night prayers and deliverance

Midnight Prayers For Victory Series 49

The Importance of Prayer for Spiritual Victory   A lot of times, the things you are passing through may be overwhelming and even cause you to question God’s intentions for your life. Why don’t you borrow a leaf from Hannah and Hezekiah and reject defeat?   Life is not without challenges and defeats. The devil brings them our way in an attempt to pull us away from God’s love and take away our confidence in Him.   However, God’s purpose for your life is certainly not defeat. Rather, it is of peace and not of evil, to give you an expected end. Only God has the power to do whatever He wills to do at anytime and for anyone. And he wants you to succeed.   The lives of many characters in the Bible show how they passed through the eye of a needle and faced challenges of different kinds, and how God took away their defeats and gave them victory.   Barrenness defeated Hannah for so many years, but she refused to submit to it. She went to the house of God, and God took her from defeat to victory. The judgment of death was passed against Hezekiah, but he rejected it and turned to God in prayer.     What defeats have you accepted in your life? God is waiting for your prayers. Even if you are a sinner, all you need to do is repent and pray for victory. Daniel was thrown into the lion’s den, but he came out alive and unhurt. No covenant child of God is destined to die in defeat.   Now is the time to turn to God in prayer for victory and He will see you through it in the name of Jesus, Amen. May God grant you the change you need through your prayers.     Key Scripture: John 16:33 “I have told you these things so that in me you may have peace. In this world, you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.”     Midnight Prayers (12am till your spirit asks you to stop)     Confession Before You Pray:     – Psalm 12:7, Thou shalt keep them, O Lord, thou shalt preserve them from this generation for ever.     – Job 10:12, Thou hast granted me life and favour, and thy visitation hath preserved my spirit.     – Matthew 11:30, For my yoke is easy, and my burden is light.     – Proverbs 12:21, There shall no evil happen to the just: but the wicked shall be filled with mischief.       Take the following short prayers     I vomit any strange thing troubling the glory of my body, in the name of Jesus. Anything holding me down to this level, loose me and let me go, in the name of Jesus. Any power, assigned to scatter what my hands have gathered, run mad and die, in the name of Jesus. My Father, arise, make every day of my life trouble for the camp of my enemies, in the name of Jesus. O God, arise and make my body too hot for every demon of sickness, in the name of Jesus. Powers, that want me to serve God without results, be terminated, in the name of Jesus. My destiny shall arise and disappoint my enemies, in the name of Jesus. Any wicked power, using my glory to benefit themselves, run mad and die, in the name of Jesus. Powers, that want me to offer wrong sacrifice to God, die, in the name of Jesus. O God, arise and do not let my laughter end in weeping, in the name of Jesus.     Praise and worship (15 minutes) #Midnight_Prayers #day49   These prayers are for married women ( if otherwise, then you can pray for your partner, or your loved ones)   1. No weapon of the enemy that is formed against my husband shall prosper and every tongue that rises up in judgment, I condemn in the name of Jesus.   2. Father, help my husband to fulfill his destiny, he will not be a reproach. The enemy will not stop him halfway in the name of Jesus.   3. Father, let my husband experience limitless victories and conquer territories today. As he takes steps of faith towards his plans, projects, and goals, let him be able to accomplish them in the name of Jesus.   4. By the grace of God, I declare that my husband will continue to love me, just as Christ loves the Church unconditionally.   5. Father Lord, restore my love and affection in my husband’s heart and remove any trace of animosity in his heart.   6. Lord, remove ungodly desires in his heart for any strange woman and help him to keep his marital vows sacred.   7. Lord, remove all traces of bitterness and anger that are slowly taking root in my husband’s heart and starving my love from his heart in Jesus’ name.   8. My husband will enjoy sound health every day of his life in the mighty name of Jesus.   9. Any terminal disease waiting for my husband in the future, I terminate you right now in the name of Jesus.   10. Father, I pray that my husband will excel in his workplace. Lord, give him a quick solution to every difficult assignment at work.   11. Father Lord, rebuke every devourer that the enemy wants to use to deplete my husband’s finances.   12. Father, let the right doors of business opportunities be opened for my husband. Let him find favor before nobles and kings in the name of Jesus.   13. Father, when enemies rise up in conspiracy against my husband, be his shield and defend him and scatter their plans in the name of Jesus.   14. Father, I pray that the devil will not steal my husband’s joy. He will not weep, he will not mourn and

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