Dreams & Deliverance Ministries


June 13, 2024

Dream About Playing Basketball

Dream About Playing Basketball

Dream About Playing Basketball.  ECCLESIASTES 4:9-12  9 Two are better than one; because they have a good reward for their labour. 10 For if they fall, the one will lift his fellow: but woe to him that is alone when he falleth; for he hath not another to help him up. 11 Again, if two lie together, then they have heat: but how can one be warm alone? 12 And if one prevails against him, two shall withstand him, and a threefold cord is not quickly broken.   PRAYER: Power to pray and get instant results, possess me in Jesus name   Dreaming about playing basketball can have different meanings depending on the details of the dream, but mostly, it is a good sign. Dream of playing basketball can symbolize teamwork, competition, and the pursuit of personal goals. The dream could indicate that you are preparing for a challenge or ready to face it.   In basketball, working together is important to win the game. If you dream of playing basketball, it could mean that you should build better relationships or work with others who have similar interests and goals as you. The meaning of the dream also depends on the dreamer’s position on the field. For example, if you are a key player in the field, then it could mean you are a leader or playing a role that allows you to direct or influence others. If you enjoy playing basketball or watching the sport, then it may represent your desire or a need to work with others to achieve a common goal. This dream may symbolize your competitive spirit and your drive to succeed and be recognized for your achievements. The dream may also symbolize a need for balance and coordination in your waking life.   However, if the dream is causing you confusion or anxiety, it may be helpful to affect your personal feelings about basketball and the context of the dream to gain a better understanding of its significance. On the other hand, playing basketball may represent your desire to have fun and enjoy life while engaging with others who have been supportive of you. A basketball in the dream often symbolizes competition spirit and challenges that you will experience in life. Basket courts represent the environment where you engage in competitive activity. The net on the basketball court represents what you are aiming to achieve in life. If you manage to score a basketball, it means you will achieve success in your pursuits. However, missing shots or having difficulty dribbling may indicate that you lack the confidence and skills needed to achieve success.   Playing basketball can represent your spiritual journey and the need to act humble and put others before yourself. For others, dreaming about basketball may be a sign that you need to focus on developing your teamwork skills or physical fitness. Playing basketball with friends indicates a relationship with your social circle. Perhaps you are in touch with some of your friends or colleagues who have similar interests in sports or you admire creative people. Dream of playing with your romantic partner represents love and fun with your partner. In conclusion, the dream of playing basketball can symbolize that you need to be focused, hardworking, and dedicated to your goals. May you succeed with the right people.   PRAYER Father, give me the wisdom for teamwork and team building in Jesus’ name My father, made me a good team player and a selfless worker in Jesus’ name The Holy Spirit empowers me to do exploits in life in Jesus’ name O God, arise and surround me with people of great values in Jesus’ name The anointing that destroy the spirit of failure, come upon me in Jesus name I receive the anointing for supernatural breakthrough in all my endeavors in Jesus name O God arise and prepare me for my place of promotion in Jesus’ name.    

