Dreams & Deliverance Ministries


September 4, 2024

Biblical Meaning of Rats In Dream.

Biblical Meaning of Rats In Dream.

Biblical Meaning of Rats In Dream.   Psalm 37: 12   12 The wicked plotteth against the just, and gnasheth upon him with his teeth.     Leviticus  26: 21  21 And if ye walk contrary unto me, and will not hearken unto me; I will bring seven times more plagues upon you according to your sins.     Prayer: power using a rat to activate the spirit of losses in my life die, in the name of Jesus.     Did you dream about rats? Dream about rats could represent a warning from God, that something is wrong, the rats could symbolize a need to overcome that fear in you. Rats could biblically symbolize unclean spirits demons, or troublesome persons, that you are not comfortable with being with them. Rats in your dream could attract the demon of loss to dispossess you.     The dream of a rat could represent illness, witchcraft, devour, and betrayal. If you see a rat in the dream, it symbolizes a witchcraft attack that leads to poverty, and jealousy from unfriendly friends. Rats a very crafty spirits that distract us from our plans, Rats are often dirty, which means the smell can trigger the disease.     Dream of rats in your house could indicate your neighbor that want to monitor everything about your secret plans. To dream of catching a rat in a trap refers to the arrest of household witchcraft energy troubling your life. If you dream of rats running in all directions, it represents the enemy on a mission to cause blockage, frustration, and delay your goodness.     To see a rat destroying your materials, indicates the power of devourer, wasters, and spoilers have been assigned to delay the works of your laborer. If you are frightened by rats, in your waking life, seeing a rat in a dream tells you to confront your fear and obstacles on your way to a breakthrough. Dream of a rat can indicate, the need to stop the rat race wandering homelessly.     To see a rat in a dream, may indicate that you have some people close to you, but they are very wise but sneaky around your back.  if you dream of eating a rat, it means you will be poor, or run into a mistake that will put your life in danger. To see many rats in a dream, represent several people who want to steal from you.     If you do not chase them away, you may run into bankruptcy. If you give a rat poison, it means your decision to put a stop to any power troubling your life. To see dead rats means the end of the battle in your life. If you killed a rat that disturbed you, it means, you had overcome your enemies. If you wake up hearing someone dead, then it may show that the person is evil and has no good mind towards you.     To see a rat attacking you, it’s a bad omen, it shows that, you will struggle to prosper and succeed in your work. The spirit of loss, toiling, sweating, joblessness, or opposition is waging war against your destiny, you need to fight against the person who is waging war against your life. If catch the rats, it tells you that, you need boldness to tackle some troublesome people in your life.     If a rat bites you, it’s a bad omen, if it bites your hands, it means that hand will spend money extravagantly, if its legs, it means someone will walk into bad luck. Most times, you need to pray against people who attack you due to envy. If you see dirty rats, it foretells one’s life is saturated with sin, corruption, and uncleanness, if you are the person, repent now.     If you are chased by rats, it means that you are going to receive attacks from people who know about you and your plans. This attack can cause one to be evicted from a house or have issues with his finances. If you see a white rat, it’s a good signal, that you need to be humble, and loyal. Obedience and stop behaving rudely as others.     If you see a black rat, it represents the wrong set of people responsible for your present challenges. They are hiding behind the black rat to torment you. If rats cross your legs, it’s bad luck or a big opposition to your progress. If you step on a rat, it means taking authority over the power of a witchcraft attack.     If you see a rat looking at you. It means someone who has been silently watching you and later, will launch against you. To see a rat in your kitchen, tells you, to keep your surroundings clean. If you are always seeing rats in your home from the spirit world, it means, there is a spirit that is collecting all your physical benefits, joy, happiness, and finances.     If you see a rat on your body, it means a certain spirit has attacked you. If it does not go away, you will be put to public shame and your reputation will be tarnished by bad people who want you to fall. In summary, the lesson of dreaming about rats teaches us to keep our surroundings clean and protect our lives from evil invaders.     Instruction: Embark on seven days of fasting and prayers from 6 am to 6 pm.     Prayers:   1. You spiritual rats, leave my life alone in the name of Jesus.   2. All the gathering of robbers assigned against me, be wasted by fire, in the name of Jesus.   3. You my stolen harvest be restored to me by fire, in the name of Jesus.   4. I bind and paralyze every monitoring spirit, in the name of Jesus   5. Household witchcraft troubling my success, scatter in the name of Jesus.

