Dreams & Deliverance Ministries


July 15, 2024

Dream Of Seeing Someone In Heaven.

Dream Of Seeing Someone In Heaven.

Dream Of Seeing Someone In Heaven.     2 Corinthians 6:16  To see someone you know in heaven in the dream, is a clear sign that the person will spend his or her lifetime in heaven. It shows that the person will be free from troubles, he will soon experience joy     PRAYER: Holy Spirit help me to dwell in heaven at last, in the name of Jesus.     To see someone you know in heaven in the dream, it’s a clear sign that the person will spend his or her lifetime in heaven. It shows that the person will be free from troubles, he will soon experience joy, happiness, peace, long life, and salvation. When you see a person going to heaven, it may be a sign of victory. It shows that someone is headed in the right direction in life.     Many people dream about heaven when they are planning to fall into some wrong or unethical practices. Seeing someone in heaven in the dream could signify your desire for salvation or to spend your eternal life in heaven. In your real life, you might be trying to correct someone or escape from the hard life you are experiencing and thus this dream comes to restore your hopes, optimism, and faith.     Dream of seeing someone in heaven can provide you with the hope of attaining greatness in life if only you never give up. Sometimes, this dream is also an indication that you are going to be surprised at your speedy progress and accomplishment. Please be focused and do not let distraction and the enemy take you unaware. If you feel you are in heaven in the dream, this is good news it means a positive and fruitful period is coming your way.     To see someone you know in heaven, if the person is a good Christian, then the Holy Spirit may connect you to that person maybe the person has God’s grace in him/her to pray for you and good things will start happening in your life but if the person was prevented from entering heaven, it is passing a message to you or someone else to work out their salvation because the dream shows that your sin may prevent the person from enjoying the blessings of God, repent from your sins today.     Sometimes dreaming about someone going to heaven is a sign for you to connect with successful people in life but if you have someone currently on a sick bed, having this type of dream is a sign of heaven calling the person and it’s likely the person will end well in life. The dream may also be telling you to set your focus/hope on God and not on the man who might not be able to help.     To see yourself in heaven might indicate that God is taking you higher, please keep staying connected to him at all times, you are going to rejoice and be exceedingly glad when you see yourself in heaven, believe that you are in your season of promotion. May God grant your heart desires.     INSTRUCTION: Luke 23:43, Colossians 3:1-7, Revelation 2:4-8, Luke 15:7, Revelation 21:3, 1Timothy 6 :7 8, Exodus 29:45, John 14:2, Matthew 7:13-14.     PRAYERS   1. Father, in any way I have fallen short of your glory have mercy and forgive, in the name of Jesus.   2. Every attempt of satan to pull me away from the narrow way shall scatter, in the name of Jesus.   3. Father, whatever will disqualify me from this heavenly race, come out of my life, in the name of Jesus.   4. Father by your grace help me to make it to heaven on the last day, in the name of Jesus.   5. The Holy Spirit saved me from taking the wrong path in life, in the name of Jesus.

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Dream Of Eating Of Ripe Pawpaw

Dream Of Eating Of Ripe Pawpaw

Dream Of Eating Of Ripe Pawpaw.     Genesis 1:29  And God said, Behold, I have given you every herb bearing seed, which is upon the face of all the earth, and every tree, in the which is the fruit of a tree yielding seed; to you, it shall be for meat.   Isaiah 1:19  If ye be willing and obedient, ye shall eat the good of the land:     PRAYER: I fire back every evil arrow fired into my life, in the name of Jesus.     Eating ripe pawpaw in the dream is a good sign. It is a sign of joy, happiness, sweetness, satisfaction, prosperity, and success. The dream is also a sign that you will soon eat the fruit of your labor and be satisfied with God’s blessing. Eating pawpaw means that good things in life are on their way and fruitfulness awaits you.     Eating papaw can mean several things to people. For example, if you are stable within yourself, then this can represent good things to you like money, opportunity, peace, joy, happiness, etc. but if unstable within yourself it can symbolize disappointment in your life, your will efforts will not bear fruits unless you are close to God.     For some people, eating pawpaw in the dream can represent their urge to eat pawpaw in their waking life while for others the sign can be associated with illness, delay, loss, anxiety, failure, and bondage.  Eating ripe pawpaw can signify good health. It predicts a high level of success to come but if you are eating unripe pawpaw it means you are going to experience failure because of a few wrong steps you took.     This type of dream can also represent a warning that you need to be more careful in how you handle things, if you continue to act so carelessly, you will lose a lot and all of your hard work will go to waste. Make sure you seek the face of God before you do anything in life. If someone gives you rotten pawpaw to eat, perhaps you have someone who Is trying to influence you to change your way of thinking, the person has corrupted your mind and turned your life around, so maybe it’s time to change for the better, and get those people away from your life but if you give pawpaw to someone it represent your love for someone you want to make someone happy by your act of contribution.     If you are plucking the ripe pawpaw, it means you are going to be successful in everything you do. This also symbolizes joy and happiness. If someone is about to have a good time they may dream of eating ripe pawpaw. If someone is about to experience divine healing, favor, peace, progress, recovery, and financial blessing you may encounter a dream of eating ripe pawpaw. May the Lord make provision for you.     Instruction: Go on one day of fruit fasting and prayer and break it by 7 pm with pawpaw.     Read: 1corinthians 10:31, John 6:35, Exodus 16: 12, Matthew 6:25, Genesis 9:3, Isaiah 1:19.     PRAYER   1. Emotional distress in my life, die, in the name of Jesus.   2. Oh Lord let me experience a turnaround in my life, in the name of Jesus.   3. Every enemy working against my blessings, die, in the name of Jesus.   4. Any fruit disguised as a good fruit to me in the dream, come out by fire, in the name of Jesus.   5. Oh Lord provide all my needs to satisfaction, in the name of Jesus.

