Dreams & Deliverance Ministries


July 19, 2024

Dream Of Water Of Flowing

Dream Of Water Flowing

Dream Of Water Flowing.     John 7:38  He that believeth on me, as the scripture hath said, out of his belly shall flow rivers of living water.     PRAYER: My glory, what are you doing in the valley, arise and shine now, in the name of Jesus.     To see water in the dream is a sign of refreshing, it is good health, and cleansing, it is a sign of purification, peace, joy, and happiness. It is also a sign that you will flourish and live and eat the fruit of your labor. Water flowing in the dream can also symbolize a new beginning, a sign that your problems will go away to bring about healing and satisfaction and restoration to your life, your negative mood will pass quickly and you will see that everything is getting better in your life.     You don’t have to worry about your current problems, because they are about to leave you for good. Water flowing can reveal that you have the gift of God in your life, please if you can identify start exploring them. Are you planning to travel out, this dream may indicate the possibility of your international connection.     Seeing water flowing from a pipe can indicate that you are feeling a sense of calm. It can represent the strength and anointing from above to do wonders in this world. If you are fetching water from the tap, it means something good will locate you. To see water flowing from the mountain is a good sign, it is a sign of divine provision.     The Lord shall make good things available for you but if the water is flowing in your house, it is a sign of upcoming attack or trouble that will find its way in your life. To see dirty water flowing may tell you is time to wash away your sins, and repent from that sin denying you of your blessings. Water flowing from the pipe is a sign of hope, it is a sign never to give up in your expectation of something from God, you will surely see the wonders of heaven in your life.     To dream of drinking water from the tap, may signify divine divine strength, healing, and favor. You are going to see great results in your life. If a pregnant woman dreams of water flowing from the tap, she will deliver safely, if a sick person encounters this dream then it shows that healing is on its way. If you fetch from a flowing water, you will receive good news, you will prosper and be satisfied.     In conclusion, the dream of flowing water can symbolize progress, success, open doors, abundance, and cleansing.     INSTRUCTION   Read the following verses: John 4:14, Isaiah 44:3, Matthew 10:42, Hebrew 10:22,Isaiah 49:10, revelation 22:1-2,Ezekiel 36:25-26     PRAYER   1. Father Lord clean and purify me, in the name of Jesus.   2. Father give me a new heart and put a new spirit in me, in the name of Jesus.   3. Oh Lord let the good things of life flow towards me, in the name of Jesus.   4. Father give me the grace to be fruitful in little things, in the name of Jesus.   5. Father fill my life with your blessings and comfort me in every side, in the name of Jesus.

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Dream About Blue Snake.