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Biblical Meaning Of Worms.

Biblical Meaning Of Worms.

Biblical Meaning Of  Worms.   Deuteronomy 28: 39  Thou shalt plant vineyards, and dress them, but shalt neither drink of the wine, nor gather the grapes; for the worms shall eat them.     Psalm 22: 6. 6 But I am a worm, and no man; a reproach of men, and despised of the people.     Prayers: I take authority over spiritual worms assigned to eat my flesh and drink and drink my blood, in the name of  Jesus.     Worms are animal that feeds on decaying materials, did you dream about worms last night? Biblically worms refer to sin, death, sickness, or a person that is losing its glory. In Job 24 vs 20, worms are like wicked powers, that feed on someone’s results, dreaming about worms could warn you about poor health.     To see worms in your dream means, a person needs to keep good hygiene, if you are currently sick, seeing worms in a dream, may represent death. Worms also symbolize death or decaying a person, yes a person can be decaying without knowing spiritually.     To see worms represent someone that you don’t want to see, this means that each time you see this set of people especially their ways of living, you feel like vomit as a woman. On the negative, worms refer to a set of people that want to spoil or pollute your life with their ugly behavior.     Dreaming about worms can show that a person will die through major demonic attacks, it can be a sign of fixing some problems before they become hard to solve. Take action and confront the issues of your life. There is an urgent need to cleanse your life from being condemned.     Worms live and survive on flesh, so seeing yourself eating it, could warn you to detoxify or purge out any evil plantation in your life. Worms are always in high numbers, spiritually, it means you have many enemies, who are posing as a threat to you. If you kill worms, or see them dead, in a dream, it means, recovery, illness, and also pretending to overcome a disgusting situation that will lead to a breakthrough.     If you dream of stepping on worms, it means bad luck. If you see worms in your food, it’s a signal that you will eat, that will make you sick, if you can see the food, it warns you not to eat it. Because it can make you begin to experience moving objects in the body, which will make you feel uncomfortable.     If you see worms crawling over your body, it’s a bad omen, it represents bad news, that will introduce weakness, blockage, hatred, disfavor, and so on. Spiritually, it reveals veils covering your real identity. if you see worms inside the body, it’s a sign for you to deworm, detoxify, or eliminate the demon of affliction residing in you.     If you dream of worms coming out, of your mouth, it means, you will speak up your mind on the same matters, or if it happens it comes out of your nose, it means you will perceive things accurately. If it comes from the ears, it’s a signal that you will hear clearly.     If you see worms going away, it means people’s annoying or disgusting situations will soon leave you, because, they feel you are no longer giving them, what they want. If you see a worm on your legs, it means stagnancy, it warns you that, you may receive attacks on those legs.     To see worms in your hair, symbolize anger, and forgetfulness. To dream of worms in your stool, means, you will be happy and feel better. To see worms on the bed, could mental sickness or attack your health. If you dream of warm in your house, it means, nothing good will come to you, you need to cleanse away any blocking spirit in your environment.     To dream of worms, coming out from your private part means an impending infection you may maintain proper hygiene, but it causes warning signs that should refuse urgent attention, in your body.     If you are sweeping away worms, it means deliverance from persistent problems. to see one worm means early signs of an approaching problem that will delay your time. If you see worms feeding on your body, be careful, that is a sign of loss, poverty, and destiny destruction.     If you dream of vomiting worms, it means God is healing you from a certain situation. After this, you will feel relieved and fresh, which means your prayer is effective.. if you remove a worm from your teeth, it foretells a great smile or to overcome a big problem.     Instruction: fast for seven days from 6 am to 6 pm     Prayers   1. Every power assigned to enslave and to put me into shame die by fire in the name of Jesus.   2. Any power damaging my organs gradually be arrested and die in the name of Jesus.   3. Oh Lord, arise and restore me in the name of Jesus.   4. Any wicked power, that wants me to fall sick, die in the name of Jesus.          

