Dreams & Deliverance Ministries


July 22, 2024

Dream Of Attending A Reunion

Dream Of Attending A Reunion

Dream Of Attending A Reunion.   John 15: 12-13   12 This is my commandment, That ye love one another, as I have loved you.   13 Greater love hath no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends.     PRAYER: Father, reconnect me back to the source of my success, in the name of Jesus.     The dream of attending a reunion can signify a deep desire for social reconnection and a longing for a past relationship and friendship. This dream can leave you with feelings of regret, happiness, confusion, and sometimes backwardness and stagnation. Attending a reunion of any kind can hold significant meaning in various ways. For example, if you see yourself attending a school reunion with friends, it reminds you of the good old days.     There could be someone among your old friends you wish to reconnect back and have good times together. To dream of a family reunion may signify building a strong bond with your family. The dream is a sign of holding a family meeting to resolve some issues that challenge the family.     The dream of attending a reunion can also serve as a reminder to reevaluate your current situation and make any necessary changes. Perhaps you are not feeling unfulfilled in your current career or personal life. It is important to take the time to reflect on your goals and assess to know if you are on the right path to achieve them. Alternatively, the dream may indicate that you are warned about missed opportunities and disconnection from certain people in your life, perhaps you are warned on how to get back these people or things.     In some cases, the dream of attending a reunion of any kind may be urging you to revisit those decisions and consider if there are still ways to pursue those aspirations. It is also possible that the school, or work reunion for example, could reflect a fear of the future, maybe you are anxious about what the future holds and you are unsure what steps to take. Alternatively, you may be worried about the consequences of your past actions and how they will affect your future.     You may dream of having a reunion where you want people to recognize your self-worth. You might see yourself as a successful person at the reunion, but feel anxious about how others perceive you. Sometimes, this dream can also reflect a fear of not having done enough for people we care about in real life. For example, if you dream of a reunion where you see someone you don’t like to associate with, this could be a sign that you are seeing the person as a threat.     A reunion dream can appear as a sign to hook up with someone you love and build a life together, this is true if you have someone you want to spend the rest of your life with in real life. In this case, the dream of attending a reunion where you see familiar faces can serve as a reminder to do good to people because one day you may meet them somewhere they will be of help to you. If you keep having this dream, it may be good to reach out to people from your past and set up a reunion with them.     The dream signifies your need for appreciation and recognition, you may feel that hard work is not recognized enough in your waking life. If you are being honored at the event it may signify respect and admiration from others, you may want to know that you are successful and want to share your experiences with them.     In conclusion, the dream of attending a reunion can represent many things. Pray more to reveal more about the interpretation to you.     Read: Proverbs 13:20, proverbs 18:24     PRAYERS   1. Father change my situation today and let people see your goodness in my life, in the name of Jesus.   2. Father connect me with important people who will connect me to opportunities, in the name of Jesus.   3. I cut off the power that is dragging me backward, in the name of Jesus.   4. Father restore every good and profitable relationship I have lost, in the name of Jesus.   5. My destiny helper, appears by fire, in the name of Jesus.  

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Dream Of Truck Being Stolen.