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Dream Of Singing A Funeral Song.

Dream Of Singing A Funeral Song

Dream Of Singing A Funeral Song.   John 16:20  Verily, verily, I say unto you, That ye shall weep and lament, but the world shall rejoice: and ye shall be sorrowful, but your sorrow shall be turned into joy.     PRAYER: Alters of sorrow erected to affect my life, die, in the name of Jesus.     A dream about a funeral means someone close to you has a short life span and the person is going die, the dream can be a warning or sign that untimely death is knocking at your door. For example, when you sing at a funeral, spiritually it reveals that your ignorance of something in life might destroy you.     The dream could also mean that you should be very careful of what you say because the devil or someone might use it against you. For example, negative confession, cursing someone or hurting someone. To hear people singing funeral songs, know for sure that you will encounter a difficult period in life but you can cancel that dream, God will cancel the season of sorrow in your life. Seeing a lot of women singing a funeral song, it’s a sign of grief and the attack to come.     It also warns you of upcoming failures, frustration, delay, sickness, loss, and reproach; for others, this dream might signify a need to protect themselves from problems assigned to saturate them. Are you planning to attend a funeral in real life? If yes, pray more about your movement but if no, please know that the devil is going to strange places to activate problems in your life. Please pray with psalms 91, psalm 35,psalm18, and psalm 31:9. The way out is to go on 3 days of fasting from 6 am-6 pm. If you notice you are troubled about this dream pray.     PRAYER   1. Every sorrowful song assigned to grip my spirit, I reject it, in the name of Jesus.   2.Anyone singing a funeral song because of me backfires, in the name of Jesus.   3.Any evil gathering against my existence, scatter by fire, in the name of Jesus.   4.Battles assigned to waste me, you are liar, die, in the name of Jesus.   5.Thou spirit of death, I reject you in my family, in the name of Jesus.    

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Seeing Angel Giving You A Baby

Seeing Angel Giving You A Baby In The Dream

Seeing Angel Giving You A Baby In The Dream.   Psalms 91: 11-12     11 For he shall give his angels charge over thee, to keep thee in all thy ways.   12 They shall bear thee up in their hands, lest thou dash thy foot against a stone.     PRAYER: Evil smoke, and bad weather blocking my angel from helping me, clear way, in the name of Jesus.     Angels are messengers sent by God to do his work.  They usually carry out specific assignments. They are to protect, guide, warn, instruct, deliver, direct, intercede, encourage, motivate, and assist in answering prayers. Seeing an angel giving you a baby in the dream is a good sign. Are you believing God for the fruit of the womb? If yes, this is a sign that the angel of God has granted your request to have your baby.     You have been looking unto God for a baby, this is time to conceive again, just as the Lord answered the prayer of Isaac on behalf of his wife Rebekah with the fruit of the womb, so you are not the next conceive, believe and it shall be so. Maybe you are not expecting a child in the physical realm, this dream is also telling you that you will receive favor and blessings from the Lord. You have been faithful to God, it’s now time to enjoy his benefits in your life.     Dreaming about an angel giving a baby is a symbol of good news and goals, what are your goals in life? Be specific about your request to God. For example, if your goal is to have a child, to marry, to succeed, to travel abroad then you must constantly put it in your prayers. The appearance of an angel in your dream is a sign of divine intervention, if the angel gives you a baby it means you are likely to conceive or you are likely to get what you have been expecting from someone or Holy Spirit. In Revelation 10:1, the bible says, And I saw a mighty angel come down from heaven, clothed with a cloud and a rainbow was upon his head.     When you see the angel of God in your dream, just believe that your case has been settled whether mentally, financially, or otherwise. In Phil 4:6, the bible says do not be anxious about anything but think that your prayer has been answered. Cast your burdens upon him, he will sustain you. But if the angel refuses to give you a baby in the dream it is a bad sign, it is a sign that your sin is preventing you from getting your expected request, and you may be doing something wrong that has made the angel of God not to release a blessing to you if this is true please identify that thing and stay away from it.     In conclusion, seeing an angel giving you something in the dream represents joy, happiness, peace, comfort, strength, and protection. Get ready, you are the next to testify.     INSTRUCTION: Embark on 3days fasting from 6 am-6 pm     Read: Genesis 30:22, Luke 1:36-37, Psalm 27:14,Psalm 91:11-12, Psalm 34:7, Psalm 103:20, Psalm 113:9.     PRAYER   1. O God please send your angel into my life, in the name of Jesus.   2. Angel of my marriage please release babies to my womb, in the name of Jesus.   3. My angels please wherever you are locate me today, in the name of Jesus.   4. Powers preventing my angel from delivering a divine message to me, die, in the name of Jesus.   5. Angels of God lay hands on my wombs and give me my babies, in the name of Jesus.    

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