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Spiritual Meaning of An Empty Church.

Spiritual Meaning Of An Empty Church.

Spiritual Meaning Of An Empty Church.   There are many signals to pick from an empty or dying church. An empty church is a church with fewer or no members. There are several meanings of an empty church, for example, if members are leaving a church in large member, are best described as empty. If you are a pastor and you always dream of an, it’s a signal for you to pray more.     This revelation is alerting you, that you are about to lose great virtues in your work. Perhaps this dream may alert you of some people or enemies forming a conspiracy against your ministry, it grieves the heart of God, to see a vibrant church gradually becoming cold, which gives the member to leave the church.     I want to ask you a question, what is the first thing that comes to your mind, when you see a church with fewer members, but with many empty chairs?     An empty church may not also mean the physical emptiness of a church, it could mean the emptiness of the man of God, this is where attack comes, when the enemy knows a church is empty physically or spiritually, he begins to launch an attack. As a pastor, the first signal you should not joke with is when you see a black cat on your altar, or you see a goat, or owl flying on your church roof.     A lot of men of God will see a breeze blowing sand into their ministry, they will carry no spiritual works, and that is why many churches are struggling to pick up. Sometimes an empty church could also be a signal that the pastor is deviating from his main callings. What are these spiritual signals of an empty church?   The Spiritual Signals Of An Empty Church   1. When there is no fire and power.   2. When the presence of God has departed the church.   3. When there is no sign, with miracles.   4. When there is no ministerial progress.   5. When there are no blessings in the life of members.   6. When the spiritual head has lost his calling.   7. When God is angry with the head of the church.   8. When the glory of the church is fading away.   9. When grace, salvation truth, and holiness have left the church.   10. When the church has become a den of criminals.     How to Revive a dead church :   1. Surrender your life to Jesus.   2. Repent and confess your sin.   3. Identify the root of causes and ask for mercy.   4. Ask God to revive the glory of the church.   5. Invest in the spiritual lives of members.   Instruction: if you are a pastor, and you know that you have lost it, embark on thirty days of fasting and prayers.     Prayers :   1. Every fundamental power, and authority in my ministerial calling, catch fire, in the name of Jesus.   2. Any known person who is giving members false information about me, be exposed and receive dead judgment.   3. Father, break and remold me again, in the name of Jesus.   4. Any power pushing animals into my church to defecate, on it die by fire.   5. Father, I am sorry for my sin, restore your glory on my ministry.      

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Prayers On Your House Foundation.

Prayers On Your House Foundation.

