Dreams & Deliverance Ministries


July 6, 2024

Brain Dream Meaning

Brain Dream Meaning

Brain Dream Meaning. PROVERBS 23:7  I sought the Lord, and he heard me and delivered me from all my fears.   PRAYER: Power assigned to exchange my brain, you are a failure, die in Jesus’ name   Dream of seeing a brain represent your intellectual capability or your ability to think. To see your brain in the dream reflects your power of reasoning, it may indicate your dependent friend. Dreaming of the brain may indicate a need to acquire knowledge of something or critical thinking to overcome challenges.   The dream may be a sign that you need wisdom to solve your problem. The brain is the power of solutions to complex problems in life or when you are trying to better understand someone or something. Alternatively, dreaming of your brain can be a warning sign that you need to take better care of your mental health.   It may tell you that you are feeling stressed and that you need to take some time to rest and recharge. The brain means to learn something new or improve on your knowledge. Dreaming about the brain means that you will be a great person with wisdom and natural talents. A dream about the brain tells you to connect and make use of your heart. If you dream that your brain is attacked, stolen, or damaged then it means that you are going to experience some difficulty in thinking smartly. Eat well and sleep.   The brain represents wealth. So this dream means that you will prosper and be wealthy, and your creativity will make you succeed. The brain is like something communicating to you how you should act or make decisions. May God open the eyes of your understanding so that we will be enlightened accordingly in Jesus’ name.   INSTRUCTION:  Isaiah 35:5, Proverbs 3:5-6, James 1:5, Romans 12:2   PRAYERS Strange attacks against my brain, backfire in Jesus’ name My brain, come alive by fire in Jesus’ name Every curse on my brain, backfire in Jesus’ name Evil chains tying my brain loose by fire in Jesus’ name Blood of Jesus, saturate my brain now in Jesus’ name.

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Broken Jaw Dream Meaning

Broken Jaw Dream Meaning

Broken Jaw Dream Meaning.   PSALM 34:4  I sought the Lord, and he heard me and delivered me from all my fears.   PRAYER: Every bewitchment in my life, your time is up, die in Jesus’ name.   A broken jaw in dreams can be interpreted as a symbol of communication breakdown. It can indicate that you are facing difficulty in expressing your thoughts or feelings effectively.  A broken jaw symbolizes that you have been attacked or defeated by your enemy. Maybe you are attacked by people who are trying to take advantage of you.   This dream could mean that you are experiencing some kind of conflict in your personal or professional life, which is making it harder for you to communicate with others. A broken jaw may be a sign of fear, threat, or attack from your close associate. The dream is a sign that you have an enemy who wants to damage your reputation, be careful of them.   Dreaming of a broken jaw is considered a warning sign of upcoming troubles or conflicts that could cause pain in your life. The dream may also be careful of some people. These people may not have you in good heart. Similarly, a broken jaw in a dream indicates that someone close to you is untrustworthy or has betrayed you in some way.   The dream advises you to take caution and this encourages you to be more discerning in whom you confide in. If you often dream of your jaw or teeth breaking it could be associated with depression or anxiety. It could also mean that you feel vulnerable and powerless in your life, which may encourage you to pray more against any form of misfortune. You may be feeling frustrated o unable to do certain things that will lead to success and breakthrough. However, this dream may be a sign to pay attention to the way you communicate with others.   When someone is breaking your jaw, it is a serious attack, it means that you are going to be attacked or insulted. Someone does not like you and the person wants to disorganize you with pains. If you are breaking someone’s jaw, it means that you are stubborn. But you need to be careful with conflict so that you may not find yourself in police custody.   A broken jaw may be a warning sign of stress. You need to stop overthinking, relax, and look unto God for your situation, he will resolve it. The dream could be assigned underlying emotional issues that need to be addressed. Don’t forget that is dream is a sign that someone is planning to silence you and destroy you. Be prayerful. You are protected in Jesus’ name.   INSTRUCTION: Read 1 Peter 5: 6-7, Isaiah 35:4, Psalm 223:4, Psalm 27   PRAYER   Any power assigned to put me on sickbed, die in Jesus name Any evil door opened in my life, be closed by the blood of Jesus Destiny demoting dreams, lose your hold and die in Jesus name Every damage done to my health, be reversed in Jesus name Angels of God, arise and protect me from danger in Jesus.