Dream About Blue Snake

Dream About Blue Snake.      Psalm 27: 2  When the wicked, even mine enemies and my foes, came upon me to eat up my flesh, They stumbled and fell.     PRAYER: Anyone that wants to hinder my progress, may God keep frustrating you, in the name of Jesus.     Many people usually encounter dream of seeing snakes of various colors.  The truth is not every dream that involves the snake or serpent has negative signs or meanings some may be associated with luck, happiness, success, courage, peace, and unexpected open doors.     The dream of a blue snake biting you is a sign of a witchcraft attack. The blue snake in the dream may represent someone who’s attacking you, be alert, watchful, and prayerful. Be very careful because your enemy I trying to harm you, try to reflect on who the person could be or pray against it so that God reveals the person and his secret evil plans against you.     A blue snake biting you could indicate that someone is lying to you or blackmailing you, they might be a friend or someone who always wants you but talks badly behind your back, and that person is spreading rumors that can harm your reputation. If you have any bad feelings about any of your friends then get away from them they will manipulate you in some ways, use you, and say bad things about you. It is advisable to be wary of the people you trust and value.     A blue snake bite also symbolizes a toxic relationship in your life. That person in the relationship or situation might be causing you harm in your waking life. Dream about a blue snake biting you could also be a sign that someone is trying to know something about you, be very careful not to be quick to release vital information about yourself to people because you don’t know who is who.     If you see a small blue snake this can be a sign that suspect someone around you is possessed with witchcraft. There is a challenging period ahead of you, this dream can be a symbol that you get married to someone who will bring battles to your life, you just have to pray well before your conclusion to get married to that person.     Dreaming about a blue snake could have different meanings depending on the type of dream you have. For example, if you see a blue snake crawling, this could be a positive sign that you need to keep moving and working towards your goals,  do not panic about it because you will encounter great success in your pursuits. For some women, the dream could mean they would get pregnant before or outside their marriage. For some men, the dream may alert you to be watchful or careful of temptation and deception.     If you dream of killing the blue snake is a sign that you might have a problem in your relationship but others are associated with victory over the power of darkness, if someone is becoming a threat to you, you have to make a quick move before he or she damage you completely. People may look friendly, and innocent to you but secretly they are planning evil against you.     If you feel that something isn’t right or that a certain person is giving you some strange feelings then walk away from them immediately no matter who the person seems to represent. Always trust your gut or feeling because when something seems like is not right then be sure that your feeling is on point. A lot of people lie and a lot of people have a hidden agenda but not all of them are capable of hiding it very well. So seeing the blue snake is a sign for you to protect yourself and your territory, the devil is about to come and invade your privacy and attack you. Pray with Luke 10:19, Joshua 1:5, Ephesians 6:12, psalm 91”5-6, psalm 118:17, psalm 34:19, psalm 18:44-45.     PRAYER   1. Thou wicked spirit assigned from the pit of hell to attack me, die in the name of Jesus.   2. Every serpent assigned to harm me in the dream, I kill you by fire in the name of Jesus.   3. Fire of God reveals the person secretly planning against my progress, in the name of Jesus.   4. Oh Lord let every device of the enemy work against them, in the name of Jesus.   5. Every evil mark in my life attracting battles to me, be erased by fire, in the name of Jesus.  

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Dream Of Missing A Bullet.

Dream Of Missing A Bullet

Dream Of Missing A Bullet.     Psalm 59:1  Deliver me from mine enemies, O my God: defend me from them that rise against me.     PRAYER: O Lord, let my life be immune to spiritual bullets, in the name of Jesus.     Count yourself lucky when you dream of missing a bullet in the dream because the dream is a sign of God’s protection and safety at work in your life. It’s also a sign that you have escaped a big danger or arrow assigned to strike you but thank God for being your defense He did not allow the enemy to prevail in your life.     This dream is also a sign that you are winning a battle over your enemy. Also, this dream is a sign to warning you to be very careful in getting close to people because this dream reveals that someone close to you is sensibly planning against you but the Lord keeps on frustrating every effort to kill you, pull you down, hinder you, to paralyze you and to afflict you with their evil spells.     In Isaiah 54:7, the bible says no weapon fashioned against me shall prosper. When you miss satanic arrows in the dream world, it means the arrow they have fired against you will lose target and turn back to attack the sender. The Bible says He will deliver you from the enemies and protect you from those who rise against you. Missing a bullet in the dream is a sign that no power can kill you because you have a covenant of long life and blessing with God.     In Psalm 91:4 the bible says, the Lord shall cover you with his feathers and under his wings shall you trust, his truth shall be thy shield and buckler, what this verse means, the Lord is keeping you safe under his wings. Missing a bullet is a victorious dream, it shows that God is saving you from those trying to do you harm. Be rest assured that the Lord is protecting you every day of your life.     The Lord is fighting for you against your enemies, to send back the big storm assigned to overwhelm you, this call for celebration of victory. Missing a bullet in the dream is one of the biggest testimonies, whenever you experience this dream, please do not take it for granted, immediately go on your knee and begin to thank God for protecting you from the attack of death, illness, loss, poverty, debt, suffering, delay, obstruction, sorrow, etc. the devil wants to make you cry and thereby put to shame through this dream.     It’s a sign from God that all the traps or nets they prepared for you have failed to get you. Also, the lesson behind this dream is to be careful of where you go because the angel may be warning you of big danger ahead. Please be prayerful.     Pray with Psalm 91, psalm 18, psalm 27, psalm 16:8, and Psalm 118:6. In Isaiah 43:2, the bible says when you pass through the waters he will be with you and through the storm of life and the evil attack or bullet shall not prosper in your life and then walk through the fire it shall not burn you neither shall the spiritual bullet kill you. Please be of good courage, fear not nor be afraid of them for your God will go with you, he will not fail you and forsake you.     When you miss a bullet in the dream, it’s a sign that God wants you to stay away or cut off your relationship with some person, these people are very wicked they use all kinds of fetish materials to get you but it appears that the arrow they projected in your life is not working. Please listen to this, whenever you dream that God protects you from danger in the dream it’s a sign that someone is seen planning to kill you, this dream Is just a way to confirm that to you.     When you miss a bullet in the dream, they want to terminate your star, glory, and destiny. In Psalm 105:15, Touch not my anointed and you shall do my prophet no harm. In Isaiah 60:1, he says you shall arise and shine forth and so shall it be for you in Jesus’ name.     How To Escape Danger   1. Be a prayer addict   2. Read your bible constantly   3. Be very sensitive and watchful   4. Do not over-trust people, as God to reveal them to you   5. Ask God to arise and fight your battles   6. Barricade yourself with the blood of Jesus     INSTRUCTION: Embark on 3days fasting from 6 am-6 pm     Read: Rom 8:37-39,Deuteronomy 28:7, 2Corinthians10:3-4, Ephesians 6:11-12,1peter 5:8,1John 4:4     PRAYERS   1. Every satanic bullet fired into my life through dream, backfires in the name of Jesus.   2. Every weapon of the enemy to paralyze my destiny, backfires in the name of Jesus.   3. O God arise and protect me from that plans to harm me, in the name of Jesus.   4. I reverse every witchcraft arrow issued against my progress, in the name of Jesus.   5. I command the arrow of death targeted at me to go back to sender, in the name of Jesus.  