Prayers On Your House Foundation.       1 Kings 9 : 3 3 And the Lord said unto him, I have heard thy prayer and thy supplication, that thou hast made before me: I have hallowed this house, which thou hast built, to put my name there forever; and mine eyes and mine heart shall be there perpetually.     1 Peter 2: 6  6 Wherefore also it is contained in the scripture, Behold, I lay in Sion a chief cornerstone, elect, precious: and he that believeth on him shall not be confounded.     Prayers: Any serpent and scorpion attacking me from bad foundation, roast by fire, in the name of Jesus Christ.     It’s very common for people to live in a house, they did not know much about. It is also common for people to buy land, or rent a new apartment without prayers, thinking that no evil will come near their dwelling. A house building can be beautiful both inside and outside, but spiritually, the house foundation is bad.     Are you trying to rent a new apartment, you need prayers to arrest and cast out any contrary spirit that torment people in that house. Do you have land, you need these prayers to protect and defend your land against any evil plantation.     Are you currently living in a strange house, where people don’t move or progress to protect? The truth is that, if you are too weak to pray on that bad foundation, the spirit may continue to hinder your plans and expectations.     It’s not in God’s agenda, for you to live in a house of destiny killers and suckers. Praying on the foundation is important likewise praying on the land is also a wonderful step to take dominion over the power of witchcraft, these are houses of sickness, poverty, house of job loss, marital delay, and houses that divert goodness.     There are some houses, where you will experience minimal progress, prosperity, and promotion, but all these stop, the moment someone parks away from that house. In some houses, the moment you try to buy a car, a big problem will come that will distract you from selling that car.     In some houses, you will discover that as beautiful as that house is, no car is parked in the compound, it’s a mystery. As a child of God, you are not programmed to spend the rest of your life, in a strange house.     Instruction: take this confession from 1 Corinthians 2 vs 11 and pray the following prayers.     Prayers:   1. I challenge the foundation of the house or land with the fire, of the holy Ghost.   2. The Blood of Jesus enters into the foundation of this house and purges it to favor me.   3. You the ground of this house, from henceforth, refuse to cooperate with evil pattern.   4. Anything planted, to divert or render me poor in this house, receive fire.   5. You this house, you shall not give me problems.   6. Any strange spirit, that attacks people of this house, you will not see me.   7. Any evil bird, that is around my house, to block my progress catches fire.   8. Any power, using this house, I am living to attack me, I command you to lose your grip, over my life.   9. Fire of God, destroy the potency of any evil covenant that torments us in this house.   10. Fire of God, arise and destroy any charm or sacrifice of dead human being buried in this house, in the name of Jesus.   11. Every witchcraft control over this house foundation break and scatter, by fire in the name of Jesus.   12. You the spirit in this house, allow me to progress, prosper, and fulfill my destiny in the name of Jesus.   13. (Lay your hand on the ground) I take authority over this house from now on, and I possess the land with the power of God, in the name of Jesus.   14. Thou strongman of this house, that makes it difficult for people to excel, you shall not see me, in the name of Jesus.   15. You this house, I declare you shall not drain me, and you shall not become my grave, in the name of Jesus.   16. Oh Lord, let this house become your dwelling place, in the name of Jesus.   17. I break any evil connection between this house and the spirit of backwardness, mistake, and poverty in the name of Jesus.   18. Whatever spirit that is holding destiny in captivity, release them and die in the name of Jesus.   20. O God, arise and disgrace every power that is disgracing children of light in this house, in the name of Jesus.   21. O Lord, help me to experience ministry, a breakthrough in this house, in the name of Jesus.   22. I silence any evil voice from the ground of this house against our breakthrough, in the name of Jesus.   23. By the power of God, I disconnect this house from every environmental evil connection and satanic network, in the name of Jesus.   24. Any power that has vowed, that you will not build your own house, they shall die in the name of Jesus.   25. Blood of Jesus, break every evil link between this house and whosoever has lived here before, in the name of Jesus.   26. As live in this house, I decree that my blessing of heaven will locate me and nothing shall block them, in the name of Jesus.    

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What Are The Main Functions Of Spirit Children?

What Are The Main Functions Of Spirit Children?

What Are The Main Functions Of Spirit Children?       1 John 3:10  10 In this the children of God are manifest, and the children of the devil: whosoever doeth not righteousness is not of God, neither he that loveth not his brother.     Prayers: Father, give me children, that will bring blessing to my marriage in the name of Jesus.     Spirit children are representations of evil spirits, most of them pretend to be godly children but are evil. The spirit spouse will release these children to torment women seeking the fruit of the wombs. The spirit children are also responsible for the delay of mental breakthrough, the truth is, if God should reveal the identity of those children to you, you will discover the source was from the enemy of good things in your life.     This could be our friend, neighbor, and family. This spirit of children comes through the dream of breastfeeding a baby in a dream. If the spirit husband can chase away your potential suitor from you, the spirit children will cause distraction, confusion, and disappointment in choosing the right man suitable for you.     Many marriages are sinking and falling apart because of the spirit spouse, using various troubles to deal with them. In this video, we are going to tell you that, major function of the spirit children. If you are a single or married woman, it’s important, you do these functions.     Main Functions Of Spirit Children.   1. Spirit children will fight against the deliverances of people.   2. Spirit children would give men the wrong impression that you have children elsewhere.   3. Spirit children will prevent women from having earthly children.   4. Spirit children will hinder your present relationship from progressing to management.   5. They cause a woman to appear older than her age.   6. They force you to marry a married man with children.   7. They will cause you to have children before marriage   8. They will cause a woman to have difficulty conceiving or giving birth.   9. Spirit children will introduced to the spirit of hatred, rejection, shame, and disgrace.   10. Spirit children will pollute a woman’s marital glory.   11. They cause a woman to bring bad luck to her husband.   12. They are responsible for causing divorce due to childlessness in marriage.   13. They are responsible for blocking happiness, and joy in your relationship.   14. They cause a single woman to reject ever having sexual immorality with men that lead to pregnancy and children.   15. They cause a woman to have a useless life.     What do You Do, if you are in this situation, follow the instructions below :   1. You must be born again   2. You must go for deliverance if the problem continues.   3. To know, who you are in Christ.   4. Use prayer to chase away evil children.   5. Stay away from immorality.     Instruction: You can fast for seven days, from 6 am to 6 pm.     Prayers :   1. I take authority over any power using spirit children to cause delays in my plans and expectations, in the name of Jesus.   2. Thou spirit children, hear the world of the Lord, depart from life by fire, in the name of Jesus.   3. Any link between me and spirit spouse and his children, be broken and release me, in the name of Jesus.   4. Father, begin to terminate all the plans of evil children against my life, in the name of Jesus.    