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Backflip Dream Meaning.

Backflip Dream Meaning

Backflip Dream Meaning.   PSALM 32:8  I will instruct thee and teach thee in the way which thou shalt go: I will guide thee with mine eye.   PRAYER: Every power of retrogression in my life, die in Jesus’ name.   A backflip is a backward somersault done in the air with the arms and legs stretched out straight. Dream about backflip can represent feelings of freedom, excitement, and adventure. The dream can also indicate that you are taking risks or trying something new in your waking life. It can suggest that you are feeling confident and capable of achieving your goals. Alternatively, this dream can represent a desire to break free or to reflect on the past life.   Doing backfire in a dream can be an indication of overcoming obstacles or challenges in your waking life. Doing a backflip in a dream can be an indication of overcoming obstacles or challenges in your waking life. It can also represent your ability to be flexible and adaptable in difficult situations.   Backflip is seen as a form of performance or entertainment. The dream can also symbolize disability to navigate obstacles and challenges with agility and grace if you flip high, it can mean you are trying to move out from your stagnant position. You are stepping out of your comfort zone. If you are performing a front flip, it can mean progress.   You are taking a risky move to obtain something you always wanted. Sometimes, performing a backflip can mean that you are doing the wrong things, and you need to retrace your steps. To see others performing a backflip means that you are going to be entertained by others. The dream may be encouraging you to have faith in God to do what you are struggling to do in life. if you dream of a backflip, portends the difficulty and challenges you are facing.   Perhaps your efforts to break through proved abortive. A dream of a backflip is a sign that you are trying to impress people and thus make them happy, impress people who love and care about you and not random people. If you are performing a backflip in a dream, it means that you will do all you can to make something great in your life.   In conclusion, a dream of backflip tells you that you do it and that you should not give up trying something new to achieve your goals. A backflip is a sign of childhood memory. T is a sign that you are capable of greatness. Believe in yourself and your abilities and all will be well. Rejoice in the Lord always, do not let any moment of sadness cross your mind.   PRAYERS I challenge all obstacles before me and command them to be dismantled in Jesus’ name You powers of the emptier and wasters, dry to your roots in Jesus name Every stronghold of witchcraft against my life, pull it down in Jesus name Anointing and power to move forward in life, fall upon me in Jesus’ name Powers pulling my life backward, enough is enough, die in Jesus’ name.

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Ashes Biblical Dream Meaning

Ashes Biblical Dream Meaning

Ashes Biblical Dream Meaning.   JOB 42:6  Wherefore I abhor myself, and repent in dust and ashes.   PRAYER: Every power sponsoring repeated affliction against me, die in Jesus’ name.   Ashes in a dream can have a variety of meanings. Ash is the remains of something that burned. For example, a firewood or cigarette. Dreaming about ashes may represent your awareness that some areas of your life are gone. It may signify the remains or remnants of something that has been lost. It also points to loss, destruction, disappointment, failure, regret, and changes. You have the feeling that the good times are over or nothing of value is left in your life.   Alternatively, ashes may be a sign that you need to learn to let go of the past or something and move on. The dream of seeing ashes may symbolize sorrow, carelessness, ignorance, and setback. Ashes represent the end of something. It may also signify the triumph over something and perhaps a new beginning.   It also represents transformation and rebirth. If you feel stable, liberated, relieved, or hopeful in your dream or reality, it can be a good sign that you are moving on from the past and ready to embrace new opportunities. On the other hand, a dream of ash could represent a feeling of hopelessness, defeat, or sadness, it may mean that you are letting go of something important to you or that you have lost something valuable. It could signify the end of a relationship or a significant change in your life that you are struggling to accept.   If you see ash falling from the sky, it can symbolize destruction, chaos, or a strong attack against you. it may signify that something bad is about to happen to ashes, ashes are associated with repentance, sacrifice, and sorrow for past sins. On the other hand, the ashes in the dream may reflect the destruction of something. It could be business enterprises or projects.   To sweep ashes in a dream means that it is time for you to confront the issues to move forward. To dream of cleaning ashes may represent a need to get rid of some issues in your life. Dreaming of ashes could represent God is about to give you beauty ashes and comfort. To see ashes in the house is a sign of sorrow, destruction, loss, and death, pray. To see ashes scattering may be a sign of conflict with someone or trouble to come.   To see cremation ashes, may indicate an attack on one’s finances, health, or marriage, so you need to be prayerful. To hold ash in your hand means that you need to send arrows/ problems in your life back to the sender. May they never succeed in Jesus’ name. To dream of putting ashes on a wound means that you will suffer for no reason. If you are sick, the illness may not go away but through the traditional way.   To dream of counting ashes from the floor means that it’s time to engage in serious warfare with your enemies. To sprinkle yourself with ashes means protection from bad luck or trouble. If someone is sprinkling it on you, it means the enemy is attacking you.   In conclusion, the dream of ash may represent renewal, beauty, mistake, carelessness, and warfare. I pray for you, every bad news assigned against you shall backfire in Jesus’ name.   INSTRUCTION: Embark on 3 days of fasting and prayers from 6 am-6 pm   Read; Isaiah 58:5, Isaiah 61:3, Malachi 4:3, Matthew 11:21, Job 13:12, Job 42:6   PRAYERS I receive the power to overcome every spirit of darkness in my life in Jesus’ name You power of darkness, release my blessings by the blood of Jesus Every spirit of waste and destruction assigned against me, backfires in Jesus’ name O God arise and rewrite my story in Jesus name Every storm in my life, chase you out in Jesus’ name.

