Dreams & Deliverance Ministries


September 2, 2024

Biblical Meaning Of Sheep In Dream.

Biblical Meaning Of Sheep In Dream.

Biblical Meaning Of Sheep In Dream.     Jeremiah 50 vs 6  My people hath been lost sheep: their shepherds have caused them to go astray, they have turned them away on the mountains: they have gone from mountain to hill, they have forgotten their resting place.     Psalm 23 1  The Lord is my shepherd; I shall not want.     Prayer :O Lord, be my good shepherd in every day of my life, in the name of Jesus.     Good sheep recognize the voice of their shepherd. In the bible, the sheep symbolizes a good follower of Christ. Sheep are helpless without a shepherd, we are helpless without a Christ, did you dream about sheep last night? Dream about sheep represents gentleness and innocence. God’s children sacrifice, obedience, and unity.     Negatively, a biblical dream represents being defenseless or having no sense of direction. The negative side represents unsaved souls, to see sheep in your dream reflects your partnership with God and tells you his time to follow the teaching of your pastors. Dream of sheep means, you are following a leader and being influenced by his impact.     Perhaps having the feeling that someone is unable to function well on his own. Sheep in a dream could symbolize compassion, towards those around you, maybe, you are touched by the challenges of others and moved to help them.     If you dream of sharing the sheep, it means a false person will be exposed. The person could be your friend. If you see many sheep under your care, it foretells the calls of God, it shows God has made you a leader of influence, so try to protect that person under your care. If you see flocks of sheep, without a shepherd, it’s a sign that God wants you to provide for needy people.     If you are a pastor, it’s a sign that, you will be replaced by God or by the leadership of the ministry body. If the sheep are sick, it means you will encounter an attack and that shows, you have no one protecting you from evil attacks, which may affect your relationship with God. If you are seeing a flock of sheep moving in the same direction, it’s sending that some people are going astray In life and they need to be guided by a spiritual authority.     The sheep could be a soul that needs guidance, direction, and salvation of their souls, they are wandering. If you dream that a sheep bites you, it’s a signal, that you are not doing your best as a Christian, the bites of sheep may symbolize a betrayal or backbite from close associates.     If you see the face of a sheep or one staring at you, it tells you, to beware of false prophets. If you dream of a lost sheep, it means someone has been lost, that is, they have been backsliding, lost their salvation, and they are forgetting their first love. If sheep are attacking you as a pastor, it means your member is attacking you which is affecting the flow of your power.     Someone will fight you or try to distract you from your goals as the case may be. Also to see a flock of sheep means, you need to work in team spirit either in your office or church. If a sheep is given birth, it signifies a new birth in Christ Jesus, it’s a sign you have been blessed in a church, and it shows, that you are growing spiritually.     If a sheep is sleeping, it indicates prayerlessness, lukewarmness, and slothfulness. If sheep are being injured, it means the bad way of your life is destroying and hindering your joy, happiness, and peace. That signifies a big attack on your faith or anointing.     To see a dead sheep, in the dream, it means someone’s life has been condemned, or even reflected by God. It can refer to spiritual dryness that leads to death, it also means God is not happy with the way of your life, so kindly make an amend. If you see a white sheep in a dream, it symbolizes purity, fruitfulness, and righteousness.     If you see black, this represents a set of people, that are considered bad or troublesome in a family or group of friends. The black sheep represents the devil that corrupts and pollutes people in a church, office, or family line. If you see flying sheep, it symbolizes your plan to move or change from the present situation, if you are bitten by sheep, it could be a sign, that you are not safe or secure.     Perhaps, if you have some people that are gang against your progress. If you are watching over your sheep, it might mean that God is testing your leadership spirit. How are you able to handle a particular role, when it comes to you? If you are keeping a sheep, it means you need to protect the people that God has placed under your care.     If someone is under your authority in waking life, try to educate, guide, and impact that person. When you are riding on a sheep, it means, you will make a significant fulfillment of your calling or goals. God has granted you the to-do exploits in life. If you are pursuing the sheep, it means your efforts to bring someone back to where he has been rejected.     If you killed a sheep, it means bad luck in your pursuit, perhaps you might have destroyed good things. If you are petting a sheep, it’s a sign that God wants you to encourage someone, who is losing hope and faith. If a sheep is tied down, it means, someone will take advantage of gentleness to attack you.     Be wise, if you dream of talking to, it means you need to listen to people’s

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Biblical Meaning of Donkey in Dream.