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How To Know Your Legs Are Under Attacked.

How To Know Your Legs Are Under Attacked.

How To Know Your Legs Are Under Attacked.   Proverbs 4: 26 – 27    26 Ponder the path of thy feet, and let all thy ways be established.   27 Turn not to the right hand nor the left: remove thy foot from evil.   Mathew 15 30    30 And great multitudes came unto him, having with them those that were lame, blind, dumb, maimed, and many others, and cast them down at Jesus’ feet; and he healed them:     Prayer: Every power, that is directing my feet to the wrong places of life, die by fire in the name of Jesus.     Our legs are the symbol of strength, stamina, movement, dominion, power, authority, and control. Our legs are established to set our dreams or goals, did you know that our legs can be attacked, bewitched, or even polluted? Did you know that the enemy can fire arrows at people’s legs, both physically and spiritually?     Someone will dream, that he was shot in the leg and that person will wake up with sharp pains, in his legs, or the person will struggle to walk well. When armed robbers bulge a person’s house, and the victim refuses to release something to them, the person will likely be shot in the legs. Because they know that once you have leg problems, you can not move or fulfill your destiny.     A polluted, weak, or paralyzed leg can not move freely. The enemy will attack a person’s legs either with sickness or evil arrows so that the person can face difficulties and stagnation. In Chronicle 16 vs 10 to 14, the baby says King Asa started well in life but finished badly because there was disease in his feet.     The legs are a symbol of the movement, if the legs are attacked spiritually, it does not mean, the person will not move around, still the person may not progress. The wicked people can put charms on chairs on your door post, or the road you often take in your daily activities, so that your legs can be attacked, polluted, or bewitched.     I have seen lots of Christians report similar cases that, each time they travel to their hometown or village, they will always be attacked and have leg pains on their legs, and some will travel back with swollen leg pains. This is a serious case, the moment someone has leg pain, that was fired by the enemy, it may take a longer period for the pain to heal, some will never get healed until they give up and die, due to their high level of paralysis.     Beloved, we need to pray against any power that wants to limit our abilities in life. Today we are going to tell you, some sign that shows your legs are attacked.     Ten signs, that your legs are about to be attacked or are already attacked.   1. When your legs are taking you to the wrong places.   2. When you are feeling heaviness on your legs.   3. When you are always walking into trouble.   4. When you are always burning sensation in the legs.   5. When you always step on strange objects.   6. When you always sustain an injury on the legs.   7. When you always arrive late to some places, missing good opportunities.   8. When you always see your legs with chains.   9. When you receive a stray bullet on the legs in your dream.   10. When you can not carry your legs properly while waiting.     Instruction: Psalm 121 vs 3, Ephesians 1 vs 22, Psalm 37 vs 23.     Prayers :   1. Serpent and scorpions assigned, against my legs, release me by fire in the name of Jesus.   2. Every evil arrow, fired into my legs physically or spiritually, I shake you out in the name of Jesus.   3. Any charm, I have stepped on, shall lose its potency on my body, in the name of Jesus.      