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Dream About Pulling Needles Out Of Mouth

Dream About Pulling Needles Out Of Mouth

Dream About Pulling Needles Out Of Mouth. 2 TIMOTHY 2:21   PRAYER: I command all the dangers done to my life by witchcraft, to be repaired in Jesus’ name.   A dream of pulling needles out of your mouth may suggest your attempt to overcome your challenges. It may also indicate that you are struggling to express yourself or communicate effectively. The needles may represent that you are experiencing problems or an attack. It may be associated with sickness, worry, pains, stagnation, obstacles, difficulties, and death. Pulling needles out of your mouth may symbolize the need to remove lies or deceitful words from your life.   It can also represent a desire to speak the truth and express your feelings freely. The dream may represent your willingness to confront those hidden fears and deal with them effectively. The Bible says every branch in me that does not bear fruit be taken away (John 15:2). You may be trying to defeat that problem, you may be trying to get rid of something causing pain, and you may be trying to come out from a toxic relationship. You tried your best on something but no result.   May God restore your joy and peace. For others, the dream may represent victory or deliverance taking place in your life. A sign that God is answering your prayers. Although, a needle in the mouth is a sign of threat and danger. Or it could represent a spiritual arrow. You need to pray hard to remove evil burdens in your life. However, pulling an object from your mouth could signify the process of cleansing and purification. It can signify the need to purify your body, mind, and soul from negative energies. It can represent forgiveness and letting go of grudges or resentment towards others.   In some cultures, the act of pulling the needle out of your mouth may indicate that a major problem will soon be resolved and the dreamer will be relieved and happy. For others, the dream can forewarn forthcoming death or tragedy. Dreaming of pulling the object can represent a sense of control over your life. It can signify you are ready to face your fears and overcome obstacles that may stand in your way.   It may also suggest that you are finally breaking free from emotional pain, negative relationships, or past trauma that may have been holding you back. If you see the needles in your mouth, it may mean that someone wants to kill you. If the needle is coming out from another part of your body, it is a sign that you are going to experience freedom. If you are bleeding because of the needle, it is a sign of emotional pain and suffering.   To dream of finding needles in your mouth means that you are going to receive some news, it might be good or bad. To see needles in someone else’s mouth may mean that you are stuck in one place. Pray for progress. Sometimes, the dream may be seen as a warning sign that you need to be careful of what you say or it may mean that you are at risk of gossiping or revealing a secret that could harm someone.   If you dream of pulling the needle out of your mouth, it may be helpful to explore the source of your pain or discomfort in your life the dream may be a sign that you need to address an issue or situation that you have been avoiding. Consider praying to God for protection and victory   INSTRUCTION: Embark on 3 days of fasting and prayers from 6 am-6 pm   Read; John 15:2, 2 Timothy 2:2, Matthew 15:13   PRAYER I cast out every witchcraft arrow affecting my life in Jesus’ name I command that every witchcraft arrow depart from me in Jesus’ name Any evil material transferred into my body, come out in Jesus name Where is the Lord of God of Elijah, arise and deliver me today in Jesus’ name Every trap set for me by witches, backfires in Jesus’ name.