Biblical Meaning of Donkey in Dream.

Biblical Meaning of Donkey in Dream.     Genesis 22 23  And Bethuel begat Rebekah: these eight Milcah did bear to Nahor, Abraham’s brother.     2 Peter 2 vs 16  But was rebuked for his iniquity: the dumb ass speaking with man’s voice forbade the madness of the prophet.     Prayer: You wicked power, crying against my progress, die by fire.     A donkey is one of the most stubborn animals, in the world, did you dream about a donkey last night? The dream of the donkey is associated with humility, humor, stubbornness, burdens, endurance, and loyalty. Biblical dreams about donkeys may indicate stubbornness on your part not to cooperate with other people.     Dreaming about seeing a donkey, could mean, a lack of respect for those around you, perhaps you feel, you don’t regard people. This dream may represent a person who has many burdens and carries a heavy load. A donkey in your dream may have several different meanings. To see a donkey, may symbolize your willingness to help an unproductive person.     Dream of a donkey may foretell going against everyone’s decision, and this set of people will work against you too. Donkey could relate to a journey that will take you to places in life. To see a donkey means hardworking, when a donkey appears in your dream, it means you are connected to your discipline, to face the hard work that your life demands.     To dream of a donkey suggests a warning to keep off unholy right. If you are riding a donkey in a dream, it means you will go on an important journey, shortly. It’s a sign that God is taking you to another land, either for ministration or to fulfill a certain call or goal. If you ride on a donkey and throw yourself off, it’s a bad sign, it shows that someone is angry with you, and does not want you in his or her life anymore. If the donkey kicks you, it indicates problems and difficulties you will encounter.     If you are feeding a donkey, it means you are helping the wrong people, who will eventually attack you. If you dream of killing a donkey, it means you are getting rid of some difficult or annoying people in your life. If you see a donkey kicking you, it means you will be attacked by an evil spirit. If you are running away from the donkey, it means you are deviating from your work or responsibility.     If you dream of a donkey screaming, it means obstacle and confusion, the sound may foretell danger ahead. If you receive a donkey from someone, it symbolizes blessings in business and marriage. A whole donkey in a dream foretells success in every understanding. If you ride on a donkey that screams, it means the enemy will work against your ambition.     To see the loaded donkey, foretells burdens or high responsibilities, that will slow down your progress or career. If you dream of a child riding on a donkey, it means that child will be great in life, it also means the child will be obedient, and dutiful, but at the same time, he will be healthy.     If you buy a donkey in the dream, it symbolizes the inheritance of wealth. If you sell a donkey, it shows that you will be prosper and great in life. If a donkey bites you in your dream, it means you will lose your power, frame, grace, and wealth. This means that the devil has sent troubles into your life.     To see a talking donkey means you will get some advice or wise counsel, try not to oppose the voice. If you dream of leading a donkey in the desert, it’s a sign, that you are a leader in the making. If you have a desire to become a leader, work hard and it will come to pass. If you dream of dying donkey, it means someone close to you, is under spiritual attack.     If you feel, you are the one, pray for God to revive you, so that you can bounce back again. If you see a donkey’s teeth, it’s a sign of curse or mockery against you.  If you see a weak donkey, it means, you will get exhausted as a result of your responsibility and hard work without much reward.     If you see donkeys, that are fighting, it shows there is going to be conflict between you and your colleagues, be wise and prayerful. To see a donkey in the house, means, you will need to get up from the comfort of your home and leave the house, there is a big opportunity waiting for you.     If you dream of a donkey, being beaten, it indicates your efforts are not working, and you might have God warn you, if some decision you take, that is against his will. If you dream of laughing with a donkey, it means, someone will falsely accuse you and mock you for your failure and defeat, turn their evil report against you to backfire.     If you see a donkey head, it means an aggressive person who will cross your path especially, someone that talks out of anger. Losing a donkey, some irresponsible will enter your life. To see a donkey bragging, means, you will be humiliated by a humble person, but if the bragging comes from a distance, then you will receive a lot of money and also be free from an unhappy relationship.     To see a black donkey indicates an old friend will come back into your life. If you see many donkeys, if you are a minister of God, it means you will need to take care of your flocks, it connotes blessing.     Instruction: Embark on one day of fasting and prayers from 6 am to 6 pm.  

