Dreams & Deliverance Ministries


September 10, 2024

Prayer Against Evil Flood.

Prayer Against Evil Flood.

Prayer Against Evil Flood.     Isaiah 59:19  So shall they fear the name of the Lord from the west and his glory from the rising of the sun. When the enemy shall come in like a flood, the Spirit of the Lord shall lift a standard against him.     Prayer: Strange water sent to trap me, dry up by the fire in the name of Jesus.     A flood is a symbol of loss and destruction, did you dream about the flood?  If yes, it symbolizes an evil attack. It means insecurity, disappointment, and sorrow. The evil flood might come to steal away your goods and kill your destiny or properties. If a flood is coming in your direction, it can mean some forces will try to deal with you, are you scared of an evil flood in a dream, don’t worry, we are going to embark on prayers and fasting against the flood.     Instruction: Embark on fasting and prayer for three days from 6 am – 6 pm     Prayer: power waging war, against power using flood to attack me in the name of Jesus.     Prayer Against Evil Flood.   1. I command the flood of witchcraft to return to the sender in the name of Jesus.   2. I command the arrow of losses to backfire in the name of Jesus.   3. Father, release your flood to swallow my enemy in defeat in the name of Jesus.   4. Any evil water, flowing in my direction, dries up in the name of Jesus.   5. Any evil connection between me and water is broken by fire in the name of Jesus.   6. I declare that my glory shall not be washed by evil flood in the name of Jesus.   7. O God arise and deliver me, from the river surrounding my life in the name of Jesus.   8. Affliction shall not rise, for the second time in my life in the name of Jesus.   9. I claim victory over marine power against my life in the name of Jesus.   10. Any power, using a flood to attack me, catches fire in the name of Jesus.   11. All long-term battles attacking my peace, I command you to die in the name of Jesus.   12. I command every tragedy planned against me through, this dream, be nullified in the name of Jesus.   13. The Holy Ghost arises and attacks, the host of the marines trying to arrest me in the name of Jesus.   14. Any power, using a flood to activate poverty and stagnancy in my life, die in the name of Jesus.   15. Strange water, connected to my body, soul, and spirit, I disconnect you by fire in the name of Jesus.   16. I command all powers directing affliction unto my path, to return to your sender in the name of Jesus.   17. Any evil water flowing into my direction, cease now in the name of Jesus.   18. Destiny assignment of dark powers against me and my family, be aborted in the name of Jesus.   19. O Lord, take away my portion of my blessing from the water, in the name of Jesus.   20. O Lord, arise and protect me and my family, from public embarrassment in the name of Jesus.    

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Prayer Against Evil Attachment.

Prayer Against Evil Attachment.

Prayer Against Evil Attachment.   Mark 3: 11 – 12    11 And unclean spirits, when they saw him, fell before him, and cried, saying, Thou art the Son of God.   12 And he straitly charged them that they should not make him known.     Prayer : Any person using spirit to monitor my life, scatter by fire in the name of Jesus.     Many things can attach a human soul, body, and spirit, Good things can attach a person and bad things can glue themselves to a person. There are some people, however, if God should open your eyes, you will see different things, that are following them, something like a curse, a casket, a bird, a ghost, a baby, and so on.     It’s very crucial to pray against any demonic attachment, to your life, especially, if you are seeing a frog jump at you in a dream or seeing other animals follow you, anywhere you go. When the evil spirit is attached to a person, it’s obvious that such a person will not survive, the problems imposed on him by the wicked people. You are going to cancel any evil things that attack our life and destiny.     Instruction: Embark on seven days of fasting and prayers, from 6 am to 6 pm     Confession: James 4 vs 7     Prayers :   1.  I shake out the grip, of the wicked over my life and destiny in the name of Jesus.   2. I shake out any evil curse attached to my life, in the name of Jesus.   3. Every demonic attachment to my life, releases me by fire in the name of Jesus.   4. Any dark spirit following me about, your time is up, die in the name of Jesus   5. I release myself from every ungodly spirit manipulating my destiny, in the name of Jesus.   6. By the fire of God, I set ablaze any evil attachment to animals in the spirit, in the name of Jesus.   7. I command any evil flies sent to mess up my life to roast by fire, in the name of Jesus.   8. Any strange baby from the spirit world, following me everywhere, goes back to the sender, in the name of Jesus.   9. Let the fire of God, destroy any evil hands controlling my destiny, in the name of Jesus.   10. Anything in my life attracting curses, insult, and shame, come out and die, in the name of Jesus.   11. By the blood of Jesus, I break and renounce all legal agreements between me and the spirit spouse, to release me by fire in the name of Jesus.   12. Oh my destiny, escape from the coven of demons in the name of Jesus.   13. O God, arise and destroy all agents of death troubling my life in the name of Jesus.   14. Holy Spirit unmask any human secretly attacking my life in the name of Jesus.   15. I release myself from the hold of any mobile demon, that goes before me, to spoil my plans in the name of Jesus.   16. Any power that says, I will not rise above my present challenges, dies in the name of Jesus.   17. Any person issuing curses and spells upon my life, I shake it back to sender in the name of Jesus.   18. I lost myself from every form of demonic, stronghold upon my life, in the name of Jesus.   19. Any power-casting spell, on my life physically or spiritually, backfire in the name of Jesus.   20. Father anything, that I have attached my life to and its hunting after me, release me unto my deliverance in the name of Jesus.   21. You spirit of bad luck and mistakes attached to my life, I shake you out by fire in the name of Jesus.   22. Anyone, that is using my name to scatter my life dies by fire, in the name of Jesus.  