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Dream Of Bitten By Lizard

Dream Of Bitten By Lizard

Dream Of Bitten By Lizard.   Matthew 10: 26   Fear them not, therefore: for there is nothing covered, that shall not be revealed; and hid, that shall not be known.     Psalms 41:9   Yeah, my familiar friend, whom I trusted, who did eat of my bread, hath lifted his heel against me.     PRAYER: Any power that kills good things at infancy in my life, die in the name of Jesus.     To dream of being bitten by a lizard indicates serious household witchcraft going against you. Someone close to you may be attacking you. The dream is a warning or sign of fear and threat from someone in the waking life. The person is in your life as a spy to know everything about your secret plans and then attack it.     A lizard attacking represents betrayal, if the lizard bites your hand, it suggests an attack of poverty, debt, and suffering. If a lizard bites your legs, spiritually it means you are encountering delay, limitation, and trouble in life. The dream reveals that you have an unfriendly friend who is using evil words to hinder your progress.     Being bitten by a lizard can tell you that you should be alert and beware of people you are not comfortable relating with in your waking life. There’s someone in your life you should not trust because such a person is going to bring you bad luck. Being bitten or attacked by a big lizard can also be a sign that you are going to be prevented by close enemies from making a change in your life. It’s possible that you are going to make certain mistakes in your life and there is a need for you to be very careful with people.     If you kill the lizard it can mean that you will have a misunderstanding with someone, someone may limit the way he/she is associating with you, and it may not be connected if the person is evil or not. However, killing a lizard means victory over the spirit of conspiracy from close associates. This dream clearly shows that you have a secret and jealous enemy in your life. You should be careful at your work and not trust everyone because the holy spirit might use the dream to tell you to protect yourself.     To see one crawling around you, it’s a bad sign. it’s a warning to be careful because there may be a dangerous person around you, this person wants to do something bad to you and, it’s probably an evil person. If you are running away from a lizard it means you are afraid of someone in your real life and you are keeping a distance from him. If you see a dead lizard in your dream, it means something may happen in your neighborhood, kindly pray against it. The way out –Be prayerful, be watchful of bad people in your life, send the arrow back to the sender, and plead the blood of Jesus upon your life.     INSTRUCTION: Embark on 3 days fasting from 6 am-6 pm. Pray against secret enemies in your life.     PRAYER.   1. Any power in my house working against my breakthrough and joy, die in the name of Jesus.   2. Any stubborn witchcraft in my habitation troubling me, die in the name of Jesus.   3. I fire back the arrow sent into my life from my enemies, in the name of Jesus.   4. Every intelligent enemy operating in my life, die by fire, in the name of Jesus.   5. Enemy of progress monitoring my life go blind, in the name of Jesus.

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