans and your relationship with God.     9. If you dream of catching lice: it’s a good sign, it means you will eventually arrest some people, who are causing issues in your life, this person is treating you, and now God has dealt with him. That means you find joy and happiness over the death of that disturbing issue in your life.do not give up, be patient, and you will overcome.     10. If you dream of dead lice: it means that some people will no longer experience success in their

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Dream About Gas.

Dream About Gas

Dream About Gas.    Isaiah 41:10  Fear thou not; for I am with thee: be not dismayed; for I am thy God: I will strengthen thee; yea, I will help thee; yea, I will uphold thee with the right hand of my righteousness.     Psalm 121:7-8   7 The Lord shall preserve thee from all evil: he shall preserve thy soul.   8 The Lord shall preserve thy going out and thy coming in from this time forth, and even for evermore.     Prayer: I cancel any gas leakage or explosion attack in my house, in the name of Jesus.     Dream about gas is a very sensitive revelation because it comes with a warning or a message. Gas stores are cylinders used for cooking, but not everybody knows how to operate or use them. Using gas to cook can be very fast compared to the old way of cooking with kerosene. Dream about gas has several symbolism and meanings.     Dreaming about gas, cylinder leaking or explosion can represent a fatal accident or calamity. Dream about gas, mat warn you to be on alert and to avoid some mistakes, that would put you in danger. To smell gas foretells a big tragedy coming.     Having a dream about gas, for some people, may not linked to the gas, it could be a warning of misfortune and danger ahead. The gas cylinder in a dream may also warn you to be very careful, with the way, you handle some internal matters. If you dream of a gas store burning out of control, it means you cannot overcome that situation, that is going beyond your control. It may symbolize loss, destruction, or an embarrassing situation.     If the cylinder catches fire, it means calamity awaits you. Some people may dream of a gas fire, leakage, or explosion. It’s more troublesome when a person sleeps when cooking with gas. A lot of people have died, or have their properties or body burned due to negligence of this type of dream.     Cooking with a gas in a dream, on a positive note, could mean that you need something good for yourself or your loved ones. In some cases, a dream about gas could symbolize the need to protect yourself from danger or enemies. If you have a gas, try to bring it out for cleaning because, it might be dirty, the cleaning, may, mean something that may need urgent attention.     Do you dream, where your gas is finished in the process of cooking, then it means, that you are warned about something in your life spiritually. It may cause bad luck. If you dream you are burned in a gas explosion, it’s a warning for you to stop using gas because something terrible can happen to you. Burning gas indicates that you should not fear, but be courageous.     The smell of gas symbolizes attack, trouble, danger, fear, shock threat, and so on. If you turn on in dream, it means that you should be bold enough to confront your fears, if you put off the gas spiritually, it means, happiness, success, and satisfaction, it can also mean, you have achieved your results.     For a woman to dream of a gas cylinder, it means, she will have her marriage ruined due to her carelessness and ignorance. A gas explosion represents a shock, risk, danger, or bad news. Dream of gas may signify, that there may be something you are overlooking in your life or taking for granted.     If you dream of a rusting gas cylinder, that is a bad omen, it warns you to examine your gas cylinder or attend to some critical issues of life, that you have been ignoring for a long. If you dream of a gas cooker burning your food, it’s not a good sign, it is a sign, that the enemy will want you to forget about an important thing in your life or to make a mistake that will allow them to hinder your plans.     If you dream, that your child is playing with a gas stove or cylinder, it’s a warning to keep your children within the reach of gas or any other harmful things at home. If you witness a gas explosion, but you eventually off it, it means, that God, will use it to resolve, protect, or overcome the trouble of a loved one.     That is trying to prevent something bad from happening in a large sense, having this dream, means you are ready to deal with any internal crisis and issues.     What Do You Do   1. Always be alert.   2. Always be ready to protect yourself from danger.   3. Always watch and pray to avoid sudden calamity.   4. Reject any bad news and mistakes.   5. Ask for wisdom to deal with internal issues.   6. Use prayer to protect your life and that of your loved ones   7. Resist fear and bad thoughts, and command them to die.     Instruction: Embark on three days of fasting and prayers from 6 am to 6 pm     Prayers :   1. Every power, that wants to attack my gas cylinder or store, dies in the name of Jesus.   2. O Lord, arise and protect my gas from leakage, and explosion in Jesus’ name.   3. You powers that want to kill me through gas, you are a failure, die in the name of Jesus.   4. Anything the enemy is planning, against me blood of Jesus cancel it, in the name of Jesus.   5. I take authority over the spirit of fear, assigned to rob me of my peace and joy, in the name of Jesus.    

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Ten Dreams Indicating Enemy Is Losing The Battle.

Ten Dreams Indicating Enemy Is Losing The Battle.

Ten Dreams Indicating Enemy Is Losing The Battle.       Exodus 14:14 The Lord shall fight for you, and ye shall hold your peace.     Romans 8:31 What shall we then say to these things? If God be for us, who can be against us?     Prayer: O God arise and fight those, fight against those fight against me to victory, in Jesus’ name.     Unfortunately, many don’t believe that the enemy loses their battle every day, but the truth is that many Christians don’t know. They pray, without having any sign that their current problems have been winning in the spirit realm, the spiritual control physical if there is a dream, revelation, or vision that shows that.     God has won the battle on your behalf, believe that the battle is won, even in reality. The Bible says when there is no vision, the people perish, by the grace of God, we are going to tell you the ten sign dream, that shows the enemy has lost, if you believe it so shall it be in Jesus’ name.     1. If you engage in a fight and win   2. If the enemy does not succeed in his plan.   3. If the dangerous weapon did not penetrate you.   4. If the animal were unable to bite you.   5. If you killed a strange animal.   6. If the presence of God, protects you from evil.   7. If you wake up happily and joyful   8. If the enemy feels weak attack you.   9. If the enemy is unable to challenge you.     How to overcome the enemy. 1. Surrender your life to Christ. 2. Believe that God has fought your battle 3. Resist the devil and they will flee from you. 4. Believe that the greater one lives in you.     Instruction: Embark on seven days of fasting and fasting, from 6 am to 6 pm     Read: Isiah 41 verse 10, Isiah 43 verse 2.   Prayers   Every evil reinforcement against me from my father’s house, I scatter you in the name of Jesus. Father, let the wickedness, of the wicked come to an end in the name of Jesus. O Lord, contend with those, that are contending with my destiny in the name of Jesus. O Lord, command judgment on all my oppressors, in the name of Jesus.    

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