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Dream About Fireworks

Dream About Fireworks

Dream About Fireworks.  NUMBERS 6: 24-26 24 The Lord bless thee, and keep thee: 25 The Lord make his face shine upon thee, and be gracious unto thee: 26 The Lord lift his countenance upon thee and give thee peace.   PRAYER: Every evil hand preventing my glory from shining, die in Jesus’ name.   Dreaming about fireworks can be a sign of celebration, joy, or unexpected news to come. It means success and victory over problems. Seeing fireworks in the sky may mean that you will enjoy a temporary phase of happiness and return to your sad mood.   However, the fireworks may also indicate explosion danger or a spark of a problem arising. On the other hand, a dream about fireworks could be a sign that you need to take some time out for yourself and appreciate all that you have achieved. It could also represent a desire for attention or recognition. Fireworks can also symbolize passion and enthusiasm for life. If you dream of fireworks, it could be a sign that you need time out for yourself and reconnect with your passion and dreams. It could also be an indication that you need to take some risks to reach your goals. Fireworks in the sky reveal that you will shine and succeed in your undertakings.   Fireworks draw attention to people from within and outside to hear about your good news, something special is about to happen. You may be overwhelmed that God has answered your prayers. The dream can signify that you are feeling hopeful about the future and that you have faith that things will work out for the best. To dream of seeing fireworks in the sky, can also be a sign that you are feeling inspired and motivated to pursue your dreams and goals. Fireworks could symbolize the end of one chapter and the beginning of another. Fireworks are associated with special occasions such as weddings, birthdays, New Year’s Eve, or graduations which could relate to a dreamer’s milestone or goals.   Negatively, a dream about fireworks could suggest that you are feeling threatened by something or someone in your environment. You may be feeling like an attack is coming at you, you may be feeling distracted to do something. If you are attacked by fireworks, it means that a friend will betray or hurt you so badly. Fireworks in a dream can mean that you are looking forward to something to celebrate. Firework symbolize the Holy Spirit or the power of God operating or intervening in your life’s situation. It is also a sign of victory of light over darkness, good over evil, and knowledge over ignorance. You will shine forth everywhere. You will experience true happiness and celebration in Jesus’ name.   INSTRUCTION: John 9:5, Numbers 6:24-26, Mtthew5:14-16, Isaiah 60:1, Genesis 1:3-5, 2 Corinthians 4:6, Psalm 119: 130, Ephesians 5:8, Ecclesiastics 11:7, Proverbs 4:18   PRAYERS Father, let your light shine in every dark situation in my life in Jesus name Father, let my glory shine so that people shall see your good works in my life in Jesus name O Lord, let your light drive away the spirit of fear from my life in Jesus name Father, let there be joy and celebration in my life in Jesus name I curse every work of darkness in my life, I command it to fade away in Jesus’ name O God, let my glory attract people to me in Jesus’ name I declare that my glory will not die in Jesus’ name.

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Dream About Nose Bleeding

Dream About Nose Bleeding

Dream About Nose Bleeding.    PSALM 35:1 Lead my cause, O Lord, with them that strive with me: fight against them that fight against me.   PRAYER: Any power assigned to overpower me, you shall fail in Jesus’ name.   Dreaming about a bleeding nose can have different meanings, it can be a warning sign of stress, anxiety, or emotional hurt. If you notice blood in your nose in the dream, it can mean that you have been attacked by your enemy.   Blood is a sign of danger or trouble. So the dream may alert you of danger to come or a sign that you have been defeated by your enemy. A dream of a nosebleed can also be interpreted as a warning sign to embark on something risky, it may be a sign that something is not right. The dream may also try to tell you to beware of something, Pay attention to what this dream may be directing you to in the waking life. If you are considering embarking on something dangerous, it may be wise to heed the warning and rethink your decision. The dream could tell you that something is wrong in your life, it could be areas of health, relationship, job, or finances or it could be a sign that something needs to change for you to feel more secure and better. For some people, the dream can be a sign that your body is warning you to take better care of yourself or maybe there could be a health condition that requires medical attention.   The dream of having nose bleeding could suggest the person is surrounded by a bad company that often hurts your feelings. You may need to take a step back and reassess your relationship, you deserve to be happy and healthy, and you need to make tough decisions about how you spend your time. Nose bleeding is not a dream to ignore, a nosebleed may also symbolize internal conflict or an emotional wound that needs healing. It may also represent a warning of potential loss, injury, and attacks. On the other hand, a dream about nose bleeding can be a sign of good luck, money, good health, happiness, and good news to come. For some, the dream may represent shame, frustration, or a warning to be very careful with someone in your life. To dream of someone’s nose bleeding, could indicate that someone close to you is going through a difficult time and may need your help or prayer support. It may also indicate that the person is having trouble coping with a situation and needs to take a break or a warning sign for the person to take life easy.   A dream of a nosebleed is passing you a message to find time to take a break and relax for a while, meditation and exercise can help you in reducing stress levels. If your nose is blocked or, have difficulty breathing, it could represent obstacles or your inability to express yourself in a situation. If someone blows you in the nose, it is a sign that you have an enemy who wants to destroy you, the person is behind your problems. Be prayerful. If in your dream, you are stopping a nosebleed, it means that you need to deal with the problems in your life with total focus before they get compounded, you need to control that attitude or try to resolve that problem troubling you. Dreaming about a nosebleed could also be a sign that you are feeling powerless and unable to cope with your current situation.   On the other hand, the dream may be a sign of divine punishment for your sins or past wrongdoings. If you dream of nose bleeding. It’s better to pray for the safety of your life. You need to pray to God to heal you of any emotional or demonically inflicted wounds upon your body. Every power that wants to kill you through illness shall die in Jesus’ name.   INSTRUCTION: Embark on 2 days of fasting and prayers from 6 am-6 pm. Pray with 1 Peter 5:8, Isaiah 54: 15&17   PRAYER Every attack of the wicked I have received in the dream, backfires in J name I fire back the arrows of depression and frustration in Jesus name Problems of come and go in my life, die in Jesus name Powers assigned to suffocate my life, run mad in Jesus name Every poison in my body, die in Jesus name Any powers using my destiny in life, return it by fire in Jesus name Powers troubling my life, be disgraced in Jesus name.