Dream Of Truck Being Stolen

Dream Of Truck Being Stolen.     Deuteronomy 1:6  The Lord our God spake unto us in Horeb, saying, Ye have dwelt long enough in this mount:     PRAYER: Powers that do not want me to succeed, die in the name of Jesus.     The truck in the dream represents many things, it represents work, stress, and ministry, and it may represent a person. To ride or drive a truck in the dream, it could be assigned that you have a job that keeps you busy it can be business, ministry, or marriage. To dream of the truck being stolen is a bad sign, it foretells that you will have problems in your business or job.     This is a sign that the devil has stolen your blessing, pray for restoration. You are a hard-working person but the enemy does not want you to progress in your job. If your truck catches fire in the dream, it means a financial attack, you will experience a high level of suffering. Trucks may also represent burdens.   When someone steals your truck it means your worries will be over soon. The truck is also a symbol of hard work and responsibility. The dream portends that you have heavy responsibilities to carry as an individual, family, or community. You are working hard but unfortunately, you are unable to see the real result reflected in your life. When a truck is moving is a symbol of movement and progress, a reminder that you need strength and focus to achieve your goals.   To dream of your truck stolen, it foretells that you have lost your track in life or the sign could tell you that someone has taken your position about to occupy it. This dream could be a result of being anxious, frustrated, or feeling like you have been attacked and delayed in life. Your truck stolen can tell you that you are going to lose something valuable to you very soon. You should keep and protect your treasures so that you will not lose them.   To see your truck being stolen can be a sign that your plan and effort in life will be hindered and you should be well prepared to avert troubles from coming your way, you might be feeling that something is on your way to success, and without overcoming these things you might be unable to make headways in life, you should do everything in your power to get rid of everything that may serve as an obstacle on your path.   This dream could also be a sign that you are on the verge of starting something you won’t be successful at but if you find or recover the truck, it means that you will get whatever you are pursuing in life and destiny, you are going to get back whatever you have lost. You worry about your current challenges but thank God that he has answered your prayers. It shall be well with you.   PROPHETIC INSTRUCTION: Matthew 7:7-8, psalm 37:4, Jeremiah 29:13, Matthew 6:33, Deuteronomy 4:29, Hebrew11:6.   PRAYERS  1. Father Lord give me the grace to recover what I have lost, in the name of Jesus.   2. Every enemy of progress, dies in the name of Jesus.   3. Any power that does not want me to prosper, die in the name of Jesus.   4. Thou spirit of loss, operating in my life, die in the name of Jesus.   5. Father have mercy and make way for me, in the name of Jesus.  

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Dream About Hospital Bed

Dream About Hospital Bed

Dream About Hospital Bed.   Psalm  41:3  The LORD will strengthen him upon the bed of languishing: Thou wilt make all his bed in his sickness.     PRAYER: I refuse to lie down on a sick bed, I am healed in the name of Jesus.     To see a hospital bed in the dream is a sign of depression, spiritual weakness, frustration, fear, delay, limitation, and suffering.  To dream of seeing yourself in a hospital bed, may signify that you have fallen ill, the dream may also be a sign from the Lord that you need rest from your busy activities. For some people, the hospital bed in the dream can be a sign to check your health to see if there is any trace of illness in your body.     Dream of a hospital bed can also represent a satanic trap or net to capture and hinder your progress and glorious future. You must launch your prayer arrow to scatter the plans of the enemy to impede your progress with stubborn illness. A hospital bed can be a symbol of dependence on others for care and support. You may feel overwhelmed or helpless in your waking life. In some cases, hospital beds may represent the hope of recovery.     You may be going through a difficult time, but the dream is a reminder that there is a chance to heal and come out stronger. In some cases, the hospital can symbolize fear, illness, and death. On the positive side hospital can also represent a place of healing and hope. For example, if you or someone you know is battling with a health issue, a dream of the hospital can be a reflection of the desire for healing, if you wake up from this dream feeling stressed or anxious, it might be worth paying attention to your health and be a concern for the wellbeing of your loved ones. It is important to know that this dream could also be influenced by other factors in your life such as a satanic attack or your recent experience with the hospital.     Seeing your loved ones in a hospital bed can be a symbol or sign that someone is helpless or sick and needs fast recovery. If you are experiencing pain or illness it is common to come across a hospital bed in your dream, this may be a manifestation of fears and anxiety about your condition. It is important to note that dreaming about a hospital bed does not necessarily mean that you have a serious health condition. However, if you are experiencing a physical symptom or have reason to believe that your health may be at risk, then it is important to seek medical attention.     Lying on the hospital bed in the dream symbolizes that the enemy has fired arrows of delay to your destiny but always make sure you pay attention to your health. Every satanic power that wants you to waste your money treating sickness every time, that yoke shall be broken, you are free, you are covered by the blood of Jesus.     INSTRUCTION: If you are scared or warned about this dream, go on 3days fasting 6 am-6 pm     Read:  psalm 41:3, psalm 47:3, proverb 17:22, James 5:14-16, Jeremiah 17:14, Isaiah 53:4-5, psalm 6:2, psalm 23:4, 2 chronicles7:14-15, revelation 21:4.     PRAYERS:   1. Every power that wants to put me on a sick bed shall die, in the name of Jesus.   2. Every power that is using sickness to fight me, dies in the name of Jesus.   3. Every curse that makes me spend my money on sickness, I break it, in the name of Jesus.   4. Every sickness in my body I shake it off, in the name of Jesus.   5. Any food that is promoting sickness in my body, break in the name of Jesus.  

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