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Biblical Meaning Of Chicken in Dream.

Biblical Meaning Of Chicken in Dream.

Biblical Meaning Of Chicken in Dream.     Luke 13: 34  34 O Jerusalem, Jerusalem, which killest the prophets, and stonest them that are sent unto thee; how often would I have gathered thy children together, as a hen doth gather her brood under her wings, and ye would not!     Prayer: Father, let there be a new beginning in my life, in the name of Jesus.     A chicken is a common domestic fowl. Did you dream of chicken last night? If yes, chickens could symbolize gossip and stupidity, they may represent fear and insecurity. Dream of chicken means you have the potential to relate better with people in your community, chicken can bring or activate good news or celebration.     Chicken in your dream means something that makes you insecure or fearful about some people posing a threat to you. Dream about chickens can be a sign that you need to familiarize yourself with some people in your neighborhood, they may be of help to you, and it means, someone might be talking to you.     Chicken in dreams can represent happiness and joy with friends and family. The negative side of chicken refers to witchcraft, bad news, scattering spirits, and false accusations. If you see a chicken eating corn from the ground, the number of corn represents, the number of years, you will have fame and prosperity.     In some cultures, chicken are used as a sacrifice, if you see one be killed by something, it means, an evil sacrifice is going against you. Chickens love to share food with themselves, this dream tells you to love your neighbor as yourself. If you are in a court case or a situation, this dream tells you to always reveal the truth.     If you are not progressing, seeing white chicken means, you will become a great person in your family, and your success will attract people towards you. Chicken can be used spiritually to carry out evil exchange and sacrifice against your destiny. If you see a dead chicken, on the way, it means, an obstacle or bad news is awaiting that fellow.     If you see a black chicken, it means unserious people in an organization. If you are afraid of chicken in a dream, it suggests that you need to correct the mistakes that you are feeling about. If you see a chicken laying eggs, it means a new beginning,    gains from your effort. If the chicken hatched the eggs, it means you have the best time to work on your plans, and if you hear chicken crow, it means, it’s a new dawn, wake up and get that plans moving. If chickens are talking with each other, it means someone will gossip about you.     If you see a chicken scattering the floor, it means an evil attack scattering your plans and expectations. If you kill a chicken, it shows that you will open the door to a bewitchment attack on your family, if you are eating a chicken, it means say something, that will put you in trouble. If chickens are mating, it indicates big satanic oppression in marriage.     If chickens are flying, it means freedom from environmental problems. If a chicken dies on its own, it means the fall, of a man, demotion, depression, death or sickness, lack of freedom, unable to relate with members of your household. If you are feeding chicken, it means you will spend most of your time on people, who will not appreciate your goodness.     If you are buying or selling chicken, it means, a call to start a seasonal venture, especially during the festive period. To see lots of chicken good luck and connection. To see chicken in your house or room means you will receive an unwanted guest. Perhaps, it may represent a household attack.     If you pursue chicken out, of your room, or business area, it means God will deal with people causing obstacles to your progress. If you see a baby chicken, climbing their mother’s back, if you are a woman, you will be fertile and bring blessing to your marriage and you will be proud to shoulder the responsibility of your children.     If you see two chickens fighting, it means quarrels among your neighbors. If you see someone chasing you, it means you will be troubled by someone, who does not like the way, you are behaving to others. If you are trying to catch a chicken, if it escapes, it means, you will be disappointed. If you catch it, it means happiness and joy.     If you are rearing chicken, it means, you will have the responsibility of taking care of people. Dream about chicken, teaches us not to be afraid, of any attack, but be courageous to overcome the problems.     Instruction: Embark on one day of fasting and prayer from 6 am to 6 pm.     Prayers :   1. Any bewitching fowl scattering the ground against my destiny, die by fire in the name of Jesus.   2. Every power, setting an evil trap for me, falls in your trap in the name of Jesus.   3. Any personality, sacrificial chicken, at any evil altar against me, backfire in the name of Jesus.    

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