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Prayer Of Wandering Spirit.

Prayer Of Wandering Spirit.

Prayer Of Wandering Spirit.     Psalm 107 4   They wandered in the wilderness in a solitary way; they found no city to dwell in.     Luke 11 says 24  When the unclean spirit is gone out of a man, he walketh through dry places, seeking rest; and finding none, he saith, I will return unto my house whence I came out.     Prayer:  You wandering spirit, your time is up, I cast you out of my life in the name of Jesus.     Wandering spirit is done by traveling aimlessly, from one place to another. A spirit can leave a person’s physical body and move around traveling from one place to another. A wandering spirit can also be a subject of death, certain arrows, or trouble. A wandering spirit can enter into the life of a person to enable him to do something aimlessly without a purpose or reward.     Many things could make a person wander about, these are not hinted curses, covenants, sins, or foundation problems. A typical example of this topic is a madman. A mad person can easily move around without any sense of purpose or direction in life. A person who is operating under a wandering spirit may not know, until someone tells him, that something is not right with him.     For example, some people see themselves wandering in the bush, forest, on the road, in the market in a dream, and may just find themselves walking around without any definite purpose. These acts are done in order, to kill, steal and destroy and put a person in shame and disgrace. This spirit may be with a person for long until deliverance is done before the person, will be from profitless work.     That is why, you will see a wandering spirit moving around the family to torment all the people that have the capacity of becoming great. If you think, you have the spirit in you, or you positively see the symptoms in your life bad luck, shame, poverty, joblessness, disfavor, suffering, rise and fall, near success syndrome, backwardness, and limitation, you need to fire prayers against the wandering spirit.     If you notice, that you are always afraid, or you feel, you are always hearing a noise, or you see yourself going to the wrong place in life, I would like you to try praying against the wandering spirit. If you can pray it, you will be free from evil captivity, for example, some people are supposed to be in Lagos, but they are wandering about in Sokoto.     Confession: Read Psalm 121 vs 7 to 8   Instruction: Embark on four days of fasting and prayer from 6 am to 6 pm.   Prayers :   1. Every power going on a spiritual journey for my sake falls and dies, in the name of Jesus.   2. Every power calling forth, my spirit from my body for bewitchment, die in the name of Jesus.   3. I cast out any wandering spirit projected into my life, in the name of Jesus.   4. Any strong spirit following me, anywhere I go, I command you to leave my body, in the name of Jesus.   5. Any power, that has held me down, I command you to release me by fire, in the name of Jesus.   6. Any negative spirit in my life, that makes me move round in a circle, I cast you out, by fire, in the name of Jesus.   7. Every power in my father’s house, leading me astray in life, fall and die by fire, in the name of Jesus.   8. Any curse of thou shall not excel in my life, I shake you out of my life, in the name of Jesus.   9. I take authority, over any power behind my wandering around in the dream world, in the name of Jesus.   10. I come against any person that has cast evil into my life, go back to the senders, in the name of Jesus.   11. Oh my destiny, hear the voice of the Lord, begin to take me, to the right places, in the name of Jesus.   12. Every evil arrow fired into my legs, goes back to the sender, in the name of Jesus.   13. Every curse of walking without progress, break, and die in the name of Jesus.   14. Any power, using charms to manipulate and hinder my journey in life, die by fire in the name of Jesus.   15. Father, prevent me from taking the wrong path that will bring me back from any location, I have found myself, in the name of Jesus.   16. Oh Lord, begin to bring me back from any bad location, I have found myself, in the name of Jesus.   17. Any power, that has subjected my life to mockery and shame, be dismantled, in the name of Jesus Christ.   19. Any negative spirit that comes into my life through sleeping while facing my chest upward, I shake you out, in the name of Jesus Christ.   20. Father, order my steps and lead me to the best place of my destiny, in the name of Jesus.   21. I declare that I shall go out and come back in joy and happiness, in the name of Jesus.   22. By the blood of Jesus, I bind and cast out any contrary spirit, moving around my home, in the name of Jesus Christ.

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