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Addiction Dream Meaning.

Addiction Dream Meaning

Addiction Dream Meaning.   PSALM 119:133  Order my steps in thy word: and let not any iniquity have dominion over me.   PRAYER: Your evil imagination paralyzes the good things in my life, clear away in Jesus’ name.   A dream about addiction can indicate a variety of meanings. When a person is addicted to drugs, then it means that such a person is experiencing mental illness. To dream of being addicted to something, could mean that you are no longer in control of yourselves, you do things anyhow without minding the harm it will cause you in the future.   It is not a good thing to be addicted to something that could cause you harm and give people wrong views about you. Being addicted could be a sign that you are closely dependent on the wrong person. Addiction can damage one’s image and reputation. This kind of dream attack can reflect the feeling that you are miserable in life.   Addiction is not a pleasure, but a way of making a person useless. It gives the enemy access to get hold of you. Please know that addiction can delay and jeopardize God’s plan for your life. It is a type of sin, if not controlled, it can influence you negatively against others. Being addicted is like having a dirty mind that needs cleansing and purification.   A person needs to repent from sin if he wants to get the help of God almighty. Addiction can take the form of drugs, smoking, alcohol, masturbation, gambling, sex, etc. A dream of being addicted is a warning that you are wrongly addicted to something that is affecting your life, destiny, finances, marriage, and spiritual life.   You are not making progress, you have allowed the enemy to attack your mind. To see someone else addicted to something, can also be a sign that you should be careful of the people you associate with. If you are a minister of God, this dream might be telling you to extend your ministration to the unsaved soul and bring them to Christ.   Sometimes, this dream can mean that the devil has gotten hold of your brain and may try to use your addiction to bring you down and expose you to shame and disgrace. Addiction is your weakness. You need to ask God for grace to strengthen you to overcome it. You know that what you are doing is bad, but because you are deriving pleasure in it, you do not bother about the consequences it will bring. What kind of addiction are you battling with at the moment?   Commit your ways to the Lord, trust in him and he will take away the addiction from your life. Addiction is a trap or snare of the devil, once you fall into it, it can destroy and stagnate one’s life and destiny. Addiction could be one of the reasons God is not answering your prayers, prayerfully deal with your addiction today and the Lord shall set you free. If you know your friend or family member is currently passing through addiction, pray and intercede for God’s healing and deliverance in his life.   Addiction can make one smell in the nostrils of God. Please repent and confess your sin. Deal with your weakness today. Ask the Lord to forgive you and show you mercy. Surrender our life to Christ, start to associate with god friends, read the bible, and get busy doing legitimate things. May God give you the grace to crush the spirit of addiction in your life.   INSTRUCTION: Go on 3 days of fasting and prayers from 6 am-6 pm   Read; Proverbs 28:13, James 5:16, 1 John 1:9, Psalm 51, Psalm 119:133, Philippians 4:6-7   PRAYERS I cast out the spirit of addiction in my mind in Jesus’ name My brain be delivered from every thought of addiction Every evil attack on my mind, be defeated in Jesus name Blood of Jesus, cleanse my heart from every evil thought in Jesus’ name I command every heavy burden in my mind to roll away by fire in Jesus’ name.  