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Dream About Visiting New York City

Dream About Visiting New York City

Dream About Visiting New York City.   Proverbs 4:11-14    11 I have taught thee in the way of wisdom; I have led thee in right paths.   12 When thou goest, thy steps shall not be straitened; and when thou runnest, thou shalt not stumble.   PRAYER: Every effort of the enemy to frustrate me shall fail in Jesus’ name   New York is a city of opportunity, prosperity, and success. Dream about New York mat represents brighter times ahead. To dream of visiting New York City, may represent your desire or dreams to travel to New York for one thing or the other.   The dream can be a sign that you are prepared for a new chapter in your life where you are ready to face the obstacles against your success.   To move from your country to New York in the dream can be a sign of your readiness to escape from your current situation for a better life. It may also be the need for personal growth and development. It could signify your curiosity, ambition, or desire for new experiences.   The city is often associated with ambition, success, and opportunity, so this dream may reflect your desire to become great in life, pursue your passions, and achieve your goals.   If you have a dream about exploring the city, this could be a sign to start working or praying towards it, you are ready to step out of your comfort zone and experience new things. If you have visited New York in the past, your dream may reflect your experience in the city.   When you see the New York Statue of Liberty, it means liberty or a brighter future ahead. It is a sign that your dreams and goals can be achieved.   Seeing yourself wandering or getting lost in New York in the dream can signify the need to find your direction or focus on your goals. If you see someone you know in New York through a dream, it means that you are going to see and connect to a large longtime close associate or a person who’s promising to help you in some ways.   When you frequently see yourself in New York City, it may be telling you that your destiny is in the U.S., so for this reason, you must ask God to help you to make the dream a reality. You are yearning for success and fulfillment and you feel that New York or the U.S. is the best place to find your blessings.   In conclusion, the dream of visiting New York City is a sign that you are looking for a change and adventure or a place where you can develop and thrive.   INSTRUCTION: PSALM 32:8, JEREMIAH 29:11, AMOS 3:7, PROVERBS 19:21, ECCLESIASTICS 3:1, PROVERBS 3:5-6, PSALM 27:11-14   PRAYERS Oh Lord, let my dreams and goals manifest in Jesus name I command every evil agent working against my breakthrough to be destroyed in Jesus’ name My father, if I have been wrongly located, please relocate me in Jesus’ name I call forth my blessings from the spiritual to the physical realm in Jesus name O Lord, open my eyes to the great opportunities around me in Jesus’ name Any evil eye monitoring my progress be blinded in Jesus’ name I shall fulfill my purpose with joy and abundance in Jesus’ name.

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