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Dream Of Being Homeless.

Dream Of Being Homeless.

Dream Of Being Homeless.       Proverb 28 27  He that giveth unto the poor shall not lack: but he that hideth his eyes shall have many a curse.     Mathew 25: 35 – 40    35 For I was an hungered, and ye gave me meat: I was thirsty, and ye gave me drink: I was a stranger, and ye took me in:   36 Naked, and ye clothed me: I was sick, and ye visited me: I was in prison, and ye came unto me.   37 Then shall the righteous answer him, saying, Lord, when saw we thee an hungered, and fed thee? or thirsty, and gave thee drink?   38 When saw we thee a stranger, and took thee in? or naked, and clothed thee?   39 Or when saw we thee sick or in prison, and came unto thee?   40 And the King shall answer and say unto them, Verily I say unto you since ye have done it unto one of the least of these my brethren, ye have done it unto me.      Prayer: You powers, that want to attack me because, I am helping someone out of poverty, die in the name of Jesus.     A homeless is a type of person who does not have a home. A person who does not have a home. A person who does not have a place to hide. A homeless person can also relate to begging or a poor life. Did you dream of being homeless or your friend or loved one is homeless in a dream, what does this mean to a Christian, if you dream of being homeless, it refers to a life of security, hardship, and struggle.     Dream of being homeless is a sign that a person is neglected, condemned, or rejected by a loved one or evicted from a house. The dream of being homeless refers to a lack of poverty. If you have always dreamed of a homeless person, it symbolizes foundation power attacking a person perhaps, the powers from someone’s roots do not want the person to achieve anything in life.     Home is very crucial in life, once a person does not have a home to stay in, his life will be exposed to a degree of attack or death. He will no longer feel safe or protected. If you are in life, dreaming of being homeless is a signal, that you are going to lose the trust, and respect people have for you.     This dream shows someone wants to bring you down completely. To dream of a homeless person represents that someone needs your help for survival. To see a homeless person, means you need to share something with the needy around you,, if you are a man and you dream of being homeless, it means, someone wants to destroy your reputation, attack the source of your income, and put you to shame.     If you are a woman, this dream means, you are likely to be unfortunate in marriage, that is your husband will send you out of his house. Being homeless in a dream, is foretold as a cursed person, dream of being homeless means, a frustrated and depressed life, that has made you powerless. To dream of being homeless symbolizes hatred, promise and failure, slavery, nonachievement, joblessness, and disfavor. If you dream of being homeless in a city, it’s a bad sign that something bad may occur to you soon.     This means a faulty foundation that may affect your career. Being homeless in your environment may represent a problem in your locality. If you see a child being homeless, it means a child will suffer much in life, because the mistake of her parent will affect the child’s destiny. If you see yourself being homeless, it means your friend is going through some difficult challenges and he needs, someone that can help him out.     If you dream of feeding a homeless child, it means you need to help the poor, so that God can remember you and help you in the line of your need. If you are being chased by a homeless person, it means an attack from foundation power, that wants to transfer problems into your life. If the person catches you, you will have problems paying your house rent or having problems in the settled home.     If the homeless person attacks you, it means you will labor without achievement, you will have problems with your job, and have no stable income. If you see homeless, it could mean God wants you to adopt a child and train him, if the dream of a homeless child is frequent, you need to take responsibility for some children around you.     It can also tell you to bring up a child In the way of the Lord, if a homeless person asks you for something in a dream, it means to give and sacrifice something for people that do not have. If you see a beggar on the street, who happens to be someone that you know, this dream you to help those, that are in trouble or having trouble in their job.     If you see your family member become homeless in a dream, it is a bad signal of served a quit notice, it can also represent the plans of the enemy to disappoint, disgrace, mock, or cause the family to live in poverty, backwardness, limitation, and demotion. If you dream of being homeless during pregnancy, this dream means you will have a big spiritual battle, maybe during conception, you need to pray for divine settlement and peace in your home.     If you are homeless, it means a lack of safety or protection. This also means that you may also have the ability to unite with your friends and family. If you are homeless in reality, you need to find a way to meet your

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