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Accordion Dream Meaning

Accordion Dream Meaning

Accordion Dream Meaning.   EPHESIANS 5:19 Speaking to yourselves in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing and making melody in your heart to the Lord;   PRAYER: Fire of God, destroy every idol in my heart and life in Jesus’ name.   An accordion is a musical instrument played by expanding and compressing the bellows while pressing down buttons, keys, or a combination of both. Dream of an accordion represents happiness, joy, inspiration, and healing. It may signify a need to use your talent to praise God. An accordion signifies a tribute to someone special in waking life.   To dream of hearing the accordion playing good music portends joy, happiness, and healing to your challenges. If you are playing the accordion, it could indicate that you have hidden talents and skills that can bring joy and happiness to many passing through pains and worries. If you are enjoying the music of the accordion, it could mean that someone or the Holy Spirit is speaking soul-lifting and encouraging words with you. Maybe you’re depressed and you need someone to encourage you.   Seeing an accordion in your dream is a sign that you will discover a new passion or hobby in that you will find fulfillment in it. If the accordion is out of tune, it can mean that you are not getting a message clearly or that you are feeling imbalanced in your life. You may need to change something that’s not serving its purpose in your life.   Dreaming of seeing accordance playing could be a sign that you are seeking new ways to express yourself or to tap into your creative side of your abilities. The dream may also indicate your love for good music. If you listen to someone playing this instrument, it may represent a spiritual longing or a desire for a deeper level of understanding. It may indicate that a person will serve a good purpose in your life. If someone is hearing you playing accordion and the person is happy, it means that you will bring joy to someone through your good works.   Hearing an accordion playing music could mean that your problems will soon go away. This could also mean that someone will bring blessings to you and lift your spirit. Sometimes, playing on accordion could mean that you have a calling in a specific area, maybe in music. Use your calling to praise and worship God. It is well with you and your destiny in Jesus’ name.   INSTRUCTION: Read Psalm 91, Ephesians 5:19, Colossians 3:16, Psalm 105:2, Psalm 150:1-6, Psalm 104:33   PRAYERS Father, help me to develop a close relationship with you in Jesus’ name. My Father, grant me peace and overflowing joy in Jesus name Holy Spirit, give me the grace to serve you forever more in Jesus’ name Anointing to praise and worship God, fall on me in Jesus’ name O Lord, strengthen me in my calling in Jesus’ name.

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A Bag Filled With Vegetables

A Bag Filled With Vegetables

A Bag Filled With Vegetables.   ROMANS 15:13  Now the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace in believing, that ye may abound in hope, through the power of the Holy Ghost.   PRAYER: Every affliction that has caged my laughter, die in Jesus’ name.   To see a bag filled with fruits and vegetables symbolizes abundance, joy, happiness, peace, fertility, growth, and health. To see a bag of vegetables symbolizes success, prosperity, and good news to come. The dream can mean that God has answered your prayers or is about to grant your heart desires. But sometimes, the dream could be a sign that you should pay more attention to your diet and health.   For some women, seeing a bag filled with fruits and vegetables could be a sign to alert her that she is pregnant or to reassure her that she will conceive. If you are a business person, this dream confirms that your business will flourish or that you are about to experience financial and marital breakthroughs.   To see a vegetable bag in your dream means that you will be rewarded for your hard work and that you will be able to achieve your dreams and goals. Carrying a bag filled with vegetables means achievement and success in your undertakings. The dream is a sign that your life will be filled with joy, happiness, peace, and satisfaction.   On the other hand, if you see rotten vegetables and fruits in the bag, this may indicate obstacles and challenges. It shows that there are things in your life that are not good for you and that you should try to eliminate them. If you are gathering vegetables and fruits into a bag, it could indicate that your hard work and efforts will yield success, it means that you are in the season of fruitfulness and success. If you are stable after the dream, this can indicate positive development in your life.   A bag filled with vegetables may be a reminder to appreciate God for what he has done for you, you are going to experience the fullness of God in every area of your life or the dream may suggest that you are ready to move on to the next phase of your life. To see someone giving you a basket filled with vegetables is a symbol of favor. It means that someone will bless you.   The bag with fruits could be a sign that you have rich potential in you that you need to explore to attract the blessing of God. But if the bag is stolen, it may indicate financial or marital problems, pray for restoration. To dream of buying vegetables and fruits may indicate you are going to experience success in your business and your life will improve. I pray for you, May the almighty God fill your life with love, joy, peace, longsuffering, faith, and goodness in Jesus’ name.   INSTRUCTION: Embark on 3 days of fasting and prayers from 6 am-6 pm   Read; Galatians 5:22-26, Romans 15:13, Romans 12:12, James 1:2, John 15:11   PRAYERS I cut off the evil hands stealing my blessings in Jesus’ name O Lord, let my basket be filled with your blessings in Jesus’ name I bind every spirit working against answers to prayers, in Jesus’ name Season of abundance and joy manifest in my life and marriage in Jesus’ name My life shall be better than my enemies in Jesus’ name.

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